Exemplo n.º 1
def main(args):
    # Unpack args
    inputList  = args['inputList']
    outputGDB  = args['outGDB']

    # Read input list into list. Assume all inputs exist. 
    # If they do not, FC should throw RuntimeError
    # Can add skip later if we want to avoid error due to shp not existing
    with open (inputList, 'r') as l:
        inFcs = [x.strip('\r\n') for x in l.readlines()]

    print "Adding {} feature classes to {}\n".format(len(inFcs), outputGDB)
    for inFc in inFcs:
        #zs.updateOutputGdb(outGdb, f)
        fc = FeatureClass(inFc)

Exemplo n.º 2
def main(args):

    # Unpack args
    stackType = args['stackType']
    zonalType = args['zonalType']

    bname = '{}__{}__ZonalStats'.format(zonalType, stackType)
    outGdb = os.path.join(outDir, '{}.gdb'.format(bname))

    globDir = glob.glob(os.path.join(inDir, '{}*gpkg'.format(bname)))
    print "\nCreating {} from {} input files...\n".format(outGdb, len(globDir))

    for f in globDir:

        fc = FeatureClass(f)
        #zs.updateOutputGdb(outGdb, f)

    # Lastly, move the csv to its final directory
    mvCsv = os.path.join(inDir, '{}.csv'.format(bname))
    os.system('mv {} {}'.format(mvCsv, outDir))
Exemplo n.º 3
def main(args):

    # Unpack args, check inputs and set up vars
    inH5 = args['input']
    outGdb = args['outGdb']
    cont = args['continent']  # eu or na (default na)

    if cont != 'na' and cont != 'eu':  # Check that continent is na or eu
        raise RuntimeError("Continent must be 'na' or 'eu'")

    if not inH5.endswith('.h5'):
        sys.exit('Input file must have an .h5 extension')

    if outGdb is not None:
        if not outGdb.endswith('.gdb') and not outGdb.endswith('.gpkg')       \
        and not outGdb.endswith('.shp'):
            sys.exit('Output GDB must have an .gdb, .gpkg, or .shp extension')

    bname = os.path.basename(inH5).strip('.h5')

    # Set output dir variables and make dirs
    baseOutdir = '/att/gpfsfs/briskfs01/ppl/mwooten3/3DSI/ATL08/{}'.format(
    outCsvDir = os.path.join(baseOutdir, 'flight_csvs')
    outShpDir = os.path.join(baseOutdir, 'flight_shps')
    outLogDir = os.path.join(
        'flight_logs')  # 5/15 - log file for each h5 file bc par processing
    for d in [outCsvDir, outShpDir, outLogDir]:
        os.system('mkdir -p {}'.format(d))

    # Log output:
    logFile = os.path.join(outLogDir,
    print "See {} for log".format(logFile)
    so = se = open(logFile, 'a', 0)  # open our log file
    sys.stdout = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'w',
                           0)  # re-open stdout without buffering
    os.dup2(so.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno()
            )  # redirect stdout and stderr to the log file opened above
    os.dup2(se.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno())

    print "BEGIN: {}".format(time.strftime("%m-%d-%y %I:%M:%S"))
    print "Continent: {}".format(cont)
    print "h5 File: {}\n".format(inH5)

    outCsv = os.path.join(outCsvDir, '{}.csv'.format(bname))
    outShp = os.path.join(outShpDir, '{}.shp'.format(bname))

    # Check if output shp already exists
    if os.path.isfile(outShp):
        print "\n Output {} already exists".format(outShp)
        return None

    # 1. H5 file --> outCsv (Paul's extract code):
    extractCode = '/att/home/mwooten3/code/icesat2/extract_atl08.py'
    cmd = 'python {} -i {} -o {}'.format(extractCode, inH5, outCsvDir)

    # Check if ICESAT2GRID (extract) failed
    if not os.path.isfile(outCsv):
        print "\n Output {} was not created".format(outCsv)
        return None

    # 2. Import csv into pandas df and extract lat/lon columns into arrays
    pdf = pd.read_csv(outCsv)
    latArr = np.asarray(pdf['lat'])
    lonArr = np.asarray(pdf['lon'])

    # calculategrounddirection() fails if there is only one footprint in csv.
    # Skip if only one footprint:
    if len(latArr) <= 1:
        print "\n CSV {} has only one entry. Skipping".format(outCsv)
        return None

