Exemplo n.º 1
 def testGetParamItem(self):
     Testing the XSParamItem inside an XSPluginItem
     strPath = os.path.join(self.strDataPath, "XSConfiguration.xml")
     edConfiguration = EDConfiguration()
     strValue = edConfiguration.getStringValue("indexingMosflm", "workingDir")
     EDAssert.equal("/path/to/working/dir", strValue)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def testStaticEDConfiguration(self):
     # This test make sure that changing an instatiation of EDConfiguration does not change the
     # corresponding plugin configuration for EDConfigurationStatic
     strPathToTestConfigFile = os.path.join(self.strDataPath, "XSConfiguration_testNonStatic.xml")
     edConfiguration = EDConfiguration(strPathToTestConfigFile)
     strParam1 = edConfiguration.getStringValue("EDPluginTestPluginFactory", "testItemName")
     strParam2 = EDConfigurationStatic.getStringValue("EDPluginTestPluginFactory", "testItemName")
     EDAssert.equal(False, strParam1 == strParam2, "Static config is not equal to local config")
Exemplo n.º 3
 def testGetParamItem(self):
     Testing the XSParamItem inside an XSPluginItem
     strPath = os.path.join(self.strDataPath, "XSConfiguration.xml")
     edConfiguration = EDConfiguration()
     strValue = edConfiguration.getStringValue("indexingMosflm",
     EDAssert.equal("/path/to/working/dir", strValue)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def testStaticEDConfiguration(self):
     # This test make sure that changing an instatiation of EDConfiguration does not change the
     # corresponding plugin configuration for EDConfigurationStatic
     strPathToTestConfigFile = os.path.join(
         self.strDataPath, "XSConfiguration_testNonStatic.xml")
     edConfiguration = EDConfiguration(strPathToTestConfigFile)
     strParam1 = edConfiguration.getStringValue("EDPluginTestPluginFactory",
     strParam2 = EDConfigurationStatic.getStringValue(
         "EDPluginTestPluginFactory", "testItemName")
     EDAssert.equal(False, strParam1 == strParam2,
                    "Static config is not equal to local config")
Exemplo n.º 5
class EDPlugin(EDAction):
    This is the EDNA plugin main class
    An EDNA plugin class:
        - is a configurable entity
        - has a base name (<date>-<random number>-<base name>)
        - handles input/output data (setter, getter, checker)
        - has warning and error messages
        - has a base and a working directory (both are configurable)
        The working directory is the folder from which the plugin is launched
        and should contain all associated files with the plugin execution (edna xml input/output, 3rd party output files)
        The base directory is the parent directory of the working directory. 
        Example: the working directory of a control plugin is the base directory of the plugins that it invokes,
        i.e. the plugins working directories has the control plugin working directory as parent.
    - defines the method that generates an executive summary (user-related output summary) that sub-classes should implement
    CONF_BASE_DIR_LABEL = "baseDirectory"
    CONF_WORKING_DIR_LABEL = "workingDirectory"
    CONF_TIME_OUT = "timeOut"
    CONF_WRITE_XML_OUTPUT = "writeXMLOutput"
    CONF_WRITE_XML_INPUT = "writeXMLInput"

    def __init__ (self):
        Initializes plugin related attributes described above
        self.__xsPluginItem = None
        self.__dictXSDataInputClass = {}
        self.__dictXSDataInput = {}
        self.__dictXSDataOutput = {}
        self.__strDefaultInputDataKey = "defaultInputData"
        self.__strDefaultOutputDataKey = "defaultOutputData"
        self.__edSlotExportDataOutput = EDSlot()
        self.__strBaseDirectory = None
        self.__strWorkingDirectory = None
        self.__strBaseName = None
        self.__listExecutiveSummaryLines = []
        self.__strExecutiveSummarySeparator = "-" * 80
        self.__listErrorMessages = []
        self.__listWarningMessages = []
        self.__isRequiredToHaveConfiguration = False
        self.__bWriteDataXMLInputOutput = True
        self.__bWriteDataXMLOutput = True
        self.__bWriteDataXMLInput = True
        self.__strPluginId = "%s-%08i" % (self.getClassName(), self.getId())
        self.strPathDataInput = None
        self.strPathDataOutput = None
        self.__bUseWarningInsteadOfError = False
        self.__edConfiguration = EDConfigurationStatic()

