Exemplo n.º 1
def show_posmarks(dec, setname, ylim=None, win=None, singles=False, baseFN=None):
    MTHR = 0.001   #  how much smaller is mixture compared to maximum

    for nt in xrange(dec.nTets):
        if not singles:
            fig = _plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5))
        for k in xrange(1, dec.mdim+1):
            if singles:
                fig = _plt.figure(figsize=(4, 3))
                ax  = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
                ax  = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, k)

            for l in xrange(dec.tt0, dec.tt1):
                if (dec.marks[l, nt] is not None):
                    y.append(dec.marks[l, nt][0][k-1])

            if dec.marksObserved[nt] > 0:
                _plt.scatter(dec.tr_pos[nt], dec.tr_marks[nt][:, k-1], color="black", s=2)
            #_plt.scatter(dec.mvNrm[nt].us[:, 0], dec.mvNrm[nt].us[:, k], color="red", s=30)
            mThr = MTHR * _N.max(dec.mvNrm[nt].ms)

            for m in xrange(dec.M):
                if dec.mvNrm[nt].ms[m, 0] >= mThr:
                    ux   = dec.mvNrm[nt].us[m, 0]  #  position
                    uy   = dec.mvNrm[nt].us[m, k]
                    ex_x = _N.sqrt(dec.mvNrm[nt].covs[m, 0, 0])
                    ex_y = _N.sqrt(dec.mvNrm[nt].covs[m, k, k])
                    _plt.plot([ux-ex_x, ux+ex_x], [uy, uy], color="red", lw=2)
                    _plt.plot([ux, ux], [uy-ex_y, uy+ex_y], color="red", lw=2)

                    _plt.scatter(dec.mvNrm[nt].us[m, 0], dec.mvNrm[nt].us[m, k], color="red", s=30)

            _plt.xlim(-6, 6)
            if ylim is not None:
                _plt.ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1])

            if singles:
                _plt.suptitle("k=%(k)d  t0=%(2).2fs : t1=%(3).2fs" % {"2" : (dec.tt0/1000.), "3" : (dec.tt1/1000.), "k" : k})
                fn= baseFN if (dec.usetets is None) else "%(bf)s_tet%(t)s" % {"bf" : baseFN, "t" : dec.usetets[nt]}

                mF.setLabelTicks(_plt, xlabel="position", ylabel="mark", xtickFntSz=14, ytickFntSz=14, xlabFntSz=16, ylabFntSz=16)
                fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.2, bottom=0.2, top=0.85)
                _plt.savefig(resFN("%(1)s_win=%(w)d.png" % {"1" : fn, "w" : win}, dir=setname), transparent=True)

        if not singles:
            _plt.suptitle("t0=%(2)d,t1=%(3)d" % {"2" : dec.tt0, "3" : dec.tt1})
            fn= baseFN if (dec.usetets is None) else "%(bf)s_tet%(t)s" % {"bf" : baseFN, "t" : dec.usetets[nt]}
            _plt.savefig(resFN("%(1)s_win=%(w)d.png" % {"1" : fn, "w" : win}, dir=setname, create=True), transparent=True)
Exemplo n.º 2
def show_posmarksCNTR(dec, setname, mvNrm, ylim=None, win=None, singles=False, showScatter=True, baseFN="look", scatskip=1):
    for nt in xrange(dec.nTets):
        if not singles:
            fig = _plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5))
        for k in xrange(1, dec.mdim+1):
            if singles:
                fig = _plt.figure(figsize=(4, 3))
                ax  = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
                ax  = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, k)

            for l in xrange(dec.tt0, dec.tt1):
                if (dec.marks[l, nt] is not None):
                    y.append(dec.marks[l, nt][0][k-1])

            _plt.xlim(-6, 6)
            if ylim is not None:
                _plt.ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1])
                ylim = _N.empty(2)
                ylim[0] = _N.min(dec.tr_marks[nt][:, k-1])
                ylim[1] = _N.max(dec.tr_marks[nt][:, k-1])
                yAMP    = ylim[1] - ylim[0]
                ylim[0] -= 0.1*yAMP
                ylim[1] += 0.1*yAMP

            if showScatter and dec.marksObserved[nt] > 0:
                _plt.scatter(dec.tr_pos[nt][::scatskip], dec.tr_marks[nt][::scatskip, k-1], color="grey", s=1)
            img = mvNrm.evalAll(1000, k-1, ylim=ylim)
            _plt.imshow(img, origin="lower", extent=(-6, 6, ylim[0], ylim[1]), cmap=_plt.get_cmap("Reds"))
            if singles:
                _plt.suptitle("k=%(k)d  t0=%(2).2fs : t1=%(3).2fs" % {"2" : (dec.tt0/1000.), "3" : (dec.tt1/1000.), "k" : k})
                fn= baseFN if (dec.usetets is None) else "%(fn)s_tet%(tets)s" % {"fn" : baseFN, "tets" : dec.usetets[nt]}

                mF.setLabelTicks(_plt, xlabel="position", ylabel="mark", xtickFntSz=14, ytickFntSz=14, xlabFntSz=16, ylabFntSz=16)
                fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.2, bottom=0.2, top=0.85)
                _plt.savefig(resFN("%(1)s_win=%(w)d.png" % {"1" : fn, "w" : win}, dir=setname), transparent=True)

        if not singles:
            _plt.suptitle("t0=%(2)d,t1=%(3)d" % {"2" : dec.tt0, "3" : dec.tt1})
            fn= baseFN if (dec.usetets is None) else "%(fn)s_tet%(tets)s" % {"fn" : baseFN, "tets" : dec.usetets[nt]}
            _plt.savefig(resFN("%(1)s_win=%(w)d.png" % {"1" : fn, "w" : win}, dir=setname, create=True), transparent=True)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def figs(self, ep1=0, ep2=None):
        oo  = self
        ep2 = oo.epochs if (ep2 == None) else ep2

        fig = _plt.figure(figsize=(8, 9))
        mnUs   = _N.empty(ep2-ep1)
        mnL0s  = _N.empty(ep2-ep1)
        mnSq2s = _N.empty(ep2-ep1)

        for epc in xrange(ep1, ep2):
            t0 = oo.intvs[epc]
            t1 = oo.intvs[epc+1]
            sts    = _N.where(oo.dat[t0:t1, 1] == 1)[0]

            mnUs[epc-ep1]   = _N.mean(oo.dat[t0:t1, 2])
            mnSq2s[epc-ep1] = _N.mean(oo.dat[t0:t1, 3])
            mnL0s[epc-ep1]  = _N.mean(oo.dat[t0:t1, 4])

        fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 1)
        _plt.plot(oo.prmPstMd[:, oo.ky_p_f])
        fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 2)
        _plt.plot(oo.prmPstMd[:, oo.ky_p_l0])
        fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 3)
        _plt.plot(oo.prmPstMd[:, oo.ky_p_q2])
        _plt.savefig(resFN("cmpModesGT", dir=oo.outdir))
Exemplo n.º 4
def showMarginalMarkDistributions(dec, setname, mklim=[-6, 8], dk=0.1):
    for tet in xrange(dec.nTets):
        ###    marginalize tetrode marks
        mrgidx = _N.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
        xp     = _N.linspace(-6, 6, 121)
        fig    = _plt.figure(figsize=(13, 12))
        fig.add_subplot(3, 2, 1)
        p  = _N.zeros(121)
        for m in xrange(dec.M):
            mn, mcov = mvn.marginalPDF(dec.mvNrm[tet].us[m], dec.mvNrm[tet].covs[m], mrgidx)
            p  += dec.mvNrm[tet].ms[m]/_N.sqrt(2*_N.pi*mcov[0,0]) *_N.exp(-0.5*(xp - mn[0])**2 / mcov[0, 0])

        x =_plt.hist(dec.tr_pos[tet], bins=_N.linspace(-6, 6, 121), normed=True, color="black")
        _plt.plot(xp, (p/_N.sum(p))*10, color="red", lw=2)

        ###    marginalize position + 3 tetrode marks
        allinds = _N.arange(5)

        bins   = _N.linspace(mklim[0], mklim[1], (mklim[1]-mklim[0])*(1./dk)+1)
        for shk in xrange(1, 5):
            fig.add_subplot(3, 2, shk+2)
            mrgidx = _N.setdiff1d(allinds, _N.array([shk]))

            p  = _N.zeros(len(bins))

            for m in xrange(dec.M):
                mn, mcov = mvn.marginalPDF(dec.mvNrm[tet].us[m], dec.mvNrm[tet].covs[m], mrgidx)
                p  += dec.mvNrm[tet].ms[m]/_N.sqrt(2*_N.pi*mcov[0,0]) *_N.exp(-0.5*(bins - mn[0])**2 / mcov[0, 0])
            x =_plt.hist(dec.tr_marks[tet][:, shk-1], bins=bins, normed=True, color="black")
            _plt.plot(bins, (p/_N.sum(p))*(1./dk), color="red", lw=2)

        fn= "margDists" if (dec.usetets is None) else "margDists%s" % dec.usetets[tet]
        _plt.savefig(resFN(fn, dir=setname))
Exemplo n.º 5
def showTrajectory(dec, t0, t1, ep, setname, dir):
    fig = _plt.figure(figsize=(14, 7))
    ax  = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
    _plt.imshow(dec.pX_Nm[t0:t1].T, aspect=(0.5*(t1-t0)/50.), cmap=_plt.get_cmap("Reds"))
    _plt.plot(_N.linspace(t0-t0, t1-t0, t1-t0), (dec.xA+dec.pos[t0:t1])/dec.dxp, color="grey", lw=3, ls="--")
    #_plt.plot(_N.linspace(float(t0)/1000., float(t1)/1000., t1-t0), (dec.xA+dec.pos[t0:t1])/dec.dxp, color="red", lw=2)
    #print (float(t0)/1000)
    #print (float(t1)/1000)
    _plt.xlim(0, t1-t0)
    _plt.ylim(-(dec.nTets*4), 50)
    #_plt.xticks(_N.arange(0, t1-t0, 2000), _N.arange(t0, t1, 2000, dtype=_N.float)/1000)
    dt = int((((int(t1/1000.)*1000) - (int(t0/1000.)*1000))/4.)/1000.)*1000

    stT0 = t0 - int(t0/1000.)*1000
    enT1 = t1 - int(t1/1000.)*1000
    #_plt.xticks(_N.arange(0, t1-t0, dt), _N.arange(t0, t1, dt, dtype=_N.float)/1000)
    _plt.xticks(_N.arange(stT0, t1-t0, dt), _N.arange(int(t0/1000.)*1000, int(t1/1000.)*1000, dt, dtype=_N.int)/1000)
    #_plt.locator_params(nbins=6, axis="x")
    _plt.yticks(_N.linspace(0, 50, 5), [-6, -3, 0, 3, 6])
    mF.arbitaryAxes(ax, axesVis=[False, False, False, False], x_tick_positions="bottom", y_tick_positions="left")
    mF.setLabelTicks(_plt, xlabel="Time (sec.)", ylabel="Position", xtickFntSz=30, ytickFntSz=30, xlabFntSz=32, ylabFntSz=32)

    x = []
    y = []
    for nt in xrange(dec.nTets):

    for t in xrange(t0, t1):
        for nt in xrange(dec.nTets):
            if dec.marks[t, nt] is not None:
                y[nt].append(-1.5 - 3*nt)

    for nt in xrange(dec.nTets):
        _plt.plot(x[nt], y[nt], ls="", marker="|", ms=15, color="black")

    fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15, left=0.15)
    _plt.savefig(resFN("decode_%(uts)s_%(mth)s_win=%(e)d.eps" % {"e" : (ep/2), "mth" : dec.decmth, "uts" : dec.utets_str, "dir" : dir}, dir=setname, create=True))
Exemplo n.º 6
    def gibbs(self, ITERS, M, ep1=0, ep2=None, savePosterior=True, gtdiffusion=False):
        gtdiffusion:  use ground truth center of place field in calculating variance of center.  Meaning of diffPerMin different
        oo = self

        #  PRIORS
        #  priors  prefixed w/ _
        #_f_u   = _N.zeros(M);    _f_q2  = _N.ones(M) #  wide
        _f_u   = _N.linspace(oo.xLo+1, oo.xHi-1, M);    _f_q2  = _N.ones(M) #  wide
        #  inverse gamma
        _q2_a  = _N.ones(M)*2.1;    _q2_B  = _N.ones(M)*1e-2
        #_plt.plot(q2x, q2x**(-_q2_a-1)*_N.exp(-_q2_B / q2x))
        _l0_a = _N.ones(M);     _l0_B  = _N.zeros(M)*(1/30.)

        ep2 = oo.epochs if (ep2 == None) else ep2
        oo.epochs = ep2-ep1
        #oo.prmPstMd = _N.zeros((oo.epochs, 3, M))   # mode of the params
        oo.prmPstMd = _N.zeros((oo.epochs, 3*M))   # mode of the params
        #oo.hypPstMd  = _N.zeros((oo.epochs, (2+2+2), M))   # the hyper params
        oo.hypPstMd  = _N.zeros((oo.epochs, (2+2+2)*M))   # the hyper params
        twpi     = 2*_N.pi

        pcklme   = {}

        #  Gibbs sampling
        #  parameters l0, f, q2

        ######################################  GIBBS samples, need for MAP estimate
        smp_prms = _N.zeros((3, ITERS, M))  
        smp_hyps = _N.zeros((6, ITERS, M))  

        ######################################  INITIAL VALUE OF PARAMS
        l0       = _N.array([1.,]*M)
        q2       = _N.array([0.0144]*M)
        f        = _N.array([1.1]*M)

        oo.f_     = f
        oo.q2_    = q2
        oo.l0_    = l0

        ######################################  GRID for calculating
        ####  #  points in sum.  
        ####  #  points in uniform sampling of exp(x)p(x)   (non-spike interals)
        ####  #  points in sampling of f  for conditional posterior distribution
        ####  #  points in sampling of q2 for conditional posterior distribution
        ####  NSexp, Nupx, fss, q2ss

        #  numerical grid
        ux = _N.linspace(oo.xLo, oo.xHi, oo.Nupx, endpoint=False)   # uniform x position
        q2x    = _N.exp(_N.linspace(_N.log(0.000001), _N.log(400), oo.q2ss))  #  5 orders of
        #q2x    = _N.exp(_N.linspace(_N.log(0.0001), _N.log(100), oo.q2ss))  #  5 orders of
        d_q2x  = _N.diff(q2x)
        q2x_m1 = _N.array(q2x[0:-1])
        lq2x    = _N.log(q2x)
        iq2x    = 1./q2x
        q2xr     = q2x.reshape((oo.q2ss, 1))
        iq2xr     = 1./q2xr
        sqrt_2pi_q2x   = _N.sqrt(twpi*q2x)
        l_sqrt_2pi_q2x = _N.log(sqrt_2pi_q2x)

        x      = oo.dat[:, 0]

        q2rate = oo.diffPerEpoch**2  #  unit of minutes  
        ######################################  PRECOMPUTED
        posbins  = _N.linspace(oo.xLo, oo.xHi, oo.Nupx+1)
        rat      = _N.zeros(M+1)
        pc       = _N.zeros(M)

        tempSlnc = _N.empty((oo.q2ss, 3))
        for epc in xrange(ep1, ep2):
            f = 3*_N.random.rand(M)
            q2 = 3*_N.random.rand(M)*0.1
            l0 = 3*_N.random.rand(M)
            #print q2
            print "epoch %d" % epc

            t0 = oo.intvs[epc]
            t1 = oo.intvs[epc+1]
            Asts    = _N.where(oo.dat[t0:t1, 1] == 1)[0]   #  based at 0
            Ants    = _N.where(oo.dat[t0:t1, 1] == 0)[0]

            if gtdiffusion:
                #  tell me how much diffusion to expect per min.
                #  [(EXPECT) x (# of minutes between epochs)]**2 
                q2rate = (oo.dat[t1-1,2]-oo.dat[t0,2])**2*oo.diffPerMin

