Exemplo n.º 1
def login():
    global loggedIn, SID;
    if(loggedIn): return 2;

    # We're attempting to log someone in
    u = Display.cooked_input("> Username: "******"> Password:"******"\n  Conversing with server...");

    if(u not in ['Xunnamius']):
        Display.sysMsg("Invalid username/permissions.");
        return False;

    # Package the new data
    conn1.params = {"u":u, "python":1, "type":"", "SID":SID};

    # 1. Split the key in half
    # 2. Place chunks at both the front and the end (double salt)
    # 3. SHA-1 the whole thing again
    eKeyPiece1 = KEY[0:20];
    eKeyPiece2 = KEY[20:40];
    p = str(hashlib.sha1(eKeyPiece1 + hashlib.sha1(hashlib.md5(p).hexdigest()).hexdigest() + eKeyPiece2).hexdigest());
    u = str(hashlib.sha1(eKeyPiece1 + u + eKeyPiece2).hexdigest());
    conn1.params["u"] = u;
    conn1.params["p"] = p;
    conn1.params["type"] = "lin";

    # Authenticate the user's information
    response = conn1.request();
    # Alert the user of the result, and display the proper options accordingly
    if response != False:
        if response == "Approved":
            Display.playerMsg("Login Successful.");
            loggedIn = True;
            return loggedIn;
        elif response == "Denied":
            Display.errorMsg("Invalid username/password combination.");
            Display.errorMsg("Remember your username/password is case sensitive!");
        elif response == "Malformed":
            Display.errorMsg("You have illegal characters in your username/password.");
            Display.errorMsg("(Usernames are only allowed letters and numbers!)");
            Display.errorMsg("Contact Dark Gray for assistance or create a new account.");
            if(not response): Display.errorMsg("Connection to server was dropped. Please try again.");
                Display.errorMsg("Error. The response received from server was unrecognizable.");
                Display.errorMsg(">>", response);
    else: Display.errorMsg("Connection to server was dropped. Please try again.");
    return False;
Exemplo n.º 2
def block_on_challenge(ignore_response, params, at_end=1, stall_time=60, debug=False, eval_response=True):
    global conn1, heartbeat;
    if(not conn1 or not heartbeat): MAR_exit(2);
    xtime = 0;
    # Give them 60 seconds
    while(xtime < stall_time):
        if(xtime == (stall_time-30)): Display.sysMsg('30 seconds remaining...');
        elif(xtime == (stall_time-10)): Display.sysMsg('10 seconds remaining...');

        sleeptime = time.clock();
        if(xtime % 5 == 0):
            # Setup our internal environment
            conn1.params = params;
            conn1.makeNulls = True;
            response = conn1.request();
            # print 'tempresp -> ', response
            if(response and response != ignore_response):
                if(eval_response): response = json_decode(response, debug);
                conn1.makeNulls = False;
                return response;
        sleeptime = 1 - (time.clock() - sleeptime);
        if(sleeptime > 0): time.sleep(sleeptime);
        xtime = xtime + 1;
    # We timed-out!
        if(at_end == 1):
            Display.evnMsg('Request TIMED OUT. Destroying room...');
            conn1.params = {"u":u, "p":p, "python":1, "type":"kil", "SID":SID};
            response = conn1.request();
            Display.sysMsg('Room Destroyed!');
            heartbeat.pauseFlag = False;
            conn1.makeNulls = False;
        return False;
Exemplo n.º 3
import sys, threading, os, time;
from DisplayInterface import Display;

class Autodeath(threading.Thread):
    """ Die after x seconds """
    def __init__(self):
        # Clear the timer
        self.countdown = time.clock();
        threading.Thread.__init__(self, None, None, "Autodeath Thread");
        self.daemon = True;

    def run(self):
        self.countdown = time.clock();
        while(self.countdown + 30 > time.clock()):

challenger = sys.argv[1];
if(challenger and 0 < len(challenger) <= 25):
    death = Autodeath();
    Display.sysMsg(('----- MAR Battle Request Warning! -----').center(53));
    Display.sysMsg(time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y @ [%I:%M:%S]").center(51),"\n\n\n");
    Display.evnMsg("You have a pending battle request from " +challenger+"!");
    Display.evnMsg("Type 'Challenge' and then '"+challenger+"'");
    Display.evnMsg("in the main window to accept or do nothing to decline.\n");
    Display.sysMsg('This window will automatically close in 30 seconds.');
    Display.cooked_input('  Press "Enter" to immediately close this window.', True);
Exemplo n.º 4
 def status(self):
     if self._silent == False: Display.sysMsg("NetworkInterface module mounted successfully");
Exemplo n.º 5
def MAR_battle(opponent, first):
    print '';
    global conn1, heartbeat, loggedIn, userdict, userpowers, ascii_uppercase;
    if(not conn1 or not loggedIn or not heartbeat or not userdict or not userpowers or not ascii_uppercase): MAR_exit(3);

