def __serviceStarted(self):"self.is_closing: %s", self.is_closing) if not self.service_started and not self.is_closing: self.service_started = True self.setAudioTrack() self.setSubtitleState(True) self.downloadCuesheet() if self.config_plugins_plugin.movie_ignore_first_marks.value: self.cut_list = removeFirstMarks(self.cut_list) if self.config_plugins_plugin.movie_resume_at_last_pos.value: self.resume_point = getCutListLast(self.cut_list) if self.resume_point > 0: seconds = ptsToSeconds(self.resume_point) logger.debug("resume_point: %s", seconds) Notifications.AddNotificationWithCallback( self.__serviceStartedCallback, MessageBox, _("Do you want to resume playback at position: %d:%02d:%02d?" ) % (seconds / 3600, seconds % 3600 / 60, seconds % 60), timeout=10, type=MessageBox.TYPE_YESNO, default=False, ) else: self.__serviceStartedCallback(False) else: self.__serviceStartedCallback(False)
def doActivityTimer(self): logger.debug("...") self.total_files, self.file_name, self.file_op, self.file_progress = self.checkJobs() self.msg = _("Remaining files") + ": %d" % self.total_files if self.request_cancel: self["key_red"].hide() self["key_blue"].hide() if self.total_files: self["key_green"].hide() self.status = _("Cancelling, please wait") + "..." self.activity_timer.start(self.activity_timer_delay, True) else: self["key_green"].show() self.op_msg = "" self.status = _("Cancelled") + "." self.request_cancel = False self.cancelled = True else: if self.total_files: self.status = _("Please wait") + " ..." self.op_msg = {FILE_OP_LOAD: _("Loading"), FILE_OP_DELETE: _("Deleting"), FILE_OP_MOVE: _("Moving"), FILE_OP_COPY: _("Copying")}[self.file_op] self.op_msg += ": " + self.file_name self.activity_timer.start(self.activity_timer_delay, True) else: self["key_red"].hide() self["key_blue"].hide() self["key_green"].show() self.op_msg = "" self.status = _("Done") + "." self.file_progress = 0 self.op_msg = _("No file operation in process") self.updateProgress()
def execPiconDownloadProgress(self): logger.debug("...") self.status = _("Initializing") + " ..." self.updateProgress() self.execution_list = self.picons self.total_files = len(self.execution_list) DelayTimer(10, self.nextFileOp)
def sortList(self, file_list, dir_list, sort_mode, sort_order): logger.debug("list_dirs_inline: %s", config.plugins.moviecockpit.list_dirs_inline.value) dir_list.sort(key=lambda x: (x[FILE_IDX_NAME].lower())) if config.plugins.moviecockpit.list_dirs_inline.value and sort_mode == "alpha": file_list = file_list + dir_list dir_list = [] if sort_mode == "date": if not sort_order: file_list.sort( key=lambda x: (x[FILE_IDX_EVENT_START_TIME], x[FILE_IDX_NAME].lower()), reverse=True) else: file_list.sort(key=lambda x: (x[FILE_IDX_EVENT_START_TIME], x[ FILE_IDX_NAME].lower())) elif sort_mode == "alpha": if not sort_order: file_list.sort(key=lambda x: (x[FILE_IDX_NAME].lower(), -x[ FILE_IDX_EVENT_START_TIME])) else: file_list.sort( key=lambda x: (x[FILE_IDX_NAME].lower(), x[FILE_IDX_EVENT_START_TIME]), reverse=True) if config.plugins.moviecockpit.list_dirs_inline.value and sort_mode == "date": alist = file_list + dir_list else: alist = dir_list + file_list return alist
def getHomeDir(self, plugin): home = "" mounted_bookmarks = self.getMountedBookmarks(plugin) if mounted_bookmarks: home = mounted_bookmarks[0] logger.debug("home: %s", home) return home
def stop(self): logger.debug("...") self.activity_timer.stop() self.pic_loading.instance.setPixmap(gPixmapPtr()) if self.summaries: self.summaries[0]["background"].hide() self.summaries[0]["lcd_pic_loading"].hide()
def selectedTargetDir(self, file_op, selection_list, target_dir): logger.debug("file_op: %s, target_dir: %s", file_op, target_dir) if target_dir: if not MountCockpit.getInstance().getMountPoint(ID, target_dir):, target_dir + " " + _("is not mounted"), MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR) else: active_recordings_list = [] file_ops_list = [] for path in selection_list: if not path.endswith("trashcan") and not path.endswith( ".."): if not isRecording(path): file_ops_list.append( (file_op, path, os.path.normpath(target_dir))) else: active_recordings_list.append(path) self.execFileManagerOps(file_ops_list) if active_recordings_list: file_names = self.createMovieList(active_recordings_list) msg = _( "Can't move recordings" ) + "\n" + file_names if file_op == FILE_OP_MOVE else _( "Can't copy recordings") + "\n" + file_names, msg, MessageBox.TYPE_INFO)