            NSexp   = t1-t0    #  length of position data  #  # of no spike positions to sum
            xt0t1 = _N.array(x[t0:t1])
            px, xbns = _N.histogram(xt0t1, bins=posbins, normed=True)

            nSpks    = len(Asts)
            gz   = _N.zeros((ITERS, nSpks, M), dtype=_N.bool)
            print "spikes %d" % nSpks

            dSilenceX = (NSexp/float(oo.Nupx))*(oo.xHi-oo.xLo)
            #dSilenceX = (NSexp/float(oo.Nupx))*3

            xAS  = x[Asts + t0]   #  position @ spikes
            xASr = xAS.reshape((1, nSpks))
            econt = _N.empty((M, nSpks))
            rat   = _N.zeros((M+1, nSpks))

            print "-^---------"
            for iter in xrange(ITERS):
                if (iter % 100) == 0:    print iter

                fr         = f.reshape((M, 1))
                iq2        = 1./q2
                iq2r       = iq2.reshape((M, 1))
                    pkFR       = _N.log(l0/_N.sqrt(twpi*q2))
                except Warning:
                    print "WARNING"
                    print l0
                    print q2
                pkFRr      = pkFR.reshape((M, 1))
                rnds       = _N.random.rand(nSpks)

                cont       = pkFRr - 0.5*(fr - xASr)*(fr - xASr)*iq2r

                mcontr     = _N.max(cont, axis=0).reshape((1, nSpks))  
                cont       -= mcontr
                _N.exp(cont, out=econt)
                for m in xrange(M):
                    rat[m+1] = rat[m] + econt[m]

                rat /= rat[M]

                M1 = rat[1:] >= rnds
                M2 = rat[0:-1] <= rnds

                gz[iter] = (M1&M2).T
                for m in xrange(M):
                    iiq2 = 1./q2[m]
                    sts  = Asts[_N.where(gz[iter, :, m] == 1)[0]]
                    #print sts
                    nSpksM   = len(sts)

                    #  prior described by hyper-parameters.
                    #  prior described by function

                    #  likelihood

                    ###############  CONDITIONAL f
                    q2pr = _f_q2[m] if (_f_q2[m] > q2rate) else q2rate

                    if nSpksM > 0:  #  spiking portion likelihood x prior
                        fs  = (1./nSpksM)*_N.sum(xt0t1[sts])
                        fq2 = q2[m]/nSpksM
                        U   = (fs*q2pr + _f_u[m]*fq2) / (q2pr + fq2)
                        FQ2 = (q2pr*fq2) / (q2pr + fq2)
                        U   = _f_u[m]
                        FQ2 = q2pr

                    FQ    = _N.sqrt(FQ2)
                    fx    = _N.linspace(U - FQ*60, U + FQ*60, oo.fss)
                    fxr     = fx.reshape((oo.fss, 1))

                    fxrux = -0.5*(fxr-ux)*(fxr-ux)
                    #xI_f    = (xt0t1 - fxr)**2*0.5

                    f_intgrd  = _N.exp((fxrux*iiq2))   #  integrand
                    f_exp_px = _N.sum(f_intgrd*px, axis=1) * dSilenceX
                    #  f_exp_px is a function of f
                    slnc = -(l0[m]*oo.dt/_N.sqrt(twpi*q2[m])) * f_exp_px  #  a function of x

                    funcf   = -0.5*((fx-U)*(fx-U))/FQ2 + slnc
                    funcf   -= _N.max(funcf)
                    condPosF= _N.exp(funcf)
                    #print _N.sum(condPosF)

                    norm    = 1./_N.sum(condPosF)
                    f_u_    = norm*_N.sum(fx*condPosF)
                    f_q2_   = norm*_N.sum(condPosF*(fx-f_u_)*(fx-f_u_))
                    f[m]    = _N.sqrt(f_q2_)*_N.random.randn() + f_u_
                    smp_prms[oo.ky_p_f, iter, m] = f[m]
                    smp_hyps[oo.ky_h_f_u, iter, m] = f_u_
                    smp_hyps[oo.ky_h_f_q2, iter, m] = f_q2_

                    # ###############  CONDITIONAL q2
                    #xI = (xt0t1-f)*(xt0t1-f)*0.5*iq2xr
                    q2_intgrd   = _N.exp(-0.5*(f[m] - ux)*(f[m]-ux) * iq2xr)  
                    q2_exp_px   = _N.sum(q2_intgrd*px, axis=1) * dSilenceX

                    slnc = -((l0[m]*oo.dt)/sqrt_2pi_q2x)*q2_exp_px     #  function of q2
                    #print "s  %.3e" % s

                    _Dq2_a = _q2_a[m]# if _q2_a[m] < 200 else 200
                    _Dq2_B = _q2_B[m]#(_q2_B[m]/(_q2_a[m]+1))*(_Dq2_a+1)

                    if nSpksM > 0:
                        #print  _N.sum((xt0t1[sts]-f)*(xt0t1[sts]-f))/(nSpks-1)

                        ##  (1/sqrt(sg2))^S
                        ##  (1/x)^(S/2)   = (1/x)-(a+1)
                        ##  -S/2 = -a - 1     -a = -S/2 + 1    a = S/2-1
                        xI = (xt0t1[sts]-f[m])*(xt0t1[sts]-f[m])*0.5
                        SL_a = 0.5*nSpksM - 1   #  spiking part of likelihood
                        SL_B = _N.sum(xI)  #  spiking part of likelihood
                        #  spiking prior x prior
                        sLLkPr = -(_q2_a[m] + SL_a + 2)*lq2x - iq2x*(_q2_B[m] + SL_B)
                        sLLkPr = -(_q2_a[m] + 1)*lq2x - iq2x*_q2_B[m]

                    sat = sLLkPr + slnc
                    sat -= _N.max(sat)
                    condPos = _N.exp(sat)
                    q2_a_, q2_B_ = ig_prmsUV(q2x, condPos, d_q2x, q2x_m1, ITER=1)
                    if q2_a_ > 10000:
                        putit = _N.empty((oo.q2ss, 4))
                        putit[:, 0] = q2x
                        putit[:, 1] = sLLkPr
                        putit[:, 2] = slnc
                        putit[:, 3] = condPos
                        _N.savetxt("putit", putit, fmt="%.4e %.4e %.4e %.4e")
                        print _q2_a[m]
                        print SL_a
                        print _q2_B[m]
                        print SL_B
                        print "------------    %d" % nSpksM
                        assert q2_a_ < 10000, "q2_a_ too big"

                    print "it %(it)d   q2 m: %(m)d  nS: %(ns)d    q2_a_   %(a) .3e, q2_B_ %(B) .3e" % {"a" : q2_a_, "B" : q2_B_, "m" : m, "ns" : nSpksM, "it" : iter}
                    #  domain error when q2_a_ and q2_B_ is nan

                    # if nSpksM == 0:
                    #     tempSlnc[:, 0] = condPos
                    #     tempSlnc[:, 1] = slnc
                    #     tempSlnc[:, 2] = sLLkPr
                    #     _N.savetxt(resFN("slnc_nspks0_%(it)d_%(m)d" % {"it" : iter, "m" : m}, dir=oo.outdir), tempSlnc)
                    # if (q2_a_ > 10e10) or (q2_B_ > 10e10):
                    #     _N.savetxt("badcondposBIG", condPos)
                    #     _N.savetxt("slncBIG", slnc)
                    #     _N.savetxt("sLLkPrBIG", sLLkPr)

                    #     print "BIG  it %(it)d   q2_a_ %(1).3e  q2_B_ %(2).3e" % {"1" : q2_a_, "2" : q2_B_, "it" : iter}
                    #     print "m is %(m)d   nSpksM is %(ns)d" % {"m" : m, "ns" : nSpksM}

                        q2[m] = _ss.invgamma.rvs(q2_a_ + 1, scale=q2_B_)  #  check
                    except ValueError:
                        fig = _plt.figure()
                        fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1)
                        _N.savetxt("badcondpos", condPos)
                        _N.savetxt("slnc", slnc)
                        _N.savetxt("sLLkPr", sLLkPr)
                        _plt.ylim(-0.1, 1.1)
                        fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2)

                        print "ValueError  it %(it)d   q2_a_ %(1).3e  q2_B_ %(2).3e" % {"1" : q2_a_, "2" : q2_B_, "it" : iter}
                        print "m is %(m)d   nSpksM is %(ns)d" % {"m" : m, "ns" : nSpksM}
                    #print ((1./nSpks)*_N.sum((xt0t1[sts]-f)*(xt0t1[sts]-f)))

                    smp_prms[oo.ky_p_q2, iter, m]   = q2[m]
                    smp_hyps[oo.ky_h_q2_a, iter, m] = q2_a_
                    smp_hyps[oo.ky_h_q2_B, iter, m] = q2_B_

                    #print "l0 1"
                    ###############  CONDITIONAL l0
                    #  _ss.gamma.rvs.  uses k, theta    k is 1/B  (B is our thing)
                    iiq2 = 1./q2[m]
                    # xI = (xt0t1-f)*(xt0t1-f)*0.5*iiq2
                    # BL  = (oo.dt/_N.sqrt(twpi*q2))*_N.sum(_N.exp(-xI))

                    l0_intgrd   = _N.exp(-0.5*(f[m] - ux)*(f[m]-ux) * iiq2)  
                    l0_exp_px   = _N.sum(l0_intgrd*px) * dSilenceX
                    BL  = (oo.dt/_N.sqrt(twpi*q2[m]))*l0_exp_px
                    # if iter == 50:
                    #     print "BL  %(BL).2f    BL2  %(BL2).2f" % {"BL" : BL, "BL2" : BL2}

                    #print "l0 2"
                    #_Dl0_a = _l0_a[m] if _l0_a[m] < 400 else 400
                    _Dl0_a = _l0_a[m] if _l0_a[m] < 25 else 25
                    _Dl0_B = (_l0_B[m]/_l0_a[m]) * _Dl0_a
                    #  a'/B' = a/B
                    #  B' = (B/a)a'

                    aL  = nSpksM
                    l0_a_ = aL + _Dl0_a
                    l0_B_ = BL + _Dl0_B

                    #print "l0_a_ %(a).3e   l0_B_ %(B).3e" % {"a" : l0_a_, "B" : l0_B_}
                    #print "l0 3"

                    if (l0_B_ > 0) and (l0_a_ > 1):
                        l0[m] = _ss.gamma.rvs(l0_a_ - 1, scale=(1/l0_B_))  #  check

                    ###  l0 / _N.sqrt(twpi*q2) is f*dt used in createData2

                    smp_prms[oo.ky_p_l0, iter, m] = l0[m]
                    smp_hyps[oo.ky_h_l0_a, iter, m] = l0_a_
                    smp_hyps[oo.ky_h_l0_B, iter, m] = l0_B_

            frm   = int(0.6*ITERS)  #  have to test for stationarity
            #print _N.sum(_N.mean(gz[frm:], axis=0), axis=0)

            #print "f[0]  %(1).3f    f[1]  %(2).3f" % {"1" : f[0], "2" : f[1]}
            #print "here"
            fig = _plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))
            for m in xrange(M):
                #print smp_prms[oo.ky_p_f, frm:, m]
                for ip in xrange(3):  # params
                    L     = _N.min(smp_prms[ip, frm:, m]);   H     = _N.max(smp_prms[ip, frm:, m])
                    cnts, bns = _N.histogram(smp_prms[ip, frm:, m], bins=_N.linspace(L, H, 50))

                    if oo.polyFit:
                        xfit = 0.5*(bns[0:-1] + bns[1:])
                        yfit = cnts
                        ac = _N.polyfit(xfit, yfit, 2)  #a[0]*x^2 + a[1]*x + a[2]
                        if ac[0] < 0:  #  found a maximum
                            xMAP = -ac[1] / (2*ac[0])
                            ib  = _N.where(cnts == _N.max(cnts))[0][0]
                            xMAP  = bns[ib]
                        ib  = _N.where(cnts == _N.max(cnts))[0][0]
                        xMAP  = bns[ib]

                    col = 3*m+ip
                    if   ip == oo.ky_p_l0: l0[m] = oo.prmPstMd[epc, col] = xMAP
                    elif ip == oo.ky_p_f:  f[m]  = oo.prmPstMd[epc, col] = xMAP
                    elif ip == oo.ky_p_q2: q2[m] = oo.prmPstMd[epc, col] = xMAP
            pcklme["cp%d" % epc] = _N.array(smp_prms)

            for m in xrange(M):
                for ip in xrange(6):  # hyper params
                    L     = _N.min(smp_hyps[ip, frm:, m]);   H     = _N.max(smp_hyps[ip, frm:, m])
                    cnts, bns = _N.histogram(smp_hyps[ip, frm:, m], bins=_N.linspace(L, H, 50))

                    if oo.polyFit:
                        xfit = 0.5*(bns[0:-1] + bns[1:])
                        yfit = cnts
                        ac = _N.polyfit(xfit, yfit, 2)  #a[0]*x^2 + a[1]*x + a[2]
                        #y  = a[0]x^2 + a[1]x + a[2]
                        #y' = 2a[0]x + a[1]
                        #y''= 2a[0]    if a[0]
                        if ac[0] < 0:  #  found a maximum
                            xMAP = -ac[1] / (2*ac[0])
                            ib  = _N.where(cnts == _N.max(cnts))[0][0]
                            xMAP  = bns[ib]
                        ib  = _N.where(cnts == _N.max(cnts))[0][0]
                        xMAP  = bns[ib]

                    col = 6*m+ip

                    if   ip == oo.ky_h_l0_a: _l0_a[m] = oo.hypPstMd[epc, col] = xMAP
                    elif ip == oo.ky_h_l0_B: _l0_B[m] = oo.hypPstMd[epc, col] = xMAP
                    elif ip == oo.ky_h_f_u:  _f_u[m]  = oo.hypPstMd[epc, col] = xMAP
                    elif ip == oo.ky_h_f_q2: _f_q2[m] = oo.hypPstMd[epc, col] = xMAP
                    elif ip == oo.ky_h_q2_a: _q2_a[m] = oo.hypPstMd[epc, col] = xMAP
                    elif ip == oo.ky_h_q2_B: _q2_B[m] = oo.hypPstMd[epc, col] = xMAP

