def do_loaddb(self, arg): # configuration file # if no parameter is given config is read from ~/.futuregrid/futuregrid.cfg print "\r... loading data from database" self.users = {} self.instances = Instances() # gets also data from the database self.instances.read_from_db() print "\r... data loaded"
class CmdLineAnalyzeEucaData(Cmd): #multilineCommands = ['None'] #Cmd.shortcuts.update({'&': 'speak'}) #maxrepeats = 3 #Cmd.settable.append('maxrepeats') instances = {} users = {} pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=0) charttype = "pie" from_date = "" echo = True timing = True def calculate_user_stats (self, from_date="all", to_date="all"): """calculates some elementary statusticks about the instances per user: count, min time, max time, avg time, total time""" # handle parameters process_all = False if (type(from_date).__name__ == "str"): process_all = (from_date == "all") if not process_all: date_from = datetime.strptime(from_date, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') date_to = datetime.strptime(to_date, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') if (type(from_date).__name__ == "None"): process_all = True if (type(from_date).__name__ == "datetime"): date_from = from_date date_to = to_date process_all = False print self.instances.count() for i in self.instances.get(): values = self.instances.getdata(i) process_entry = process_all if not process_all: process_entry = (values['ts'] >= date_from) and (values['ts'] < date_to) if process_entry: name = values["ownerId"] t_delta = float(values["duration"]) try: self.users[name]["count"] += 1 # number of instances except: # count,sum,min,max,avg self.users[name] = {'count' : 1, 'sum' : 0.0, 'min' : t_delta, 'max' : t_delta, 'avg' : 0.0 } self.users[name]['sum'] += t_delta # sum of time self.users[name]['min'] = min (t_delta, self.users[name]['min']) self.users[name]['max'] = min (t_delta, self.users[name]['max']) for name in self.users: self.users[name]['avg'] = float(self.users[name]['sum']) / float(self.users[name]['count']) def display_user_stats(self, type="pie", filepath="chart.png"): """ filepath = display, filepath = url, filepath = real filepath""" """displays the number of VMs a user is running""" """ types supported pie, bar""" values = [] label_values = [] # print self.users max_v = 0 for name in self.users: number = self.users[name]['count'] values.append(number) label_values.append(name + ":" + str(number)) max_v = max(max_v, number) # print values # print label_values if type == "pie": chart = PieChart3D(500, 200) chart.set_pie_labels(label_values) if type == "bar": chart = StackedHorizontalBarChart(500,200, x_range=(0, max_v)) # the labels seem wrong, not sure why i have to call reverse chart.set_axis_labels('y', reversed(label_values)) # setting the x axis labels left_axis = range(0, max_v + 1, 1) left_axis[0] = '' chart.set_axis_labels(Axis.BOTTOM, left_axis) chart.set_bar_width(10) chart.set_colours(['00ff00', 'ff0000']) # Add some data chart.add_data(values) # Assign the labels to the pie data if filepath == "display": #os.system ("open -a /Applications/ " + '"' + url + '"') os.system ("open " + filepath) elif filepath == "url": url = chart.get_url() print url else: Utility.ensure_dir(filepath) def make_html (self, output_dir, title): page_template = """ <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN"> <html> <head> <title> %(title)s </title> </head> <body> <img src="fg-logo.png" alt="FutureGrid" /> Eucalyptus Monitor <h1> %(title)s </h1> <p> <img src="pie.png" alt="chart" /><img src="bar.png" alt="chart" /> <hr> <address>Author Gregor von Laszewski, [email protected]</address> <!-- hhmts start -->Last modified: %(now)s <!-- hhmts end --> </body> </html> """ print "========" now = now = "%s-%s-%s %s:%s:%s" % (now.year, now.month,, now.hour, now.minute, now.second) filename = output_dir+"/index.html" Utility.ensure_dir(filename) f = open(filename, "w") f.write(page_template % vars()) f.close() def make_index_html (self, output_dir, title): page_template = """ <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN"> <html> <head> <title> %(title)s </title> </head> <body> <img src="" width="94" height="65" alt="FutureGrid" /> Eucalyptus Monitor <h1> %(title)s </h1> <table> <tr> <td> <img src="pie.png" alt="chart" /> </td> <td> <img src="bar.png" alt="chart" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Figure 1. Running instances per user of eucalyptus in India (pie type) </td> <td> Figure 2. Running instances per user of eucalyptus in India (bar type) </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> %(motion_chart)s </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <br><br><br><br> Figure 3. Running instances per user of eucalyptus in India (motion chart) </td> </tr> </table> <hr> <address>Author Gregor von Laszewski, [email protected]</address> <!-- hhmts start -->Last modified: %(now)s <!