Exemplo n.º 1
def connect_to_db(data_set):
    This action just stores the different database specific configs into shared variables for use by other actions.
    NOTE: The actual db connection does not happen here, connection to db is made inside the actions which require it.

    db_type         input parameter         <type of db, ex: postgres, mysql>
    db_name         input parameter         <name of db, ex: zeuz_db>
    db_user_id      input parameter         <user id of the os who have access to the db, ex: postgres>
    db_password     input parameter         <password of db, ex: mydbpass-mY1-t23z>
    db_host         input parameter         <host of db, ex: localhost,>
    db_port         input parameter         <port of db, ex: 5432 for postgres by default>
    sid         optional parameter         <sid of db, ex: 15321 for oracle by default>
    service_name         optional parameter         <service_name of db, ex: 'somename' for oracle by default>
    odbc_driver     optional parameter      <specify the odbc driver, optional, can be found from pyodbc.drivers()>
    connect to db   database action         Connect to a database

    :param data_set: Action data set
    :return: string: "passed" or "zeuz_failed" depending on the outcome

    sModuleInfo = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name + " : " + MODULE_NAME

        for left, _, right in data_set:
            if left == DB_TYPE:
                sr.Set_Shared_Variables(DB_TYPE, right)
            if left == DB_NAME:
                sr.Set_Shared_Variables(DB_NAME, right)
            if left == DB_USER_ID:
                sr.Set_Shared_Variables(DB_USER_ID, right)
            if left == DB_PASSWORD:
                sr.Set_Shared_Variables(DB_PASSWORD, right)
            if left == DB_HOST:
                sr.Set_Shared_Variables(DB_HOST, right)
            if left == DB_PORT:
                sr.Set_Shared_Variables(DB_PORT, right)
            if left == DB_SID:
                sr.Set_Shared_Variables(DB_SID, right)
            if left == DB_SERVICE_NAME:
                sr.Set_Shared_Variables(DB_SERVICE_NAME, right)
            if left == DB_ODBC_DRIVER:
                sr.Set_Shared_Variables(DB_ODBC_DRIVER, right)

                           "Trying to establish connection to the database.",

        return "passed"
    except Exception:
        return CommonUtil.Exception_Handler(sys.exc_info())
Exemplo n.º 2
def db_non_query(data_set):
    This action performs a non-query (insert/update/delete) query and stores the "number of rows affected"
    in the variable <var_name>

    The result will be stored in the format: int

    query                            input parameter    <query: INSERT INTO table_name(col1, col2, ...) VALUES (val1, val2, ...)>
    insert update delete query       database action    <var_name: name of the variable to store the no of rows affected>

    :param data_set: Action data set
    :return: string: "passed" or "zeuz_failed" depending on the outcome

    sModuleInfo = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name + " : " + MODULE_NAME

        variable_name = None
        query = None

        for left, mid, right in data_set:
            if left == "query":
                # Get the query, and remove any whitespaces
                query = right.strip()

            if "action" in mid:
                variable_name = right.strip()

        if variable_name is None:
            CommonUtil.ExecLog(sModuleInfo, "Variable name must be provided.",
            return "zeuz_failed"

        if query is None:
            CommonUtil.ExecLog(sModuleInfo, "SQL query must be provided.", 3)
            return "zeuz_failed"

        CommonUtil.ExecLog(sModuleInfo, "Executing query:\n%s." % query, 1)

        # Get db_cursor and execute
        db_con = db_get_connection()
        with db_con:
            with db_con.cursor() as db_cursor:

                # Commit the changes

                # Fetch the number of rows affected
                db_rows_affected = db_cursor.rowcount

                # Set the rows as a shared variable
                sr.Set_Shared_Variables(variable_name, db_rows_affected)

                           "Number of rows affected: %d" % db_rows_affected, 0)
        return "passed"
    except Exception as e:
        return handle_db_exception(sModuleInfo, e)
Exemplo n.º 3
def update_into_db(data_set):
    This action performs a  update query and stores the "number of rows affected"
    in the variable <var_name>

    The result will be stored in the format: int

    table             input parameter         <table name: test >
    columns             input parameter         <column name: name>
    values             input parameter         <column name: admin>
    where             input parameter         <where condition: name='admin'>
    update into db        database action         <var_name: name of the variable to store the result of the query>

    :param data_set: Action data set
    :return: string: "passed" or "zeuz_failed" depending on the outcome

    sModuleInfo = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name + " : " + MODULE_NAME

        table_name = None
        query = None
        where = None
        columns = None
        values = None
        variable_name = None

        for left, mid, right in data_set:
            if "table" in left.lower():
                # Get the and query, and remove any whitespaces
                table_name = right.strip()
            if left == "where":
                where = right.strip()
            if "action" in mid:
                variable_name = right.strip()
            if "columns" in left.lower():
                columns = right.split(',')
            if "values" in left.lower():
                values = right.split(',')

        if variable_name is None:
            CommonUtil.ExecLog(sModuleInfo, "Variable name must be provided.",
            return "zeuz_failed"

        query = "update " + table_name + " set "
        for index in range(len(columns)):
            query += columns[index] + "= "
            query += values[index] + " "
            if (index != (len(columns) - 1)):
                query += ","
        if where is not None:
            query += " where " + where