    def preProcess(self, _edObject=None):
        Writes xml data input in the working dir (if required)
        Connects a slot for generating the executive summary after the plugin execution
        Connects a slot for checking output data to the finally process
        Initialize the base directory
        Configures the plugin
        Checks the input data
        EDAction.preProcess(self, _edObject)
        if self.__bWriteDataXMLInputOutput:
            if self.__bWriteDataXMLInput:
        if (self.__strBaseName is None):

    def tellFinished(self, _edObject=None):
        Tell EDStatus that the plugin has finished, either in success either in error 
        if self.isFailure():

    def checkDataOutput(self, _edObject=None):
        Checks if output data is available, if not issues a warning and sets an empty XSDataResult as output data
        Writes xml data output in the working dir (if required)
        EDAction.finallyProcess(self, _edObject)
        if self.__dictXSDataOutput == {}:
            strWarningMessage = "Output data for plugin %s not set, using XSDataResult as output" % self.getPluginName()
        if self.__bWriteDataXMLInputOutput:
            if self.__bWriteDataXMLOutput:

    def synchronize(self):
        This method calls EDAction.synchronize and if a time-out occurs an error message
        is added to the list of error messages.
        if self.isTimeOut():
            strErrorMessage = "Timeout when waiting for %s to terminate." % self.getClassName()

    def setConfiguration(self, _xsPluginItem):
        Receives a Plugin Configuration as XSPluginItem or python dict from the application.
        self.__edConfiguration = EDConfiguration()
        if isinstance(_xsPluginItem, dict):
            self.__edConfiguration[self.getPluginName()] = _xsPluginItem

    def getConfiguration(self):
        Gets the Plugin Configuration as an XSPluginItem
        return self.__edConfiguration.getXSConfigurationItem(self.getPluginName())
    configuration = property(getConfiguration, setConfiguration)

    def getConfig(self):
        Gets the Plugin Configuration as a dictionary
        return self.__edConfiguration.get(self.getPluginName(), {})

    def setConfig(self, _dict, _bLocal = False):
        Receives a dictionary (Plugin Configuration) from the application.
        if _bLocal:
            self.__edConfiguration = EDConfiguration()
        if _dict is not None:
            self.__edConfiguration[self.getPluginName()] = _dict
            self.__edConfiguration[self.getPluginName()] = {}
    config = property(getConfig, setConfig)

    def getStringConfigurationParameterValue(self, _strConfigurationParameterName):
        This method returns a configuration parameter value if a corresponding configuration
        parameter name can be found in the configuration file.
        If an application wide configuration file is provided via EDApplication it will
        override the product configuration file.
        The configuration parameter is then searched in the configration file in following order:
          - If a plugin configuration item exists and the configration parameter name is present it will be used.
          - Otherwise if a product-wide (e.g. "mxPluginExec") configuration value exists it will be used.         
        strParameterValue = self.__edConfiguration.getStringValue(self.getPluginName(), _strConfigurationParameterName)
        self.DEBUG("EDPlugin.getConfigurationParameterValue: %s, %s = %s" % (self.getPluginName(),
        return strParameterValue

    def getDoubleConfigurationParameterValue(self, _strConfigurationParameterName):
        fParameterValue = None
        strParameterValue = self.getStringConfigurationParameterValue(_strConfigurationParameterName)
            return float(strParameterValue)
        except TypeError:
        except ValueError:
            self.ERROR("float() argument must be a string or a number, got %s" % strParameterValue)

    def getIntegerConfigurationParameterValue(self, _strConfigurationParameterName):
        iParameterValue = None
        strParameterValue = self.getStringConfigurationParameterValue(_strConfigurationParameterName)
            return int(strParameterValue)
        except TypeError:
        except ValueError:
            self.ERROR("int() argument must be a string or a number, got %s" % strParameterValue)

    def configure(self):
        Should be overridden by the Final Plugin If needed
        This method should set its proper members attributes from a Plugin configuration Object
        self.DEBUG("EDPlugin.configure : plugin name = %s, EDNA_SITE = %s" % (self.getPluginName(), EDUtilsPath.EDNA_SITE))

