Exemplo n.º 1
def isPDBFile(pathFileName):
    #This method check if the file is a PDB file or not. if the file contains ATOM, REMARK and SEQRES, this file is a PDB. Otherwise,
    # this file is not a PDB file.
    path,name = os.path.split(pathFileName)    
    fcfrpFile = FcfrpFile(path,name)
    #if fcfrpFile.find("ATOM") == -1 and fcfrpFile.find("REMARK")  == -1 and fcfrpFile.find("SEQRES") and -1:
    if fcfrpFile.find("ATOM") == -1 and fcfrpFile.find("SEQRES") == -1:
        mensage = "The %s file is not a PDB File. Please, check it." % pathFileName 
        raise Exception(mensage)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def createSitesFile(self, last):
        pqr_file = FcfrpFile(self._pathPqr, self._pqrName + '.renumbered')
        record = ''
        refLine = -1
        NTref = 1
        flag = 0
        lastResidue = last
        for line in pqr_file.readLines(): 
            fields = line.split()
            if fields[0] != "END_CHAIN":
                campo   = fields[0]
                numSeq  = fields[1]
                atom    = fields[2]
                resName = fields[3]
                numRes  = fields[4]
                px      = fields[5]
                py      = fields[6]
                pz      = fields[7]
                charge  = fields[8]
                radii   = fields[9]
                # It used to insert N Terminal
                if flag == 1:
                    NTref = int(numSeq)
                    flag = 0
                if numRes != refLine:
                    if int(numSeq) == NTref:
                        # Get the all (the first and others) N-Terminal
                        record = self.insertNterminal(numRes, resName, record)
                    elif resName in self.resIonic:   
                        # It does not insert the last ionic residue   
                        if int(numSeq) == lastResidue:
                            record = record + str(numRes) + "  " + str(resName) + '\n'
                    refLine = numRes
            if fields[0] == "END_CHAIN":
                # Get the others C-Terminal            
                record = self.insertCterminal(numRes, resName, record)
                flag = 1 # It indicates that the next residue is a N Terminal

        # Get the last C-Terminal       
        record = self.insertCterminal(numRes, resName, record)
        self.saveFile(self._pqrName[:self._pqrName.__len__()-3] + 'sites', record)
 def saveFile(self, fileName, conteudo):  
     f = FcfrpFile(self._pathOut, fileName)
Exemplo n.º 4
def getStructure(id,path, modelChoose=None):
    # This function returns a Structure that will be from PDB file.
    # If there isn't PDB file, it will be obtained from PDB site

