Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
    vehicle = vehicle_setup()
    configs = configs_setup(vehicle)

    # --- Takeoff Configuration ---
    configuration = configs.takeoff
    configuration.wings['main_wing'].flaps_angle = 20. * Units.deg
    configuration.wings['main_wing'].slats_angle = 25. * Units.deg
    configuration.V2_VS_ratio = 1.21
    analyses = SUAVE.Analyses.Analysis.Container()
    analyses = base_analysis(configuration)
    analyses.aerodynamics.settings.maximum_lift_coefficient_factor = 0.90

    # --- Airport definition ---
    airport = SUAVE.Attributes.Airports.Airport()
    airport.tag = 'airport'
    airport.altitude = 0.0 * Units.ft
    airport.delta_isa = 0.0
    airport.atmosphere = SUAVE.Analyses.Atmospheric.US_Standard_1976()

    # Set Tofl
    target_tofl = 1487.92650289

    # Compute take off weight given tofl
    max_tow = find_take_off_weight_given_tofl(configuration, analyses, airport,

    truth_max_tow = 46656.50026628
    max_tow_error = np.max(np.abs(max_tow[0] - truth_max_tow))
    print('Range Error = %.4e' % max_tow_error)
    assert (max_tow_error < 1e-6)

Exemplo n.º 2
def main():

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Main
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    # --- Vehicle definition ---
    vehicle = vehicle_setup()
    # --- Landing Configuration ---
    landing_config = configs.landing
    landing_config.wings['main_wing'].flaps.angle =  30. * Units.deg
    landing_config.wings['main_wing'].slats.angle = 25. * Units.deg
    landing_config.wings['main_wing'].high_lift  = True
    # Vref_V2_ratio may be informed by user. If not, use default value (1.23)
    landing_config.Vref_VS_ratio = 1.23
    # CLmax for a given configuration may be informed by user
    # landing_config.maximum_lift_coefficient = 2.XX
    # Used defined ajust factor for maximum lift coefficient
    landing_config.max_lift_coefficient_factor = 0.90

    # --- Airport definition ---
    airport = SUAVE.Attributes.Airports.Airport()
    airport.tag = 'airport'
    airport.altitude   =  0.0  * Units.ft
    airport.delta_isa  =  0.0
    airport.atmosphere =  SUAVE.Analyses.Atmospheric.US_Standard_1976()

    # =====================================
    # Landing field length evaluation
    # =====================================
    w_vec = np.linspace(20000.,44000.,10)
    landing_field_length = np.zeros_like(w_vec)
    for id_w,weight in enumerate(w_vec):
        landing_config.mass_properties.landing = weight
        landing_field_length[id_w] = estimate_landing_field_length(landing_config,landing_config,airport)

    truth_LFL = np.array( [  723.67022689 ,  786.82625714 ,  849.98228739  , 913.13831764  , 976.29434789 , 1039.45037815 , 1102.6064084 ,  1165.76243865 , 1228.9184689 ,  1292.07449915])
    LFL_error = np.max(np.abs(landing_field_length-truth_LFL))
    print('Maximum Landing Field Length Error= %.4e' % LFL_error)
    title = "LFL vs W"
    plt.plot(w_vec,landing_field_length, 'k-', label = 'Landing Field Length')

    plt.title(title); plt.grid(True)

    plt.figure(1); plt.plot(w_vec,truth_LFL, label = 'Landing Field Length (true)')
    legend = plt.legend(loc='lower right', shadow = 'true')
    plt.xlabel('Weight (kg)')
    plt.ylabel('Landing Field Length (m)')
    #assert( LFL_error   < 1e-5 )

Exemplo n.º 3
def main():

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Main
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    # --- Vehicle definition ---
    vehicle = vehicle_setup()
    # --- Landing Configuration ---
    landing_config = configs.landing
    landing_config.wings['main_wing'].flaps.angle =  30. * Units.deg
    landing_config.wings['main_wing'].slats.angle = 25. * Units.deg
    landing_config.wings['main_wing'].high_lift  = True
    # Vref_V2_ratio may be informed by user. If not, use default value (1.23)
    landing_config.Vref_VS_ratio = 1.23
    # CLmax for a given configuration may be informed by user
    # landing_config.maximum_lift_coefficient = 2.XX
    # Used defined ajust factor for maximum lift coefficient
    landing_config.max_lift_coefficient_factor = 0.90

    # --- Airport definition ---
    airport = SUAVE.Attributes.Airports.Airport()
    airport.tag = 'airport'
    airport.altitude   =  0.0  * Units.ft
    airport.delta_isa  =  0.0
    airport.atmosphere =  SUAVE.Analyses.Atmospheric.US_Standard_1976()