-- hhmts end --> </body> </html> """ print "========" now = now = "%s-%s-%s %s:%s:%s" % (now.year, now.month,, now.hour, now.minute, now.second) gmc = GoogleMotionChart() motion_chart = gmc.display(self.users, self.from_date) filename = output_dir+"/index.html" Utility.ensure_dir(filename) f = open(filename, "w") f.write(page_template % vars()) f.close() def make_frame_html (self): page_template = """ <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>FutureGrid Statistical reports</TITLE> </HEAD> <FRAMESET COLS="11%,89%"> <FRAME scrolling=yes SRC="menu.html" NAME="left"> <FRAME SRC="main.html" NAME="right"> </FRAMESET> </HTML> """ filename = "index.html" f = open(filename, "w") f.write(page_template) f.close() def make_menu_html (self, directories): page_template = str("<b>Metrics</b><br>") page_template += str("<b>Monthly VM Ussage by User</b>") page_template += str("<ul>") for dirname in directories: page_template += "<li><a href=\"" + dirname + "/index.html\" target=right> VM usage by day " + dirname + "</a></li>\n" page_template += str("</ul>") filename = "menu.html" f = open(filename, "w") f.write(page_template) f.close() def make_google_motion_chart(self, directory): filename = "FGGoogleMotionChart.html" filepath = directory + "/" + filename Utility.ensure_dir(filepath) test = GoogleMotionChart() output = test.display(self.users, self.from_date) f = open(filepath, "w") f.write(output) f.close() print filepath + " created" def preloop(self): self.do_loaddb("") def postloop(self): print "BYE ..." def do_changecharttype (self, arg): if (arg != "pie") and (arg != "bar") and (arg != "motion"): print "Error: charttype " + arg + " not supported." else: print "Setting chart type to " + arg self.charttype = arg @options([ make_option('-t', '--type', type="string", help="users"), make_option('-s', '--seperator', type="string", help="seperator between attribute and value"), make_option('-c', '--caption', type="string", help="title of the table"), ]) def do_table(self, arg, opts): print opts.caption if opts.seperator == "" or opts.seperator == None: seperator = "=" else: seperator = opts.seperator if opts.caption != "" and opts.caption != None: print "# " + opts.caption print "# -----------------------------------------" if opts.type == "users": print arg for name in self.users: print "%s %s %s" % (name, seperator, self.users[name]['count']) else: print "Error: Printing <" + opts.type + "> is not supported" def do_loaddb(self, arg): # configuration file # if no parameter is given config is read from ~/.futuregrid/futuregrid.cfg print "\r... loading data from database" self.users = {} self.instances = Instances() # gets also data from the database self.instances.read_from_db() print "\r... data loaded" def do_pause(slef, arg): os.system("pause") def do_dump(self, arg): # prints the data from all instances # if we specify key, prints it from an instance with a given instance id self.instances.dump() def do_printlist(self, arg): print "\n... list\n" # lists all instance ids id's # takes as additional parameters fields to be printed self.instances.print_list(arg) def do_clear(self, arg): if arg == "users": self.users = {} elif arg == "instances": self.instances = {} @options([ make_option('-f', '--start', default="all", type="string", help="start time of the interval (type. YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)"), make_option('-t', '--end', default="all", type="string", help="end time of the interval (type. YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)"), make_option('-M', '--month', type="string", help="month to analyze (type. MM)"), make_option('-Y', '--year', type="string", help="year to analyze (type. YYYY)"), ]) def do_analyze (self, arg, opts=None): # Default set year and month by current date now = analyze_year = str(now.year) analyze_s_month = "01" analyze_e_month = "12" if opts.year == analyze_year: analyze_e_month = str(now.month) if opts.year: analyze_year = opts.year if opts.month: analyze_s_month = opts.month analyze_e_month = opts.month if opts.year or opts.month: from_date = "%s-%s-01T00:00:00" % (analyze_year, analyze_s_month) to_date = "%s-%s-%sT23:59:59" % (analyze_year, analyze_e_month, str(calendar.monthrange(int(analyze_year), int(analyze_e_month))[1])) else: from_date = opts.start to_date = opts.end print "analyze [" + from_date + ", " + to_date + "]" self.from_date = from_date self.instances.refresh() print "now calculating" self.calculate_user_stats (from_date, to_date) def do_getdaterange(self, arg): #Get Date range of 'instances' table in mysql db res = self.instances.getDateRange() print Utility.convertOutput(res[0], "first_date") print Utility.convertOutput(res[1], "last_date") #print"", " order by date limit 1") #print"", " order by date DESC limit 1") def do_printusers(self, arg): print self.pp.pprint(self.users) def do_timing (self, arg): self.timing = True def do_echo (self, arg): self.echo = True def do_open(self,arg): os.system ("open " + arg) @options([ make_option('-t', '--type', default = charttype, type="string", help="pie, bar, motion"), make_option('-f', '--filepath', default = "chart.png", type="string", help="the filepath in which we store a chart") ]) def do_creategraph(self, arg, opts=None): graph_type = opts.type filepath = opts.filepath print graph_type + " typed " + filepath + " file created" self.display_user_stats(graph_type, filepath) @options([ make_option('-d', '--directory', type="string", help="directory name which the chart html will be stored.") ]) def do_createhtml(self, arg): self.make_google_motion_chart( @options([ make_option('-d', '--directory', type="string", help="directory name which contains report graphs."), make_option('-t', '--title', type="string", help="A report title in the index.html") ]) def do_createreport(self, arg, opts=None): #self.make_html(, opts.title) self.display_user_stats("pie", + "/pie.png") self.display_user_stats("bar", + "/bar.png") #self.make_google_motion_chart( self.make_index_html(, opts.title) def do_createreports(self, arg): self.make_frame_html() self.make_menu_html(arg.split())