    pdbid = str(id) + ".PDB" 
    F = FcfrpFile(path,pdbid)
    if not F.existsFile():
        pdbFile = getPDBFromSite(id)
        savePDBFile(pdbFile, F._path)
    errors, vs = checkPDBFile(id, F.getPath())
    if len(errors) == 0:
       structure = loadStructure(id, F.getPath(), True)
       return structure
       s = FcfrpShowErrosDetails(vs, errors)
       return loadStructure(id, F.getPath(), True)
 def loadStructureFromFile(self, id, pathfileName, chainId=None):
     dir, fileName = os.path.split(pathfileName)
     filePDB = FcfrpFile(dir, fileName)
     #Define Model value
     currentModel = None
     #Start the Structure
     #Here the PDB file will read and separate in dictionaries. 
     for line in filePDB.readLines():
         record = line.split()
         if record[0] == "SEQRES":
             if self.checkChain(record[2], chainId) == True:
         elif record[0] == "SSBOND":
             if self.checkChain(line[15:16], chainId) == True:
         elif record[0] == "MODEL":
             #The MODEL line is MODEL        1                                                                  
             # So, when split command is used, the result'll be ['MODEL', '1']
             #Therefore, the currentModel represents the Model. If there isn't model, its value'll be always zero.
             currentModel = int(record[1]) 
         elif record[0] == "ATOM":
             if self.checkChain(line[21:22], chainId) == True:
     #Here the dictionaries have been created by for command above, they will be used in specific methods. These methods
     # represent each PDB file section.
     self._loadAtomsfromFile(id, self._pdbFileLayout.getAtoms())
     structure = self._structure_builder.get_structure()
     self._loadErrorsfromFile(id, structure, pathfileName, chainId)
     #print "Comentado checagem de erro qdo arquvivo PDB"
     return structure
 def __init__(self, structure,pathFileName, chainId = None):
     self._structure = structure
     self._descricaoAmino = FcfrpAminoTopol()
     dir,name = os.path.split(pathFileName)
     self._file = FcfrpFile(dir,name)
     # Used to remove heteroatoms
     self._valid_residues = ["ALA", "ARG", "ASN", "ASP", "CYS", "GLN", "GLU", "GLY", "HIS", "ILE" , "LEU", "LYS", "MET", "PHE", "PRO", "SER", "THR", "TRP", "TYR", "VAL"]
     self._dicResidueFromSeqres = {}
     self._dicResidueFromAtom = {}
     self._dicMissingResidues = {}
     self._dicMissingAtoms = {}
     self._dicDuplicatedAtoms = {}
     self._listUnknowResidues = []
     self._erros = []
     self._chainId = chainId
class FcfrpStructureChains():
    def __init__(self,path, fileNameSet):
        self._path = path
        self.fileSet = FcfrpFile(path, fileNameSet)
    def getPDBIdFromName(self,name):
        return str(name).split("_")[0]
    def splitPDBChains(self,id):
        return getStructureChains(id)
    def getDirectory(self,id):
        #Check if there isn't the path, it'll create and return it
        path = os.path.join(self._path, id) 
        if os.path.exists(path) == False:
        return path
    def getPathFileName(self, name):
        id = self.getPDBIdFromName(name)
        path = self.getDirectory(id)
        FileName = name + ".pdb"
        return os.path.join(path,FileName)  
    def saveStructures(self,dicStructures):
        # Save each structure stored in the dicStructures dictionary.
        for k,structure in dicStructures.iteritems():
            pathFileName = self.getPathFileName(k)
    def buildFileSetProteins(self,id,dicStructures):
        f = self.fileSet.getAsFile('a')
        f.write(";"+id+"\n")#The main pdb
        for k,v in dicStructures.iteritems():
             f.write(" "+k+"\n")
    def executeTitration(self,dicStructures, table):
        for k, structure in dicStructures.iteritems():
            id = self.getPDBIdFromName(k)
            path = self.getDirectory(id)
    def executeCapacitance(self,dicStructures, table):
        for k, structure in dicStructures.iteritems():
            id = self.getPDBIdFromName(k)
            path = self.getDirectory(id)
 def save(self,structure,dir,fileName):
     filePDB = FcfrpFile(dir, fileName)
     #Create Remark Section
     self._saveRemark(structure, filePDB)
     #Create SEQRES Section
     self._saveSeqRes(structure, filePDB)
     #Create SSBOND Section
     self._saveSSBonds(structure, filePDB)
     #Create ATOM Section
     iModels = 0 #index for Models
     iAtom = 0 #index for atom
     iRes = 0 #index for Residue
     for model in structure:
         #Will write Model, if there are more than 1 models.
         if self._amountModels > 1:
             iModels += 1
             filePDB.write(self._MODEL % str(iModels)) 
         iAtom = 0
         iRes  = 0
         for chain in model:
             for residue in chain:
                 iRes  += 1
                 for atom in residue: #Atoms
                     iAtom += 1
                     self._saveAtom(iAtom,atom,residue,chain,iRes,filePDB, int(residue.id[1]))
 def __init__(self,path, fileNameSet):
     self._path = path
     self.fileSet = FcfrpFile(path, fileNameSet)
class FcfrpValidation():   
    def __init__(self, structure,pathFileName, chainId = None):
        self._structure = structure
        self._descricaoAmino = FcfrpAminoTopol()
        dir,name = os.path.split(pathFileName)
        self._file = FcfrpFile(dir,name)
        # Used to remove heteroatoms
        self._valid_residues = ["ALA", "ARG", "ASN", "ASP", "CYS", "GLN", "GLU", "GLY", "HIS", "ILE" , "LEU", "LYS", "MET", "PHE", "PRO", "SER", "THR", "TRP", "TYR", "VAL"]
        self._dicResidueFromSeqres = {}
        self._dicResidueFromAtom = {}
        self._dicMissingResidues = {}
        self._dicMissingAtoms = {}
        self._dicDuplicatedAtoms = {}
        self._listUnknowResidues = []
        self._erros = []
        self._chainId = chainId
    # Check if have missing residues and/or atoms on structure
    def checkStructure(self):
        i = self.getDifferenceBetweenDictionaries(self.getResiduesFromSeqres(), self.getResiduesFromATOM())
        # Find missing residues
        if i == 1:
            self.setPositionMissingResidues(self.getResiduesFromSeqres(), self.getResiduesFromATOM())        