            ###  hack here.  If we don't reset the prior for 
            ###  what happens when a cluster is unused?
            ###  l0 -> 0, and at the same time, the variance increases.
            ###  the prior then gets pushed to large values, but
            ###  then it becomes difficult to bring it back to small
            ###  values once that cluster becomes used again.  So
            ###  we would like unused clusters to have l0->0, but keep the
            ###  variance small.  That's why we will reset a cluster
            occ   =  _N.mean(gz[ITERS-1], axis=0)
            print occ

            for m in xrange(M):
                if (occ[m] == 0) and (l0[m] / _N.sqrt(twpi*q2[m]) < 1):
                    print "resetting"
                    _q2_a[m] = 1e-4
                    _q2_B[m] = 1e-3

        pcklme["gz"] = gz
        pcklme["smp_hyps"] = smp_hyps
        pcklme["smp_prms"] = smp_prms
        pcklme["prmPstMd"] = oo.prmPstMd
        pcklme["intvs"]       = oo.intvs
        dmp = open(resFN("posteriors.dmp", dir=oo.outdir), "wb")
        pickle.dump(pcklme, dmp, -1)
Exemplo n.º 7
def finish_epoch(oo, nSpks, epc, ITERS, gz, l0, f, q2, u, Sg, _f_u, _f_q2, _q2_a, _q2_B, _l0_a, _l0_B, _u_u, _u_Sg, _Sg_nu, _Sg_PSI, smp_sp_hyps, smp_sp_prms, smp_mk_hyps, smp_mk_prms, freeClstr, M, K):
    #  finish epoch doesn't deal with noise cluster
    tt2 = _tm.time()

    gkMAP    = gauKer(2)
    frm   = int(0.7*ITERS)  #  have to test for stationarity

    if nSpks > 0:
        #  ITERS x nSpks x M   
        occ   = _N.mean(_N.mean(gz[frm:ITERS-1], axis=0), axis=0)

    oo.smp_sp_hyps = smp_sp_hyps
    oo.smp_sp_prms = smp_sp_prms
    oo.smp_mk_hyps = smp_mk_hyps
    oo.smp_mk_prms = smp_mk_prms

    l_trlsNearMAP = []
    MAPvalues2(epc, smp_sp_prms, oo.sp_prmPstMd, frm, ITERS, M, 3, occ, gkMAP, l_trlsNearMAP)
    l0[0:M]         = oo.sp_prmPstMd[epc, oo.ky_p_l0::3]
    f[0:M]          = oo.sp_prmPstMd[epc, oo.ky_p_f::3]
    q2[0:M]         = oo.sp_prmPstMd[epc, oo.ky_p_q2::3]
    MAPvalues2(epc, smp_sp_hyps, oo.sp_hypPstMd, frm, ITERS, M, 6, occ, gkMAP, None)
    _f_u[:]       = oo.sp_hypPstMd[epc, oo.ky_h_f_u::6]
    _f_q2[:]      = oo.sp_hypPstMd[epc, oo.ky_h_f_q2::6]
    _q2_a[:]      = oo.sp_hypPstMd[epc, oo.ky_h_q2_a::6]
    _q2_B[:]      = oo.sp_hypPstMd[epc, oo.ky_h_q2_B::6]
    _l0_a[:]      = oo.sp_hypPstMd[epc, oo.ky_h_l0_a::6]
    _l0_B[:]      = oo.sp_hypPstMd[epc, oo.ky_h_l0_B::6]

    #pcklme["cp%d" % epc] = _N.array(smp_sp_prms)
    #trlsNearMAP = _N.array(list(set(trlsNearMAP_D)))+frm   #  use these trials to pick out posterior params for MARK part

    #oo.mk_prmPstMd = [ epochs, M, K
    #                      epochs, M, K, K ]

    #oo.mk_hypPstMd  = [ epochs, M, K
    #                    epochs, M, K, K
    #                    epochs, M, 1
    #                    epochs, M, K, K

    #smp_mk_prms = [   K, ITERS, M
    #                  K, K, ITERS, M
    #smp_mk_hyps = [   K, ITERS, M
    #                  K, K, ITERS, M
    #                  1, ITERS, M
    #                  K, K, ITERS, M

    ##  params and hyper parms for mark

    for m in xrange(M):
        MAPtrls = l_trlsNearMAP[m]
        if len(MAPtrls) == 0:  #  none of them.  causes nan in mean
            MAPtrls = _N.arange(frm, ITERS, 10)
        #print MAPtrls
        u[m] = _N.median(smp_mk_prms[0][:, frm:, m], axis=1)

        Sg[m] = _N.mean(smp_mk_prms[1][:, :, frm:, m], axis=2)
        oo.mk_prmPstMd[oo.ky_p_u][epc, m] = u[m]
        oo.mk_prmPstMd[oo.ky_p_Sg][epc, m]= Sg[m]
        _u_u[m]    = _N.mean(smp_mk_hyps[oo.ky_h_u_u][:, frm:, m], axis=1)
        _u_Sg[m]   = _N.mean(smp_mk_hyps[oo.ky_h_u_Sg][:, :, frm:, m], axis=2)

        _Sg_nu[m]  = _N.mean(smp_mk_hyps[oo.ky_h_Sg_nu][0, frm:, m], axis=0)
        _Sg_PSI[m] = _N.mean(smp_mk_hyps[oo.ky_h_Sg_PSI][:, :, frm:, m], axis=2)
        oo.mk_hypPstMd[oo.ky_h_u_u][epc, m]   = _u_u[m]
        oo.mk_hypPstMd[oo.ky_h_u_Sg][epc, m]  = _u_Sg[m]
        oo.mk_hypPstMd[oo.ky_h_Sg_nu][epc, m] = _Sg_nu[m]
        oo.mk_hypPstMd[oo.ky_h_Sg_PSI][epc, m]= _Sg_PSI[m]
        #print _u_Sg[m]

    u[0:M]         = oo.mk_prmPstMd[oo.ky_p_u][epc]
    Sg[0:M]        = oo.mk_prmPstMd[oo.ky_p_Sg][epc]

    ###  hack here.  If we don't reset the prior for 
    ###  what happens when a cluster is unused?
    ###  l0 -> 0, and at the same time, the variance increases.
    ###  the prior then gets pushed to large values, but
    ###  then it becomes difficult to bring it back to small
    ###  values once that cluster becomes used again.  So
    ###  we would like unused clusters to have l0->0, but keep the
    ###  variance small.  That's why we will reset a cluster

    sq25  = 5*_N.sqrt(q2)

    if M > 1:
        occ = _N.mean(_N.sum(gz[frm:], axis=1), axis=0)  # avg. # of marks assigned to this cluster
        socc = _N.sort(occ)
        minAss = (0.5*(socc[-2]+socc[-1])*0.01)  #  if we're 100 times smaller than the average of the top 2, let's consider it empty

    if oo.resetClus and (M > 1):
        for m in xrange(M):
            #  Sg and q2 are treated differently.  Even if no spikes are
            #  observed, q2 is updated, while Sg is not.  
            #  This is because NO spikes in physical space AND trajectory
            #  information contains information about the place field.
            #  However, in mark space, not observing any marks tells you
            #  nothing about the mark distribution.  That is why f, q2
            #  are updated when there are no spikes, but u and Sg are not.

            if q2[m] < 0:
                print "????????????????"
                print q2
                print "q2[%(m)d] = %(q2).3f" % {"m" : m, "q2" : q2[m]}
                print smp_sp_prms[0, :, m]
                print smp_sp_prms[1, :, m]
                print smp_sp_prms[2, :, m]
                print smp_sp_hyps[4, :, m]
                print smp_sp_hyps[5, :, m]
            if ((occ[m] < minAss) and (l0[m] / _N.sqrt(twpi*q2[m]) < 1)) or \
                                  (f[m] < oo.xLo-sq25[m]) or \
                                  (f[m] > oo.xHi+sq25[m]):
                print "resetting  cluster %(m)d   %(l0).3f  %(f).3f" % {"m" : m, "l0" : (l0[m] / _N.sqrt(twpi*q2[m])), "f" : f[m]}

                _q2_a[m] = 1e-4
                _q2_B[m] = 1e-3
                _f_q2[m] = 4
                _u_Sg[m] = _N.identity(K)*9
                _l0_a[m] = 1e-4
                freeClstr[m] = True
                freeClstr[m] = False

    rsmp_sp_prms = smp_sp_prms.swapaxes(1, 0).reshape(ITERS, 3*M, order="F")

    _N.savetxt(resFN("posParams_%d.dat" % epc, dir=oo.outdir), rsmp_sp_prms, fmt=("%.4f %.4f %.4f " * M))   #  the params for the non-noise
Exemplo n.º 8
def stochasticAssignment(oo, epc, it, Msc, M, K, l0, f, q2, u, Sg, _f_u, _u_u, _f_q2, _u_Sg, Asts, t0, mASr, xASr, rat, econt, gz, qdrMKS, freeClstr, hashthresh, cmp2Existing, nthrds=1):
    #  Msc   Msc signal clusters
    #  M     all clusters, including nz clstr.  M == Msc when not using nzclstr
    #  Gibbs sampling
    #  parameters l0, f, q2
    #  mASr, xASr   just the mark, position of spikes btwn t0 and t1
    #qdrMKS2 = _N.empty(qdrMKS.shape)
    t1 = _tm.time()
    nSpks = len(Asts)
    twpi = 2*_N.pi

    Kp1      = K+1
    #rat      = _N.zeros(M+1)
    pc       = _N.zeros(M)

    ur         = u.reshape((M, 1, K))
    fr         = f.reshape((M, 1))    # centers
    #print q2
    iq2        = 1./q2
    iSg        = _N.linalg.inv(Sg)
    iq2r       = iq2.reshape((M, 1))  
        ##  warnings because l0 is 0
        isN = _N.where(q2 <= 0)[0]
        if len(isN) > 0:
            q2[isN] = 0.3

        is0 = _N.where(l0 <= 0)[0]
        if len(is0) > 0:
            l0[is0] = 0.001

        pkFR       = _N.log(l0) - 0.5*_N.log(twpi*q2)   #  M
    except RuntimeWarning:
        print "WARNING"
        print l0
        print q2

    mkNrms = _N.log(1/_N.sqrt(twpi*_N.linalg.det(Sg)))
    mkNrms = mkNrms.reshape((M, 1))   #  M x 1

    rnds       = _N.random.rand(nSpks)

    pkFRr      = pkFR.reshape((M, 1))
    dmu        = (mASr - ur)     # mASr 1 x N x K,     ur  is M x 1 x K
    N          = mASr.shape[1]
    #t2 = _tm.time()
    #_N.einsum("mnj,mjk,mnk->mn", dmu, iSg, dmu, out=qdrMKS)
    #t3 = _tm.time()
    _fm.multi_qdrtcs_par_func(dmu, iSg, qdrMKS, M, N, K, nthrds=nthrds)

    #  fr is    M x 1, xASr is 1 x N, iq2r is M x 1
    #qdrSPC     = (fr - xASr)*(fr - xASr)*iq2r  #  M x nSpks   # 0.01s
    qdrSPC     = _N.empty((M, N))
    _hcb.hc_bcast1(fr, xASr, iq2r, qdrSPC, M, N)

    ###  how far is closest cluster to each newly observed mark

    #  mAS = mks[Asts+t0] 
    #  xAS = x[Asts + t0]   #  position @ spikes

    if cmp2Existing:   #  compare only non-hash spikes and non-hash clusters
        # realCl = _N.where(freeClstr == False)[0]
        # print freeClstr.shape
        # print realCl.shape

        abvthrEachCh = mASr[0] > hashthresh    #  should be NxK of
        abvthrAtLeast1Ch = _N.sum(abvthrEachCh, axis=1) > 0   # N x K
        newNonHashSpks   = _N.where(abvthrAtLeast1Ch)[0]

        newNonHashSpksMemClstr = _N.ones(len(newNonHashSpks), dtype=_N.int) * (M-1)   #  initially, assign all of them to noise cluster

        #print "spikes not hash"
         #print abvthrInds
        abvthrEachCh = u[0:Msc] > hashthresh  #  M x K  (M includes noise)
        abvthrAtLeast1Ch = _N.sum(abvthrEachCh, axis=1) > 0
        knownNonHclstrs  = _N.where(abvthrAtLeast1Ch & (freeClstr == False) & (q2[0:Msc] < wdSpc))[0]

        #print "clusters not hash"

        #  Place prior for freeClstr near new non-hash spikes that are far 
        #  from known clusters that are not hash clusters 

        nNrstMKS_d = _N.sqrt(_N.min(qdrMKS[knownNonHclstrs], axis=0)/K)  #  dim len(sts)
        nNrstSPC_d = _N.sqrt(_N.min(qdrSPC[knownNonHclstrs], axis=0))
        #  for each spike, distance to nearest non-hash cluster
        # print nNrstMKS_d
        # print nNrstSPC_d
        # print "=============="
        s = _N.empty((len(newNonHashSpks), 3))
        #  for each spike, distance to nearest cluster
        s[:, 0] = newNonHashSpks
        s[:, 1] = nNrstMKS_d[newNonHashSpks]
        s[:, 2] = nNrstSPC_d[newNonHashSpks]
        _N.savetxt(resFN("qdrMKSSPC%d" % epc, dir=oo.outdir), s, fmt="%d %.3e %.3e")

        dMK     = nNrstMKS_d[newNonHashSpks]
        dSP     = nNrstSPC_d[newNonHashSpks]

        ###  assignment into 

        farMKinds = _N.where(dMK > 4)[0]    # 
        #  mean of prior for center - mean of farMKinds
        #  cov  of prior for center - how certain am I of mean?  
        farSPinds = _N.where(dSP > 4)[0]  #  4 std. deviations away

        farMKSPinds = _N.union1d(farMKinds, farSPinds)
        print farMKinds
        print newNonHashSpks
        ##  points in newNonHashSpks but not in farMKinds
        notFarMKSPinds = _N.setdiff1d(_N.arange(newNonHashSpks.shape[0]), farMKSPinds)

        farMKSP = _N.empty((len(farMKSPinds), K+1))
        farMKSP[:, 0]  = xASr[0, newNonHashSpks[farMKSPinds]]
        farMKSP[:, 1:] = mASr[0, newNonHashSpks[farMKSPinds]]
        notFarMKSP = _N.empty((len(notFarMKSPinds), K+1))
        notFarMKSP[:, 0]  = xASr[0, newNonHashSpks[notFarMKSPinds]]
        notFarMKSP[:, 1:] = mASr[0, newNonHashSpks[notFarMKSPinds]]

