def main(): Dog1 = Dog() Dog1.dogInfo() print("dog legs = " + str(Dog1.legs)) Dog1.legs = 6 print("dog legs = " + str(Dog1.legs))
def __initializeZoo(): animals = [] animals.append(Hippo("hippo1")) animals.append(Hippo("hippo2")) animals.append(Rhino("rhino1")) animals.append(Rhino("rhino2")) animals.append(Elephant("elephant1")) animals.append(Elephant("elephant2")) animals.append(Cat("cat1")) animals.append(Cat("cat2")) animals.append(Tiger("tiger1")) animals.append(Tiger("tiger2")) animals.append(Lion("lion1")) animals.append(Lion("lion2")) animals.append(Wolf("wolf1", WolfNoise())) animals.append(Wolf("wolf2", WolfNoise())) animals.append(Dog("dog1", DogNoise())) animals.append(Dog("dog2", DogNoise())) return animals
def Execute(self,gui,dMaps,house,ID, Cselection): gui.ClearFrame() gui.CreateCanvas() self.DisplayMap(gui) house.FillHouse(gui,2,ID) if Cselection == 1: cat = Cat(gui,,Textures.TextureDict["cat"],self.ExitX,self.ExitY,house.List[ID].item) elif Cselection == 2: cat = Cat(gui,,Textures.TextureDict["snowball"],self.ExitX,self.ExitY,house.List[ID].item) elif Cselection == 3: cat = Cat(gui,,Textures.TextureDict["tom"],self.ExitX,self.ExitY,house.List[ID].item) elif Cselection == 4: cat = Cat(gui,,Textures.TextureDict["scratchy"],self.ExitX,self.ExitY,house.List[ID].item) elif Cselection == 5: cat = Cat(gui,,Textures.TextureDict["pink"],self.ExitX,self.ExitY,house.List[ID].item) dog = Dog(int(Info.difficulty),gui,Textures.TextureDict["dog"],cat) gui.root.bind("<z>",lambda event: self.preChange(cat.catID,gui,dMaps,house,dog, Cselection)) # changes to ouside map, <Return> is "enter" key dog.movement(gui)
def test_book_dog(monkeypatch, company_with_enclosures_and_dogs): dog1 = Dog("Pongo", "Roger", 3, "Dalmation", "A lady name \'de vil\' may attempt to check this dog out - do not allow this!") dog2 = Dog("Lady", "Jim Dear and Darling", 2, "Cocker Spaniel", "Often visited by a stray") monkeypatch.setattr(Enclosure, "add_occupant", add_occupant_temp) monkeypatch.setattr(Enclosure, "check_suitability", lambda self, dog: True) company_with_enclosures_and_dogs.book_dog(dog1) company_with_enclosures_and_dogs.book_dog(dog2) assert company_with_enclosures_and_dogs.spaces_left() == 15
def company_with_enclosures_and_dogs(monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(Kennel_Company, "load_enclosures", load_enclosures_stub) company = Kennel_Company() # Manual adding of dog to help remove test company.enclosures[0].occupants.append( Dog("Brian", "Peter Griffin", 9, "Labrador", "Is able to talk!")) return company
def main(): global playerHP, enemyHP play = True while play: team = [DaFish("LeFishe"), Gibson("Gibson"), Dog("Cat")] enemy = DaFish("CEO of FishCarp Inc") prompt = True while prompt = int(input("Choose Nomi: [1) DaFish, 2) Gibson, 3) Dog]")) if response == 1: chooseNomi = team[0] prompt = False elif response == 2: chooseNomi = team[1] prompt = False elif response == 3: chooseNomi = team[2] prompt = False else: print("Invalid Input! Enter a number 1-3.") fight = True while fight: moveNum = rndom randint(0, 3) fight = attackAction(chosenNomi, enemy, enemy.moveSet[moveNum]) prompt = True while prompt: response = Input ("Fight another battle? (y/n)") if response.lower == "y": play = True elif response.lower =="n": play = False else: print("Please enter a valid input. (y/n)") print("----------------------------------")
