Exemplo n.º 1
    def run(self, edit):
        context = Context.get_context(self.view)
        current_scope = self.view.scope_name(Selection.get_position(self.view))
        trigger = resolve_trigger(self.view, Query)
        print("FOUND TRIGGER", trigger)

        self.content = "<h4>FuzzyFilepath - context evaluation</h4>"
        self.add("filepath valid", context.get("valid_needle"))
        self.add("context valid", context.get("is_valid"))
        self.content += "<br>"
        self.add("path", context.get("needle"))
        self.add("prefix", context.get("prefix"))
        self.add("property", context.get("style"))
        self.add("tag", context.get("tagName"))
        self.add("word", context.get("word"))
        self.content += "<br>"
        self.add("scope", current_scope)
        self.content += "<br>"
        self.content += "<h5>Trigger</h5>"
        if trigger is False:
            self.content += "no trigger could be found matching the given context"
            for key in trigger:
                self.add(key, trigger.get(key))

    def run(self, edit):
    	print("show context")
    	context = Context.get_context(self.view)
    	current_scope = self.view.scope_name(Selection.get_position(self.view))

    	self.content = "<h4>FuzzyFilepath - context evaluation</h4>"
    	self.add("filepath valid", context.get("valid_needle"))
    	self.add("context valid", context.get("is_valid"))
    	self.content += "<br>"
    	self.add("path", context.get("needle"))
    	self.add("prefix", context.get("prefix"))
    	self.add("property", context.get("style"))
    	self.add("tag", context.get("tagName"))
    	self.add("word", context.get("word"))
    	self.content += "<br>"
    	self.add("scope", current_scope)

Exemplo n.º 3
    def run(self, edit):
        print("show context")
        context = Context.get_context(self.view)
        current_scope = self.view.scope_name(Selection.get_position(self.view))

        self.content = "<h4>FuzzyFilepath - context evaluation</h4>"
        self.add("filepath valid", context.get("valid_needle"))
        self.add("context valid", context.get("is_valid"))
        self.content += "<br>"
        self.add("path", context.get("needle"))
        self.add("prefix", context.get("prefix"))
        self.add("property", context.get("style"))
        self.add("tag", context.get("tagName"))
        self.add("word", context.get("word"))
        self.content += "<br>"
        self.add("scope", current_scope)

Exemplo n.º 4
    def run(self, edit):
        current_directory = os.path.dirname(self.view.file_name())
        context = Context.get_context(self.view)
        if context.get("valid") is False:
            return log(ID, "abort, no valid path given:", context.get("needle"))

        path = context.get("needle")
        project_folder = state.get_project_directory()

        if not (path and project_folder):
            return log(ID, "path or project invalid", path, project_folder)

        is_relative = Path.is_relative(path)
        if is_relative:
            path = Path.get_absolute_path(current_directory, path)
            path = re.sub(project_folder, "", path)

        path = re.sub("^[\\\\/\.]", "", path)
        realpath = path
        # cleanup string, in case there are special characters for a path
        # e.g. webpack uses ~, which is not part of path
        path = re.sub("[^A-Za-z0-9 \-_\\\\/.%?#]*", "", path)
        files = state.find_file(path)

        if len(files) == 0:
            # it may be an uncached file, try to open it by using the real path
            if self.filepath_exists(os.path.join(project_folder, realpath)):
                return self.open_file(project_folder, realpath)
            return log(ID, "failed finding file", path, "it is not within the cache and not a realpath")

        if len(files) == 1:
            self.open_file(project_folder, files[0])
            # if javascript, search for index.js
            current_scope = self.view.scope_name(Selection.get_position(self.view))
            if re.search("\.js ", current_scope):
                for file in files:
                    if "index.js" in file:
                        return self.open_file(project_folder, file)

            self.files = files
            self.project_folder = project_folder
            self.view.show_popup_menu(files, self.select_file)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def run(self, edit):
        current_directory = os.path.dirname(self.view.file_name())
        context = Context.get_context(self.view)
        if context.get("valid") is False:
            return log(ID, "abort, no valid path given:",

        path = context.get("needle")
        project_folder = state.get_project_directory()

        if not (path and project_folder):
            return log(ID, "path or project invalid", path, project_folder)

        is_relative = Path.is_relative(path)
        if is_relative:
            path = Path.get_absolute_path(current_directory, path)
            path = re.sub(project_folder, "", path)

        path = re.sub("^[\\\\/\.]", "", path)
        files = state.find_file(path)

        if len(files) == 0:
            return log(ID, "failed finding file", path)

        if len(files) == 1:
            self.open_file(project_folder, files[0])
            # if javascript, search for index.js
            current_scope = self.view.scope_name(
            if re.search("\.js ", current_scope):
                for file in files:
                    if "index.js" in file:
                        return self.open_file(project_folder, file)