    # =====================================
    # Landing field length evaluation
    # =====================================
    w_vec = np.linspace(20000.,44000.,10)
    landing_field_length = np.zeros_like(w_vec)
    for id_w,weight in enumerate(w_vec):
        landing_config.mass_properties.landing = weight
        landing_field_length[id_w] = estimate_landing_field_length(landing_config,landing_config,airport)

    truth_LFL = np.array( [  723.67022689 ,  786.82625714 ,  849.98228739  , 913.13831764  , 976.29434789 , 1039.45037815 , 1102.6064084 ,  1165.76243865 , 1228.9184689 ,  1292.07449915])
    LFL_error = np.max(np.abs(landing_field_length-truth_LFL))
    print 'Maximum Landing Field Length Error= %.4e' % LFL_error
    title = "LFL vs W"
    plt.figure(1); plt.hold
    plt.plot(w_vec,landing_field_length, 'k-', label = 'Landing Field Length')

    plt.title(title); plt.grid(True)

    plt.figure(1); plt.plot(w_vec,truth_LFL, label = 'Landing Field Length (true)')
    legend = plt.legend(loc='lower right', shadow = 'true')
    plt.xlabel('Weight (kg)')
    plt.ylabel('Landing Field Length (m)')
    #assert( LFL_error   < 1e-5 )

def full_setup():

    # vehicle data
    vehicle  = vehicle_setup()
    configs  = configs_setup(vehicle)

    # vehicle analyses
    configs_analyses = analyses_setup(configs)

    # mission analyses
    mission  = mission_setup(configs_analyses)

    analyses = SUAVE.Analyses.Analysis.Container()
    analyses.configs  = configs_analyses
    analyses.missions = mission

    return configs, analyses
Exemplo n.º 5
def full_setup():

    # vehicle data
    vehicle  = vehicle_setup()
    configs  = configs_setup(vehicle)

    # vehicle analyses
    configs_analyses = analyses_setup(configs)

    # mission analyses
    mission  = mission_setup(configs_analyses)

    analyses = SUAVE.Analyses.Analysis.Container()
    analyses.configs  = configs_analyses
    analyses.missions = mission

    return configs, analyses
Exemplo n.º 6
def setup():

    nexus = Nexus()
    problem = Data()
    nexus.optimization_problem = problem

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Inputs
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------

    #   [ tag                            , initial, (lb,ub)             , scaling , units ]
    problem.inputs = np.array([
        [ 'wing_area'                    ,  95    , (   90. ,   130.   ) ,   100. , Units.meter**2],
        [ 'cruise_altitude'              ,  11    , (   9   ,    14.   ) ,   10.  , Units.km],
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Objective
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------

    # throw an error if the user isn't specific about wildcards
    # [ tag, scaling, units ]
    problem.objective = np.array([
        [ 'fuel_burn', 10000, Units.kg ]
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Constraints
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # [ tag, sense, edge, scaling, units ]
    problem.constraints = np.array([
        [ 'design_range_fuel_margin' , '>', 0., 1E-1, Units.less], #fuel margin defined here as fuel 
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Aliases
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # [ 'alias' , ['data.path1.name','data.path2.name'] ]

    problem.aliases = [
        [ 'wing_area'                        ,   ['vehicle_configurations.*.wings.main_wing.areas.reference',
                                                  'vehicle_configurations.*.reference_area'                    ]],
        [ 'cruise_altitude'                  , 'missions.base.segments.climb_5.altitude_end'                    ],
        [ 'fuel_burn'                        ,    'summary.base_mission_fuelburn'                               ],
        [ 'design_range_fuel_margin'         ,    'summary.max_zero_fuel_margin'                                ],
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Vehicles
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    vehicle = vehicle_setup()
    nexus.vehicle_configurations = configs_setup(vehicle)
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Analyses
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    nexus.analyses = Analyses2.setup(nexus.vehicle_configurations)
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Missions
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    nexus.missions = Missions2.setup(nexus.analyses)
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Procedure
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------    
    nexus.procedure = Procedure2.setup()
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Summary
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------    
    nexus.summary = Data()    
    return nexus
def main():

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Main
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    # --- Vehicle definition ---
    vehicle = vehicle_setup()
    configs = configs_setup(vehicle)
    # --- Landing Configuration ---
    landing_config = configs.landing
        'main_wing'].control_surfaces.flap.deflection = 30. * Units.deg
        'main_wing'].control_surfaces.slat.deflection = 25. * Units.deg
    landing_config.wings['main_wing'].high_lift = True
    # Vref_V2_ratio may be informed by user. If not, use default value (1.23)
    landing_config.Vref_VS_ratio = 1.23

    # CLmax for a given configuration may be informed by user
    # Used defined ajust factor for maximum lift coefficient
    analyses = base_analysis(vehicle)
    analyses.aerodynamics.settings.maximum_lift_coefficient_factor = 0.90

    # --- Airport definition ---
    airport = SUAVE.Attributes.Airports.Airport()
    airport.tag = 'airport'
    airport.altitude = 0.0 * Units.ft
    airport.delta_isa = 0.0
    airport.atmosphere = SUAVE.Analyses.Atmospheric.US_Standard_1976()