    # Build a dictionary with all residues per chain
    # The residues are come from SEQRES
    def setResiduesFromSeqres(self):
        residuos = []        
        for line in self._file.readLines():
            i = 0
            field = line.split()
            if field[0] == "SEQRES":
                if self.checkChain(field[2], self._chainId) == True:
                    for res in field:
                        if res in self._valid_residues:
                            cadeia = field[2]
                            if i > 3:
                            if i > 3:
                                self._listUnknowResidues.append(res) # Residue 
                                self._listUnknowResidues.append(field[2]) # chain
                        i = i + 1
                    if self._dicResidueFromSeqres.has_key(cadeia) == 1:
                        tmp = []
                        tmp = self._dicResidueFromSeqres[cadeia]
                        for x in residuos:
                        self._dicResidueFromSeqres[cadeia] = tmp
                        residuos = []
                        self._dicResidueFromSeqres[cadeia] = residuos
                        residuos = []
    # Build a dictionary with all residues per chain
    # The residues are come from ATOM
    def setResiduesFromAtom(self):
        listResidues = []        
        for model in self._structure:
            for chain in model:
                if self.checkChain(chain.id, self._chainId) == True:
                    for residue in chain:
                        if residue.get_resname() in self._valid_residues:
                    self._dicResidueFromAtom[chain.id] = listResidues
                    listResidues = []

    # Return residues dictionary from SEQRES                         
    def getResiduesFromSeqres(self):
        return self._dicResidueFromSeqres
    # Return residues dictionary from ATOM
    def getResiduesFromATOM(self):
        return self._dicResidueFromAtom
    # Return a dictionary with missing residues
    def getMissingResidues(self):
        return self._dicMissingResidues
    # Return a dictionary with missing atoms
    def getMissingAtoms(self):
        return self._dicMissingAtoms
    # Return a list with duplicated atoms
    def getDuplicatedAtoms(self):
        return self._dicDuplicatedAtoms
    # Return a list with unknown residues
    def getUnknownResidues(self):
        return self._listUnknowResidues
    # Return 1 if there are missing residues, and 0 if there aren't missing residues
    def haveMissingResidues(self):
        if self._dicMissingResidues.__len__() > 0:
            return 1
            return 0
    # Return 1 if there are missing atoms, and 0 if there aren't missing atoms
    def haveMissingAtoms(self):
        if self._dicMissingAtoms.__len__() > 0:
            return 1
            return 0
    # Return 1 if there are duplicated atoms, and 0 if there aren't duplicated atoms    
    def haveDuplicatedAtoms(self):
        if self._dicDuplicatedAtoms.__len__() > 0:
            return 1
            return 0
    # Return 1 if there are unknown residues, and 0 if there aren't unknown residues
    def haveUnknownResidues(self):
        if self._listUnknowResidues.__len__() > 0:
            return 1
            return 0
    def hasErrors(self):
        if self.haveMissingResidues() == 1:
        if self.haveMissingAtoms() == 1:
        if self.haveDuplicatedAtoms() == 1:
        if self.haveUnknownResidues() == 1:
        return self._erros
    # Return different length between two dictionaries (SEQRES and ATOM)
    def getDifferenceBetweenDictionaries(self, seqres, atom):
        listSeqres = []
        listAtom = []
        diff = 0
        for chain in seqres:
            listSeqres = seqres[chain]
            listAtom = atom[chain]
            if listSeqres.__len__() - listAtom.__len__() != 0:
                diff = 1
            listSeqres = []
            listAtom = []
        return diff 
    # Set position of missing residues
    def setPositionMissingResidues(self, dicResSeqres, dicResAtom):     
        for chain in dicResSeqres:
            listResFromSeqres = []
            listResFromAtom = []
            listMiss = []    
            listResFromSeqres = dicResSeqres[chain]
            listResFromAtom = dicResAtom[chain]
            i = 0
            j = 0   
            while i < listResFromSeqres.__len__():
                if listResFromSeqres[i] == listResFromAtom[j]:
                    i = i + 1
                    if j < listResFromAtom.__len__()-1:
                        j = j + 1
                    self._dicMissingResidues[chain] = listMiss
                    i = i + 1