        # set Timeout if different from default one
        if self.getTimeOut() == self.getDefaultTimeOut():
            # Try to get time out from plugin configuration
            iTimeOut = self.config.get(EDPlugin.CONF_TIME_OUT, None)
            if iTimeOut is not None:
                self.DEBUG("EDPlugin.configure: Setting time out to %d s from plugin configuration." % iTimeOut)
            self.DEBUG("EDPlugin.configure: timeout already set before plugin is configured.")
        # Base directory
        strBaseDirectory = self.getBaseDirectory()
        if (strBaseDirectory is None):
            # Try to get base directory from plugin configuration
            strBaseDirectory = self.config.get(EDPlugin.CONF_BASE_DIR_LABEL, None)
            if(strBaseDirectory is None):
                # Try to get working directory from environment variable
                strBaseDirectory = os.environ.get("EDNA_BASE_DIRECTORY")
                if (strBaseDirectory is None):
                    self.DEBUG("EDPlugin.configure: Using current base directory as working directory.")
                    strBaseDirectory = os.getcwd()
                    self.DEBUG("EDPlugin.configure: Setting base directory from $EDNA_WORKING_DIRECTORY.")
                if (strBaseDirectory == "."):
                    self.DEBUG("EDPlugin.configure: Using current base directory as working directory.")
                    strBaseDirectory = os.getcwd()
                    strBaseDirectory = os.path.abspath(strBaseDirectory)
                    self.DEBUG("EDPlugin.configure: Setting base directory from plugin configuration.")
            self.DEBUG("EDPlugin.configure: Base directory already set before plugin is configured.")
        # Working directory
        strWorkingDirectory = self.getWorkingDirectory()
        if (strWorkingDirectory is None):
            # Try to get working directory from plugin configuration
            strWorkingDirectory = self.config.get(EDPlugin.CONF_WORKING_DIR_LABEL, None)
            if(strWorkingDirectory is not None):
                self.DEBUG("EDPlugin.configure: Setting working directory from plugin configuration.")
                self.DEBUG("EDPlugin.configure: Setting working directory as base directory + base name.")
                strWorkingDirectory = os.path.join(self.getBaseDirectory(), self.getBaseName())
            self.DEBUG("EDPlugin.configure: Working directory already set before plugin is configured.")
        self.__bWriteDataXMLInputOutput = bool(self.config.get(self.CONF_WRITE_XML_INPUT_OUTPUT, True))
        self.__bWriteDataXMLOutput = bool(self.config.get(self.CONF_WRITE_XML_OUTPUT, True))
        self.__bWriteDataXMLInput = bool(self.config.get(self.CONF_WRITE_XML_INPUT, True))

    def execute(self, _edObject=None):
        # Configure the plugin before starting it's thread
        EDAction.execute(self, _edObject)

    def checkParameters(self):
        Should be overridden by the Final Plugin If needed
        This method should check that the data input are consistent

    def setXSDataInputClass(self, _xsDataInputClass, _strDataInputKey=None):
        This method should be called in the constructor of the derived plugins
        in order to set the XSData type of the input data, e.g. XSDataInputXXX
        strDataInputKey = _strDataInputKey
        if (strDataInputKey is None):
            strDataInputKey = self.__strDefaultInputDataKey
        if (strDataInputKey in self.__dictXSDataInputClass.keys()):
            strErrorMessage = "ERROR: " + self.getPluginName() + ".setXSDataInputClass, Data Input Class already defined for key: " + strDataInputKey
            raise RuntimeError, strErrorMessage
        self.__dictXSDataInputClass[ strDataInputKey ] = _xsDataInputClass