def user_fav_page(): if not current_user.is_authenticated: return redirect(url_for('login')) # page = request.args.get('page', 1, type=int) user = User.query.filter_by( # grab the first user or return a 404 page fav_dogs_ids = [ dog.dog_id for dog in User.query.filter_by( ] fav_dogs = Dogs.query.filter(Dogs.dog_id.in_(fav_dogs_ids)).all() # Convert database info to Dog objects dogs = [ Dog(id=fav_dog.dog_id, org_id=None, breed1=None, breed2=None, age=fav_dog.dog_age, gender=fav_dog.dog_gender, spayed=None, name=fav_dog.dog_name, photo_thumbnail=fav_dog.dog_pic, email=None, phone=None, city=None, photos=None, environment=None, description=None, address=None) for fav_dog in fav_dogs ] return render_template('my_dogs.html', dogs=dogs, user=user, fav_dogs=fav_dogs_ids)
def loop(): dogs = [] # First dog firstDog = Dog("Doggo", "Corgi") dogs.append(firstDog) done = False while not done: acts = [] printOptions() action = parseInput() if action == 0: done = True else: printTargetDogs(dogs) dog = parseInput() if action == 1: dogs[dog].rapsuttaa() elif action == 2: dogs[dog].walking() elif action == 3: dogs[dog].feed() for d in dogs: d.update() acts.append([d, d.act()]) printActs(acts)
def Execute(self, gui, dMaps, house, ID): gui.ClearFrame() gui.CreateCanvas() self.DisplayMap(gui) house.FillHouse(gui, 2, ID) cat = Cat(gui,, Textures.TextureDict["cat"], self.ExitX, self.ExitY, house.List[ID].item) dog = Dog(int(Info.difficulty), gui, Textures.TextureDict["dog"], cat) gui.root.bind( "<z>", lambda event: self.preChange(cat.catID, gui, dMaps, house, dog) ) # changes to ouside map, <Return> is "enter" key dog.movement(gui)
def do(): pets = [Dog('狗狗', '小黑'), Cat('猫猫', '小花')] for p in pets: # 继承'骨头') # 多态 print("******")
def main(): print "We have added more to our Dog and Animal class" dog1 = Dog("Spot","BullDog") animal1 = Animal("Mickey", "Mouse") animal1.getName() animal1.getType() dog1.getName() dog1.getBreed() dog1.setName("Pluto") dog1.getName()
def __init__(self, persons, dogs): self.num_Person = persons for i in range(0, persons): p = Person() self.persons.append(p) self.num_Dog = dogs for i in range(0, dogs): d = Dog() self.dogs.append(d)
def save(self): # Declare a string named breed, store the contents of the self.breed StringVar # in the new string. Hint: use the .get() method. Make sure to trim whitespace in the entry widget! breed = self.breed.get().strip() # Do the same thing for a new string named name, storing StringVar name = # Do the same thing for a new string named weight, storing self.weight StringVar weight = self.weight.get().strip() # Do the same thing for a new string named age, storing self.age StringVar age = self.age.get().strip() # Create a new dog object and pass the 4 required parameters to it using the 4 variables you just created. # This will store the text in the widgets in the object data fields. storeDog = Dog(breed, name, weight, age) # Declare a new variable named notes, getting and storing the whitespace-trimmed contents of the text widget into it. notes = self.text.get('1.0', END).strip() # declare a new MULTILINE string named savetext, using your 4 Dog class get methods. # you will need to concatenate each field of the string with the + operator, and ensure # that each field is separated by a line feed. # Also, make sure that you add the notes variable at the end of your string definition savetext = (storeDog.getBreed() + '\n' + storeDog.getName() + '\n' + storeDog.getWeight() + '\n' + storeDog.getAge() + '\n' + notes) # create a new file object that saves to .txt by default filenameforWriting = asksaveasfilename(defaultextension=".txt", filetypes=(("Text file", "*.txt"),("All Files", "*.*") )) # create a new object named outfile that opens our new filenameforWriting for write operations. outfile = open(filenameforWriting, "w") # write the contents of savetext to the file outfile.write(savetext) # close the file outfile.close()