        CommonUtil.ExecLog(sModuleInfo, "Executing query:\n%s." % query, 1)

        # Get db_cursor and execute
        db_con = db_get_connection()
        with db_con:
            with db_con.cursor() as db_cursor:

                # Fetch the number of rows affected
                db_rows_affected = db_cursor.rowcount

                # Set the rows as a shared variable
                sr.Set_Shared_Variables(variable_name, db_rows_affected)

                           "Number of rows affected: %d" % db_rows_affected, 0)
        return "passed"

    except Exception as e:
        return handle_db_exception(sModuleInfo, e)
Exemplo n.º 4
def select_from_db(data_set):
    This action performs a select query and stores the result of the query in the variable <var_name>
    The result will be stored in the format: list of lists
        [ [row1...], [row2...], ... ]

    table             input parameter         <table name: test >
    columns             input parameter         <column name: name,id>
    select from db        database action         <var_name: name of the variable to store the result of the query>

    :param data_set: Action data set
    :return: string: "passed" or "zeuz_failed" depending on the outcome

    sModuleInfo = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name + " : " + MODULE_NAME

        table_name = None
        query = None
        where = None
        columns = None
        variable_name = None
        group_by = None
        order_by = None
        order = " "

        for left, mid, right in data_set:
            if "table" in left.lower():
                # Get the and query, and remove any whitespaces
                table_name = right.strip()
            if left.lower() == "where":
                where = right.strip()
            if "action" in mid.lower():
                variable_name = right.strip()
            if "group" in left.lower():
                group_by = right.split(',')
            if "order" in left.lower():
                order_by = right.split(',')

            if "columns" in left.lower():
                if right == "" or right == "*":
                    columns = ["*"]
                columns = right.split(',')

        if variable_name is None:
            CommonUtil.ExecLog(sModuleInfo, "Variable name must be provided.",
            return "zeuz_failed"

        query = "select "
        for index in range(len(columns)):
            query += columns[index] + " "
            if (index != (len(columns) - 1)):
                query += ","

        query += "from " + table_name
        if where is not None:
            query += " where " + where

        if group_by is not None:
            query += " group by "
            for index in range(len(group_by)):
                query += group_by[index] + " "
                if (index != (len(group_by) - 1)):
                    query += ","

        if order_by is not None:
            query += " order by "
            for index in range(len(order_by)):
                query += order_by[index] + " "
                if (index != (len(order_by) - 1)):
                    query += ","

        CommonUtil.ExecLog(sModuleInfo, "Executing query:\n%s." % query, 1)

        # Get db_cursor and execute
        db_con = db_get_connection()
        with db_con:
            with db_con.cursor() as db_cursor:
                # Commit the changes
                # Fetch all rows and convert into list
                db_rows = []
                while True:
                    db_row = db_cursor.fetchone()
                    if not db_row:

                # Set the rows as a shared variable
                sr.Set_Shared_Variables(variable_name, db_rows)

            "Fetched %d rows and stored into variable: %s" %
            (len(db_rows), variable_name),
        return "passed"
    except Exception as e:
        return handle_db_exception(sModuleInfo, e)
Exemplo n.º 5
def db_select(data_set):
    This action performs a select query and stores the result of the query in the variable <var_name>
    The result will be stored in the format: list of lists
        [ [row1...], [row2...], ... ]

    query               input parameter         <query: SELECT * FROM test_cases ORDER BY tc_id ASC LIMIT 10>
    select query        database action         <var_name: name of the variable to store the result of the query>

    :param data_set: Action data set
    :return: string: "passed" or "zeuz_failed" depending on the outcome

    sModuleInfo = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name + " : " + MODULE_NAME

        variable_name = None
        query = None

        for left, mid, right in data_set:
            if left == "query":
                # Get the and query, and remove any whitespaces
                query = right.strip()

            if "action" in mid:
                variable_name = right.strip()

        if variable_name is None:
            CommonUtil.ExecLog(sModuleInfo, "Variable name must be provided.",
            return "zeuz_failed"

        if query is None:
            CommonUtil.ExecLog(sModuleInfo, "SQL query must be provided.", 3)
            return "zeuz_failed"

        CommonUtil.ExecLog(sModuleInfo, "Executing query:\n%s." % query, 1)

        # Get db_cursor and execute
        db_con = db_get_connection()
        with db_con:
            with db_con.cursor() as db_cursor:

                # Fetch all rows and convert into list
                db_rows = []
                while True:
                    db_row = db_cursor.fetchone()
                    if not db_row:

                # Set the rows as a shared variable
                sr.Set_Shared_Variables(variable_name, db_rows)

            "Fetched %d rows and stored into variable: %s" %
            (len(db_rows), variable_name),
        return "passed"
    except Exception as e:
        return handle_db_exception(sModuleInfo, e)