    def getXSDataInputClass(self, _strDataInputKey=None):
        Returns the XSData type of the input data.
        pyXSDataInputClass = None
        strDataInputKey = _strDataInputKey
        if (strDataInputKey is None):
            strDataInputKey = self.__strDefaultInputDataKey
        if (strDataInputKey in self.__dictXSDataInputClass.keys()):
            pyXSDataInputClass = self.__dictXSDataInputClass[ strDataInputKey ]
        return pyXSDataInputClass

    def setDataInput(self, _oDataInput, _strDataInputKey=None):
        Sets the plugin input data.
        _oDataInput could be either an String XML or an XSData object.

        The input data is stored in a dictionary with the key _strDataInputKey.
        If the key is not provided a default key is used.

        If not data input class is defined for the key an exception is raised.
        If the key is not the default key, the data object is added to a list which 
        might contain already stored object(s).
        If _oDataInput is None the list corresponding to a keyword is deleted.
        strDataInputKey = _strDataInputKey
        if (strDataInputKey is None):
            strDataInputKey = self.__strDefaultInputDataKey
        # Allow for None input
        if (_oDataInput is None):
            self.DEBUG("EDPlugin.setDataInput: Data input is None")
            self.__dictXSDataInput[ strDataInputKey ] = []
        elif (self.getXSDataInputClass(strDataInputKey) is None):
            strErrorMessage = "ERROR: " + self.getPluginName() + ".setDataInput, Data Input Class not defined for key: " + strDataInputKey
            raise RuntimeError, strErrorMessage
            # Check the type
            xsDataInput = None
            if isinstance(_oDataInput, (str, unicode)):
                self.DEBUG("EDPlugin.setDataInput: Input Data is string ")
                xsDataInput = self.getXSDataInputClass(strDataInputKey).parseString(_oDataInput)
            elif (isinstance(_oDataInput, self.getXSDataInputClass(strDataInputKey))):
                self.DEBUG("EDPlugin.setDataInput: Input Data is of type " + str(_oDataInput.__class__))
                xsDataInput = _oDataInput
                strErrorMessage = "ERROR: %s.setDataInput, wrong data type %r for data input key: %s, expected XML string or %r" % \
                                  (self.getPluginName(), _oDataInput.__class__, strDataInputKey, self.getXSDataInputClass(strDataInputKey))
                raise RuntimeError, strErrorMessage
            # Add the object to a list if its key is not the default key
            if (strDataInputKey != self.__strDefaultInputDataKey) :
                # Check if there's already a list stored
                if (not strDataInputKey in self.__dictXSDataInput.keys()):
                    self.__dictXSDataInput[ strDataInputKey ] = []
                self.__dictXSDataInput[ strDataInputKey ].append(xsDataInput)
                self.__dictXSDataInput[ strDataInputKey ] = xsDataInput

    def hasDataInput(self, _strDataInputKey=None):
        Returns True if the plugin has Input Data for a particular key.
        If the key is not provided a default key is used.
        strDataInputKey = _strDataInputKey
        if (strDataInputKey is None):
            strDataInputKey = self.__strDefaultInputDataKey
        if (strDataInputKey in self.__dictXSDataInput.keys()):
            return True
            return False

    def getDataInput(self, _strDataInputKey=None):
        Returns the Plugin Input Data for a particular key.
        If the key is not provided a default key is used.
        oValue = None
        strDataInputKey = _strDataInputKey
        if (strDataInputKey is None):
            strDataInputKey = self.__strDefaultInputDataKey
        if (strDataInputKey in self.__dictXSDataInput.keys()):
            oValue = self.__dictXSDataInput[ strDataInputKey ]
            strErrorMessage = self.getPluginName() + ".getDataInput, no input data defined for key: " + strDataInputKey
        return oValue

    def delDataInput(self, _strDataInputKey=None):
        Deletes the data input for a particular key.
        If the key is not provided a default key is used.
        strDataInputKey = _strDataInputKey
        if (strDataInputKey is None):
            strDataInputKey = self.__strDefaultInputDataKey
        if (strDataInputKey in self.__dictXSDataInput.keys()):
            self.__dictXSDataInput[ strDataInputKey ] = None
            strErrorMessage = self.getPluginName() + ".delDataInput, no input data defined for key: " + strDataInputKey

    # Property for dataInput
    dataInput = property(getDataInput, setDataInput, delDataInput, "Property for dataInput")

    def setDataOutput(self, _xsDataOutput, _strDataOutputKey=None):
        Sets the plugin output data for a particular key.
        If the key is not provided a default key is used.

