Exemplo n.º 1
    def _nestedRunLoopReaderUntilEOLchars_(self, eolchars):
        This makes the baby jesus cry.

        I want co-routines.
        app = NSApplication.sharedApplication()
        window = self.textView.window()
        # change the color.. eh
            {NSFontAttributeName: self.font(), NSForegroundColorAttributeName: self.codeColor()}
        while True:
            event = app.nextEventMatchingMask_untilDate_inMode_dequeue_(
                NSUIntegerMax, NSDate.distantFuture(), NSDefaultRunLoopMode, True
            if (event.type() == NSKeyDown) and (event.window() == window):
                eol = event.characters()
                if eol in eolchars:
        cl = self.currentLine()
        if eol == "\r":
        return cl + eol
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: au.py Projeto: munki/munki
def softwareupdated_installhistory(start_date=None, end_date=None):
    '''Returns softwareupdated items from InstallHistory.plist that are
    within the given date range. (dates must be NSDates)'''
    start_date = start_date or NSDate.distantPast()
    end_date = end_date or NSDate.distantFuture()
        installhistory = FoundationPlist.readPlist(INSTALLHISTORY_PLIST)
    except FoundationPlist.FoundationPlistException:
        return []
    return [item for item in installhistory
            if item.get('processName') == 'softwareupdated'
            and item['date'] >= start_date and item['date'] <= end_date]
Exemplo n.º 3
def waituntil(conditionfunc, timeout=None):
    Waits until conditionfunc() returns true, or <timeout> seconds have passed.
    (If timeout=None, this waits indefinitely until conditionfunc() returns
    true.) Returns false if the process timed out, otherwise returns true.

    Note!! You must call interruptwait() when you know that conditionfunc()
    should be checked (e.g. if you are waiting for data and you know some data
    has arrived) so that this can check conditionfunc(); otherwise it will just
    continue to wait. (This allows the function to wait for an event that is
    sent by interruptwait() instead of polling conditionfunc().)

    This allows the caller to wait while the main event loop processes its
    events. This must be done for certain situations, e.g. to receive socket
    data or to accept client connections on a server socket, since IOBluetooth
    requires the presence of an event loop to run these operations.