def __init__(self, service): self.path = service.getPath() logger.debug("path: %s", self.path) self.file_type,, self.short_description, self.extended_description, self.service_reference, self.cuts, self.tags = "", "", "", "", "", "", "" self.size = self.length = self.event_start_time = self.recording_start_time = 0 if self.path: afile = FileManager.getInstance().getFile("recordings", self.path) if afile: self.file_type = afile[FILE_IDX_TYPE] self.event_start_time = afile[FILE_IDX_EVENT_START_TIME] self.recording_start_time = afile[ FILE_IDX_RECORDING_START_TIME] = afile[FILE_IDX_NAME] if afile[ FILE_IDX_NAME] != "trashcan" else _("trashcan") self.short_description = afile[FILE_IDX_DESCRIPTION] self.extended_description = afile[ FILE_IDX_EXTENDED_DESCRIPTION] self.length = afile[FILE_IDX_LENGTH] if afile[ FILE_IDX_TYPE] == FILE_TYPE_FILE else None self.service_reference = afile[FILE_IDX_SERVICE_REFERENCE] self.size = afile[FILE_IDX_SIZE] self.tags = afile[FILE_IDX_TAGS] self.cut_list = unpackCutList(afile[FILE_IDX_CUTS]) else: info = eServiceCenter.getInstance().info(service) self.length = info.getLength( service) if self.length < 86400 else 0 if os.path.isfile(self.path): self.event_start_time = self.recording_start_time = int( os.stat(self.path).st_ctime) else: self.event_start_time = self.recording_start_time = 0
def getMountPoint(self, plugin, path): mount_point = None bookmark = self.getBookmark(plugin, path) if bookmark in self.mounts_table: mount_point = self.mounts_table[bookmark] logger.debug("path: %s, mount_point: %s", path, mount_point) return mount_point
def stdoutPingData(self, data):"...")"data: %s", data) lines = data.splitlines() ip = packets = None for line in lines: line = " ".join(line.split()) words = line.split(" ") if not ip and "PING" in line: ip = words[1] elif "packets received" in line: packets = int(words[3]) if ip is not None and packets is not None: for sharename in iAutoMount.mounts: if iAutoMount.mounts[sharename]["ip"] == ip: if packets == 0: #logger.debug("%s (%s) is offline", sharename, ip) if iAutoMount.mounts[sharename]["active"]: iAutoMount.mounts[sharename]["active"] = False self.shares_changed.append(sharename) else: #logger.debug("%s (%s) is online", sharename, ip) if not iAutoMount.mounts[sharename]["active"]: iAutoMount.mounts[sharename]["active"] = True self.shares_changed.append(sharename) ip = packets = None for sharename in iAutoMount.mounts: logger.debug("sharename: %s, ip: %s, active: %s", sharename, iAutoMount.mounts[sharename]["ip"], iAutoMount.mounts[sharename]["active"])
def finishedPing(self, _ret_val=None): logger.debug("shares_changed: %s", self.shares_changed) if self.shares_changed: iAutoMount.apply(self.shares_changed, self.onMountsChange) else: self.check4InitComplete()
def parsePiconSetList(self, picon_set_list):"...") logger.debug("last_picon_set: %s", config.plugins.piconcockpit.last_picon_set.value) picon_list = [] for picon_set in picon_set_list: if not picon_set.startswith('<meta'): info_list = picon_set.split(';') if len(info_list) >= 9: dir_url = os.path.join( config.plugins.piconcockpit.picon_server.value, info_list[0]) pic_url = os.path.join( config.plugins.piconcockpit.picon_server.value, info_list[0], info_list[1]) date = info_list[2] name = info_list[3] satellite = info_list[4] creator = info_list[5] bit = (info_list[6].replace(' ', '').lower()).replace( 'bit', ' bit') size = info_list[7].replace(' ', '').lower() uploader = info_list[8] identifier = str(uuid.uuid4()) signature = "%s | %s - %s | %s | %s | %s" % ( satellite, creator, name, size, bit, uploader) name = signature + " | %s" % date if config.plugins.piconcockpit.satellite.value in ["all", satellite] and\ config.plugins.piconcockpit.creator.value in ["all", creator] and\ config.plugins.piconcockpit.size.value in ["all", size] and\ config.plugins.piconcockpit.bit.value in ["all", bit]: picon_list.append( (name, dir_url, pic_url, identifier, signature)) return picon_list