        # farSP = _N.empty((len(farSPinds), K+1))
        # farMK = _N.empty((len(farMKinds), K+1))
        # farSP[:, 0]  = xASr[0, farSPinds]
        # farSP[:, 1:] = mASr[0, farSPinds]
        # farMK[:, 0]  = xASr[0, farMKinds]
        # farMK[:, 1:] = mASr[0, farMKinds]

        minK = 1
        maxK = farMKSPinds.shape[0] / K
        maxK = maxK if (maxK < 6) else 6

        freeClstrs = _N.where(freeClstr == True)[0]
        if maxK >= 2:
            print "coming in here"
            #labs, bics, bestLab, nClstrs = _oT.EMBICs(farMKSP, minK=minK, maxK=maxK, TR=1)
            labs, labsH, clstrs = emMKPOS_sep1B(farMKSP, None, TR=1, wfNClstrs=[[1, 4], [1, 4]], spNClstrs=[[1, 4], [1, 3]])
            nClstrs = clstrs[0]
            bestLab    = labs

            cls = clrs.get_colors(nClstrs)

            _U.savetxtWCom(resFN("newSpksMKSP%d" % epc, dir=oo.outdir), farMKSP, fmt="%.3e %.3e %.3e %.3e %.3e", com=("# number of clusters %d" % nClstrs))
            _U.savetxtWCom(resFN("newSpksMKSP_nf%d" % epc, dir=oo.outdir), notFarMKSP, fmt="%.3e %.3e %.3e %.3e %.3e", com=("# number of clusters %d" % nClstrs))

            L = len(freeClstrs)
            unqLabs = _N.unique(bestLab)

            upto    = nClstrs if nClstrs < L else L  #  this should just count large clusters
            ii  = -1
            fig = _plt.figure()
            for fid in unqLabs[0:upto]:
                iths = farMKSPinds[_N.where(bestLab == fid)[0]]
                ths = newNonHashSpks[iths]

                for w in xrange(K):
                    fig.add_subplot(2, 2, w+1)
                    _plt.scatter(xASr[0, ths], mASr[0, ths, w], color=cls[ii])

                if len(ths) > K:
                    ii += 1
                    im = freeClstrs[ii]   # Asts + t0 gives absolute time
                    newNonHashSpksMemClstr[iths] = im

                    _u_u[im]  = _N.mean(mASr[0, ths], axis=0)
                    u[im]     = _u_u[im]
                    _f_u[im]  = _N.mean(xASr[0, ths], axis=0)
                    f[im]     = _f_u[im]
                    q2[im]    = _N.std(xASr[0, ths], axis=0)**2 * 9
                    #  l0 = Hz * sqrt(2*_N.pi*q2)
                    l0[im]    =   10*_N.sqrt(q2[im])
                    _f_q2[im] = 1
                    _u_Sg[im] = _N.cov(mASr[0, ths], rowvar=0)*25
                    print "ep %(ep)d  new   cluster #  %(m)d" % {"ep" : epc, "m" : im}
                    print _u_u[im]
                    print _f_u[im]
                    print _f_q2[im]
                    print "too small    this prob. doesn't represent a cluster"

            _plt.savefig("newspks%d" % epc)

            # #######  known clusters
            # for fid in unqLabs[0:upto]:
            #     iths = farMKSPinds[_N.where(bestLab == fid)[0]]
            #     ths = newNonHashSpks[iths]

            #     for w in xrange(K):
            #         fig.add_subplot(2, 2, w+1)
            #         _plt.scatter(xASr[0, ths], mASr[0, ths, w], color=cls[ii])

            #     if len(ths) > K:
            #         ii += 1
            #         im = freeClstrs[ii]   # Asts + t0 gives absolute time
            #         newNonHashSpksMemClstr[iths] = im

            #         _u_u[im]  = _N.mean(mASr[0, ths], axis=0)
            #         u[im]     = _u_u[im]
            #         _f_u[im]  = _N.mean(xASr[0, ths], axis=0)
            #         f[im]     = _f_u[im]
            #         q2[im]    = _N.std(xASr[0, ths], axis=0)**2 * 9
            #         #  l0 = Hz * sqrt(2*_N.pi*q2)
            #         l0[im]    =   10*_N.sqrt(q2[im])
            #         _f_q2[im] = 1
            #         _u_Sg[im] = _N.cov(mASr[0, ths], rowvar=0)*25
            #         print "ep %(ep)d  new   cluster #  %(m)d" % {"ep" : epc, "m" : im}
            #         print _u_u[im]
            #         print _f_u[im]
            #         print _f_q2[im]
            #     else:
            #         print "too small    this prob. doesn't represent a cluster"

            # _plt.savefig("newspks%d" % epc)

        else:  #  just one cluster
            im = freeClstrs[0]   # Asts + t0 gives absolute time

            _u_u[im]  = _N.mean(mASr[0, newNonHashSpks[farMKSPinds]], axis=0)
            _f_u[im]  = _N.mean(xASr[0, newNonHashSpks[farMKSPinds]], axis=0)
            _u_Sg[im] = _N.cov(mASr[0, newNonHashSpks[farMKSPinds]], rowvar=0)*16
            _f_q2[im] = _N.std(xASr[0, newNonHashSpks[farMKSPinds]], axis=0)**2 * 16

        # ##  kernel density estimate
        # xs  = _N.linspace(-6, 6, 101)
        # xsr = xs.reshape(101, 1)
        # isg2= 1/(0.1**2)   #  spatial kernel bandwidth

        # # fig = _plt.figure(figsize=(6, 9))
        # # fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1)
        # # _plt.scatter(xASr[0, newNonHashSpks[farMKinds]], mASr[0, newNonHashSpks[farMKinds], 0])
        # # fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2)
        # # _plt.scatter(xASr[0, newNonHashSpks[farSPinds]], mASr[0, newNonHashSpks[farSPinds], 0])

        # freeClstrs = _N.where(freeClstr == True)[0]
        # L = len(freeClstrs)

        # jjj = 0
        # if (len(farSPinds) >= Kp1) and (len(farMKinds) >= Kp1):
        #     jjj = 1
        #     l1 = L/2

        #     for l in xrange(l1):  # mASr  is 1 x N x K
        #         im = freeClstrs[l]   # Asts + t0 gives absolute time
        #         _u_u[im]  = _N.mean(mASr[0, newNonHashSpks[farMKinds]], axis=0)
        #         y   = _N.exp(-0.5*(xsr - xASr[0, newNonHashSpks[farMKinds]])**2 * isg2)
        #         yc  = _N.sum(y, axis=1)
        #         ix  = _N.where(yc == _N.max(yc))[0][0]
        #         _f_u[im]  = xs[ix]
        #         _u_Sg[im] = _N.cov(mASr[0, newNonHashSpks[farMKinds]], rowvar=0)*30
        #         _f_q2[im] = _N.std(xASr[0, newNonHashSpks[farMKinds]], axis=0)**2 * 30
        #     # _plt.figure()
        #     # _plt.plot(xs, yc)

        #     for l in xrange(l1, L):
        #         im = freeClstrs[l]   # Asts + t0 gives absolute time
        #         _u_u[im]  = _N.mean(mASr[0, newNonHashSpks[farSPinds]], axis=0)
        #         y   = _N.exp(-0.5*(xsr - xASr[0, newNonHashSpks[farSPinds]])**2 * isg2)
        #         yc  = _N.sum(y, axis=1)
        #         ix  = _N.where(yc == _N.max(yc))[0][0]
        #         _f_u[im]  = xs[ix]
        #         _u_Sg[im] = _N.cov(mASr[0, newNonHashSpks[farSPinds]], rowvar=0)*30
        #         _f_q2[im] = _N.std(xASr[0, newNonHashSpks[farSPinds]], axis=0)**2 * 30
        #     # _plt.figure()
        #     # _plt.plot(xs, yc)

        # elif (len(farSPinds) >= Kp1) and (len(farMKinds) < Kp1):
        #     jjj = 2
        #     for l in xrange(L):
        #         im = freeClstrs[l]   # Asts + t0 gives absolute time
        #         _u_u[im]  = _N.mean(mASr[0, newNonHashSpks[farSPinds]], axis=0)
        #         y   = _N.exp(-0.5*(xsr - xASr[0, newNonHashSpks[farSPinds]])**2 * isg2)
        #         yc  = _N.sum(y, axis=1)
        #         ix  = _N.where(yc == _N.max(yc))[0][0]
        #         _f_u[im]  = xs[ix]
        #         _u_Sg[im] = _N.cov(mASr[0, newNonHashSpks[farSPinds]], rowvar=0)*30
        #         _f_q2[im] = _N.std(xASr[0, newNonHashSpks[farSPinds]], axis=0)**2 * 30
        #     # _plt.figure()
        #     # _plt.plot(xs, yc)

        # elif (len(farSPinds) < Kp1) and (len(farMKinds) >= Kp1):
        #     jjj = 3
        #     for l in xrange(L):
        #         im = freeClstrs[l]   # Asts + t0 gives absolute time
        #         _u_u[im]  = _N.mean(mASr[0, newNonHashSpks[farMKinds]], axis=0)
        #         y   = _N.exp(-0.5*(xsr - xASr[0, newNonHashSpks[farMKinds]])**2 * isg2)
        #         yc  = _N.sum(y, axis=1)
        #         ix  = _N.where(yc == _N.max(yc))[0][0]
        #         _f_u[im]  = xs[ix]
        #         _u_Sg[im] = _N.cov(mASr[0, newNonHashSpks[farMKinds]], rowvar=0)*30
        #         _f_q2[im] = _N.std(xASr[0, newNonHashSpks[farMKinds]], axis=0)**2 * 30
        #     # _plt.figure()
        #     # _plt.plot(xs, yc)

        print "^^^^^^^^"
        print freeClstrs
        print "set priors for freeClstrs   %d" % jjj
        #print _u_u[freeClstrs]
        #print _u_Sg[freeClstrs]
        print _f_u[freeClstrs]
        print _f_q2[freeClstrs]

        #if len(farSPinds) > 10:

        #  set the priors of the freeClusters to be near the far spikes

    ####  outside cmp2Existing here
    #   (Mx1) + (Mx1) - (MxN + MxN)
    #cont       = pkFRr + mkNrms - 0.5*(qdrSPC + qdrMKS)
    cont = _N.empty((M, N))
    _hcb.hc_qdr_sum(pkFRr, mkNrms, qdrSPC, qdrMKS, cont, M, N)

    mcontr     = _N.max(cont, axis=0).reshape((1, nSpks))  
    cont       -= mcontr
    _N.exp(cont, out=econt)

    for m in xrange(M):
        rat[m+1] = rat[m] + econt[m]

    rat /= rat[M]
    # print f
    # print u
    # print q2
    # print Sg
    # print l0

    # print rat

    M1 = rat[1:] >= rnds
    M2 = rat[0:-1] <= rnds

    gz[it] = (M1&M2).T

    if cmp2Existing:
        #  gz   is ITERS x N x Mwowonz   (N # of spikes in epoch)
        gz[it, newNonHashSpks] = False   #  not a member of any of them
        gz[it, newNonHashSpks, newNonHashSpksMemClstr] = True
Exemplo n.º 9
    def gibbs(self, ITERS, K, ep1=0, ep2=None, savePosterior=True, gtdiffusion=False, doSepHash=True, use_spc=True, nz_pth=0., smth_pth_ker=100, ignoresilence=False, use_omp=False, nThrds=2):
        gtdiffusion:  use ground truth center of place field in calculating variance of center.  Meaning of diffPerMin different
        print "gibbs   %.5f" % _N.random.rand()
        oo = self
        oo.nThrds = nThrds
        twpi     = 2*_N.pi
        pcklme   = {}

        ep2 = oo.epochs if (ep2 == None) else ep2
        oo.epochs = ep2-ep1

        ######################################  GRID for calculating
        ####  #  points in sum.  
        ####  #  points in uniform sampling of exp(x)p(x)   (non-spike interals)
        ####  #  points in sampling of f  for conditional posterior distribution
        ####  #  points in sampling of q2 for conditional posterior distribution
        ####  NSexp, Nupx, fss, q2ss

        #  numerical grid
        ux = _N.linspace(oo.xLo, oo.xHi, oo.Nupx, endpoint=False)   # uniform x position   #  grid over 
        uxr = ux.reshape((1, oo.Nupx))
        uxrr= ux.reshape((1, 1, oo.Nupx))
        #q2x    = _N.exp(_N.linspace(_N.log(1e-7), _N.log(100), oo.q2ss))  #  5 orders of
        q2x    = _N.exp(_N.linspace(_N.log(oo.q2x_L), _N.log(oo.q2x_H), oo.q2ss))  #  5 orders of
        d_q2x  = _N.diff(q2x)
        q2x_m1 = _N.array(q2x[0:-1])
        lq2x    = _N.log(q2x)
        iq2x    = 1./q2x
        q2xr     = q2x.reshape((oo.q2ss, 1))
        iq2xr     = 1./q2xr
        q2xrr     = q2x.reshape((1, oo.q2ss, 1))
        iq2xrr     = 1./q2xrr
        d_q2xr  =  d_q2x.reshape((oo.q2ss - 1, 1))
        q2x_m1  = _N.array(q2x[0:-1])
        q2x_m1r = q2x_m1.reshape((oo.q2ss-1, 1))

        sqrt_2pi_q2x   = _N.sqrt(twpi*q2x)
        l_sqrt_2pi_q2x = _N.log(sqrt_2pi_q2x)

        freeClstr = None
        if smth_pth_ker > 0:
            gk     = gauKer(smth_pth_ker) # 0.1s  smoothing of motion
            gk     /= _N.sum(gk)
            xf     = _N.convolve(oo.dat[:, 0], gk, mode="same")
            oo.dat[:, 0] = xf + nz_pth*_N.random.randn(len(oo.dat[:, 0]))
            oo.dat[:, 0] += nz_pth*_N.random.randn(len(oo.dat[:, 0]))
        x      = oo.dat[:, 0]
        mks    = oo.dat[:, 2:]
        if nz_pth > 0:
            _N.savetxt(resFN("nzyx.txt", dir=oo.outdir), x, fmt="%.4f")

        f_q2_rate = (oo.diffusePerMin**2)/60000.  #  unit of minutes  
        ######################################  PRECOMPUTED

        tau_l0 = oo.t_hlf_l0/_N.log(2)
        tau_q2 = oo.t_hlf_q2/_N.log(2)

        for epc in xrange(ep1, ep2):
            print "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^    epoch %d" % epc

            t0 = oo.intvs[epc]
            t1 = oo.intvs[epc+1]
            if epc > 0:
                tm1= oo.intvs[epc-1]
                #  0  10 30     20 - 5  = 15    0.5*((10+30) - (10+0)) = 15
                dt = 0.5*((t1+t0) - (t0+tm1))

            dt = (t1-t0)*0.5
            xt0t1 = _N.array(x[t0:t1])
            posbins  = _N.linspace(oo.xLo, oo.xHi, oo.Nupx+1)
            #  _N.sum(px)*(xbns[1]-xbns[0]) = 1
            px, xbns = _N.histogram(xt0t1, bins=posbins, normed=True)   
            pxr      = px.reshape((1, oo.Nupx))
            pxrr     = px.reshape((1, 1, oo.Nupx))

