def test_combine_selector_on_normal_cases(self):

        a = []
        b = ['add_numeric', 'multiply_numeric']
        x = FeatureEng('file_1.csv', 'infer', None, 'target', a, b, 1, 0)

        x_2 = FeatureSelect(x.feature_matrix, 6)

        #define the correct result dataframe that we expect to get
        values = [['feat3', True, True, True, True, True, True, 6],
                  ['feat2', True, True, True, True, True, True, 6],
                  ['feat1 + feat3', True, True, True, True, True, True, 6],
                  ['feat1 + feat2', True, True, True, True, True, True, 6],
                  ['feat2 * feat3', True, True, True, False, False, False, 3],
                  ['feat1 * feat3', True, True, True, False, False, False, 3]]
        col_names = [
            'Feature', 'Pearson', 'Chi-2', 'Logistics', 'Random Forest',
            'LightGBM', 'Extra_trees', 'Total'
        df_result = pd.DataFrame(data=values, columns=col_names)
        df_result.index += 1

        assert_frame_equal(df_result, x_2.combine_selector())
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_df_with_new_features_on_normal_values(self):
        b=['add_numeric', 'multiply_numeric']
        x=FeatureEng('file_1.csv','infer', None,'target',a,b,2,0.8)
        feat_matrix = x.df_with_new_features()
        message = "column names do not match"
        correct_columns = ['feat1',
 'feat1 + feat3',
 'feat1 + feat2',
 'feat2 + feat3',
 'feat1 * feat3',
 'feat2 * feat3',
 'feat1 * feat2',
 'feat1 + feat2 * feat2 + feat3',
 'feat1 + feat3 * feat2 + feat3',
 'feat1 + feat2 * feat3',
 'feat1 + feat2 * feat1 + feat3',
 'feat1 + feat2 * feat2',
 'feat1 * feat2 + feat3',
 'feat1 * feat1 + feat2',
 'feat1 + feat3 * feat2',
 'feat1 + feat3 * feat3',
 'feat2 + feat3 * feat3',
 'feat1 * feat1 + feat3',
 'feat2 * feat2 + feat3',
        assert feat_matrix.columns.isin(correct_columns).all(), message
        assert not ~ feat_matrix.columns.isin(correct_columns).all(), message
    def test_new_features_on_containing_non_numeric_values(self):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
            a = []
            b = ['add_numeric', 'multiply_numeric']
            x = FeatureEng("file_2.csv", 'infer', None, 'target', a, b, 2, 0.8)

        assert exc_info.match("Data Frame contains non-numeric values")
    def test_df_with_new_features_on_containing_target_column(self):
        #test when target column exists in dataset (it was not removed correctly by separate_features_from_label stage)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info_2:
            a = []
            b = ['add_numeric', 'multiply_numeric']
            x = FeatureEng('file_1.csv', 'infer', None, 'feat1', a, b, 2, 0.8)

        assert exc_info_2.match("Data Frame already contains target column")
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_df_selected_columns_normal_case(self):
        b=['add_numeric', 'multiply_numeric']
        x = FeatureEng('file_1.csv','infer',None,'target',a,b,4,0.5)

        x_2 = FeatureSelect(x.df_new_features, 3)

        #define the correct result dataframe that we expect to get
        values = [[2,5,5,0],
        col_names = ['feat2','feat2 + feat3','feat1 * feat2 + feat3','target']
        df_result = pd.DataFrame(data = values, columns = col_names)
        #df_result.index += 0
        x_2.df_selected_columns.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
        df_result.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
