Exemplo n.º 1
    def select (self, action):
        param = {"VERSION"  : self.version,
                 "SERVICE"  : "WFS",
                 "REQUEST"  : "GetFeature",
                 "TYPENAME" : self.typename}

        if action.id is not None:
            param["FEATUREID"] = str(action.id)
            if action.bbox:
                param["BBOX"] = ",".join(map(str, action.bbox))
            if action.attributes:
                raise NotImplementedError("WFS attribute query")
            if action.maxfeatures:
                param["MAXFEATURES"] = str(action.maxfeatures)

        url = self.url
        if "?" not in url and "&" not in url: url += "?"
        url += urllib.urlencode(param)
        tmpfile, headers = urllib.urlretrieve(url)
        import ogr
            ds = OGR("GML", dsn = tmpfile, writable = 0)
            result = ds.select(action)
        except ogr.OGRError, E:
            raise Exception("OGR could not read the WFS result: %s. Data was: %s" % (E, open(tmpfile).read()))