            Asts    = _N.where(oo.dat[t0:t1, 1] == 1)[0]   #  based at 0

            if epc == ep1:   ###  initialize
                labS, labH, flatlabels, M, MF, hashthresh, nHSclusters = gAMxMu.initClusters(oo, K, x, mks, t0, t1, Asts, doSepHash=doSepHash, xLo=oo.xLo, xHi=oo.xHi, oneCluster=oo.oneCluster, nzclstr=oo.nzclstr)
                Mwowonz       = M+1 if oo.nzclstr else M
                #nHSclusters.append(M - nHSclusters[0]-nHSclusters[1])   #  last are free clusters that are not the noise cluster

                u_u_  = _N.empty((M, K))
                u_Sg_ = _N.empty((M, K, K))
                #######   containers for GIBBS samples iterations
                smp_sp_prms = _N.zeros((3, ITERS, M))  
                smp_mk_prms = [_N.zeros((K, ITERS, M)), 
                               _N.zeros((K, K, ITERS, M))]
                smp_sp_hyps = _N.zeros((6, ITERS, M))
                smp_mk_hyps = [_N.zeros((K, ITERS, M)), 
                               _N.zeros((K, K, ITERS, M)),
                               _N.zeros((1, ITERS, M)), 
                               _N.zeros((K, K, ITERS, M))]
                oo.smp_sp_prms = smp_sp_prms
                oo.smp_mk_prms = smp_mk_prms
                oo.smp_sp_hyps = smp_sp_hyps
                oo.smp_mk_hyps = smp_mk_hyps

                if oo.nzclstr:
                    smp_nz_l0     = _N.zeros(ITERS)
                    smp_nz_hyps = _N.zeros((2, ITERS))

                #  list of freeClstrs
                freeClstr = _N.empty(M, dtype=_N.bool)   #  Actual cluster
                freeClstr[:] = False

                l0, f, q2, u, Sg = gAMxMu.declare_params(M, K, nzclstr=oo.nzclstr)   #  nzclstr not inited  # sized to include noise cluster if needed
                _l0_a, _l0_B, _f_u, _f_q2, _q2_a, _q2_B, _u_u, _u_Sg, _Sg_nu, \
                    _Sg_PSI = gAMxMu.declare_prior_hyp_params(M, MF, K, x, mks, Asts, t0)
                fr = f[0:M].reshape((M, 1))
                gAMxMu.init_params_hyps(oo, M, MF, K, l0, f, q2, u, Sg, _l0_a, _l0_B, _f_u, _f_q2, _q2_a, _q2_B, _u_u, _u_Sg, _Sg_nu, \
                    _Sg_PSI, Asts, t0, x, mks, flatlabels, nHSclusters, nzclstr=oo.nzclstr)

                U   = _N.empty(M)
                FQ2 = _N.empty(M)
                _fxs0 = _N.tile(_N.linspace(0, 1, oo.fss), M).reshape(M, oo.fss)

                f_exp_px = _N.empty((M, oo.fss))
                q2_exp_px= _N.empty((M, oo.q2ss))

                if oo.nzclstr:
                    nz_l0_intgrd   = _N.exp(-0.5*ux*ux / q2[Mwowonz-1])
                    _nz_l0_a       = 0.001
                    _nz_l0_B       = 0.1

                ######  the hyperparameters for f, q2, u, Sg, l0 during Gibbs
                #  f_u_, f_q2_, q2_a_, q2_B_, u_u_, u_Sg_, Sg_nu, Sg_PSI_, l0_a_, l0_B_

            NSexp   = t1-t0    #  length of position data  #  # of no spike positions to sum
            xt0t1 = _N.array(x[t0:t1])

            nSpks    = len(Asts)
            gz   = _N.zeros((ITERS, nSpks, Mwowonz), dtype=_N.bool)
            print "spikes %d" % nSpks

            dSilenceX1 = (NSexp/float(oo.Nupx))*(oo.xHi-oo.xLo)
            dSilenceX2 = NSexp*(xbns[1]-xbns[0])  # dx of histogram
            print "-------------------------- %(1).4f  %(2).4f" % {"1" : dSilenceX1, "2" : dSilenceX2}

            dSilenceX  = dSilenceX1

            xAS  = x[Asts + t0]   #  position @ spikes
            mAS  = mks[Asts + t0]   #  position @ spikes
            xASr = xAS.reshape((1, nSpks))
            mASr = mAS.reshape((1, nSpks, K))
            econt = _N.empty((Mwowonz, nSpks))
            rat   = _N.zeros((Mwowonz+1, nSpks))

            qdrMKS = _N.empty((Mwowonz, nSpks))
            ################################  GIBBS ITERS ITERS ITERS

            clstsz = _N.zeros(M, dtype=_N.int)

            _iu_Sg = _N.array(_u_Sg)
            for m in xrange(M):
                _iu_Sg[m] = _N.linalg.inv(_u_Sg[m])

            ttA = _tm.time()

            for iter in xrange(ITERS):
                tt1 = _tm.time()
                iSg = _N.linalg.inv(Sg)

                if (iter % 100) == 0:    
                    #print "-------iter  %(i)d   %(r).5f" % {"i" : iter, "r" : _N.random.rand()}
                    print "-------iter  %(i)d" % {"i" : iter}

                gAMxMu.stochasticAssignment(oo, epc, iter, M, Mwowonz, K, l0, f, q2, u, Sg, _f_u, _u_u, _f_q2, _u_Sg, Asts, t0, mASr, xASr, rat, econt, gz, qdrMKS, freeClstr, hashthresh, ((epc > 0) and (iter == 0)), nthrds=oo.nThrds)
                #gAMxMu.stochasticAssignment(oo, iter, M, Mwowonz, K, l0, f, q2, u, Sg, _f_u, _u_u, Asts, t0, mASr, xASr, rat, econt, gz, qdrMKS, freeClstr, hashthresh, iter==0, nthrds=oo.nThrds)

                ###############  FOR EACH CLUSTER

                l_sts = []
                for m in xrange(M):   #  get the minds
                    minds = _N.where(gz[iter, :, m] == 1)[0]  
                    sts  = Asts[minds] + t0   #  sts is in absolute time
                    clstsz[m] = len(sts)
                # for m in xrange(Mwowonz):   #  get the minds
                #     minds = _N.where(gz[iter, :, m] == 1)[0]  
                #     print "cluster %(m)d   len %(l)d    " % {"m" : m, "l" : len(minds)}
                #     print u[m]
                #     print f[m]

                #tt2 = _tm.time()
                ###############  CONDITIONAL l0

                #  _ss.gamma.rvs.  uses k, theta  k is 1/B (B is our thing)
                iiq2 = 1./q2[0:M]
                iiq2r= iiq2.reshape((M, 1))
                iiq2rr= iiq2.reshape((M, 1, 1))

                fr = f[0:M].reshape((M, 1))
                l0_intgrd   = _N.exp(-0.5*(fr - ux)*(fr-ux) * iiq2r)  

                sLLkPr      = _N.empty((M, oo.q2ss))
                l0_exp_px   = _N.sum(l0_intgrd*pxr, axis=1) * dSilenceX
                BL  = (oo.dt/_N.sqrt(twpi*q2[0:M]))*l0_exp_px    #  dim M

                if (epc > 0) and oo.adapt:
                    _md_nd= _l0_a / _l0_B
                    _Dl0_a = _l0_a * _N.exp(-dt/tau_l0)
                    _Dl0_B = _Dl0_a / _md_nd
                    _Dl0_a = _l0_a
                    _Dl0_B = _l0_B

                aL  = clstsz
                l0_a_ = aL + _Dl0_a
                l0_B_ = BL + _Dl0_B
                    #  mean is (l0_a_ / l0_B_)
                    l0[0:M] = _ss.gamma.rvs(l0_a_, scale=(1/l0_B_))  #  check
                except ValueError:
                    print l0_B_
                    print _Dl0_B
                    print BL
                    print l0_exp_px
                    print 1/_N.sqrt(twpi*q2[0:M])

                    print pxr
                    print l0_intgrd
                    _N.savetxt("fxux", (fr - ux)*(fr-ux))
                    _N.savetxt("fr", fr)
                    _N.savetxt("iiq2", iiq2)
                    _N.savetxt("l0_intgrd", l0_intgrd)

                smp_sp_prms[oo.ky_p_l0, iter] = l0[0:M]
                smp_sp_hyps[oo.ky_h_l0_a, iter] = l0_a_
                smp_sp_hyps[oo.ky_h_l0_B, iter] = l0_B_
                mcs = _N.empty((M, K))   # cluster sample means

                #tt3 = _tm.time()

                ###############     u
                for m in xrange(M):
                    if clstsz[m] > 0:
                        u_Sg_[m] = _N.linalg.inv(_iu_Sg[m] + clstsz[m]*iSg[m])
                        clstx    = mks[l_sts[m]]

                        mcs[m]       = _N.mean(clstx, axis=0)
                        #u_u_[m] = _N.dot(u_Sg_[m], _N.dot(_iu_Sg[m], _u_u[m]) + clstsz[m]*_N.dot(iSg[m], mcs[m]))
                        u_u_[m] = _N.einsum("jk,k->j", u_Sg_[m], _N.dot(_iu_Sg[m], _u_u[m]) + clstsz[m]*_N.dot(iSg[m], mcs[m]))
                        # print "mean of cluster %d" % m
                        # print mcs[m]
                        # print u_u_[m]
                        # hyp
                        ########  POSITION
                        ##  mean of posterior distribution of cluster means
                        #  sigma^2 and mu are the current Gibbs-sampled values

                        ##  mean of posterior distribution of cluster means
                        # print "for cluster %(m)d with size %(sz)d" % {"m" : m, "sz" : clstsz[m]}
                        # print mcs[m]
                        # print u_u_[m]
                        # print _u_u[m]
                        u_Sg_[m] = _N.array(_u_Sg[m])
                        u_u_[m] = _N.array(_u_u[m])

                ucmvnrms= _N.random.randn(M, K)
                C       = _N.linalg.cholesky(u_Sg_)
                u[0:M]       = _N.einsum("njk,nk->nj", C, ucmvnrms) + u_u_

                smp_mk_prms[oo.ky_p_u][:, iter] = u[0:M].T  # dim of u wrong
                smp_mk_hyps[oo.ky_h_u_u][:, iter] = u_u_.T
                smp_mk_hyps[oo.ky_h_u_Sg][:, :, iter] = u_Sg_.T

                #tt4 = _tm.time()
                ###############  Conditional f

                if (epc > 0) and oo.adapt:
                    q2pr = _f_q2 + f_q2_rate * dt
                    q2pr = _f_q2
                for m in xrange(M):
                    sts = l_sts[m]
                    if clstsz[m] > 0:
                        fs  = (1./clstsz[m])*_N.sum(xt0t1[sts-t0])
                        fq2 = q2[m]/clstsz[m]
                        U[m]   = (fs*q2pr[m] + _f_u[m]*fq2) / (q2pr[m] + fq2)
                        FQ2[m] = (q2pr[m]*fq2) / (q2pr[m] + fq2)
                        U[m]   = _f_u[m]
                        FQ2[m] = q2pr[m]

                FQ    = _N.sqrt(FQ2)
                Ur    = U.reshape((M, 1))
                FQr   = FQ.reshape((M, 1))
                FQ2r  = FQ2.reshape((M, 1))

                if use_spc:
                    fxs  = _N.copy(_fxs0)
                    fxs *= (FQr*120)
                    fxs -= (FQr*60)
                    fxs += Ur

                    if use_omp:
                        M_times_N_f_intgrls_raw(fxs, ux, iiq2, dSilenceX, px, f_exp_px, M, oo.fss, oo.Nupx, oo.nThrds)
                        fxsr     = fxs.reshape((M, oo.fss, 1))
                        fxrux = -0.5*(fxsr-uxrr)*(fxsr-uxrr)
                        #  f_intgrd    is M x fss x Nupx
                        f_intgrd  = _N.exp(fxrux*iiq2rr)   #  integrand
                        f_exp_px = _N.sum(f_intgrd*pxrr, axis=2) * dSilenceX
                        #  f_exp_px   is M x fss
                    l0r = l0[0:M].reshape((M, 1))
                    q2r = q2[0:M].reshape((M, 1))
                     #  s   is (M x fss)
                    s = -(l0r*oo.dt/_N.sqrt(twpi*q2r)) * f_exp_px  #  a function of x
                    #if (iter > ITERS - 40) and (iter % 5 == 0):
                    #    print f_exp_px
                    #    _plt.plot(fxs[0], _N.s)
                    s = _N.zeros(M)

                #  U, FQ2 is   dim(M)   
                #  fxs is M x fss
                funcf   = -0.5*((fxs-Ur)*(fxs-Ur))/FQ2r + s
                maxes   = _N.max(funcf, axis=1)   
                maxesr  = maxes.reshape((M, 1))
                funcf   -= maxesr
                condPosF= _N.exp(funcf)   #  condPosF is M x fss
                ttB = _tm.time()

                #  fxs   M x fss
                #  fxs            M x fss
                #  condPosF       M x fss
                norm    = 1./_N.sum(condPosF, axis=1)  #  sz M
                f_u_    = norm*_N.sum(fxs*condPosF, axis=1)  #  sz M
                f_u_r   = f_u_.reshape((M, 1))
                f_q2_   = norm*_N.sum(condPosF*(fxs-f_u_r)*(fxs-f_u_r), axis=1)
                f[0:M]       = _N.sqrt(f_q2_)*_N.random.randn() + f_u_
                smp_sp_prms[oo.ky_p_f, iter] = f[0:M]
                smp_sp_hyps[oo.ky_h_f_u, iter] = f_u_
                smp_sp_hyps[oo.ky_h_f_q2, iter] = f_q2_

                #tt5 = _tm.time()
                ##############  VARIANCE, COVARIANCE
                for m in xrange(M):
                    if clstsz[m] >= K:
                        ##  dof of posterior distribution of cluster covariance
                        Sg_nu_ = _Sg_nu[m, 0] + clstsz[m]
                        ##  dof of posterior distribution of cluster covariance
                        ur = u[m].reshape((1, K))
                        clstx    = mks[l_sts[m]]
                        Sg_PSI_ = _Sg_PSI[m] + _N.dot((clstx - ur).T, (clstx-ur))
                        Sg_nu_ = _Sg_nu[m, 0] 
                        ##  dof of posterior distribution of cluster covariance
                        ur = u[m].reshape((1, K))
                        Sg_PSI_ = _Sg_PSI[m]
                    Sg[m] = s_u.sample_invwishart(Sg_PSI_, Sg_nu_)
                    smp_mk_hyps[oo.ky_h_Sg_nu][0, iter, m] = Sg_nu_
                    smp_mk_hyps[oo.ky_h_Sg_PSI][:, :, iter, m] = Sg_PSI_