    # 3. Convert lat/lon lists to appropriate UTM zone
    epsg = getUTM(np.min(lonArr), np.max(latArr), np.max(lonArr),
    utmLonList, utmLatList = latLonToUtmLists(lonArr, latArr, epsg)

    # Add more information to attributes/pandas df
    addAttributesToDf(pdf, utmLonList, utmLatList, epsg, bname)

    # 4. Run Eric's functions to get polygon shp - 5/27 using 11m
    createShapefiles(utmLonList, utmLatList, 11, 100, int(epsg), pdf, outShp)

    # Get number of features from shp and add to csv
    trackCsv = '/att/gpfsfs/briskfs01/ppl/mwooten3/3DSI/ATL08/ATL08_{}_v3__featureCount.csv'.format(
    outFc = FeatureClass(outShp)

    with open(trackCsv, 'a') as c:
        c.write('{},{},{}\n'.format(inH5, platform.node(), outFc.nFeatures))

    # If output is specified, update the output .gdb (or .gpkg?)
    if outGdb is not None:

    print "\nEND: {}\n".format(time.strftime("%m-%d-%y %I:%M:%S"))

    return outShp
Exemplo n.º 4
def main(args):

    # Unpack arguments
    listRange = args['range']
    runPar = args['parallel']
    cont = args['continent']  # eu or na (default na)

    # Set variables that should more or less stay the same (but depend on input)
    fileList = '/att/gpfsfs/briskfs01/ppl/mwooten3/3DSI/ATL08/ls_ATL08_{}_v3.txt'.format(
    flightShpDir = '/att/gpfsfs/briskfs01/ppl/mwooten3/3DSI/ATL08/{}/flight_shps'.format(
    outGdb = '/att/gpfsfs/briskfs01/ppl/mwooten3/3DSI/ATL08/{}/ATL08_{}_v3__{}.gdb'.format(
        cont, cont, platform.node())

    print "\nBEGIN: {}".format(time.strftime("%m-%d-%y %I:%M:%S"))

    with open(fileList, 'r') as l:
        csvFiles = [x.strip('\r\n') for x in l.readlines()]

    # Check inputs:
    # 1. Check that continent is na or eu
    if cont != 'na' and cont != 'eu':
        raise RuntimeError("Continent must be 'na' or 'eu'")
    # 2. Check that range is supplied correctly
        listRange = listRange.split('-')
        S, E = listRange
        raise RuntimeError("Range must be supplied like: 1-20")

    # Get list using range
    csvFiles = csvFiles[int(S) - 1:int(E)]

    # NOTE 1/15/21: List of .shp that correspond to the input files in range is
    # only needed if running in parallel. I think the below block gets us what
    # we need, but since I am not running parallel I haven't tested this
    # Get list of output shapefiles using input .csv files
    shps = [
                     os.path.basename(i).replace('.csv', '.shp'))
        for i in csvFiles
    """ Exploring possible duplicates issue
    import collection
    print [item for item, count in collections.Counter(h5Files).items() if count > 1]

    # Run in parallel
    if runPar:
        # Prepare inputs for parallel call:
        call = "lscpu | awk '/^Socket.s.:/ {sockets=$NF} END {print sockets}'"
        ncpu = os.popen(call).read().strip()
        ncpu = int(ncpu) - 1  # all CPUs minus 1

        parList = ' '.join(csvFiles)

        print "\nProcessing {} .csv files in parallel...\n".format(

        # Do not supply output GDB, do supply continent
        parCall = '{} -i '.format(runScript) + '{1} -continent {2}'
        cmd = "parallel --progress -j {} --delay 1 '{}' ::: {} ::: {}".format(
            ncpu, parCall, parList, cont)

        # And update node-specific GDB
        print "\n\nCreating {} with completed shapefiles ({})...".format(
            outGdb, time.strftime("%m-%d-%y %I:%M:%S"))
        for shp in shps:
            if os.path.isfile(shp):
                fc = FeatureClass(shp)

    # Do not run in parallel
        c = 0
        for csv in csvFiles:

            c += 1
            print "\nProcessing {} of {}...".format(c, len(csvFiles))

            # Call script one at a time and supply node-specific output GDB and continent
            cmd = 'python {} -i {} -gdb {} -continent {}'.format(
                runScript, csv, outGdb, cont)
            #print '', cmd