        If the key is already defined in the dictionary, the corresponding
        data object is added to a list which contains the already stored object(s).
        strDataOutputKey = _strDataOutputKey
        if (strDataOutputKey is None):
            strDataOutputKey = self.__strDefaultOutputDataKey
        # Add the object to a list if its key not the default key 
        if (strDataOutputKey == self.__strDefaultOutputDataKey):
            self.__dictXSDataOutput[ strDataOutputKey ] = _xsDataOutput
            # Check if the _xsDataoutput object is already a list
            if (type(_xsDataOutput) == types.ListType):
                self.__dictXSDataOutput[ strDataOutputKey ] = _xsDataOutput
                # Check if the stored object contains already a list
                if (not strDataOutputKey in self.__dictXSDataOutput.keys()):
                    self.__dictXSDataOutput[ strDataOutputKey ] = []
                self.__dictXSDataOutput[ strDataOutputKey ].append(_xsDataOutput)

    def getDataOutput(self, _strDataOutputKey=None):
        Returns the Plugin Output Data
        oValue = None
        strDataOutputKey = _strDataOutputKey
        if (strDataOutputKey is None):
            strDataOutputKey = self.__strDefaultOutputDataKey
        if (strDataOutputKey in self.__dictXSDataOutput.keys()):
            oValue = self.__dictXSDataOutput[ strDataOutputKey ]
        return oValue

    def hasDataOutput(self, _strDataOutputKey=None):
        Returns True if the plugin has the specified Output Data
        strDataOutputKey = _strDataOutputKey
        if (strDataOutputKey is None):
            strDataOutputKey = self.__strDefaultOutputDataKey
        if (strDataOutputKey in self.__dictXSDataOutput.keys()):
            return True
            return False

    def delDataOutput(self, _strDataOutputKey=None):
        Deletes the data output for a particular key.
        If the key is not provided a default key is used.
        strDataOutputKey = _strDataOutputKey
        if (strDataOutputKey is None):
            strDataOutputKey = self.__strDefaultOutputDataKey
        if (strDataOutputKey in self.__dictXSDataOutput.keys()):
            self.__dictXSDataOutput[ strDataOutputKey ] = None
            strErrorMessage = self.getPluginName() + ".delDataOutput, no output data defined for key: " + _strDataOutputKey

    # Property for dataOutput
    dataOutput = property(getDataOutput, setDataOutput, delDataOutput, "Property for dataOutput")

    def exportDataOutput(self, _edPlugin=None):
        Exports the Plugin Output Data to slot

    def connectExportDataOutput(self, _oMethod):
        if (_oMethod != None):

    def generateExecutiveSummary(self, _edPlugin):
        This method, which should be implemented by sub-classes, generates an executive summary (user-related output summary).

    def addErrorMessage(self, _strErrorMessage):
        Adds an error message to the error messages list

    def getErrorMessages(self):
        Returns the error messages list
        OBS! This method is deprecated, please use getListOfErrorMessages instead.
        self.warning("Deprecation by Monday 7th June 2010 of EDPlugin, called getErrorMessages")
        from EDImportLib import EDList
        return EDList(self.__listErrorMessages)

    def getListOfErrorMessages(self):
        Returns the error messages list
        return self.__listErrorMessages

    def addWarningMessage(self, _strWarningMessage):
        Adds a warning message to the warning messages list
        self.DEBUG("EDPlugin.addWarningMessage : " + _strWarningMessage)