def setTrashcanActions(self, csel, path): logger.debug("path: %s", path) if path and "trashcan" in path: self.color_buttons_matrix[0][KEY_YELLOW] = [ _("Restore"), csel.restoreMovies ] self.color_buttons_matrix[0][KEY_BLUE] = [ _("Home"), boundFunction(csel.changeDir, MountCockpit.getInstance().getHomeDir(ID)) ] else: self.color_buttons_matrix[0][KEY_YELLOW] = [ _("Move"), csel.moveMovies ] if config.plugins.moviecockpit.trashcan_enable.value: self.color_buttons_matrix[0][KEY_BLUE] = [ _("Trashcan"), csel.openTrashcan ] else: self.color_buttons_matrix[0][KEY_BLUE] = [ _("Home"), boundFunction(csel.changeDir, MountCockpit.getInstance().getHomeDir(ID)) ] self.setColorButtons()
def initBookmarks():"...") bookmarks = [] for video_dir in config.movielist.videodirs.value: bookmarks.append(os.path.normpath(video_dir)) logger.debug("bookmarks: %s", bookmarks) return bookmarks
def _parse(self, tree, types, defaults): def setFromTag(parent, key, data, abool=False): elements = parent.findall(key) if elements: val = elements[0].text if abool: val = val == "True" if val is not None: data[key] = val keys = [ "active", "hdd_replacement", "ip", "sharedir", "sharename", "options", "username", "password" ] bool_keys = ["active", "hdd_replacement"] for i, _item in enumerate(types): mounttype = types[i] for parent in tree.findall(mounttype): for mount in parent.findall("mount"): data = deepcopy(defaults[i]) try: for key in keys: setFromTag(mount, key, data, key in bool_keys) logger.debug("%s share %s", mounttype.upper(), data) if data["active"]: self._numActive += 1 #Workaround for nfs shares previously being saved without their leading / if mounttype == "nfs" and not data[ "sharedir"].startswith("/"): data["sharedir"] = "/%s" % data["sharedir"] self._mounts[data["sharename"]] = data except Exception as e: logger.warning("Error reading %s share: %s", mounttype.upper(), e)
def keySaveNew(self): logger.debug("...") save_value = True for i, conf in enumerate(self.config_list): #logger.debug("i: %s, conf[0]: %s", i, conf[0]) if conf[0] != self.section: if conf[1].isChanged(): #logger.debug("i: %s, conf[0]: %s isChanged", i, conf[0]) if conf[2]: # execute value changed function #logger.debug("execute value changed function") if not conf[2](conf[1]): logger.error("value function error: %s", conf[0]) save_value = False # Check parent entries for parent in conf[5]: #logger.debug("parent: %s, conf[5]: %s", str(parent), str(conf[5])) if self.config_list[i + parent][2]: # execute parent value changed function #logger.debug("execute parent value changed function") if not self.config_list[i + parent][2]( self.config_list[i + parent][1]): logger.error("parent value function error: %s", self.config_list[i + parent][2]) if save_value: logger.debug("saving: %s", conf[0]) conf[1].save() if not save_value: self.createConfig() else: if self.needs_restart: self.restartGUI() else: self.close(True)
def applySkin(self, desktop, parent): attribs = [] value_attributes = [] size_attributes = [] font_attributes = [] color_attributes = [] if self.skinAttributes: for (attrib, value) in self.skinAttributes: if attrib in value_attributes: setattr(self, attrib, int(value)) elif attrib in size_attributes: setattr(self, attrib, parseSize(value, ((1, 1), (1, 1)))) elif attrib in font_attributes: setattr(self, attrib, parseFont(value, ((1, 1), (1, 1)))) elif attrib in color_attributes: setattr(self, attrib, parseColor(value).argb()) else: attribs.append((attrib, value)) self.skinAttributes = attribs self.list_styles, template_attributes = parseTemplate( MovieList.default_template) self.setListStyle(config.plugins.moviecockpit.list_style.value) logger.debug("self.skinAttributes: %s", str(self.skinAttributes)) GUIComponent.applySkin(self, desktop, parent) template_attributes["width"] = self.l.getItemSize().width() - 15 self.applyTemplate(additional_locals=template_attributes)
def unselectPath(self, path): logger.debug("path: %s", path) if path in self.selection_list: self.selection_list.remove(path) index = self.getFileIndex(path) if index > -1: self.invalidateEntry(index)
