Exemplo n.º 1
def get_bt_masks(mesh, key, fiat_element):
    """Get masks for top and bottom dofs.

    :arg mesh: The mesh to use.
    :arg key: Canonicalised entity_dofs (see :func:`entity_dofs_key`).
    :arg fiat_element: The FIAT element.
    :returns: A dict mapping ``"topological"`` and ``"geometric"``
        keys to bottom and top dofs (extruded) or ``None``.
    if not bool(mesh.layers):
        return None
    bt_masks = {}
    # Compute the top and bottom masks to identify boundary dofs
    # Sorting the keys of the closure entity dofs, the whole cell
    # comes last [-1], before that the horizontal facet [-2], before
    # that vertical facets [-3]. We need the horizontal facets here.
    closure_dofs = fiat_element.entity_closure_dofs()
    b_mask = closure_dofs[sorted(closure_dofs.keys())[-2]][0]
    t_mask = closure_dofs[sorted(closure_dofs.keys())[-2]][1]
    bt_masks["topological"] = (b_mask, t_mask)  # conversion to tuple
    # Geometric facet dofs
    facet_dofs = horiz_facet_support_dofs(fiat_element)
    bt_masks["geometric"] = (facet_dofs[0], facet_dofs[1])
    return bt_masks
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_bt_masks(mesh, key, fiat_element):
    """Get masks for top and bottom dofs.

    :arg mesh: The mesh to use.
    :arg key: Canonicalised entity_dofs (see :func:`entity_dofs_key`).
    :arg fiat_element: The FIAT element.
    :returns: A dict mapping ``"topological"`` and ``"geometric"``
        keys to bottom and top dofs (extruded) or ``None``.
    if not bool(mesh.layers):
        return None
    bt_masks = {}
    # Compute the top and bottom masks to identify boundary dofs
    # Sorting the keys of the closure entity dofs, the whole cell
    # comes last [-1], before that the horizontal facet [-2], before
    # that vertical facets [-3]. We need the horizontal facets here.
    closure_dofs = fiat_element.entity_closure_dofs()
    b_mask = closure_dofs[sorted(closure_dofs.keys())[-2]][0]
    t_mask = closure_dofs[sorted(closure_dofs.keys())[-2]][1]
    bt_masks["topological"] = (b_mask, t_mask)  # conversion to tuple
    # Geometric facet dofs
    facet_dofs = horiz_facet_support_dofs(fiat_element)
    bt_masks["geometric"] = (facet_dofs[0], facet_dofs[1])
    return bt_masks
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_prism_hdiv(prism_mesh, space, degree, horiz_expected, vert_expected):
    W0_h = FiniteElement(space, "triangle", degree)
    W1_h = FiniteElement("DG", "triangle", degree - 1)

    W0_v = FiniteElement("DG", "interval", degree - 1)
    W0 = HDiv(TensorProductElement(W0_h, W0_v))

    W1_v = FiniteElement("CG", "interval", degree)
    W1 = HDiv(TensorProductElement(W1_h, W1_v))

    V = FunctionSpace(prism_mesh, W0+W1)
    assert horiz_expected == horiz_facet_support_dofs(V.fiat_element)
    assert vert_expected == vert_facet_support_dofs(V.fiat_element)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_prism(prism_mesh, args, kwargs, horiz_expected, vert_expected):
    V = FunctionSpace(prism_mesh, *args, **kwargs)
    assert horiz_expected == horiz_facet_support_dofs(V.fiat_element)
    assert vert_expected == vert_facet_support_dofs(V.fiat_element)