    # =====================================
    # Landing field length evaluation
    # =====================================
    w_vec = np.linspace(20000., 44000., 10)
    landing_field_length = np.zeros_like(w_vec)
    for id_w, weight in enumerate(w_vec):
        landing_config.mass_properties.landing = weight
        landing_field_length[id_w] = estimate_landing_field_length(
            landing_config, analyses, airport)

    truth_LFL = np.array([
        736.09211533, 800.90439737, 865.71667941, 930.52896146, 995.3412435,
        1060.15352554, 1124.96580759, 1189.77808963, 1254.59037167,
    LFL_error = np.max(np.abs(landing_field_length - truth_LFL))
    assert (LFL_error < 1e-6)

    print('Maximum Landing Field Length Error= %.4e' % LFL_error)

    title = "LFL vs W"
    plt.plot(w_vec, landing_field_length, 'k-', label='Landing Field Length')


    plt.plot(w_vec, truth_LFL, label='Landing Field Length (true)')
    legend = plt.legend(loc='lower right', shadow='true')
    plt.xlabel('Weight (kg)')
    plt.ylabel('Landing Field Length (m)')

    #assert( LFL_error   < 1e-5 )

Exemplo n.º 8
def main():

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Main
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    vehicle = vehicle_setup()
    configs = configs_setup(vehicle)
    # --- Takeoff Configuration ---
    configuration = configs.takeoff
    configuration.wings['main_wing'].flaps_angle = 20. * Units.deg
    configuration.wings['main_wing'].slats_angle = 25. * Units.deg
    # V2_V2_ratio may be informed by user. If not, use default value (1.2)
    configuration.V2_VS_ratio = 1.21
    analyses = SUAVE.Analyses.Analysis.Container()
    analyses = base_analysis(vehicle)
    analyses.aerodynamics.settings.maximum_lift_coefficient_factor = 0.90

    # CLmax for a given configuration may be informed by user
    # configuration.maximum_lift_coefficient = 2.XX

    # --- Airport definition ---
    airport = SUAVE.Attributes.Airports.Airport()
    airport.tag = 'airport'
    airport.altitude = 0.0 * Units.ft
    airport.delta_isa = 0.0
    airport.atmosphere = SUAVE.Analyses.Atmospheric.US_Standard_1976()

    w_vec = np.linspace(40000., 52000., 10)
    engines = (2, 3, 4)
    takeoff_field_length = np.zeros((len(w_vec), len(engines)))
    second_seg_clb_grad = np.zeros((len(w_vec), len(engines)))

    compute_clb_grad = 1  # flag for Second segment climb estimation

    for id_eng, engine_number in enumerate(engines):

        configuration.propulsors.turbofan.number_of_engines = engine_number

        for id_w, weight in enumerate(w_vec):
            configuration.mass_properties.takeoff = weight
            takeoff_field_length[id_w,id_eng],second_seg_clb_grad[id_w,id_eng] = \

    truth_TOFL = np.array([[1132.02796293, 735.9383927, 532.69742204],
                           [1197.35974193, 774.67804758, 560.33363101],
                           [1265.59738094, 814.98266121, 589.04125774],
                           [1336.81070755, 856.87662796, 618.83286389],
                           [1411.07189875, 900.38501278, 649.7212839],
                           [1488.45551849, 945.53356385, 681.71963124],
                           [1569.03855498, 992.34872487, 714.84130444],
                           [1652.90045778, 1040.85764732, 749.09999299],
                           [1740.12317463, 1091.08820251, 784.50968324],
                           [1830.79118831, 1143.06899356, 821.08466403]])

    print(' takeoff_field_length = ', takeoff_field_length)
    print(' second_seg_clb_grad  = ', second_seg_clb_grad)

    truth_clb_grad = np.array([[0.06842616, 0.24573587, 0.42304558],
                               [0.0624858, 0.23365346, 0.40482112],
                               [0.05691173, 0.22233091, 0.38775008],
                               [0.05167129, 0.21169929, 0.3717273],
                               [0.04673554, 0.20169777, 0.35666],
                               [0.04207879, 0.19227239, 0.34246598],
                               [0.03767816, 0.18337517, 0.32907217],
                               [0.03351319, 0.17496329, 0.31641339],
                               [0.02956553, 0.16699843, 0.30443134],
                               [0.02581868, 0.15944617, 0.29307367]])