def selectionChanged(self): logger.debug("...") if == PAGE_SELECTION: self.getInfoAndCoverForCurrentSelection(TEMP_INFO_PATH, TEMP_COVER_PATH, TEMP_BACKDROP_PATH) self.switchPage()
def parseHeader(data, pos): e = struct.unpack(">HHBBBBBBH", data[pos:pos + 12]) self.eit["event_id"] = e[0] y, mo, d = parseMJD(e[1]) # Y, M, D h, mi, s = unBCD(e[2]), unBCD(e[3]), unBCD(e[4]) # HH, MM, SS try: dt = datetime.datetime(y, mo, d, h, mi, s) logger.debug("dt: %s", str(dt)) start_seconds = int(time.mktime(dt.timetuple())) self.eit[ "start"] = start_seconds - time.timezone + time.localtime( start_seconds).tm_isdst * 3600 # daylight savings time except Exception as e: logger.error("exception: %s", e) self.eit["start"] = 0 self.eit["length"] = unBCD(e[5]) * 3600 + unBCD(e[6]) * 60 + unBCD( e[7]) #free_CA_mode = e[8] & 0x1000 #descriptors_loop_length = e[8] & 0x0fff running_status = (e[8] & 0xe000) >> 13 if running_status in [1, 2]: self.eit['when'] = "NEXT" elif running_status in [3, 4]: self.eit['when'] = "NOW"
def getPiconSetInfo(self):"...") url = os.path.join(config.plugins.piconcockpit.picon_server.value, "picons", picon_info_file) download_file = os.path.join(self.picon_dir, picon_info_file) logger.debug("url: %s, download_file: %s", url, download_file) downloadPage(url, download_file).addCallback( self.gotPiconSetInfo).addErrback(self.downloadError, url)
def getSize(self): logger.debug("...") size = 0 if self.file_type == FILE_TYPE_FILE: size = self.size elif os.path.basename(self.path) != "..": _count, size = FileManager.getInstance().getCountSize(self.path) return size
def selectPath(self, path): logger.debug("path: %s", path) if path and not path.endswith( "..") and path not in self.selection_list: self.selection_list.append(path) index = self.getFileIndex(path) if index > -1: self.invalidateEntry(index)
def completionStatus(self): covers_percent = 0 if self.covers_tried == 0 else float( float(self.covers_found) / float(self.covers_tried)) * 100 logger.debug("%s of %s new covers: %.2f%%", self.covers_found, self.covers_tried, covers_percent) return (_("Done") + " : %s " + _("of") + " %s " + _("new covers") + " (%.2f%%)") % (self.covers_found, self.covers_tried, covers_percent)
def apply(self, shares_changed, callback=None):"shares_changed: %s", shares_changed) for sharename in shares_changed: self._applyShare(self._mounts[sharename]) self._reloadSystemd(callback=self._onSharesApplied) logger.debug("self._mounts: %s", self._mounts) if callback is not None: callback(True)
def doActivityTimer(self): path = getSkinPath("images/spinner/wait%s.png" % (self.pic_index + 1)) logger.debug("pic_index: %s", self.pic_index) pixmap = LoadPixmap(path, cached=False) self.pic_loading.instance.setPixmap(pixmap) if self.summaries: self.summaries[0]["lcd_pic_loading"].instance.setPixmap(pixmap) self.pic_index = (self.pic_index + 1) %
def updateCutList(self, path, last=None, length=None): logger.debug("path: %s, last: %s, length: %s", path, last, length) cut_list = self.readCutList(path) if last is not None: cut_list = replaceLast(cut_list, last) if length is not None: cut_list = replaceLength(cut_list, length) self.writeCutList(path, cut_list)
def selectionChanged(self): afile = self.movie_list.getCurrentSelection() if afile: self.return_path = afile[FILE_IDX_PATH] self.return_dir = afile[FILE_IDX_DIR] logger.debug("self.return_dir: %s, self.return_path: %s", self.return_dir, self.return_path) self.updateInfo()
def getInfoString(self, _service=None, info_type=None): logger.debug("info_type: %s", info_type) if info_type == iServiceInformation.sServiceref: return and if info_type == iServiceInformation.sDescription: return and if info_type == iServiceInformation.sTags: return and return "None"
def getMountedBookmarks(self, plugin): mounted_bookmarks = [] if plugin in self.bookmarks: for bookmark in self.bookmarks[plugin]: if self.getMountPoint(plugin, bookmark): mounted_bookmarks.append(bookmark) logger.debug("plugin: %s, mounted_bookmarks: %s", plugin, mounted_bookmarks) return mounted_bookmarks