    # Find for missing atoms in a structure
    def findMissingAtoms(self):
        result = []
        for model in self._structure:
            for chain in model:
                if self.checkChain(chain.id, self._chainId) == True:
                    for residue in chain:
                        if residue.get_resname() in self._valid_residues:                       
                            result = self.checkAtomsFromResidue(residue.get_resname(), self.getAtomsFromResidueInATOM(chain.id, residue.get_id()))
                            if result.__len__() > 0:
                                # result.append(chain.id)
                                # result.append(residue.get_id())
                                key_comp = residue.get_id()
                                self._dicMissingAtoms[chain.id, key_comp[1], residue.get_resname()] = result 
    # Return a list of atom from residue - Search in ATOM
    def getAtomsFromResidueInATOM(self, chainRef, residueRef):
        atoms = []
        for model in self._structure:
            for chain in model:
                if chain.id == chainRef:
                    residue = chain[(residueRef[0],residueRef[1],residueRef[2])]
                    for atom in residue:
        return atoms
    # check the amount atoms from residue
    def checkAtomsFromResidue(self, residue, atoms):
        dicRes = self._descricaoAmino.getDicionario(residue)
        atomRes = self.organizaAtomos(atoms)
        diff = {}
        missings = []
        for key in dicRes:
            if atomRes.has_key(key) == 1:
                if key != 'H':
                    if key == 'O':
                        diff[key] = str( int(dicRes[key])-1 - int(atomRes[key])) # Peptide Bond
                        diff[key] = str(int(dicRes[key]) - int(atomRes[key]))    # Peptide Bond

                    if int(diff[key]) > 0: # It may to have duplicates
                        #          [0] Residue,    [1]amount,      [2]atom 
                        missings = [str(diff[key]), str(key)]            
        return missings
    # Get all atoms from missing residues
    def getAtomsFromMissingResidues(self):
        missRes = []
        missResPosition = []
        atoms = []
        for chain in self._dicMissingResidues:
            missRes = []
            missResPosition = []

            i = 0
            res = self._dicMissingResidues[chain]
            while i < res.__len__():    
                missResPosition.append(res[i + 1])
                i = i + 2
            j = 0
            for rs in missRes:
                dicRes = self._descricaoAmino.getDicionario(rs)
                # atoms.append(rs)
                for a in dicRes:
                self._dicMissingAtoms[chain, str(missResPosition[j]), rs] = atoms
                atoms = []
                j = j + 1    
    # Build a dictionary with atoms and amount
    def organizaAtomos(self, atomos):
        dicAtomos = {}
        for atm in atomos:
            tmp = str(atm) # tmp and atom are use to get only the first character to each kind of atoms
            atom = tmp[0]
            if dicAtomos.has_key(str(atom)) == 1:
                valor = int(dicAtomos[str(atom)])
                valor = valor + 1
                dicAtomos[str(atom)] = str(valor)
                dicAtomos[str(atom)] = str(1)
        return dicAtomos
    # Look for duplicated atoms
    def findDuplicatedAtoms(self):
        # [0]Residue [1]Chain [2]id from residue [3]Atom [4]Alternative Local
        result = [] 
        for model in self._structure:
            for chain in model:
                if self.checkChain(chain.id, self._chainId) == True:
                    for residue in chain:
                        for atom in residue:
                            result = self.checkDuplicatedAtomsInResidue(chain, residue, atom)
                            if result.__len__() > 0:
                                key_comp = residue.get_id()
                                key = chain.id, key_comp[1], residue.get_resname(), key_comp[2]
                                if self._dicDuplicatedAtoms.has_key(key) == 1:
                                    tmp = []
                                    tmp = self._dicDuplicatedAtoms[key]
                                    for x in result:
                                        self._dicDuplicatedAtoms[key] = tmp
                                        result = []
                                    self._dicDuplicatedAtoms[key] = result
                                    result = []
    def checkDuplicatedAtomsInResidue(self, chain, residue, atom):
        x = ""
        duplicateds = [] 
        x = str(atom.get_altloc())
        if x != " ":
        return duplicateds

    def checkChain(self, chainIdFile, chainIdSelected):
        cont = False
        if chainIdSelected == None:
            cont = True
        elif chainIdFile == chainIdSelected:
            cont = True
            cont = False
        return cont