    TOFL_error = np.max(np.abs(truth_TOFL - takeoff_field_length) / truth_TOFL)
    GRAD_error = np.max(
        np.abs(truth_clb_grad - second_seg_clb_grad) / truth_clb_grad)

    print('Maximum Take OFF Field Length Error= %.4e' % TOFL_error)
    print('Second Segment Climb Gradient Error= %.4e' % GRAD_error)

    import pylab as plt
    title = "TOFL vs W"
    plt.plot(w_vec, takeoff_field_length[:, 0], 'k-', label='2 Engines')
    plt.plot(w_vec, takeoff_field_length[:, 1], 'r-', label='3 Engines')
    plt.plot(w_vec, takeoff_field_length[:, 2], 'b-', label='4 Engines')

    plt.plot(w_vec, truth_TOFL[:, 0], 'k--o', label='2 Engines [truth]')
    plt.plot(w_vec, truth_TOFL[:, 1], 'r--o', label='3 Engines [truth]')
    plt.plot(w_vec, truth_TOFL[:, 2], 'b--o', label='4 Engines [truth]')
    legend = plt.legend(loc='lower right', shadow='true')
    plt.xlabel('Weight (kg)')
    plt.ylabel('Takeoff field length (m)')

    title = "2nd Segment Climb Gradient vs W"
    plt.plot(w_vec, second_seg_clb_grad[:, 0], 'k-', label='2 Engines')
    plt.plot(w_vec, second_seg_clb_grad[:, 1], 'r-', label='3 Engines')
    plt.plot(w_vec, second_seg_clb_grad[:, 2], 'b-', label='4 Engines')

    plt.plot(w_vec, truth_clb_grad[:, 0], 'k--o', label='2 Engines [truth]')
    plt.plot(w_vec, truth_clb_grad[:, 1], 'r--o', label='3 Engines [truth]')
    plt.plot(w_vec, truth_clb_grad[:, 2], 'b--o', label='4 Engines [truth]')
    legend = plt.legend(loc='lower right', shadow='true')
    plt.xlabel('Weight (kg)')
    plt.ylabel('Second Segment Climb Gradient (%)')

    assert (TOFL_error < 1e-6)
    assert (GRAD_error < 1e-6)

Exemplo n.º 9
def main():

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Main
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    vehicle = vehicle_setup()
    configs = configs_setup(vehicle)
    # --- Takeoff Configuration ---
    configuration = configs.takeoff
    configuration.wings['main_wing'].flaps_angle = 20. * Units.deg
    configuration.wings['main_wing'].slats_angle = 25. * Units.deg
    # V2_V2_ratio may be informed by user. If not, use default value (1.2)
    configuration.V2_VS_ratio = 1.21
    configuration.max_lift_coefficient_factor = 0.90
    analyses = SUAVE.Analyses.Analysis.Container()
    analyses.base = base_analysis(vehicle)

    # CLmax for a given configuration may be informed by user
    # configuration.maximum_lift_coefficient = 2.XX

    # --- Airport definition ---
    airport = SUAVE.Attributes.Airports.Airport()
    airport.tag = 'airport'
    airport.altitude = 0.0 * Units.ft
    airport.delta_isa = 0.0
    airport.atmosphere = SUAVE.Analyses.Atmospheric.US_Standard_1976()

    w_vec = np.linspace(40000., 52000., 10)
    engines = (2, 3, 4)
    takeoff_field_length = np.zeros((len(w_vec), len(engines)))
    second_seg_clb_grad = np.zeros((len(w_vec), len(engines)))

    compute_clb_grad = 1  # flag for Second segment climb estimation

    for id_eng, engine_number in enumerate(engines):

        configuration.propulsors.turbofan.number_of_engines = engine_number

        for id_w, weight in enumerate(w_vec):
            configuration.mass_properties.takeoff = weight
            takeoff_field_length[id_w,id_eng],second_seg_clb_grad[id_w,id_eng] = \

    truth_TOFL = np.array([[1188.96105839, 769.70626688, 556.7892293],
                           [1258.89622705, 811.03166826, 586.22911148],
                           [1331.98245573, 854.04157057, 616.81833361],
                           [1408.2986729, 898.76345152, 648.5709987],
                           [1487.92650289, 945.22556064, 681.5015251],
                           [1570.95030987, 993.45693386, 715.62465361],
                           [1657.45724176, 1043.48740797, 750.95545452],
                           [1747.53727375, 1095.34763481, 787.50933445],
                           [1841.28325183, 1149.06909545, 825.30204308],
                           [1938.7909361, 1204.68411412, 864.34967986]])

    print(' takeoff_field_length = ', takeoff_field_length)
    print(' second_seg_clb_grad  = ', second_seg_clb_grad)

    truth_clb_grad = np.array([[0.0802881, 0.25686068, 0.43343326],
                               [0.07416381, 0.2446121, 0.41506038],
                               [0.0684322, 0.23314888, 0.39786556],
                               [0.06305712, 0.22239872, 0.38174032],
                               [0.05800668, 0.21229785, 0.36658901],
                               [0.0532527, 0.20278987, 0.35232705],
                               [0.04877011, 0.19382471, 0.3388793],
                               [0.04453662, 0.18535773, 0.32617884],
                               [0.04053228, 0.17734905, 0.31416581],
                               [0.03673921, 0.16976291, 0.3027866]])

