Exemplo n.º 1
    def experimentCombinatorialCrossValidation(self, trainset, testset):
        print("Reading data")
        x, y = DataService().read_corpus(trainset)
        clf = SVM().construct_classifier("linear", 1.0)

        # Vectorize the text data and return an (n_samples, n_features) matrix.
        x_vec = DataService().vectorize_input(x)
        conversion_dict, y = DataService().labels_string_to_float(y)

        x_train, y_train, x_dev, y_dev, x_test, y_test = DataService(
        ).test_dev_train_split(x_vec, y)

        dev_sets = DataService().cross_validation_split(x_train, y_train)

        best_accuracy = -inf
        best_classifier = None

        cv_results = {}
        for gamma in arange(0.5, 1.4, 0.15):
            for C in arange(0.5, 2.1, 0.25):
                print("\nProcessing Gamma:", gamma, "C:", C)
                average_score = []
                for set in dev_sets:
                    clf = SVM().construct_rbf_classifier(kernel='rbf',
                    validation_set = set
                    union_set = DataService().construct_union_set(
                        set.copy(), dev_sets.copy())

                    # fit on the rest of the data
                    clf.fit(union_set[0], union_set[1])

                    # validate on validation set
                    y_pred = clf.predict(validation_set[0])

                    score = f1_score(y_true=validation_set[1],
                score = round(mean(average_score), 3)
                cv_results[[C, gamma]] = score
                print("Average F1 score for C:", str(C) + ".", score)

                # save the best model and use that to classify the testset
                if score > best_accuracy:
                    best_accuracy = score
                    best_classifier = clf

        y_pred = best_classifier.predict(x_test)
        print("F1 score (macro):",
              f1_score(y_pred=y_pred, y_true=y_test, average='macro'))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def experimentLinearKernel(self, trainset, testset):
        print("Reading data")
        x, y = DataService().read_corpus(trainset)

        # Vectorize the text data and return an (n_samples, n_features) matrix.
        x_vec = DataService().vectorize_input(x)
        conversion_dict, y = DataService().labels_string_to_float(y)

        x_train, y_train, x_dev, y_dev, x_test, y_test = DataService(
        ).test_dev_train_split(x_vec, y)

        dev_sets = DataService().cross_validation_split(x_train, y_train)

        best_accuracy = -inf
        best_classifier = None

        cv_results1 = {}
        cv_results2 = {}
        for C in arange(0.5, 2.25, 0.25):
            print("\nProcessing C:", C)
            average_score1 = []
            average_score2 = []
            for set in dev_sets:
                clf2 = SVM().construct_linear_classifier(penalty='l2', C=C)
                validation_set = set
                union_set = DataService().construct_union_set(
                    set.copy(), dev_sets.copy())

                # fit on the rest of the data
                clf2.fit(union_set[0], union_set[1])

                # validate on validation set
                y_pred = clf2.predict(validation_set[0])

                score = f1_score(y_true=validation_set[1],
            cv_results1[C] = mean(average_score1)

            score = round(mean(average_score2), 3)
            print("Average F1 score for CLF1:", round(mean(average_score1), 3))
            print("Average F1 score for CLF2:", round(mean(average_score2), 3))

            # save the best model and use that to classify the testset
            if score > best_accuracy:
                best_accuracy = score
                best_classifier = clf2

        y_pred = best_classifier.predict(x_test)
        print("F1 score (macro):",
              f1_score(y_pred=y_pred, y_true=y_test, average='macro'))