    # Letters need re-reversing for some reason. Bad python scoping system is bad and horrible.
    # ascii_uppercase = ascii_uppercase[::-1];
    # Finish setting up our environment
    actionQueue = {'username':userdict['username'], 'specialdata':{},
                       'skipped': False,
                       'victory': False

    # Structure the user's powers into a workable menu object
    powerStructure = [('guess', -1), ('skip', -2)];
    for power in userpowers.keys(): powerStructure.insert(0, (str(power).lower(), str(power)));
    powerStructure = OrderedDict(powerStructure);

    # Begin the game
    while(actionQueue['userdata']['remainingTurns'] > 0 and not actionQueue['userdata']['victory']):
        if(actionQueue['userdata']['letterNum'] <= 4 and not actionQueue['userdata']['victory']):
            # We're up!
                if(not actionQueue['userdata']['skipped']):
                    # Set up our environment
                    if(actionQueue['userdata']['answer'] == None):
                        actionQueue['userdata']['answer'] = ascii_uppercase[randint(0, 25)];
                        Display.gameMsg('--> For you, this is letter '+str(actionQueue['userdata']['letterNum'])+' of 4.');
                    Display.gameMsg('[To use your specials, type the special\'s name and press "enter."]');
                    Display.gameMsg('[To guess, type "guess" followed by your letter guess.]');
                    Display.gameMsg('[To skip your turn, type "skip."]');
                    Display.gameMsg('[You have 60 seconds until your turn is automatically skipped]');
                    # Prompt for selection of powers or guess (60 second time limit)
                    sleeptime = time.clock();
                    i = Display.menu(powerStructure, initMsg='Your move:', prefix='- ', time_limit=60, limit_phrase='skip');

                    # User wants to guess normally
                    if(i == -1):
                        if(actionQueue['userdata']['guess'] != None and actionQueue['userdata']['answerStatus2'] != ''): Display.gameMsg('-> You previous guess was:', actionQueue['userdata']['guess'], '('+actionQueue['userdata']['answerStatus2'][:-1].lower()+')');
                        actionQueue['userdata']['guess'] = Display.timed_input('> Guess a letter, '+actionQueue['username']+': ', 'skip', 60 - (time.clock() - sleeptime));
                        if(actionQueue['userdata']['guess'] == 'skip'): actionQueue['userdata']['skipped'] = True;
                        elif(actionQueue['userdata']['guess'] in ascii_letters):
                            if(actionQueue['userdata']['guess'].upper() == actionQueue['userdata']['answer']):
                                actionQueue['userdata']['miniTurns'] = actionQueue['userdata']['miniTurns'] + 1;
                                Display.gameMsg("You've guessed correctly! (Total", actionQueue['userdata']['miniTurns'], "turns)");
                                actionQueue['userdata']['letterNum'] = actionQueue['userdata']['letterNum'] + 1;
                                if(actionQueue['userdata']['letterNum'] <= 4 and not actionQueue['userdata']['victory']):
                                    MessageBeep(beep); time.sleep(0.1); MessageBeep(beep);
                                    actionQueue['userdata']['answerStatus1'] = actionQueue['username']+" guessed correctly and is onto the next letter! (Letter "+str(actionQueue['userdata']['letterNum'])+" of 4)";
                                    actionQueue['userdata']['answerStatus2'] = '';
                                    actionQueue['userdata']['miniTurns'] = 0;
                                    actionQueue['userdata']['answer'] = None;
                                    actionQueue['userdata']['victory'] = True;
                                    finalEvaluation(actionQueue, opponent);
                                dist = distanceAlgorithm(ascii_uppercase, actionQueue['userdata']['guess'].upper(), actionQueue['userdata']['answer'], 4.0, 40);
                                actionQueue['userdata']['answerStatus1'] = actionQueue['username']+' guessed incorrectly!';
                                actionQueue['userdata']['answerStatus2'] = "Guess was "+dist;
                                print Display.errorWrapper() + "Incorrect! Your guess was", dist;
                            Display.errorMsg("That's not a letter,", actionQueue['username']+". You've lost two turns for that!");
                            actionQueue['userdata']['answerStatus1'] = actionQueue['username']+' entered an invalid response and was penalized!\n  What a fool!';
                            actionQueue['userdata']['answerStatus2'] = 'Guess was invalid.';
                            actionQueue['userdata']['remainingTurns'] = actionQueue['userdata']['remainingTurns'] - 2;
                            actionQueue['userdata']['miniTurns'] = actionQueue['userdata']['miniTurns'] + 1;
                    # User wants to skip their turn
                    elif(i == -2):
                        actionQueue['userdata']['skipped'] = True;
                        actionQueue['userdata']['guess'] = actionQueue['userdata']['answerStatus1'] = None;
                        actionQueue['userdata']['answerStatus2'] = '';
                        actionQueue['userdata']['miniTurns'] = actionQueue['userdata']['miniTurns'] + 1;