    TOFL_error = np.max(np.abs(truth_TOFL - takeoff_field_length) / truth_TOFL)
    GRAD_error = np.max(
        np.abs(truth_clb_grad - second_seg_clb_grad) / truth_clb_grad)

    print('Maximum Take OFF Field Length Error= %.4e' % TOFL_error)
    print('Second Segment Climb Gradient Error= %.4e' % GRAD_error)

    import pylab as plt
    title = "TOFL vs W"
    plt.plot(w_vec, takeoff_field_length[:, 0], 'k-', label='2 Engines')
    plt.plot(w_vec, takeoff_field_length[:, 1], 'r-', label='3 Engines')
    plt.plot(w_vec, takeoff_field_length[:, 2], 'b-', label='4 Engines')

    plt.plot(w_vec, truth_TOFL[:, 0], 'k--o', label='2 Engines [truth]')
    plt.plot(w_vec, truth_TOFL[:, 1], 'r--o', label='3 Engines [truth]')
    plt.plot(w_vec, truth_TOFL[:, 2], 'b--o', label='4 Engines [truth]')
    legend = plt.legend(loc='lower right', shadow='true')
    plt.xlabel('Weight (kg)')
    plt.ylabel('Takeoff field length (m)')

    title = "2nd Segment Climb Gradient vs W"
    plt.plot(w_vec, second_seg_clb_grad[:, 0], 'k-', label='2 Engines')
    plt.plot(w_vec, second_seg_clb_grad[:, 1], 'r-', label='3 Engines')
    plt.plot(w_vec, second_seg_clb_grad[:, 2], 'b-', label='4 Engines')

    plt.plot(w_vec, truth_clb_grad[:, 0], 'k--o', label='2 Engines [truth]')
    plt.plot(w_vec, truth_clb_grad[:, 1], 'r--o', label='3 Engines [truth]')
    plt.plot(w_vec, truth_clb_grad[:, 2], 'b--o', label='4 Engines [truth]')
    legend = plt.legend(loc='lower right', shadow='true')
    plt.xlabel('Weight (kg)')
    plt.ylabel('Second Segment Climb Gradient (%)')

    assert (TOFL_error < 1e-6)
    assert (GRAD_error < 1e-6)

Exemplo n.º 10
def main():

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Main
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------    
    vehicle = vehicle_setup()
    # --- Takeoff Configuration ---
    configuration = configs.takeoff
    configuration.wings['main_wing'].flaps_angle =  20. * Units.deg
    configuration.wings['main_wing'].slats_angle  = 25. * Units.deg
    # V2_V2_ratio may be informed by user. If not, use default value (1.2)
    configuration.V2_VS_ratio = 1.21
    configuration.max_lift_coefficient_factor = 0.90
    analyses = SUAVE.Analyses.Analysis.Container()
    analyses.base = base_analysis(vehicle)

    # CLmax for a given configuration may be informed by user
    # configuration.maximum_lift_coefficient = 2.XX

    # --- Airport definition ---
    airport = SUAVE.Attributes.Airports.Airport()
    airport.tag = 'airport'
    airport.altitude   =  0.0  * Units.ft
    airport.delta_isa  =  0.0
    airport.atmosphere =  SUAVE.Analyses.Atmospheric.US_Standard_1976()
    w_vec = np.linspace(40000.,52000.,10)
    engines = (2,3,4)
    takeoff_field_length = np.zeros((len(w_vec),len(engines)))
    second_seg_clb_grad  = np.zeros((len(w_vec),len(engines)))
    compute_clb_grad = 1 # flag for Second segment climb estimation
    for id_eng,engine_number in enumerate(engines):
        configuration.propulsors.turbofan.number_of_engines = engine_number
        for id_w,weight in enumerate(w_vec):
            configuration.mass_properties.takeoff = weight
            takeoff_field_length[id_w,id_eng],second_seg_clb_grad[id_w,id_eng] = \
    truth_TOFL = np.array([[ 1118.63611639,   727.97884809,   527.01392339],
                           [ 1182.89024405,   766.11098981,   554.22570668],
                           [ 1249.99344765,   805.78023921,   582.49069546],
                           [ 1320.01349207,   847.01029051,   611.82110075],
                           [ 1393.02041385,   889.82548587,   642.22939685],
                           [ 1469.08655728,   934.2508275 ,   673.72832735],
                           [ 1548.28661027,   980.31198958,   706.33091096],
                           [ 1630.69763999,  1028.03532998,   740.05044723],
                           [ 1716.39912829,  1077.44790196,   774.9005222 ],
                           [ 1805.47300708,  1128.57746562,   810.89501387]])                          
    print ' takeoff_field_length=',  takeoff_field_length
    print ' second_seg_clb_grad = ', second_seg_clb_grad                      
    truth_clb_grad =  np.array([[ 0.07389745,  0.25138656,  0.42887567],
                                [ 0.06775111,  0.23909388,  0.41043665],
                                [ 0.06199853,  0.22758873,  0.39317893],
                                [ 0.05660348,  0.21679862,  0.37699377],
                                [ 0.051534  ,  0.20665966,  0.36178532],
                                [ 0.04676181,  0.19711529,  0.34746877],
                                [ 0.04226183,  0.18811533,  0.33396883],
                                [ 0.03801168,  0.17961503,  0.32121838],
                                [ 0.03399137,  0.17157441,  0.30915745],
                                [ 0.03018298,  0.16395762,  0.29773227]])