    def getWarningMessages(self):
        Returns the warning messages list
        OBS! This method is deprecated, please use getListOfWarningMessages instead.
        self.warning("Deprecation by Monday 7th June 2010 of EDPlugin, called getWarningMessages")
        from EDImportLib import EDList
        return EDList(self.__listWarningMessages)

    def getListOfWarningMessages(self):
        Returns the warning messages list
        return self.__listWarningMessages

    def writeDataInput(self, _edObject=None):
        Writes the input data object(s) into a working dir xml file 
        strBasename = os.path.join(self.getWorkingDirectory(), self.compactPluginName(self.getPluginName()))
        for strKey in self.__dictXSDataInput.keys():
            if (strKey == self.__strDefaultInputDataKey):                # "Old" style
                xsDataInput = self.__dictXSDataInput[ self.__strDefaultInputDataKey ]
                self.strPathDataInput = strBasename + "_dataInput.xml"
                EDUtilsFile.writeFile(self.strPathDataInput, xsDataInput.marshal())
            else:                                                       # We have a list of objects
                listXSDataInput = self.__dictXSDataInput[ strKey ]
                for iIndex, xsDataInput in enumerate(listXSDataInput):
                    strPathDataInput = "%s_%s_%d_dataInput.xml" % (strBasename, strKey, iIndex)
                    EDUtilsFile.writeFile(strPathDataInput, xsDataInput.marshal())

    def writeDataOutput(self, _edObject=None):
        Writes the output data object(s) into a working dir xml file 
        for strKey in self.__dictXSDataOutput.keys():
            if (strKey == self.__strDefaultOutputDataKey):                # "Old" style
                xsDataOutput = self.__dictXSDataOutput[ self.__strDefaultOutputDataKey ]
                if (xsDataOutput is not None):
                    self.strPathDataOutput = os.path.join(self.getWorkingDirectory(), self.compactPluginName(self.getPluginName()) + "_dataOutput.xml")
                    EDUtilsFile.writeFile(self.strPathDataOutput, xsDataOutput.marshal())
                listXSDataOutput = self.__dictXSDataOutput[ strKey ]
                for iIndex, xsDataOutput in enumerate(listXSDataOutput):
                    if (xsDataOutput is not None):
                        strPathDataOutput = os.path.join(self.getWorkingDirectory(), self.compactPluginName(self.getPluginName()) + "_" + strKey + "_%d_dataOutput.xml" % iIndex)
                        EDUtilsFile.writeFile(strPathDataOutput, xsDataOutput.marshal())

    def getBaseName(self):
        Returns the plugin base name
        if (self.__strBaseName is None):
            self.__strBaseName = self.createBaseName()
        return self.__strBaseName

    def setBaseName(self, _strBaseName):
        Sets the plugin base name
        self.__strBaseName = self.compactPluginName(_strBaseName)
        # Create the directory baseDirectory/baseName which will be used as working directory
        strWorkingDirPath = os.path.join(self.getBaseDirectory(), self.__strBaseName)
        if not os.path.isdir(strWorkingDirPath):

    def createBaseName(self):
        Generates the plugin base name: (<prefix>-<object ID>)
        # First try to use global instance ID from EDObject
        strBaseName = "%s-%08d" % (self.compactPluginName(self.getPluginName()), self.getId())
        strBaseDir = os.path.join(self.getBaseDirectory(), strBaseName)
        # Try to create the directory...
        except BaseException, strErrorDetail:
            self.error("EDPlugin.createBaseName: Could not create base directory %s because of %s" % (strBaseDir, strErrorDetail))
            self.warning("EDPlugin.createBaseName: Trying to create alternative base directory...")
            strTempDir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=strBaseName, dir=self.getBaseDirectory())
            os.chmod(strTempDir, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IXOTH)
            strBaseName = os.path.split(strTempDir)[1]
            strBaseDir = os.path.join(self.getBaseDirectory(), strBaseName)
            self.warning("EDPlugin.createBaseName: Alternative base directory created: %s" % strBaseDir)
        self.DEBUG("EDPlugin.createBaseName : Directory created = " + strBaseDir)
        return strBaseName