    This function doesn't need to be called if there is something else that is
    already processing the main event loop, e.g. if called from within a Cocoa
    app = NSApplication.sharedApplication()
    starttime = time.time()
    if timeout is None:
        timeout = NSDate.distantFuture().timeIntervalSinceNow()
    if not isinstance(timeout, (int, float)):
        raise TypeError("timeout must be int or float, was %s" % \
    endtime = starttime + timeout
    while True:
        currtime = time.time()
        if currtime >= endtime:
            return False
        # use WAIT_MAX_TIMEOUT, don't wait forever in case of KeyboardInterrupt
        e = app.nextEventMatchingMask_untilDate_inMode_dequeue_(NSAnyEventMask, NSDate.dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow_(min(endtime - currtime, WAIT_MAX_TIMEOUT)), NSDefaultRunLoopMode, True)
        if e is not None:
            if (e.type() == NSApplicationDefined and e.subtype() == LIGHTBLUE_NOTIFY_ID):
                if conditionfunc():
                    return True
                app.postEvent_atStart_(e, True)
Exemplo n.º 4
def waituntil(conditionfunc, timeout=None):
    Waits until conditionfunc() returns true, or <timeout> seconds have passed.
    (If timeout=None, this waits indefinitely until conditionfunc() returns
    true.) Returns false if the process timed out, otherwise returns true.
    Note!! You must call interruptwait() when you know that conditionfunc()
    should be checked (e.g. if you are waiting for data and you know some data
    has arrived) so that this can check conditionfunc(); otherwise it will just
    continue to wait. (This allows the function to wait for an event that is
    sent by interruptwait() instead of polling conditionfunc().)
    This allows the caller to wait while the main event loop processes its 
    events. This must be done for certain situations, e.g. to receive socket
    data or to accept client connections on a server socket, since IOBluetooth
    requires the presence of an event loop to run these operations. 
    This function doesn't need to be called if there is something else that is
    already processing the main event loop, e.g. if called from within a Cocoa
    app = NSApplication.sharedApplication()
    starttime = time.time()
    if timeout is None:
        timeout = NSDate.distantFuture().timeIntervalSinceNow()
    if not isinstance(timeout, (int, float)):
        raise TypeError("timeout must be int or float, was %s" % \
    endtime = starttime + timeout
    while True:
        currtime = time.time()
        if currtime >= endtime:
            return False
        # use WAIT_MAX_TIMEOUT, don't wait forever in case of KeyboardInterrupt
        e = app.nextEventMatchingMask_untilDate_inMode_dequeue_(NSAnyEventMask, NSDate.dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow_(min(endtime - currtime, WAIT_MAX_TIMEOUT)), NSDefaultRunLoopMode, True)
        if e is not None: 
            if (e.type() == NSApplicationDefined and e.subtype() == LIGHTBLUE_NOTIFY_ID):
                if conditionfunc():
                    return True    
                app.postEvent_atStart_(e, True)
def check_if_running(username):
    """ checks if self-control is already running. """
    defaults = get_selfcontrol_settings(username)
    return defaults.has_key("BlockStartedDate") and not NSDate.distantFuture(
Exemplo n.º 6
 NSKeyDown, NSKeyUp, NSMouseMoved, NSLeftMouseDown, NSSystemDefined, \
 NSCommandKeyMask, NSPasteboard, NSStringPboardType, NSModalPanelRunLoopMode
NSAnyEventMask = 0xffffffff
from GUI import Globals, GApplications
from GUI import application, export
from GUI.GApplications import Application as GApplication
from GUI import Event


Globals.ns_screen_height = None
Globals.ns_last_mouse_moved_event = None
Globals.pending_exception = None
Globals.ns_application = None

ns_distant_future = NSDate.distantFuture()


class Application(GApplication):
    #  _ns_app          _PyGui_NSApplication
    #  _ns_pasteboard   NSPasteboard
    #  _ns_key_window   Window

    _ns_menubar_update_pending = False
    _ns_files_opened = False
    _ns_using_clargs = False
    _ns_menus_updated = False

    def __init__(self, **kwds):
Exemplo n.º 7
    NSKeyDown, NSKeyUp, NSMouseMoved, NSLeftMouseDown, NSSystemDefined, \
    NSCommandKeyMask, NSPasteboard, NSStringPboardType, NSModalPanelRunLoopMode
NSAnyEventMask = 0xffffffff
from GUI import Globals, GApplications
from GUI import application, export
from GUI.GApplications import Application as GApplication
from GUI import Event


Globals.ns_screen_height = None
Globals.ns_last_mouse_moved_event = None
Globals.pending_exception = None
Globals.ns_application = None

ns_distant_future = NSDate.distantFuture()


class Application(GApplication):
    #  _ns_app          _PyGui_NSApplication
    #  _ns_pasteboard   NSPasteboard
    #  _ns_key_window   Window
    _ns_menubar_update_pending = False
    _ns_files_opened = False
    _ns_using_clargs = False
    _ns_menus_updated = False

    def __init__(self, **kwds):
        self._ns_app = Globals.ns_application
def check_if_running(username):
    """ checks if self-control is already running. """
    defaults = get_selfcontrol_settings(username)
    return defaults.has_key("BlockStartedDate") and not NSDate.distantFuture().isEqualToDate_(
Exemplo n.º 9
def check_if_running(username):
    """ checks if self-control is already running and stops auto-selfcontrol if so. """
    defaults = get_selfcontrol_settings(username)
    if not NSDate.distantFuture().isEqualToDate_(defaults["BlockStartedDate"]):
        syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ALERT, "SelfControl is already running, ignore current execution of Auto-SelfControl.")