    TOFL_error = np.max(np.abs(truth_TOFL-takeoff_field_length)/truth_TOFL)                           
    GRAD_error = np.max(np.abs(truth_clb_grad-second_seg_clb_grad)/truth_clb_grad)
    print 'Maximum Take OFF Field Length Error= %.4e' % TOFL_error
    print 'Second Segment Climb Gradient Error= %.4e' % GRAD_error    
    import pylab as plt
    title = "TOFL vs W"
    plt.figure(1); plt.hold
    plt.plot(w_vec,takeoff_field_length[:,0], 'k-', label = '2 Engines')
    plt.plot(w_vec,takeoff_field_length[:,1], 'r-', label = '3 Engines')
    plt.plot(w_vec,takeoff_field_length[:,2], 'b-', label = '4 Engines')

    plt.title(title); plt.grid(True)
    plt.plot(w_vec,truth_TOFL[:,0], 'k--o', label = '2 Engines [truth]')
    plt.plot(w_vec,truth_TOFL[:,1], 'r--o', label = '3 Engines [truth]')
    plt.plot(w_vec,truth_TOFL[:,2], 'b--o', label = '4 Engines [truth]')
    legend = plt.legend(loc='lower right', shadow = 'true')
    plt.xlabel('Weight (kg)')
    plt.ylabel('Takeoff field length (m)')    
    title = "2nd Segment Climb Gradient vs W"
    plt.figure(2); plt.hold
    plt.plot(w_vec,second_seg_clb_grad[:,0], 'k-', label = '2 Engines')
    plt.plot(w_vec,second_seg_clb_grad[:,1], 'r-', label = '3 Engines')
    plt.plot(w_vec,second_seg_clb_grad[:,2], 'b-', label = '4 Engines')

    plt.title(title); plt.grid(True)
    plt.plot(w_vec,truth_clb_grad[:,0], 'k--o', label = '2 Engines [truth]')
    plt.plot(w_vec,truth_clb_grad[:,1], 'r--o', label = '3 Engines [truth]')
    plt.plot(w_vec,truth_clb_grad[:,2], 'b--o', label = '4 Engines [truth]')
    legend = plt.legend(loc='lower right', shadow = 'true')
    plt.xlabel('Weight (kg)')
    plt.ylabel('Second Segment Climb Gradient (%)')    
    assert( TOFL_error   < 1e-6 )
    assert( GRAD_error   < 1e-6 )

Exemplo n.º 11
def main():

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Main
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    vehicle = vehicle_setup()
    configs = configs_setup(vehicle)
    # --- Takeoff Configuration ---
    configuration = configs.takeoff
    configuration.wings['main_wing'].flaps_angle = 20. * Units.deg
    configuration.wings['main_wing'].slats_angle = 25. * Units.deg
    # V2_V2_ratio may be informed by user. If not, use default value (1.2)
    configuration.V2_VS_ratio = 1.21
    analyses = SUAVE.Analyses.Analysis.Container()
    analyses = base_analysis(vehicle)
    analyses.aerodynamics.settings.maximum_lift_coefficient_factor = 0.90

    # CLmax for a given configuration may be informed by user
    # configuration.maximum_lift_coefficient = 2.XX

    # --- Airport definition ---
    airport = SUAVE.Attributes.Airports.Airport()
    airport.tag = 'airport'
    airport.altitude = 0.0 * Units.ft
    airport.delta_isa = 0.0
    airport.atmosphere = SUAVE.Analyses.Atmospheric.US_Standard_1976()

    w_vec = np.linspace(40000., 52000., 10)
    engines = (2, 3, 4)
    takeoff_field_length = np.zeros((len(w_vec), len(engines)))
    second_seg_clb_grad = np.zeros((len(w_vec), len(engines)))

    compute_clb_grad = 1  # flag for Second segment climb estimation

    for id_eng, engine_number in enumerate(engines):

        configuration.propulsors.turbofan.number_of_engines = engine_number

        for id_w, weight in enumerate(w_vec):
            configuration.mass_properties.takeoff = weight
            takeoff_field_length[id_w,id_eng],second_seg_clb_grad[id_w,id_eng] = \

    truth_TOFL = np.array([[1173.30474724, 760.43161763, 550.17542593],
                           [1241.97048851, 801.0454711, 579.11942109],
                           [1313.71925195, 843.31076941, 609.19124856],
                           [1388.62740991, 887.25412516, 640.40457932],
                           [1466.77393275, 932.90289417, 672.77338767],
                           [1548.24043104, 980.28518949, 706.31195806],
                           [1633.11119749, 1029.42989526, 741.03489188],
                           [1721.47324876, 1080.36668034, 776.95711399],
                           [1813.41636696, 1133.12601188, 814.09387926],
                           [1909.0331412, 1187.7391687, 852.46077892]])