                    # A power was chosen, attempt to add it to the specialdata array
                        Display.errorMsg('Specials don\'t work yet. Sorry!');
                        actionQueue['userdata']['skipped'] = True;
                        actionQueue['userdata']['guess'] = actionQueue['userdata']['answerStatus1'] = None;
                        actionQueue['userdata']['answerStatus2'] = '';
                        actionQueue['userdata']['miniTurns'] = actionQueue['userdata']['miniTurns'] + 1;
                        # actionQueue['specialdata'] = activatePower(userpowers[i], actionQueue['specialdata']);

                # Evaluate specialdata array & victory conditions
                actionQueue = evaluateQueue(actionQueue);
                Display.gameMsg('Turn ended!');
                Display.gameMsg("You have", (actionQueue['userdata']['remainingTurns'] if actionQueue['userdata']['remainingTurns'] > 0 else 'no'), "turns remaining.");
                Display.gameMsg("Synchronizing with server...");
                conn1.params = {"u":u, "p":p, "python":1, "type":"upd", "SID":SID, 'data':actionQueue};
                response = conn1.request();
                # print 'resp:', response

                if(response == '$UpdateFailed'): Display.errorMsg('Internal Error: server failed to update properly! Report this!');
                if(response == '$LookupError'): Display.errorMsg('Internal Error: server-user lookup error! Report this!');
                    actionQueue, doBreak = checkForCommands(response, actionQueue, opponent);
                    if(doBreak): break;
                actionQueue['userdata']['remainingTurns'] = actionQueue['userdata']['remainingTurns'] - 1;
                actionQueue['userdata']['miniTurns'] = actionQueue['userdata']['miniTurns'] + 1;
                actionQueue['userdata']['skipped'] = False;
            # They're up! (wait for 60[+10] seconds)
                Display.gameMsg('Waiting on', opponent+' (~60 seconds until timeout)...');
                response = block_on_challenge('$NoData', {"u":u, "p":p, "python":1, "type":"bat4", "SID":SID, 'opponent':opponent}, at_end=0, stall_time=70);
                    if(response['userdata']['victory'] or response['userdata']['letterNum'] > 4):
                        print 'incorrect loss action:', response
                        actionQueue['userdata']['victory'] = False;
                        finalEvaluation(actionQueue, opponent);
                            if(response['userdata']['answerStatus1'].find('guessed correctly and is onto')+1): MessageBeep(MB_OK); time.sleep(0.1); MessageBeep(MB_OK);
                            Display.gameMsg('->', response['userdata']['answerStatus1']);
                        else: Display.gameMsg('->', opponent, 'skipped his turn?! Foolish!');
                        evaluateQueue(response, False);
                        Display.sysMsg('Opponent\'s turn ended. Your move!');
                elif(response == False):
                    # Send the "is alive ne?" packet
                    Display.gameMsg('No response from opponent, clearing victory conditions...');
                    conn1.params = {"u":u, "p":p, "python":1, "type":"upd", "SID":SID, 'data':'$Alive:'+opponent};
                    response = block_on_challenge('$NoData', {"u":u, "p":p, "python":1, "type":"bat4", "SID":SID, 'opponent':opponent, "ignore":'$Alive:'+opponent}, at_end=0, stall_time=10, eval_response=False);
                    if(response == '$Yes'):
                        Display.gameMsg('Opponent\'s turn was skipped.');
                        conn1.params = {"u":u, "p":p, "python":1, "type":"upd", "SID":SID, 'data':'$Skip:'+actionQueue['username']};

                    elif(response == False or response[0] == '{'):
                        Display.gameMsg('Opponent has disconnected from the server. You win by default.');
                        actionQueue['userdata']['victory'] = True;
                        finalEvaluation(actionQueue, opponent);