            #o = os.popen(call).read()

    print "\nEND: {}\n".format(time.strftime("%m-%d-%y %I:%M:%S"))
Exemplo n.º 5
    def applyNoDataMask(self, mask, transEpsg = None, outShp = None):
        # Expecting mask to be 0 and 1, with 1 where we want to remove data
        # This is specific to 3DSI and therefore is not kept in FeatureClass 
        # if transformEpsg is supplied, convert points to correct SRS before running ZS
        # if not supplied, will assume projection of mask and ZFC are the same
        # Get name output shp: 
        if not outShp:
            outShp = self.filePath.replace(self.extension, '__filtered-ND.shp')
        drv = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile")
        ds = drv.Open(self.filePath, 1)
        layer = ds.GetLayer()
        # This will work even if not needed. If needed and not supplied, could fail
        outSrs = osr.SpatialReference()
        if transEpsg:
            outSrs.ImportFromEPSG(int(self.epsg())) # If transformation EPSG not supplied, keep coords as is

        # 6/11 New filtering method - Add column to for rows we want to keep
        if 'keep' not in self.fieldNames():
            fldDef = ogr.FieldDefn('keep', ogr.OFTString)
        # 10/28: If mask has coarse resolution, use allTouched = True
        allTouched = False
        if Raster(mask).resolution()[0] >= 30:
            allTouched = True

        # 6/11 - just count keep features, do no need FIDs
        #keepFIDs = []
        keepFeat = 0 
        for feature in layer:

            # Get polygon geometry and transform to outSrs just in case
            geom = feature.GetGeometryRef()

            # Then export to WKT for ZS             
            wktPoly = geom.ExportToIsoWkt()

            # Get info from mask underneath feature
            z = zonal_stats(wktPoly, mask, stats="mean", all_touched = allTouched)
            out = z[0]['mean']            
            if out >= 0.99 or out == None: # If 99% of pixels or more are NoData, skip
                feature.SetField('keep', 'no')
            # 6/11 - Else, set the new keep column to yes to filter later
            feature.SetField('keep', 'yes')
            keepFeat += 1

        # 6/11 - No longer doing filtering this way
        #if len(keepFIDs) == 0: # If there are no points remaining, return None
            #return None
        if len(keepFIDs) == 1: # tuple(listWithOneItem) wont work in Set Filter
            query = "FID = {}".format(keepFIDs[0])
        else: # If we have more than 1 item, call getFidQuery
            query = self.getFidQuery(keepFIDs)

        # 6/11 New filtering method
        query = "keep = 'yes'"    
        dsOut = drv.CreateDataSource(outShp)
        layerOutName = os.path.basename(outShp).replace('.shp', '')
        layerOut = dsOut.CopyLayer(layer, layerOutName)
        if not layerOut: # If CopyLayer failed for whatever reason
            print("Could not remove NoData polygons")
            return self.filePath
        ds = layer = dsOut = layerOut = feature = None
        # 10/28: Try to remove 'keep' field - 4/26/21 - comment out to keep consistent with NA outputs - 6/17 uncomment out again bc won't be consistent anyways
        fc = FeatureClass(outShp)
        return outShp
Exemplo n.º 6
def main(args):

    startTime = datetime.datetime.now()

    # Arguments: Input GLAS .csv; output directory; buffer distance (m)
    inCsv = args['inputCsv']
    outGdb = args['outputGdb']
    bufferDist = args['bufferDistance']

    overwrite = True  # Set to False if we want to append to gdb/gpkg

    node = platform.node()
    inCsv = '/att/gpfsfs/briskfs01/ppl/pmontesa/userfs02/data/glas/circ_boreal/gla01-boreal50up-fix2-data.csv'
    outGdb = '/att/gpfsfs/briskfs01/ppl/mwooten3/3DSI/GLAS/GLAS_boreal.gdb'
    bufferDist = 15

    # Get the header. Chaotic, but the column names for the fix2-data .csv are here
    hdrFile = '/att/nobackup/mwooten3/3DSI/GLAS/GLAS_csv_columns.txt'
    with open(hdrFile, 'r') as hf:
        hdr = hf.readline().strip('\n').split(',')

    # To save rows with bad lat/lon values to csv:
    #badCoordCsv = '/att/gpfsfs/briskfs01/ppl/mwooten3/3DSI/GLAS/badCoords.csv'

    # To save info about batches (already made header in file)
    batchCsv = '/att/gpfsfs/briskfs01/ppl/mwooten3/3DSI/GLAS/batchTrack.csv'

    # Hardcode the additional columns we want to add to .gdb
    # Doing uniqueID separate because we want it to be first
    extraColumns = ['shotYear', 'shotMonth', 'shotDay', 'shotJD', 'bufferSize']