def test_convert_to_dog2(self): self.assertEqual( petfinder._convert_to_dog(self.input2), Dog( 45000754, 'CA1331', 'Golden Retriever', 'Husky', 'Young', 'Male', True, 'Cooper!', None, '*****@*****.**', None, 'Sacramento', [], { 'children': None, 'dogs': None, 'cats': None }, 'This handsome guy is Cooper! He is around 1.5 - 2 years old. What a friendly, loving sweet dog. He...', 'Sacramento CA 95842'))
def test_convert_to_dog(self): self.assertEqual( petfinder._convert_to_dog(self.input), Dog( 45000754, 'CA1331', 'Golden Retriever', 'Husky', 'Young', 'Male', True, 'Cooper!', '', '*****@*****.**', None, 'Sacramento', [], { 'children': None, 'dogs': None, 'cats': None }, 'This handsome guy is Cooper! He is around 1.5 - 2 years old. What a friendly, loving sweet dog. He...', 'Sacramento CA 95842'))
def populate(self): # Canine self.animals.append(Dog()) self.animals.append(Dog('Dug')) self.animals.append(Wolf()) self.animals.append(Wolf('Wifi')) # Feline self.animals.append(Cat()) self.animals.append(Cat('Catherine')) self.animals.append(Tiger()) self.animals.append(Tiger('Terry')) self.animals.append(Lion()) self.animals.append(Lion('Lenny')) # Pachyderm self.animals.append(Elephant()) self.animals.append(Elephant('Esther')) self.animals.append(Hippo()) self.animals.append(Hippo('Harriet')) self.animals.append(Rhino()) self.animals.append(Rhino('Rose'))
def __init__(self): pygame.init() self.SCREEN_WIDTH = 800 self.SCREEN_HEIGHT = 600 self.display = pygame.display.set_mode((self.SCREEN_WIDTH, self.SCREEN_HEIGHT)) pygame.display.set_caption("DoocHunt") pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) self.stoper = Stoper() self.sound = Sound() self.ui = UserInterface(self.display) = True self.crosshair = Crosshair(self.display, self.SCREEN_WIDTH, self.SCREEN_HEIGHT) self.ducks = [] self.groundImage = pygame.image.load("images/ground.png") self.tree = pygame.image.load("images/tree.png") self.duckSpriteRepository = DuckSpriteSetRepository() self.dogSpriteSetRepository = DogSpriteSetRepository() self.gameState = GameState.GAME_STARTING = Dog(self.display, self.stoper, self.dogSpriteSetRepository.getCollection()) self.level = 0 self.ammoCount = self.level + 2 self.duckCount = self.level + 1
def main(): print('Criando um chachorro!!\n') viralata = Dog('Viralata caramelo') print(viralata.raca) viralata.latir() print('############################\n') trocaRaca(viralata) print('Transformação: ', viralata.raca) viralata.latir(lati='miauuuuuuuu2')
def main(): running = True r = Robot(tokenbot.token_bot) dog = Dog() m_flow = Msg('flw') m_dr = Msg('dr') #daily route lst_id = r.get_f_lst_id() while running: time.sleep(r.dyn_delay) # (0.9) r.get_lst_msg_bot() if (not r.skippy): if r.lst_msg_id > int(lst_id): m_flow.init_xtnd(r.lst_msg) m_flow.chk_msg_type() if m_flow.v_msg_fid != None: m_flow.v_msg_f_pth = m_flow.v_msg_fid)['file_path'] m_flow.v_msg_rcgz() m_flow.analyze_txt_in_msg() r.snd_msg(m_flow.anlz_msg_cht_id, m_flow.cre_msg_txt_new) r.upd_f_lst_id() lst_id = str(r.lst_msg_id) m_dr.daily_route() if m_dr.dr_sw_warn: r.snd_msg(m_dr.anlz_msg_cht_id, m_dr.cre_msg_txt_new) m_dr.dr_sw_warn = False if m_flow.sw_dog_act: dog.dog_act() if dog.sw_dog_msg: r.snd_msg(tokenbot.dr_usr_id, dog.dog_msg) if m_flow.sw_dogpic: r.snd_photo(tokenbot.dr_usr_id, dog.dd_jpg) else: dog.rmss_l = [] if m_flow.sw_ssh: dog.ssh_act() m_flow.sw_ssh = False