                        actionQueue, doBreak = checkForCommands(response, actionQueue, opponent);
                        if(doBreak): break;
                    actionQueue, doBreak = checkForCommands(response, actionQueue, opponent);
                    if(doBreak): break;

            #Change up the order
            first = not first;
            actionQueue['userdata']['victory'] = True;
            finalEvaluation(actionQueue, opponent);
        if(not actionQueue['userdata']['victory']): finalEvaluation(actionQueue, opponent);

    Display.sysMsg('Cleaning up room...');
    conn1.params = {"u":u, "p":p, "python":1, "type":"kil", "SID":SID};
    Display.sysMsg('Room cleaned successfully.');
    Display.gameMsg('Returning to main menu...');
    heartbeat.pauseFlag = False;
    conn1.makeNulls = False;
Exemplo n.º 6
from DisplayInterface import Display;
from Challenger import Challenger;
from winsound import MessageBeep, MB_OK, MB_ICONASTERISK as beep;

# Establish our connection object
conn1 = NetworkInterface();
conn1.baseSite = "dignityice.com";
conn1.target = "/dg/Xunnamius/house2/pyGameInterface.php";

# Set up our environment
loggedIn = False;
time.clock(); # Clear the timer

# Sound-off!
# No color support in this version for now, so the Display.*Msg distinctions are only code-deep
Display.sysMsg('Mini-MAR BETA version', __version__);
Display.sysMsg('Bernard Dickens - Project II -', __author__);

# Exit MAR
def MAR_exit(status=0):
    if(status == 0): Display.gameMsg('Program Terminated.');
    else: Display.errorMsg('Program Terminated Unexpectedly ('+str(status)+')!');
    Display.evnMsg('(C) Copyright 2010 - Dark Gray. All Rights Reserved.');

# Is this JSON-like data?
def is_JSON(data):
    data = str(data).strip();
Exemplo n.º 7
from collections import OrderedDict;
from NetworkInterface import NetworkInterface;
from DisplayInterface import Display;

# Establish our connection object
conn1 = NetworkInterface();
conn1.baseSite = "dignityice.com";
conn1.target = "/dg/Xunnamius/house2/pyGameInterface.php";

# Set up our environment
usedSpecials = [];
loggedIn = False;
time.clock(); # Clear the timer

# Sound-off!
Display.sysMsg('Mini-MAR BETA\'s GOD CHARACTER MAKER v', __version__);

# Login to the server
def login():
    global loggedIn, SID;
    if(loggedIn): return 2;

    # We're attempting to log someone in
    u = Display.cooked_input("> Username: "******"> Password:"******"\n  Conversing with server...");

    if(u not in ['Xunnamius']):
from httplib import BadStatusLine
from collections import OrderedDict
from NetworkInterface import NetworkInterface
from DisplayInterface import Display

conn1 = NetworkInterface()

ascii_uppercase = ascii_uppercase[::-1]

    gameNum = 0
    i = 1
    state = "y"
    # No color support in this version, so the Display.*Msg distinctions are only code-deep
    Display.sysMsg("Bernard Dickens - Letter Guessing Game (Project II) - ", __author__)

    while i == 1:
        i = Display.menu(
            OrderedDict([("free play", False), ("load profile", 1), ("online play", True), ("exit", 2)]),
            initMsg="Please Select Your Gameplay Mode:",
            prefix="# ",
        if i == 1:
            Display.gameMsg("This gameplay mode is not available yet.")

    if i != 2:
        name = Display.cooked_input("What's your name? ")
        while (
            not re.match("^[0-9a-zA-Z_]{4}[0-9a-zA-Z_]*$", name) and 4 <= name <= 25
        ):  # ^[0-9a-zA-Z_]{4,25}$ wasn't working for some odd reason >.<