    # Get basename (aka eventual layer name) of output .gdb
    ext = os.path.splitext(outGdb)[1]
    bname = os.path.basename(outGdb).strip(ext)

    # Get the output .gpkg because that's what we are writing to
    if ext == '.gdb':
        outGpkg = outGdb.replace('.gdb', '__{}.gpkg'.format(node))
        convertToGdb = True
    elif ext == '.gpkg':
        outGpkg = outGdb.replace('.gpkg', '__{}.gpkg'.format(node))
        convertToGdb = False
    convertToGdb = False  #TEMP - set to False until last batch

    driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('GPKG')

    # Create the output if overwrite is True or file does not exist
    if overwrite or not os.path.isfile(outGpkg):
        print "\nCreating {}...".format(outGpkg)

        # Set up the output gdb
        ds = driver.CreateDataSource(outGpkg)
        srs = ogr.osr.SpatialReference()
        srs.ImportFromEPSG(4326)  # WGS84 Lat/Lon

        # Create file with srs 4326; layerName = basename
        layer = ds.CreateLayer(bname, srs, ogr.wkbPolygon)

        # Create the fields in the output .gdb using hdr contents and addl columns
        createFields(layer, hdr + extraColumns)

    # Open the layer if not overwriting
        print "\nOpening and appending to {}...".format(outGpkg)

        ds = driver.Open(outGpkg)
        layer = ds.GetLayer()

    # 8/14 Now that we are hardcoding batches for crane nodes, get that info
    cntStart = int(countDict[node].split(',')[0])
    cntEnd = int(countDict[node].split(',')[1])

    # Iterate through rows in .csv and write buffered polygons to output
    totCnt = 0  # count all of the points, not just the unfiltered ones
    badCnt = 0  # count of points with missing columns
    fltrCnt = 0  # count of points that were filtered
    cnt = 0  # count of points added to gdb

    badLon = []  # list of longitudes that are < or > 180
    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    with open(inCsv, 'r') as c:

        data = csv.reader(c)

        for row in data:

            totCnt += 1

            # split into batch depending on crane node
            if totCnt < cntStart or totCnt >= cntEnd:

            # Print count at every half millionth point (total not just unfiltered)
            if totCnt % 50000 == 0:  # count ever 5,000 row now
                print " Total count so far = {}".format(totCnt)
                print "  (Added count = {})".format(cnt)
                #layer.SyncToDisk() # Hopefully save info from memory to gpkg - dont think this worked

            # Sometimes a row has fewer columns than the header. Skip those
            if len(row) != len(hdr):
                badCnt += 1

            # Create dict that corresponds to the hdr with contents in row:
            rowDict = OrderedDict()  # keep column order
            for c in hdr:
                rowDict[c] = row[hdr.index(c)]

            # Some rows have a too large/small longitude. Record info in list
            if float(rowDict['lon']) > 180 or float(rowDict['lon']) < -180:
                badLon.append('{}: {}'.format(rowDict['lon'], totCnt))
                rowDict['totCnt'] = str(totCnt)
                #rowDictToCsv(rowDict, badCoordCsv) # save to .csv
                continue  # and skip

            # Check for lat too just in case
            if float(rowDict['lat']) > 90 or float(rowDict['lat']) < -90:
                badLon.append('{}: {}'.format(rowDict['lat'], totCnt))
                rowDict['totCnt'] = str(totCnt)
                #rowDictToCsv(rowDict, badCoordCsv)
                continue  # and skip

            # Filter the row. Will return False if we want to keep the point
            if filterRow(rowDict):
                fltrCnt += 1
                continue  # if True, skip point

            rowDict['uniqueID'] = cnt + 1  # Add unique ID to dict
            rowDict['bufferSize'] = bufferDist
            rowDict = addShotDate(rowDict)

            # Now send the row to function to buffer and add to output
            addBufferToOutput(rowDict, layer, bufferDist)

            cnt += 1  # only add to count if point is added

    nFeat1 = FeatureClass(outGpkg).nFeatures

    # Try destroying the ds to free up memory and save:

    endTime1 = datetime.datetime.now()
    elapsedTime1 = endTime1 - startTime

    # Record info:
    # node,start,end,totCnt,addCnt,nFeat,missingCols,badCoords,filtered, time (minutes)
    rec = '{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}\n'.format(
        node, cntStart, cntEnd, totCnt, cnt, nFeat1, badCnt, len(badLon),
        fltrCnt, *divmod(elapsedTime1.total_seconds(), 60))
    with open(batchCsv, 'a') as bc:

    print "\nFinished creating .gpkg ({} features) in ~{} minutes".           \
                      format(nFeat1, *divmod(elapsedTime1.total_seconds(), 60))

    print "\nRow counts:"
    print " Total rows = {}".format(totCnt)
    print " Filtered rows = {}".format(fltrCnt)
    print " Rows with missing columns = {}".format(badCnt)
    print " Rows with longitude value too large = {}".format(len(badLon))
    print " Added rows = {}".format(cnt)

    if convertToGdb:

        print "\nConverting output .gpkg to .gdb ({})".format(outGdb)

        convertGpkgToGdb(outGpkg, outGdb)

        nFeat2 = FeatureClass(outGdb).nFeatures

        endTime2 = datetime.datetime.now()
        elapsedTime2 = endTime2 - endTime1

        print "\nFinished converting to .gdb ({} features) in ~{} minutes\n". \
                      format(nFeat2, *divmod(elapsedTime2.total_seconds(), 60))

        return outGdb

    return outGpkg
Exemplo n.º 7
def main(args):

    # Unpack and validate arguments
    stackType, zonalType, stackRange, runPar = unpackValidateArgs(args)

    # Get varsDict --> {inList; inZonal; outCsv}
    varsDict = getVarsDict(stackType, zonalType)

    # Get list of stacks to iterate
    stackList = getStackList(varsDict['inList'], stackRange)

    # Get node-specific output .gdb
    outGdb = varsDict['outCsv'].replace('.csv',

    if runPar:  # If running in parallel

        # Get list of output shp's that we are expecting based off stackList
        shps = [
                mainDir, zonalType, stackType,
            for stack in stackList

        # Prepare inputs for parallel call:
        call = "lscpu | awk '/^Socket.s.:/ {sockets=$NF} END {print sockets}'"
        ncpu = os.popen(call).read().strip()
        ncpu = int(ncpu) - 1  # all CPUs minus 1

        parList = ' '.join(stackList)

        print("\nProcessing {} stack files in parallel...\n".format(

        # Do not supply output GDB, just supply .csv
        parCall = '{} -rs '.format(runScript) + '{1} -z {2} -o {3} -log'
        cmd = "parallel --progress -j {} --delay 1 '{}' ::: {} ::: {} ::: {}". \
                format(ncpu, parCall, parList, varsDict['inZonal'],


        # And update node-specific GDB if shp exists
        print("\n\nCreating {} with completed shapefiles ({})...".format(
            outGdb, time.strftime("%m-%d-%y %I:%M:%S")))
        for shp in shps:
            if os.path.isfile(shp):
                fc = FeatureClass(shp)
                if fc.nFeatures > 0: fc.addToFeatureClass(outGdb)

    # Do not run in parallel

        # Iterate through stacks and call
        print("\nProcessing {} stacks...".format(len(stackList)))

        c = 0
        for stack in stackList:

            c += 1
            print("\n{}/{}:".format(c, len(stackList)))

            # Check stack's output csv's, and skip if it exists and overwrite is False
            rs = RasterStack(stack)
            check = os.path.join(
                mainDir, zonalType, stackType, rs.stackName,
                '{}__{}__zonalStats.csv'.format(zonalType, rs.stackName))
            # not actually needed
            #if region == 'EU':
            #check = check.replace('{}__'.format(zonalType), '{}-EU__'.format(zonalType))

            if not overwrite:
                if os.path.isfile(check):
                    print("\nOutputs for {} already exist\n".format(

            # Not running in parallel, send the node-specific ouput .gdb and both should get written
            cmd = 'python {} -rs {} -z {} -o {} -log'.format(runScript, stack,  \
                                          varsDict['inZonal'], outGdb)
Exemplo n.º 8
def main(args):