                ##  dof of posterior distribution of cluster covariance

                smp_mk_prms[oo.ky_p_Sg][:, :, iter] = Sg[0:M].T

                #tt6 = _tm.time()
                ##############  SAMPLE SPATIAL VARIANCE
                if use_spc:
                    #  M x q2ss x Nupx  
                    #  f        M x 1    x 1
                    #  iq2xrr   1 x q2ss x 1
                    #  uxrr     1 x 1    x Nupx

                    if use_omp:  #ux variable held fixed
                        M_times_N_q2_intgrls_raw(f, ux, iq2x, dSilenceX, px, q2_exp_px, M, oo.q2ss, oo.Nupx, oo.nThrds)
                        frr       = f.reshape((M, 1, 1))
                        q2_intgrd = _N.exp(-0.5*(frr - uxrr)*(frr-uxrr) * iq2xrr)
                        q2_exp_px = _N.sum(q2_intgrd*pxrr, axis=2) * dSilenceX

                    # function of q2

                    s = -((l0r*oo.dt)/sqrt_2pi_q2x)*q2_exp_px
                    s = _N.zeros((oo.q2ss, M))
                #  B' / (a' - 1) = MODE   #keep mode the same after discount
                #  B' = MODE * (a' - 1)
                if (epc > 0) and oo.adapt:
                    _md_nd= _q2_B / (_q2_a + 1)
                    _Dq2_a = _q2_a * _N.exp(-dt/tau_q2)
                    _Dq2_B = _Dq2_a / _md_nd
                    _Dq2_a = _q2_a
                    _Dq2_B = _q2_B

                SL_Bs = _N.empty(M)
                SL_as = _N.empty(M)

                for m in xrange(M):
                    if clstsz[m] > 0:
                        sts = l_sts[m]
                        xI = (xt0t1[sts-t0]-f[m])*(xt0t1[sts-t0]-f[m])*0.5
                        SL_a = 0.5*clstsz[m] - 1   #  spiking part of likelihood
                        SL_B = _N.sum(xI)  #  spiking part of likelihood
                        SL_Bs[m] = SL_B
                        SL_as[m] = SL_a
                        #  spiking prior x prior
                        #sLLkPr[m] = -(SL_a + 1)*lq2x - iq2x*SL_B
                        sLLkPr[m] = -(_q2_a[m] + SL_a + 2)*lq2x - iq2x*(_q2_B[m] + SL_B)
                        sLLkPr[m] = -(_q2_a[m] + 1)*lq2x - iq2x*_q2_B[m]

                q2_a_, q2_B_ = mltpl_ig_prmsUV(q2xr, sLLkPr.T, s.T, d_q2xr, q2x_m1r, clstsz, iter, mks, t0, xt0t1, gz, l_sts, SL_as, SL_Bs, _q2_a, _q2_B, oo.q2_min, oo.q2_max)
                q2[0:M] = _ss.invgamma.rvs(q2_a_ + 1, scale=q2_B_)  #  check

                tt7 = _tm.time()

                smp_sp_prms[oo.ky_p_q2, iter]   = q2[0:M]
                smp_sp_hyps[oo.ky_h_q2_a, iter] = q2_a_
                smp_sp_hyps[oo.ky_h_q2_B, iter] = q2_B_

                # print "timing start"
                # print (tt2-tt1)
                # print (tt3-tt2)
                # print (tt4-tt3)
                # print (tt5-tt4)
                # print (tt6-tt5)
                #print (tt7-tt1)
                # print "timing end"

                #  nz clstr.  fixed width
                if oo.nzclstr:
                    nz_l0_exp_px   = _N.sum(nz_l0_intgrd*px) * dSilenceX
                    BL  = (oo.dt/_N.sqrt(twpi*q2[Mwowonz-1]))*nz_l0_exp_px

                    minds = len(_N.where(gz[iter, :, Mwowonz-1] == 1)[0])
                    l0_a_ = minds + _nz_l0_a
                    l0_B_ = BL    + _nz_l0_B

                    l0[Mwowonz-1]  = _ss.gamma.rvs(l0_a_, scale=(1/l0_B_)) 
                    smp_nz_l0[iter]       = l0[Mwowonz-1]
                    smp_nz_hyps[0, iter]  = l0_a_
                    smp_nz_hyps[1, iter]  = l0_B_

            ttB = _tm.time()
            print (ttB-ttA)

            gAMxMu.finish_epoch(oo, nSpks, epc, ITERS, gz, l0, f, q2, u, Sg, _f_u, _f_q2, _q2_a, _q2_B, _l0_a, _l0_B, _u_u, _u_Sg, _Sg_nu, _Sg_PSI, smp_sp_hyps, smp_sp_prms, smp_mk_hyps, smp_mk_prms, freeClstr, M, K)
            #  MAP of nzclstr
            if oo.nzclstr:
                frm = int(0.7*ITERS)
                _nz_l0_a              = _N.median(smp_nz_hyps[0, frm:])
                _nz_l0_B              = _N.median(smp_nz_hyps[1, frm:])
            pcklme["smp_sp_hyps"] = smp_sp_hyps
            pcklme["smp_mk_hyps"] = smp_mk_hyps
            pcklme["smp_sp_prms"] = smp_sp_prms
            pcklme["smp_mk_prms"] = smp_mk_prms
            pcklme["sp_prmPstMd"] = oo.sp_prmPstMd
            pcklme["mk_prmPstMd"] = oo.mk_prmPstMd
            pcklme["intvs"]       = oo.intvs
            pcklme["occ"]         = gz
            pcklme["nz_pth"]         = nz_pth
            pcklme["M"]           = M
            pcklme["Mwowonz"]           = Mwowonz
            if Mwowonz > M:  # or oo.nzclstr == True
                pcklme["nz_fs"]       = f[M]
                pcklme["nz_q2"]       = q2[M]
                pcklme["nz_Sg"]       = Sg[M]
                pcklme["nz_u"]        = u[M]
                pcklme["smp_nz_l0"]  = smp_nz_l0
                pcklme["smp_nz_hyps"]= smp_nz_hyps
            dmp = open(resFN("posteriors_%d.dmp" % epc, dir=oo.outdir), "wb")
            pickle.dump(pcklme, dmp, -1)
Exemplo n.º 10
def timeline(bfn, datfn, itvfn, outfn="timeline", ch1=0, ch2=1, xL=0, xH=3, yticks=[0, 1, 2, 3], thin=1):
    d = _N.loadtxt(datFN("%s.dat" % datfn))   #  marks
    itv = _N.loadtxt(datFN("%s.dat" % itvfn))
    N = d.shape[0]
    epochs = itv.shape[0]-1
    ch1 += 2   #  because this is data col
    ch2 += 2

    _sts = _N.where(d[:, 1] == 1)[0]
    if thin == 1:
        sts = _sts
        sts = _sts[::thin]

    wvfmMin = _N.min(d[:, 2:], axis=0)
    wvfmMax = _N.max(d[:, 2:], axis=0)

    fig = _plt.figure(figsize=(10, 12))
    ax =_plt.subplot2grid((4, 3), (0, 0), colspan=3)
    _plt.scatter(sts/1000., d[sts, 0], s=2, color="black")
    mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[True, True, False, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="left")
    mF.setTicksAndLims(xlabel="time (s)", ylabel="position", xticks=None, yticks=yticks, xticksD=None, yticksD=None, xlim=[0, N/1000.], ylim=[xL-0.3, xH+0.3], tickFS=15, labelFS=18)
    for ep in xrange(epochs):
        _plt.axvline(x=(itv[ep+1]*N/1000.), color="red", ls="--")
    ax = _plt.subplot2grid((4, 3), (1, 0), colspan=3)
    _plt.scatter(sts/1000., d[sts, ch1], s=2, color="black")
    mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[True, True, False, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="left")
    mF.setTicksAndLims(xlabel="time (s)", ylabel=("mk tet%d" % (ch1-1)), xticks=None, yticks=[0, 3, 6], xticksD=None, yticksD=None, xlim=[0, N/1000.], ylim=[wvfmMin[0], wvfmMax[0]], tickFS=15, labelFS=18)
    for ep in xrange(epochs):
        _plt.axvline(x=(itv[ep+1]*N/1000.), color="red", ls="--")
    ax = _plt.subplot2grid((4, 3), (2, 0), colspan=3)
    _plt.scatter(sts/1000., d[sts, ch2], s=2, color="black")
    mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[True, True, False, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="left")
    mF.setTicksAndLims(xlabel="time (s)", ylabel=("mk tet%d" % (ch2-1)), xticks=None, yticks=[0, 3, 6], xticksD=None, yticksD=None, xlim=[0, N/1000.], ylim=[wvfmMin[1], wvfmMax[1]], tickFS=15, labelFS=18)
    for ep in xrange(epochs):
        _plt.axvline(x=(itv[ep+1]*N/1000.), color="red", ls="--")
    ax = _plt.subplot2grid((4, 3), (3, 0), colspan=1)
    _plt.scatter(d[sts, ch1], d[sts, ch2], s=2, color="black")
    mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[True, True, False, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="left")
    mF.setTicksAndLims(xlabel=("mk tet%d" % (ch1-1)), ylabel=("mk tet%d" % (ch2-1)), xticks=[0, 3, 6], yticks=[0, 3, 6], xticksD=None, yticksD=None, xlim=[wvfmMin[0], wvfmMax[0]], ylim=[wvfmMin[1], wvfmMax[1]], tickFS=15, labelFS=18)
    ax = _plt.subplot2grid((4, 3), (3, 1), colspan=1)
    _plt.scatter(d[sts, 0], d[sts, ch1], s=2, color="black")
    mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[True, True, False, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="left")
    mF.setTicksAndLims(xlabel="pos", ylabel=("mk tet%d" % (ch1-1)), xticks=_N.linspace(xL, xH, 3), yticks=[0, 3, 6], xticksD=None, yticksD=None, xlim=[xL, xH], ylim=None, tickFS=15, labelFS=18)
    ax = _plt.subplot2grid((4, 3), (3, 2), colspan=1)
    _plt.scatter(d[sts, 0], d[sts, ch2], s=2, color="black")
    mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[True, True, False, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="left")
    mF.setTicksAndLims(xlabel="pos", ylabel=("mk tet%d" % (ch2-1)), xticks=_N.linspace(xL, xH, 3), yticks=[0, 3, 6], xticksD=None, yticksD=None, xlim=[xL, xH], ylim=None, tickFS=15, labelFS=18)

    fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, bottom=0.15, wspace=0.38, hspace=0.38)
    epochs = len(itv)-1
    choutfn = "%(of)s_%(1)d,%(2)d" % {"of" : outfn, "1" : (ch1-1), "2" : (ch2-1)}
    _plt.savefig(resFN(choutfn, dir=bfn), transparent=True)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def gibbs(self, ITERS, ep1=0, ep2=None, savePosterior=True, gtdiffusion=False):
        gtdiffusion:  use ground truth center of place field in calculating variance of center.  Meaning of diffPerMin different
        oo = self

        #  PRIORS
        #  priors  prefixed w/ _
        _f_u   = 0;    _f_q2  = 1
        #  inverse gamma
        _q2_a  = 1e-4;    _q2_B  = 1e-3
        #_plt.plot(q2x, q2x**(-_q2_a-1)*_N.exp(-_q2_B / q2x))
        _l0_a = 1.;     _l0_B = 1/30.   #  mean 30Hz peak firing rate

        ep2 = oo.epochs if (ep2 == None) else ep2
        oo.epochs = ep2-ep1
        oo.prmPstMd = _N.zeros((oo.epochs, 3))   # mode of the params
        oo.hypPstMd  = _N.zeros((oo.epochs, 2+2+2))   # the hyper params
        twpi     = 2*_N.pi
        pcklme   = {}

        #  Gibbs sampling
        #  parameters l0, f, q2

        ######################################  GIBBS samples, need for MAP estimate
        smp_prms = _N.zeros((3, ITERS, 1))  
        smp_hyps = _N.zeros((6, ITERS, 1))  

        ######################################  INITIAL VALUE OF PARAMS
        l0       = 50
        q2       = 0.0144
        f        = 1.1

        ######################################  GRID for calculating
        ####  #  points in sum.  
        ####  #  points in uniform sampling of exp(x)p(x)   (non-spike interals)
        ####  #  points in sampling of f  for conditional posterior distribution
        ####  #  points in sampling of q2 for conditional posterior distribution
        ####  NSexp, Nupx, fss, q2ss

        #  numerical grid
        ux = _N.linspace(0, 3, oo.Nupx, endpoint=False)   # uniform x position

        q2x    = _N.exp(_N.linspace(_N.log(0.00005), _N.log(10), oo.q2ss))  #  5 orders of
        d_q2x  = _N.diff(q2x)
        q2x_m1 = _N.array(q2x[0:-1])
        lq2x    = _N.log(q2x)
        iq2x    = 1./q2x
        q2xr     = q2x.reshape((oo.q2ss, 1))
        iq2xr     = 1./q2xr
        sqrt_2pi_q2x   = _N.sqrt(twpi*q2x)
        l_sqrt_2pi_q2x = _N.log(sqrt_2pi_q2x)

        x      = oo.dat[:, 0]

        q2rate = oo.diffPerEpoch**2  #  unit of minutes  
        ######################################  PRECOMPUTED
        posbins  = _N.linspace(0, 3, oo.Nupx+1)

        for epc in xrange(ep1, ep2):
            # if i > 0:
            #     q2x     = _N.linspace(0.001, 4, q2ss)
            #     q2xr     = q2x.reshape((q2ss, 1))
            #     iq2xr     = 1./q2xr

            #print q2
            print "epoch %d" % epc

            t0 = oo.intvs[epc]
            t1 = oo.intvs[epc+1]
            sts    = _N.where(oo.dat[t0:t1, 1] == 1)[0]
            nts    = _N.where(oo.dat[t0:t1, 1] == 0)[0]

            if gtdiffusion:
                q2rate = (oo.dat[t1-1,2]-oo.dat[t0,2])**2*oo.diffPerMin

            NSexp   = t1-t0    #  length of position data  #  # of no spike positions to sum
            xt0t1 = _N.array(x[t0:t1])
            px, xbns = _N.histogram(xt0t1, bins=posbins, normed=True)

            nSpks    = len(sts)
            print "spikes %d" % nSpks

            dSilenceX = (NSexp/float(oo.Nupx))*3

            for iter in xrange(ITERS):
                #print "iter   %d" % iter
                iiq2 = 1./q2

                #  prior described by hyper-parameters.
                #  prior described by function

                #  likelihood

                ###############  CONDITIONAL f
                #q2pr = _f_q2 + q2rate
                q2pr = _f_q2 if (_f_q2 > q2rate) else q2rate
                if nSpks > 0:  #  spiking portion likelihood x prior
                    fs  = (1./nSpks)*_N.sum(xt0t1[sts])
                    fq2 = q2/nSpks
                    M   = (fs*q2pr +  + _f_u*fq2) / (q2pr + fq2)
                    Sg2 = (q2pr*fq2) / (q2pr + fq2)
                    M   = _f_u
                    Sg2 = q2pr