def _convert_to_dog(element): """ Convert information about one dog (returned from API call) to the object of type Dog """ # Check if photo is available (sometimes there is no picture of a dog) photo_thumbnail = None if len(element["photos"]) > 0: photo_thumbnail = element["photos"][0]["large"] address_line1 = "" if element["contact"]["address"]["address1"] is not None: address_line1 = element["contact"]["address"]["address1"] address_line2 = "" if element["contact"]["address"]["address2"] is not None: address_line2 = element["contact"]["address"]["address2"] address = address_line1 + " " + address_line2 + " " + \ element["contact"]["address"]["city"] + " " + element["contact"]["address"]["state"] + \ " " + element["contact"]["address"]["postcode"] name = element["name"] if len(name) > 22: name = name[:21] return Dog(element["id"], element["organization_id"], element["breeds"]["primary"], element["breeds"]["secondary"], element["age"], element["gender"], element["attributes"]["spayed_neutered"], name, photo_thumbnail, element["contact"]["email"], element["contact"]["phone"], element["contact"]["address"]["city"], element["photos"], element["environment"], element["description"], address, )
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from Student import Student from Dog import Dog from IAnimalRunning import animal_running s1 = Student('Jack', 19) print s1.get_name() s1.set_age(1) # s1.set_age(-1) dog = Dog() animal_running(dog) print isinstance([1, 2, 3], (list, tuple))
def main(): pets = [Dog('旺财'), Cat('凯迪'), Dog('大黄')] for pet in pets: pet.make_voice()
from Kia import Kia from math import * import random from Dog import Dog import pandas as pd mydog = Dog("shepard", "izzy", "large") mydog.is_izzy() print( van1 = Kia("sedona", True, "blue", 8) myfile = open("/Users/ironman/Desktop/python_class.txt", "r") print(myfile.readable()) print( myfile.close() gridlist = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8, 9, 10], [11, 12, 12, 14], [0]] count = 0 for letters in "wcgwcbwwecwhcwhcwncwhxwchwhw": print(letters) df = pd.read_csv("/Users/ironman/Desktop/transactions.CSV") print(df)
from Dog import Dog from Cat import Cat import random import time import pickle random.seed(32) n = 100 t = 6 filename = "animal.dat" farm = [] for i in range(n): r = random.randrange(0, 2) farm.append(Dog() if r == 0 else Cat()) day = 1 while day <= t: print("day {day}:".format(day=day)) for animal in farm: animal.hurry() eat = random.sample(range(n), n * 3 // 10) for i in eat: farm[i].eat() day += 1 file_animal = open(filename, 'wb') pickle.dump(farm, file_animal) time.sleep(1) file_animal.close()
from Dog import Dog my_dog = Dog() my_dog.update_age(4) print(str(my_dog))
def generate_dogs(self): for dog_pos in self.all_dogs.append(Dog(, dog_pos, np.array([-3.0, 3.0]))) self.lost_sheep_pos = [np.zeros(2)] * len(self.all_dogs) self.lost_sheep_dists = [1] * len(self.all_dogs)