    # Unpack args, check inputs and set up vars  
    inCsv  = args['input']
    outGdb = args['outGdb']
    cont = args['continent'] # eu or na (default na)
    if cont != 'na' and cont != 'eu': # Check that continent is na or eu
        raise RuntimeError("Continent must be 'na' or 'eu'")
    if not inCsv.endswith('.csv'):
        sys.exit('Input file must have an .csv extension')  
    if outGdb is not None:
        if not outGdb.endswith('.gdb') and not outGdb.endswith('.gpkg')       \
        and not outGdb.endswith('.shp'):
            sys.exit('Output GDB must have an .gdb, .gpkg, or .shp extension') 
    bname = os.path.basename(inCsv).replace('.csv', '')
    # Set output dir variables and make dirs
    baseOutdir = '/att/gpfsfs/briskfs01/ppl/mwooten3/3DSI/ATL08/{}'.format(cont)
    #outCsvDir  = os.path.join(baseOutdir, 'flight_csvs')
    outShpDir  = os.path.join(baseOutdir, 'flight_shps')
    outLogDir  = os.path.join(baseOutdir, 'flight_logs')
    trackDir   = os.path.join(baseOutdir, 'tracking_csvs')
    for d in [outShpDir, outLogDir, trackDir]:
        os.system('mkdir -p {}'.format(d))
    # Tracking .csv:
    trackCsv = os.path.join(trackDir, 'ATL08_{}_v3__featureCount-{}.csv'.format(cont, platform.node()))
    # Log output:
    logFile = os.path.join(outLogDir, 'ATL08-csv_to_shp__{}__Log.txt'.format(bname))
    print "See {} for log".format(logFile)
    so = se = open(logFile, 'a', 0) # open our log file
    sys.stdout = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'w', 0) # re-open stdout without buffering
    os.dup2(so.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno()) # redirect stdout and stderr to the log file opened above
    os.dup2(se.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno())
    print "BEGIN: {}".format(time.strftime("%m-%d-%y %I:%M:%S"))
    print "Continent: {}".format(cont)
    print "Node: {}".format(platform.node())
    print ".csv File: {}".format(inCsv)
    print ".gdb/.gpkg: {}\n".format(outGdb)
    #outCsv = os.path.join(outCsvDir, '{}.csv'.format(bname))
    outShp = os.path.join(outShpDir, '{}.shp'.format(bname))
    # Check if output shp already exists
    if os.path.isfile(outShp): 
        print "\n Output {} already exists".format(outShp)
        return None
    # Skipping .h5 file portion now
    # 1. H5 file --> outCsv (Paul's extract code):
    extractCode = '/att/home/mwooten3/code/icesat2/extract_atl08.py'
    cmd = 'python {} -i {} -o {}'.format(extractCode, inH5, outCsvDir)
    # Check if ICESAT2GRID (extract) failed
    if not os.path.isfile(outCsv): 
        print "\n Output {} was not created".format(outCsv)
        return None
    # 1. Import csv into pandas df and extract lat/lon columns into arrays    
    pdf = pd.read_csv(inCsv)
    latArr = np.asarray(pdf['lat'])
    lonArr = np.asarray(pdf['lon']) 
    nInputRows = len(pdf)
    # calculategrounddirection() fails if there is only one footprint in csv.
    # Skip if only one footprint:
    if len(latArr) <= 1:
        print "\n CSV {} has fewer than two rows. Skipping".format(inCsv)
        return None 
    # 2. Convert lat/lon lists to appropriate UTM zone
    epsg = getUTM(np.min(lonArr), np.max(latArr), np.max(lonArr), np.min(latArr))
    utmLonList, utmLatList = latLonToUtmLists(lonArr, latArr, epsg)
    # 3. Add more information to attributes/pandas df
    addAttributesToDf(pdf, utmLonList, utmLatList, epsg, bname)
    # 4. Remove NoData rows (h_can = 3.402823e+23)
    pdf, nFiltered = filterRows(pdf)
    # Cannot continue if at least two points do not exist
    if len(pdf) <= 1:
        print "\n CSV {} has fewer than two rows after filtering. Skipping".format(inCsv)
        return None  
    # 5. Edit some columns
    # 1/19: Added this to fix the columns that were encoded improperly and have the b'...' issue
    pdf = fixColumns(pdf)
    # 6. Run Eric's functions to get polygon shp - 5/27 using 11m
    #     xx and yy no longer match the filterd dataframe. Recreating these 
    #     lists in the function now
    createShapefiles(11, 100, int(epsg), pdf, outShp)
    # 7. Track info: .csv file, node, number of input .csv features, number of filtered features, number of output .shp features
    outFc = FeatureClass(outShp)
    with open(trackCsv, 'a') as c:
        c.write('{},{},{},{},{}\n'.format(inCsv, platform.node(), nInputRows, nFiltered, outFc.nFeatures))
    # 8. If output is specified, update the output .gdb (or .gpkg?)
    if outGdb is not None:
    outFc = None # Close feature class
    print "\nEND: {}\n".format(time.strftime("%m-%d-%y %I:%M:%S"))

    return outShp