                Sg    = _N.sqrt(Sg2)
                fx    = _N.linspace(M - Sg*50, M + Sg*50, oo.fss)
                fxr     = fx.reshape((oo.fss, 1))

                fxrux = -0.5*(fxr-ux)**2
                xI_f    = (xt0t1 - fxr)**2*0.5

                f_intgrd  = _N.exp((fxrux*iiq2))   #  integrand
                f_exp_px = _N.sum(f_intgrd*px, axis=1) * dSilenceX
                #  f_exp_px is a function of f
                s = -(l0*oo.dt/_N.sqrt(twpi*q2)) * f_exp_px  #  a function of x

                #print Sg2
                #print M
                funcf   = -0.5*((fx-M)*(fx-M))/Sg2 + s
                funcf   -= _N.max(funcf)
                condPosF= _N.exp(funcf)
                #print _N.sum(condPosF)

                if iter == 0:
                    fig = _plt.figure()
                    _plt.plot(fx, condPosF)
                    _plt.xlim(0.8, 1.3)
                    _plt.savefig("%(dir)s/condposF%(i)d" % {"dir" : outdir, "i" : i})

                norm    = 1./_N.sum(condPosF)
                f_u_    = norm*_N.sum(fx*condPosF)
                f_q2_   = norm*_N.sum(condPosF*(fx-f_u_)*(fx-f_u_))
                f       = _N.sqrt(f_q2_)*_N.random.randn() + f_u_
                smp_prms[oo.ky_p_f, iter, 0] = f
                smp_hyps[oo.ky_h_f_u, iter, 0] = f_u_
                smp_hyps[oo.ky_h_f_q2, iter, 0] = f_q2_
                #ax1.plot(fx, L_f, color="black")

                # ###############  CONDITIONAL q2
                #xI = (xt0t1-f)*(xt0t1-f)*0.5*iq2xr
                q2_intgrd   = _N.exp(-0.5*(f - ux)*(f-ux) * iq2xr)  
                q2_exp_px   = _N.sum(q2_intgrd*px, axis=1) * dSilenceX
                s = -((l0*oo.dt)/sqrt_2pi_q2x)*q2_exp_px     #  function of q2

                ##  adjust the prior to reflect how much we think PF can change
                _Dq2_a = _q2_a if _q2_a < 200 else 200
                _Dq2_B = (_q2_B/(_q2_a+1))*(_Dq2_a+1)
                if nSpks > 0:
                    #print  _N.sum((xt0t1[sts]-f)*(xt0t1[sts]-f))/(nSpks-1)

                    ##  (1/sqrt(sg2))^S
                    ##  (1/x)^(S/2)   = (1/x)-(a+1)
                    ##  -S/2 = -a - 1     -a = -S/2 + 1    a = S/2-1
                    xI = (xt0t1[sts]-f)*(xt0t1[sts]-f)*0.5
                    SL_a = 0.5*nSpks - 1   #  spiking part of likelihood
                    SL_B = _N.sum(xI)  #  spiking part of likelihood
                    #  spiking prior x prior

                    sLLkPr = -(_Dq2_a + SL_a + 2)*lq2x - iq2x*(_Dq2_B + SL_B)
                    sLLkPr = -(_Dq2_a + 1)*lq2x - iq2x*(_Dq2_B)

                sat = sLLkPr + s
                sat -= _N.max(sat)
                condPos = _N.exp(sat)
                if iter == 10:
                    fig = _plt.figure()
                    _plt.plot(q2x, condPos)
                    _plt.xlim(0, 0.5)
                    _plt.savefig("%(dir)s/condpos%(i)d" % {"dir" : outdir, "i" : i})
                q2_a_, q2_B_ = ig_prmsUV(q2x, condPos, d_q2x, q2x_m1, ITER=1)

                #print condPos
                _plt.plot(q2x, condPos)
                q2 = _ss.invgamma.rvs(q2_a_ + 1, scale=q2_B_)  #  check
                #print ((1./nSpks)*_N.sum((xt0t1[sts]-f)*(xt0t1[sts]-f)))

                smp_prms[oo.ky_p_q2, iter, 0] = q2
                smp_hyps[oo.ky_h_q2_a, iter, 0] = q2_a_
                smp_hyps[oo.ky_h_q2_B, iter, 0] = q2_B_

                ###############  CONDITIONAL l0
                #  _ss.gamma.rvs.  uses k, theta    k is 1/B  (B is our thing)
                iiq2 = 1./q2
                # xI = (xt0t1-f)*(xt0t1-f)*0.5*iiq2
                # BL  = (oo.dt/_N.sqrt(twpi*q2))*_N.sum(_N.exp(-xI))

                l0_intgrd   = _N.exp(-0.5*(f - ux)*(f-ux) * iiq2)  
                l0_exp_px   = _N.sum(l0_intgrd*px) * dSilenceX
                BL  = (oo.dt/_N.sqrt(twpi*q2))*l0_exp_px
                # if iter == 50:
                #     print "BL  %(BL).2f    BL2  %(BL2).2f" % {"BL" : BL, "BL2" : BL2}

                aL  = nSpks
                l0_a_ = aL + _l0_a
                l0_B_ = BL + _l0_B

                l0 = _ss.gamma.rvs(l0_a_ - 1, scale=(1/l0_B_))  #  check
                ###  l0 / _N.sqrt(twpi*q2) is f*dt used in createData2

                smp_prms[oo.ky_p_l0, iter, 0] = l0
                smp_hyps[oo.ky_h_l0_a, iter, 0] = l0_a_
                smp_hyps[oo.ky_h_l0_B, iter, 0] = l0_B_

            frm   = 30

            for ip in xrange(3):  # params
                L     = _N.min(smp_prms[ip, frm:, 0]);   H     = _N.max(smp_prms[ip, frm:, 0])
                cnts, bns = _N.histogram(smp_prms[ip, frm:, 0], bins=_N.linspace(L, H, 50))
                ib  = _N.where(cnts == _N.max(cnts))[0][0]
                if   ip == oo.ky_p_l0: l0 = oo.prmPstMd[epc, ip] = bns[ib]
                elif ip == oo.ky_p_f:  f  = oo.prmPstMd[epc, ip] = bns[ib]
                elif ip == oo.ky_p_q2: q2 = oo.prmPstMd[epc, ip] = bns[ib]
            pcklme["cp%d" % epc] = _N.array(smp_prms)

            for ip in xrange(6):  # hyper params
                L     = _N.min(smp_hyps[ip, frm:, 0]);   H     = _N.max(smp_hyps[ip, frm:, 0])
                cnts, bns = _N.histogram(smp_hyps[ip, frm:, 0], bins=_N.linspace(L, H, 50))
                ib  = _N.where(cnts == _N.max(cnts))[0][0]
                if   ip == oo.ky_h_l0_a: _l0_a = oo.hypPstMd[epc, ip] = bns[ib]
                elif ip == oo.ky_h_l0_B: _l0_B = oo.hypPstMd[epc, ip] = bns[ib]
                elif ip == oo.ky_h_f_u:  _f_u  = oo.hypPstMd[epc, ip] = bns[ib]
                elif ip == oo.ky_h_f_q2: _f_q2 = oo.hypPstMd[epc, ip] = bns[ib]
                elif ip == oo.ky_h_q2_a: _q2_a = oo.hypPstMd[epc, ip] = bns[ib]
                elif ip == oo.ky_h_q2_B: _q2_B = oo.hypPstMd[epc, ip] = bns[ib]
        if savePosterior:
            _N.savetxt(resFN("posParams.dat", dir=oo.outdir), smp_prms[:, :, 0].T, fmt="%.4f %.4f %.4f")
            _N.savetxt(resFN("posHypParams.dat", dir=oo.outdir), smp_hyps[:, :, 0].T, fmt="%.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f")

        pcklme["md"] = _N.array(oo.prmPstMd)
        dmp = open(resFN("posteriors.dump", dir=oo.outdir), "wb")
        pickle.dump(pcklme, dmp, -1)
        _N.savetxt(resFN("posModes.dat", dir=oo.outdir), oo.prmPstMd, fmt="%.4f %.4f %.4f")
        _N.savetxt(resFN("hypModes.dat", dir=oo.outdir), oo.hypPstMd, fmt="%.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f")
Exemplo n.º 12
    def gibbs(self, ITERS, K, ep1=0, ep2=None, savePosterior=True, gtdiffusion=False, Mdbg=None, doSepHash=True, use_spc=True, nz_pth=0., ignoresilence=False, use_omp=False):
        gtdiffusion:  use ground truth center of place field in calculating variance of center.  Meaning of diffPerMin different
        print "gibbs"
        oo = self
        twpi     = 2*_N.pi
        pcklme   = {}

        ep2 = oo.epochs if (ep2 == None) else ep2
        oo.epochs = ep2-ep1

        ######################################  GRID for calculating
        ####  #  points in sum.  
        ####  #  points in uniform sampling of exp(x)p(x)   (non-spike interals)
        ####  #  points in sampling of f  for conditional posterior distribution
        ####  #  points in sampling of q2 for conditional posterior distribution
        ####  NSexp, Nupx, fss, q2ss

        #  numerical grid
        ux = _N.linspace(oo.xLo, oo.xHi, oo.Nupx, endpoint=False)   # uniform x position
        q2x    = _N.exp(_N.linspace(_N.log(1e-7), _N.log(100), oo.q2ss))  #  5 orders of
        d_q2x  = _N.diff(q2x)
        q2x_m1 = _N.array(q2x[0:-1])
        lq2x    = _N.log(q2x)
        iq2x    = 1./q2x
        q2xr     = q2x.reshape((oo.q2ss, 1))
        iq2xr     = 1./q2xr
        sqrt_2pi_q2x   = _N.sqrt(twpi*q2x)
        l_sqrt_2pi_q2x = _N.log(sqrt_2pi_q2x)

        freeClstr = None
        gk     = gauKer(100) # 0.1s  smoothing of motion
        gk     /= _N.sum(gk)
        xf     = _N.convolve(oo.dat[:, 0], gk, mode="same")
        oo.dat[:, 0] = xf + nz_pth*_N.random.randn(len(oo.dat[:, 0]))
        x      = oo.dat[:, 0]
        mks    = oo.dat[:, 2:]

        f_q2_rate = (oo.diffusePerMin**2)/60000.  #  unit of minutes  

        ######################################  PRECOMPUTED

        tau_l0 = oo.t_hlf_l0/_N.log(2)
        tau_q2 = oo.t_hlf_q2/_N.log(2)

        for epc in xrange(ep1, ep2):
            t0 = oo.intvs[epc]
            t1 = oo.intvs[epc+1]
            if epc > 0:
                tm1= oo.intvs[epc-1]
                #  0  10 30     20 - 5  = 15    0.5*((10+30) - (10+0)) = 15
                dt = 0.5*((t1+t0) - (t0+tm1))

            dt = (t1-t0)*0.5
            xt0t1 = _N.array(x[t0:t1])
            posbins  = _N.linspace(oo.xLo, oo.xHi, oo.Nupx+1)
            #  _N.sum(px)*(xbns[1]-xbns[0]) = 1
            px, xbns = _N.histogram(xt0t1, bins=posbins, normed=True)   

            Asts    = _N.where(oo.dat[t0:t1, 1] == 1)[0]   #  based at 0
            Ants    = _N.where(oo.dat[t0:t1, 1] == 0)[0]

            if epc == ep1:   ###  initialize
                labS, labH, lab, flatlabels, M, MF, hashthresh, nHSclusters = gAMxMu.initClusters(oo, K, x, mks, t0, t1, Asts, doSepHash=doSepHash, xLo=oo.xLo, xHi=oo.xHi, oneCluster=oo.oneCluster)  # nHSclusters  is # of clusters in hash and signal 

                signalClusters = _N.where(flatlabels < nHSclusters[0])[0]
                Mwowonz = M if not oo.nzclstr else M + 1
                #######   containers for GIBBS samples iterations
                smp_sp_prms = _N.zeros((3, ITERS, M))  
                smp_mk_prms = [_N.zeros((K, ITERS, M)), 
                               _N.zeros((K, K, ITERS, M))]
                smp_sp_hyps = _N.zeros((6, ITERS, M))
                smp_mk_hyps = [_N.zeros((K, ITERS, M)), 
                               _N.zeros((K, K, ITERS, M)),
                               _N.zeros((1, ITERS, M)), 
                               _N.zeros((K, K, ITERS, M))]
                oo.smp_sp_prms = smp_sp_prms
                oo.smp_mk_prms = smp_mk_prms
                oo.smp_sp_hyps = smp_sp_hyps
                oo.smp_mk_hyps = smp_mk_hyps

                if oo.nzclstr:
                    smp_nz_l0     = _N.zeros(ITERS)
                    smp_nz_hyps = _N.zeros((2, ITERS))

                #  list of freeClstrs
                freeClstr = _N.empty(M, dtype=_N.bool)   #  Actual cluster
                freeClstr[:] = False

                l0, f, q2, u, Sg = gAMxMu.declare_params(M, K, nzclstr=oo.nzclstr)   #  nzclstr not INITED, sized to include noise cluster if needed
                _l0_a, _l0_B, _f_u, _f_q2, _q2_a, _q2_B, _u_u, _u_Sg, _Sg_nu, \
                    _Sg_PSI = gAMxMu.declare_prior_hyp_params(M, MF, K, x, mks, Asts, t0)    #  hyper params don't include noise cluster
                gAMxMu.init_params_hyps(oo, M, MF, K, l0, f, q2, u, Sg, Asts, t0, x, mks, flatlabels, nzclstr=oo.nzclstr, signalClusters=signalClusters)

                ######  the hyperparameters for f, q2, u, Sg, l0 during Gibbs
                #  f_u_, f_q2_, q2_a_, q2_B_, u_u_, u_Sg_, Sg_nu, Sg_PSI_, l0_a_, l0_B_

                if oo.nzclstr:
                    nz_l0_intgrd   = _N.exp(-0.5*ux*ux / q2[Mwowonz-1])
                    _nz_l0_a       = 0.001
                    _nz_l0_B       = 0.1

            NSexp   = t1-t0    #  length of position data  #  # of no spike positions to sum
            xt0t1 = _N.array(x[t0:t1])

            nSpks    = len(Asts)
            gz   = _N.zeros((ITERS, nSpks, Mwowonz), dtype=_N.bool)
            print "spikes %d" % nSpks

            #dSilenceX = (NSexp/float(oo.Nupx))*(oo.xHi-oo.xLo)
            dSilenceX = NSexp*(xbns[1]-xbns[0])  # dx of histogram

            xAS  = x[Asts + t0]   #  position @ spikes
            mAS  = mks[Asts + t0]   #  position @ spikes
            xASr = xAS.reshape((1, nSpks))
            #mASr = mAS.reshape((nSpks, 1, K))
            mASr = mAS.reshape((1, nSpks, K))
            econt = _N.empty((Mwowonz, nSpks))
            rat   = _N.zeros((Mwowonz+1, nSpks))

            qdrMKS = _N.empty((Mwowonz, nSpks))
            ################################  GIBBS ITERS ITERS ITERS