    print(' takeoff_field_length = ', takeoff_field_length)
    print(' second_seg_clb_grad  = ', second_seg_clb_grad)

    truth_clb_grad = np.array([[0.07244437, 0.24921567, 0.42598697],
                               [0.06651232, 0.23715452, 0.40779672],
                               [0.06094702, 0.22585304, 0.39075907],
                               [0.05571568, 0.21524227, 0.37476886],
                               [0.0507893, 0.20526131, 0.35973331],
                               [0.04614213, 0.19585619, 0.34557024],
                               [0.04175123, 0.18697891, 0.33220659],
                               [0.03759607, 0.17858664, 0.3195772],
                               [0.03365829, 0.17064104, 0.30762378],
                               [0.02992135, 0.16310768, 0.29629402]])

    TOFL_error = np.max(np.abs(truth_TOFL - takeoff_field_length) / truth_TOFL)
    GRAD_error = np.max(
        np.abs(truth_clb_grad - second_seg_clb_grad) / truth_clb_grad)

    print('Maximum Take OFF Field Length Error= %.4e' % TOFL_error)
    print('Second Segment Climb Gradient Error= %.4e' % GRAD_error)

    import pylab as plt
    title = "TOFL vs W"
    plt.plot(w_vec, takeoff_field_length[:, 0], 'k-', label='2 Engines')
    plt.plot(w_vec, takeoff_field_length[:, 1], 'r-', label='3 Engines')
    plt.plot(w_vec, takeoff_field_length[:, 2], 'b-', label='4 Engines')

    plt.plot(w_vec, truth_TOFL[:, 0], 'k--o', label='2 Engines [truth]')
    plt.plot(w_vec, truth_TOFL[:, 1], 'r--o', label='3 Engines [truth]')
    plt.plot(w_vec, truth_TOFL[:, 2], 'b--o', label='4 Engines [truth]')
    legend = plt.legend(loc='lower right', shadow='true')
    plt.xlabel('Weight (kg)')
    plt.ylabel('Takeoff field length (m)')

    title = "2nd Segment Climb Gradient vs W"
    plt.plot(w_vec, second_seg_clb_grad[:, 0], 'k-', label='2 Engines')
    plt.plot(w_vec, second_seg_clb_grad[:, 1], 'r-', label='3 Engines')
    plt.plot(w_vec, second_seg_clb_grad[:, 2], 'b-', label='4 Engines')

    plt.plot(w_vec, truth_clb_grad[:, 0], 'k--o', label='2 Engines [truth]')
    plt.plot(w_vec, truth_clb_grad[:, 1], 'r--o', label='3 Engines [truth]')
    plt.plot(w_vec, truth_clb_grad[:, 2], 'b--o', label='4 Engines [truth]')
    legend = plt.legend(loc='lower right', shadow='true')
    plt.xlabel('Weight (kg)')
    plt.ylabel('Second Segment Climb Gradient (%)')

    assert (TOFL_error < 1e-6)
    assert (GRAD_error < 1e-6)

Exemplo n.º 12
def main():

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Main
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    vehicle = vehicle_setup()
    configs = configs_setup(vehicle)
    # --- Takeoff Configuration ---
    configuration = configs.takeoff
    configuration.wings['main_wing'].flaps_angle = 20. * Units.deg
    configuration.wings['main_wing'].slats_angle = 25. * Units.deg
    # V2_V2_ratio may be informed by user. If not, use default value (1.2)
    configuration.V2_VS_ratio = 1.21
    configuration.max_lift_coefficient_factor = 0.90
    analyses = SUAVE.Analyses.Analysis.Container()
    analyses.base = base_analysis(vehicle)

    # CLmax for a given configuration may be informed by user
    # configuration.maximum_lift_coefficient = 2.XX

    # --- Airport definition ---
    airport = SUAVE.Attributes.Airports.Airport()
    airport.tag = 'airport'
    airport.altitude = 0.0 * Units.ft
    airport.delta_isa = 0.0
    airport.atmosphere = SUAVE.Analyses.Atmospheric.US_Standard_1976()

    w_vec = np.linspace(40000., 52000., 10)
    engines = (2, 3, 4)
    takeoff_field_length = np.zeros((len(w_vec), len(engines)))
    second_seg_clb_grad = np.zeros((len(w_vec), len(engines)))

    compute_clb_grad = 1  # flag for Second segment climb estimation

    for id_eng, engine_number in enumerate(engines):

        configuration.propulsors.turbofan.number_of_engines = engine_number

        for id_w, weight in enumerate(w_vec):
            configuration.mass_properties.takeoff = weight
            takeoff_field_length[id_w,id_eng],second_seg_clb_grad[id_w,id_eng] = \