############################################################## # MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ############################################################## pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((Constants.WORLD_WIDTH, Constants.WORLD_HEIGHT)) done = False clock = pygame.time.Clock() graph = Graph() playerPos = Vector2((Constants.WORLD_WIDTH * 0.5) - (Constants.DOGSHEEP_SIZE.x * 0.5), (Constants.WORLD_HEIGHT * 0.5) - (Constants.DOGSHEEP_SIZE.y * 0.5)) myDog = Dog(playerPos, Constants.DOG_SPEED, Constants.DOGSHEEP_SIZE) #sheepHorizontalSeparation = Constants.WORLD_WIDTH / 11 #sheepVerticalSeparation = Constants.WORLD_HEIGHT / 11 ##sheepList = [Sheep(Vector2(100, 100), Constants.SHEEP_SPEED, Constants.DOGSHEEP_SIZE)] sheepList = [] for x in range(0, 1): xCoord = randint(Constants.DOGSHEEP_SIZE.x, Constants.WORLD_WIDTH - Constants.DOGSHEEP_SIZE.x) yCoord = randint(Constants.DOGSHEEP_SIZE.y, Constants.WORLD_HEIGHT - Constants.DOGSHEEP_SIZE.y) sheepPosition = Vector2(xCoord, yCoord) sheepList.append(Sheep(sheepPosition, Constants.SHEEP_SPEED, Constants.DOGSHEEP_SIZE))
def __init__(self): self.humans = [Human(str(i)) for i in range(2)] self.dogs = [Dog(str(i)) for i in range(3)] self.cur.add('Human' if randint(0, 1) else 'Dog')
from Environment import Environment from Sheep import Sheep from Dog import Dog import statistics import numpy as np if __name__ == '__main__': count_values = [] for curr_ptr in range(100): count = 0 env = Environment() sheep = Sheep() dogs = Dog() print("Sheep location {} {}".format(env.rowSheep, env.colSheep)) print("Dog1 location {} {}".format(env.rowDog1, env.colDog1)) print("Dog2 location {} {}".format(env.rowDog2, env.colDog2)) diag1, diag2 = dogs.get_diagonal_for_dogs(env) while not (diag1[0] == env.rowDog1 and diag1[1] == env.colDog1 and diag2[0] == env.rowDog2 and diag2[1] == env.colDog2): dogs.move_to_dest([env.rowDog1, env.colDog1], diag1, env) dogs.move_to_dest([env.rowDog2, env.colDog2], diag2, env) sheep.move(env) count += 1 print( "---------------------------------------Dogs are at the diagonal") while dogs.manhattan_dist([env.rowSheep, env.colSheep], [env.rowDog1, env.colDog1]) > 0:
import calculator from Dog import Dog numbers = [1,3,4,5,6] add = calculator.add(*numbers) print("add:", add) mul = calculator.mul(*numbers) print("multiply:", mul) bi = Dog("Bi", 2) bi.walk() print(bi.age)
import learningEx from Dog import Dog from Circle import Circle from Line import Line from Cilindre import Cilindre from HandleExceptions import HandleExceptions from Account import Account if __name__ == '__main__': result = learningEx.newFunction(3, 6) print(result) print(learningEx.dog_check("Dog Year is a wonderful movie")) print(learningEx.pig_latin('tree')) learningEx.is_prime2(19) dog = Dog('husky', 'Lissa', 7) dog.feedDog(True) print(dog.tale) print(dog.feet) dog.bark(5) dog.swing() #this is an inherited method dog.who_am_i() print(dog) myCircle = Circle(30) print(myCircle.area) print(myCircle.get_circumference()) coordinate1 = (3, 2)
from Dog import Dog fido = Dog("Fido") fido.bark(3) Dog.rollCall(-1) rex = Dog("Rex") Dog.rollCall(0) # The following line results in an error: # myDog = Dog()
z = 52 ar.append("a") for x in ar: print(x) animals = "cuándo no está \n" print(f'The value of pi is approximately {z:5d}.') print(f'My hovercraft is full of {animals!r}.') print("Hola tengo {} apples".format(z)) print(f"Hola tengo {z} apples") print('The value of pi is approximately %6.5f.' % math.pi) try: f = open('myfile.txt') s = f.readline() i = int(s.strip()) except OSError as err: print("OS error: {0}".format(err)) except ValueError: print("Could not convert data to an integer.") except: print( f"Unexpected error: {sys.exc_info()[0]} with size {len(sys.exc_info())}" ) raise d: Animal = Dog('Bobby') d.add_trick('Jump') d.add_trick('Catch the ball') print(f"{d.get_specie()}'s name is {} and his tricks are {d.tricks}")
def main(): dog1 = Dog("Pluto", "Hound") print dog1.getName() print dog1.getBreed()