            #  linalgerror
            #_iSg_Mu = _N.einsum("mjk,mk->mj", _N.linalg.inv(_u_Sg), _u_u)

            clusSz = _N.zeros(M, dtype=_N.int)

            _iu_Sg = _N.array(_u_Sg)

            for m in xrange(M):
                _iu_Sg[m] = _N.linalg.inv(_u_Sg[m])

            ttA = _tm.time()
            for iter in xrange(ITERS):
                iSg = _N.linalg.inv(Sg)
                if (iter % 5) == 0:    
                    print "iter  %d" % iter

                gAMxMu.stochasticAssignment(oo, iter, M, Mwowonz, K, l0, f, q2, u, Sg, _f_u, _u_u, Asts, t0, mASr, xASr, rat, econt, gz, qdrMKS, freeClstr, hashthresh, ((epc > 0) and (iter == 0)))

        #         ###############  FOR EACH CLUSTER

                for m in xrange(M):
                    minds = _N.where(gz[iter, :, m] == 1)[0]
                    sts  = Asts[minds] + t0
                    nSpksM   = len(sts)
                    clusSz[m] = nSpksM

                    ###############  CONDITIONAL l0

                    #  _ss.gamma.rvs.  uses k, theta  k is 1/B (B is our thing)
                    iiq2 = 1./q2[m]
                    # xI = (xt0t1-f[m])*(xt0t1-f[m])*0.5*iiq2
                    # BL  = (oo.dt/_N.sqrt(twpi*q2[m]))*_N.sum(_N.exp(-xI))

                    #  l0_intgrd   (M x Nupx)
                    l0_intgrd   = _N.exp(-0.5*(f[m] - ux)*(f[m]-ux) * iiq2)  
                    l0_exp_px   = _N.sum(l0_intgrd*px) * dSilenceX

                    BL  = (oo.dt/_N.sqrt(twpi*q2[m]))*l0_exp_px

                    #    #  keep mode same after discount
                    #  a' - 1 / B' = MODE  # mode is a - 1 / B
                    #  B' = (a' - 1) / MODE
                    #  discount a
                    #if (epc > 0) and oo.adapt and (_l0_a[m] > 1.1):
                    if (epc > 0) and oo.adapt:
                        _md_nd= _l0_a[m] / _l0_B[m]
                        _Dl0_a = _l0_a[m] * _N.exp(-dt/tau_l0)
                        _Dl0_B = _Dl0_a / _md_nd
                        _Dl0_a = _l0_a[m]
                        _Dl0_B = _l0_B[m]

                    #  a'/B' = a/B
                    #  B' = (B/a)a'
                    aL  = nSpksM
                    l0_a_ = aL + _Dl0_a
                    l0_B_ = BL + _Dl0_B

                    # print "------------------"
                    # print "liklhd  BL   %(B).3f     f   %(f).3f   a %(a)d    B/a  %(ba).3f" % {"B" : BL, "f" : f[m], "ba" : (aL/ BL), "a" : aL}
                    # print "prior   BL   %(B).3f     f   %(f).3f   a %(a)d    B/a  %(ba).3f" % {"B" : l0_B_, "f" : f[m], "ba" : (l0_a_/ l0_B_), "a" : l0_a_}
                    # print (len(xt0t1)*oo.dt)
                    # print "******************"
                    #print "%(1).5f   %(2).5f" % {"1" : l0_a_, "2" : l0_B_}

                        l0[m] = _ss.gamma.rvs(l0_a_, scale=(1/l0_B_))  #  check
                    except ValueError:
                        print "fail"
                        print "M:        %d" % M
                        print "_l0_a[m]  %.3f" % _l0_a[m]
                        print "_l0_B[m]  %.3f" % _l0_B[m]
                        print "l0_a_     %.3f" % l0_a_
                        print "l0_B_     %.3f" % l0_B_
                        print "aL        %.3f" % aL
                        print "BL        %.3f" % BL
                        print "_Dl0_a    %.3f" % _Dl0_a
                        print "_Dl0_B    %.3f" % _Dl0_B

                    ###  l0 / _N.sqrt(twpi*q2) is f*dt used in createData2
                    smp_sp_prms[oo.ky_p_l0, iter, m] = l0[m]
                    smp_sp_hyps[oo.ky_h_l0_a, iter, m] = l0_a_
                    smp_sp_hyps[oo.ky_h_l0_B, iter, m] = l0_B_
                    mcs = _N.empty((M, K))   # cluster sample means

                    if nSpksM >= K:
                        u_Sg_ = _N.linalg.inv(_iu_Sg[m] + nSpksM*iSg[m])
                        clstx    = mks[sts]

                        mcs[m]       = _N.mean(clstx, axis=0)
                        #u_u_ = _N.einsum("jk,k->j", u_Sg_, _N.dot(_N.linalg.inv(_u_Sg[m]), _u_u[m]) + nSpksM*_N.dot(iSg[m], mcs[m]))
                        #u_u_ = _N.einsum("jk,k->j", u_Sg_, _N.dot(_iu_Sg[m], _u_u[m]) + nSpksM*_N.dot(iSg[m], mcs[m]))
                        # hyp
                        ########  POSITION
                        ##  mean of posterior distribution of cluster means
                        #  sigma^2 and mu are the current Gibbs-sampled values

                        ##  mean of posterior distribution of cluster means
                        u_Sg_ = _N.array(_u_Sg[m])

                        u_u_ = _N.array(_u_u[m])
                    u[m] = _N.random.multivariate_normal(u_u_, u_Sg_)

                    smp_mk_prms[oo.ky_p_u][:, iter, m] = u[m]
                    smp_mk_hyps[oo.ky_h_u_u][:, iter, m] = u_u_
                    smp_mk_hyps[oo.ky_h_u_Sg][:, :, iter, m] = u_Sg_

                    ###############  CONDITIONAL f
                    #q2pr = _f_q2[m] if (_f_q2[m] > q2rate) else q2rate
                    if (epc > 0) and oo.adapt:
                        q2pr = _f_q2[m] + f_q2_rate * dt
                        q2pr = _f_q2[m]
                    if nSpksM > 0:  #  spiking portion likelihood x prior
                        fs  = (1./nSpksM)*_N.sum(xt0t1[sts-t0])
                        fq2 = q2[m]/nSpksM
                        U   = (fs*q2pr + _f_u[m]*fq2) / (q2pr + fq2)
                        FQ2 = (q2pr*fq2) / (q2pr + fq2)
                        U   = _f_u[m]
                        FQ2 = q2pr

                    FQ    = _N.sqrt(FQ2)
                    fx    = _N.linspace(U - FQ*15, U + FQ*15, oo.fss)

                    if use_spc:
                        fxr     = fx.reshape((oo.fss, 1))
                        fxrux = -0.5*(fxr-ux)*(fxr-ux)  # 
                        f_intgrd  = _N.exp((fxrux*iiq2))   #  integrand
                        f_exp_px = _N.sum(f_intgrd*px, axis=1) * dSilenceX
                        s = -(l0[m]*oo.dt/_N.sqrt(twpi*q2[m])) * f_exp_px  #  a function of x
                        s = 0
                    funcf   = -0.5*((fx-U)*(fx-U))/FQ2 + s
                    funcf   -= _N.max(funcf)
                    condPosF= _N.exp(funcf)

                    norm    = 1./_N.sum(condPosF)
                    f_u_    = norm*_N.sum(fx*condPosF)
                    f_q2_   = norm*_N.sum(condPosF*(fx-f_u_)*(fx-f_u_))
                    f[m]    = _N.sqrt(f_q2_)*_N.random.randn() + f_u_
                    smp_sp_prms[oo.ky_p_f, iter, m] = f[m]
                    smp_sp_hyps[oo.ky_h_f_u, iter, m] = f_u_
                    smp_sp_hyps[oo.ky_h_f_q2, iter, m] = f_q2_

                    #ttc1g = _tm.time()
                    #############  VARIANCE, COVARIANCE
                    if nSpksM >= K:
                        ##  dof of posterior distribution of cluster covariance
                        Sg_nu_ = _Sg_nu[m, 0] + nSpksM
                        ##  dof of posterior distribution of cluster covariance
                        ur = u[m].reshape((1, K))
                        Sg_PSI_ = _Sg_PSI[m] + _N.dot((clstx - ur).T, (clstx-ur))
                        Sg[m] = s_u.sample_invwishart(Sg_PSI_, Sg_nu_)
                        Sg_nu_ = _Sg_nu[m, 0] 
                        ##  dof of posterior distribution of cluster covariance
                        ur = u[m].reshape((1, K))
                        Sg_PSI_ = _Sg_PSI[m]
                        Sg[m] = s_u.sample_invwishart(Sg_PSI_, Sg_nu_)

                    ##############  SAMPLE COVARIANCES

                    ##  dof of posterior distribution of cluster covariance

                    smp_mk_prms[oo.ky_p_Sg][:, :, iter, m] = Sg[m]
                    smp_mk_hyps[oo.ky_h_Sg_nu][0, iter, m] = Sg_nu_
                    smp_mk_hyps[oo.ky_h_Sg_PSI][:, :, iter, m] = Sg_PSI_

                    # ###############  CONDITIONAL q2
                    #xI = (xt0t1-f)*(xt0t1-f)*0.5*iq2xr

                    if use_spc:
                        q2_intgrd = _N.exp(-0.5*(f[m] - ux)*(f[m]-ux) * iq2xr)
                        q2_exp_px = _N.sum(q2_intgrd*px, axis=1) * dSilenceX

                        # function of q2
                        s = -((l0[m]*oo.dt)/sqrt_2pi_q2x)*q2_exp_px
                        s = 0
                    #  B' / (a' - 1) = MODE   #keep mode the same after discount
                    #  B' = MODE * (a' - 1)
                    if (epc > 0) and oo.adapt:
                        _md_nd= _q2_B[m] / (_q2_a[m] + 1)
                        _Dq2_a = _q2_a[m] * _N.exp(-dt/tau_q2)
                        _Dq2_B = _Dq2_a / _md_nd
                        _Dq2_a = _q2_a[m]
                        _Dq2_B = _q2_B[m]

                    if nSpksM > 0:
                        ##  (1/sqrt(sg2))^S
                        ##  (1/x)^(S/2)   = (1/x)-(a+1)
                        ##  -S/2 = -a - 1     -a = -S/2 + 1    a = S/2-1
                        xI = (xt0t1[sts-t0]-f[m])*(xt0t1[sts-t0]-f[m])*0.5
                        SL_a = 0.5*nSpksM - 1   #  spiking part of likelihood
                        SL_B = _N.sum(xI)  #  spiking part of likelihood
                        #  spiking prior x prior
                        sLLkPr = -(_q2_a[m] + SL_a + 2)*lq2x - iq2x*(_q2_B[m] + SL_B)
                        sLLkPr = -(_q2_a[m] + 1)*lq2x - iq2x*_q2_B[m]

                    sat = sLLkPr + s
                    sat -= _N.max(sat)
                    condPos = _N.exp(sat)
                    q2_a_, q2_B_ = ig_prmsUV(q2x, sLLkPr, s, d_q2x, q2x_m1, ITER=1, nSpksM=nSpksM, clstr=m, l0=l0[m])

                    # sat = sLLkPr + s
                    # sat -= _N.max(sat)
                    # condPos = _N.exp(sat)
                    # q2_a_, q2_B_ = ig_prmsUV(q2x, condPos, d_q2x, q2x_m1, ITER=1)
                    q2[m] = _ss.invgamma.rvs(q2_a_ + 1, scale=q2_B_)  #  check

                    #q2[m] = 1.1**2

                    #print ((1./nSpks)*_N.sum((xt0t1[sts]-f)*(xt0t1[sts]-f)))

                    if q2[m] < 0:
                        print "********  q2[%(m)d] = %(q2).3f" % {"m" : m, "q2" : q2[m]}

                    smp_sp_prms[oo.ky_p_q2, iter, m]   = q2[m]
                    smp_sp_hyps[oo.ky_h_q2_a, iter, m] = q2_a_
                    smp_sp_hyps[oo.ky_h_q2_B, iter, m] = q2_B_
                    if q2[m] < 0:
                        print "^^^^^^^^  q2[%(m)d] = %(q2).3f" % {"m" : m, "q2" : q2[m]}
                        print q2[m]
                        print smp_sp_prms[oo.ky_p_q2, 0:iter+1, m]
                    iiq2 = 1./q2[m]

                    #ttc1h = _tm.time()

                #  nz clstr.  fixed width
                if oo.nzclstr:
                    nz_l0_exp_px   = _N.sum(nz_l0_intgrd*px) * dSilenceX
                    BL  = (oo.dt/_N.sqrt(twpi*q2[Mwowonz-1]))*nz_l0_exp_px

                    minds = len(_N.where(gz[iter, :, Mwowonz-1] == 1)[0])
                    l0_a_ = minds + _nz_l0_a
                    l0_B_ = BL    + _nz_l0_B

                    l0[Mwowonz-1]  = _ss.gamma.rvs(l0_a_, scale=(1/l0_B_)) 
                    smp_nz_l0[iter]       = l0[Mwowonz-1]
                    smp_nz_hyps[0, iter]  = l0_a_
                    smp_nz_hyps[1, iter]  = l0_B_

            ttB = _tm.time()
            print (ttB-ttA)

            ###  THIS LEVEL:  Finished Gibbs iters for epoch
            gAMxMu.finish_epoch(oo, nSpks, epc, ITERS, gz, l0, f, q2, u, Sg, _f_u, _f_q2, _q2_a, _q2_B, _l0_a, _l0_B, _u_u, _u_Sg, _Sg_nu, _Sg_PSI, smp_sp_hyps, smp_sp_prms, smp_mk_hyps, smp_mk_prms, freeClstr, M, K)
            #  MAP of nzclstr
            if oo.nzclstr:
                frm = int(0.7*ITERS)
                _nz_l0_a              = _N.median(smp_nz_hyps[0, frm:])
                _nz_l0_B              = _N.median(smp_nz_hyps[1, frm:])
            pcklme["smp_sp_hyps"] = smp_sp_hyps
            pcklme["smp_mk_hyps"] = smp_mk_hyps
            pcklme["smp_sp_prms"] = smp_sp_prms
            pcklme["smp_mk_prms"] = smp_mk_prms
            pcklme["sp_prmPstMd"] = oo.sp_prmPstMd
            pcklme["mk_prmPstMd"] = oo.mk_prmPstMd
            pcklme["intvs"]       = oo.intvs
            pcklme["occ"]         = gz
            pcklme["nz_pth"]         = nz_pth
            pcklme["M"]           = M
            pcklme["Mwowonz"]           = Mwowonz
            if Mwowonz > M:  # or oo.nzclstr == True
                pcklme["smp_nz_l0"]  = smp_nz_l0
                pcklme["smp_nz_hyps"]= smp_nz_hyps
            dmp = open(resFN("posteriors_%d.dmp" % epc, dir=oo.outdir), "wb")
            pickle.dump(pcklme, dmp, -1)