    truth_TOFL = np.array([[1116.10635509, 726.47454766, 525.93957657],
                           [1180.15587618, 764.49121395, 553.07064632],
                           [1247.04359555, 804.03963238, 581.25141247],
                           [1316.83687778, 845.14335923, 610.49401596],
                           [1389.60534387, 887.82659431, 640.81085913],
                           [1465.42090714, 932.1141929, 672.21461168],
                           [1544.3578087, 978.0316776, 704.71821645],
                           [1626.49265282, 1025.60525002, 738.33489512],
                           [1711.90444209, 1074.86180226, 773.07815381],
                           [1800.67461244, 1125.82892836, 808.96178847]])

    print ' takeoff_field_length=', takeoff_field_length
    print ' second_seg_clb_grad = ', second_seg_clb_grad

    truth_clb_grad = np.array([[0.07441427, 0.25242021, 0.43042615],
                               [0.06825112, 0.24009391, 0.4119367],
                               [0.0624828, 0.22855727, 0.39463173],
                               [0.05707296, 0.21773759, 0.37840221],
                               [0.05198957, 0.20757081, 0.36315205],
                               [0.04720429, 0.19800024, 0.34879619],
                               [0.04269194, 0.18897554, 0.33525915],
                               [0.0384301, 0.18045186, 0.32247363],
                               [0.03439872, 0.1723891, 0.31037949],
                               [0.03057983, 0.16475133, 0.29892282]])

    TOFL_error = np.max(np.abs(truth_TOFL - takeoff_field_length))
    GRAD_error = np.max(np.abs(truth_clb_grad - second_seg_clb_grad))

    print 'Maximum Take OFF Field Length Error= %.4e' % TOFL_error
    print 'Second Segment Climb Gradient Error= %.4e' % GRAD_error

    import pylab as plt
    title = "TOFL vs W"
    plt.plot(w_vec, takeoff_field_length[:, 0], 'k-', label='2 Engines')
    plt.plot(w_vec, takeoff_field_length[:, 1], 'r-', label='3 Engines')
    plt.plot(w_vec, takeoff_field_length[:, 2], 'b-', label='4 Engines')

    plt.plot(w_vec, truth_TOFL[:, 0], 'k--o', label='2 Engines [truth]')
    plt.plot(w_vec, truth_TOFL[:, 1], 'r--o', label='3 Engines [truth]')
    plt.plot(w_vec, truth_TOFL[:, 2], 'b--o', label='4 Engines [truth]')
    legend = plt.legend(loc='lower right', shadow='true')
    plt.xlabel('Weight (kg)')
    plt.ylabel('Takeoff field length (m)')

    title = "2nd Segment Climb Gradient vs W"
    plt.plot(w_vec, second_seg_clb_grad[:, 0], 'k-', label='2 Engines')
    plt.plot(w_vec, second_seg_clb_grad[:, 1], 'r-', label='3 Engines')
    plt.plot(w_vec, second_seg_clb_grad[:, 2], 'b-', label='4 Engines')

    plt.plot(w_vec, truth_clb_grad[:, 0], 'k--o', label='2 Engines [truth]')
    plt.plot(w_vec, truth_clb_grad[:, 1], 'r--o', label='3 Engines [truth]')
    plt.plot(w_vec, truth_clb_grad[:, 2], 'b--o', label='4 Engines [truth]')
    legend = plt.legend(loc='lower right', shadow='true')
    plt.xlabel('Weight (kg)')
    plt.ylabel('Second Segment Climb Gradient (%)')

    assert (TOFL_error < 1e-5)
    assert (GRAD_error < 1e-5)

Exemplo n.º 13
def setup():

    nexus = Nexus()
    problem = Data()
    nexus.optimization_problem = problem

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Inputs
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------

    #   [ tag                            , initial, (lb,ub)             , scaling , units ]
    problem.inputs = np.array([
        ['wing_area', 95, (90., 130.), 100., Units.meter**2],
        ['cruise_altitude', 11, (9, 14.), 10., Units.km],

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Objective
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------

    # throw an error if the user isn't specific about wildcards
    # [ tag, scaling, units ]
    problem.objective = np.array([['fuel_burn', 10000, Units.kg]])

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Constraints
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------

    # [ tag, sense, edge, scaling, units ]
    problem.constraints = np.array([
        ['design_range_fuel_margin', '>', 0., 1E-1,
         Units.less],  #fuel margin defined here as fuel 

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Aliases
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------

    # [ 'alias' , ['data.path1.name','data.path2.name'] ]

    problem.aliases = [
        ['cruise_altitude', 'missions.base.segments.climb_5.altitude_end'],
        ['fuel_burn', 'summary.base_mission_fuelburn'],
        ['design_range_fuel_margin', 'summary.max_zero_fuel_margin'],

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Vehicles
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    vehicle = vehicle_setup()
    nexus.vehicle_configurations = configs_setup(vehicle)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Analyses
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    nexus.analyses = Analyses2.setup(nexus.vehicle_configurations)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Missions
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    nexus.missions = Missions2.setup(nexus.analyses)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Procedure
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    nexus.procedure = Procedure2.setup()

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Summary
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    nexus.summary = Data()

    return nexus