            self.files = files
            self.project_folder = project_folder
            self.view.show_popup_menu(files, self.select_file)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def run(self, edit):
        current_directory = os.path.dirname(self.view.file_name())

        context = Context.get_context(self.view)
        if context.get("valid") is False:
            return log(ID, "abort, no valid path given:", context.get("needle"))

        path = context.get("needle")
        project = ProjectManager.get_current_project()

        if not (path and project):
            return log(ID, "path or project invalid", path, project)

        is_relative = Path.is_relative(path)
        if is_relative:
            path = Path.get_absolute_path(current_directory, path)
            path = re.sub(project.get_directory(), "", path)

        path = re.sub("^[\\\\/\.]", "", path)
        files = project.find_file(path)

        if len(files) == 0:
            return log(ID, "failed finding file", path)

        if len(files) == 1:
            self.open_file(project.get_directory(), files[0])
            # if javascript, search for index.js
            current_scope = self.view.scope_name(Selection.get_position(self.view))
            if re.search("\.js ", current_scope):
                for file in files:
                    if "index.js" in file:
                        return self.open_file(project.get_directory(), file)

            self.files = files
            self.project_folder = project.get_directory()
            self.view.show_popup_menu(files, self.select_file)
Exemplo n.º 7
def get_context(view):
    error = False
    valid = True
    valid_needle = True
    position = Selection.get_position(view)

    # regions
    word_region = view.word(position)
    line_region = view.line(position)
    pre_region = sublime.Region(line_region.a, word_region.a)
    post_region = sublime.Region(word_region.b, line_region.b)

    # text
    line = view.substr(line_region)
    word = view.substr(word_region)
    pre = view.substr(pre_region)
    post = view.substr(post_region)

    error = re.search("[" + NEEDLE_INVALID_CHARACTERS + "]", word)

    needle_region = view.word(position)

    # grab everything in 'separators'
    needle = ""
    separator = False
    pre_match = ""
    # search for a separator before current word, i.e. <">path/to/<position>
    pre_quotes = re.search(
        "([" + NEEDLE_SEPARATOR_BEFORE + "])([^" + NEEDLE_SEPARATOR + "]*)$",
    if pre_quotes:
        needle += pre_quotes.group(2) + word
        separator = pre_quotes.group(1)
        pre_match = pre_quotes.group(2)
        needle_region.a -= len(pre_quotes.group(2))
        # use whitespace as separator
        pre_quotes = re.search("(\s)([^" + NEEDLE_SEPARATOR + "\s]*)$", pre)
        if pre_quotes:
            needle = pre_quotes.group(2) + word
            separator = pre_quotes.group(1)
            pre_match = pre_quotes.group(2)
            needle_region.a -= len(pre_quotes.group(2))

    if pre_quotes:
        post_quotes = re.search("^([" + NEEDLE_SEPARATOR_AFTER + "]*)", post)
        if post_quotes:
            needle += post_quotes.group(1)
            needle_region.b += len(post_quotes.group(1))
            logger.verbose(ID, "no post quotes found => invalid")
            valid = False
    elif not re.search("[" + NEEDLE_INVALID_CHARACTERS + "]", needle):
        needle = pre + word
        needle_region.a = pre_region.a
        needle = word

    # grab prefix
    prefix_region = sublime.Region(line_region.a,
                                   pre_region.b - len(pre_match) - 1)
    prefix_line = view.substr(prefix_region)
    # # print("prefix line", prefix_line)

    #define? (["...", "..."]) -> before?
    # before: ABC =:([
    prefix = re.search(
        "\s*([" + NEEDLE_CHARACTERS + "]+)[" + DELIMITER + "]*$", prefix_line)
    if prefix is None:
        # validate array, like define(["...", ".CURSOR."])
        prefix = re.search(
            "^\s*([" + NEEDLE_CHARACTERS + "]+)[" + DELIMITER + "]+",

    if prefix:
        # print("prefix:", prefix.group(1))
        prefix = prefix.group(1)

    tag = re.search("<\s*([" + NEEDLE_CHARACTERS + "]*)\s*[^>]*$", prefix_line)
    if tag:
        tag = tag.group(1)
        # print("tag:", tag)

    propertyName = re.search(
        "[\s\"\'']*([" + NEEDLE_CHARACTERS + "]*)[\s\"\']*\:[^\:]*$",
    if propertyName:
        propertyName = propertyName.group(1)
        # print("style:", style)

    if separator is False:
        logger.verbose(ID, "separator undefined => invalid", needle)
        valid_needle = False
        valid = False
    elif re.search("[" + NEEDLE_INVALID_CHARACTERS + "]", needle):
        logger.verbose(ID, "invalid characters in needle => invalid", needle)
        valid_needle = False
        valid = False
    elif prefix is None and separator.strip() == "":
        logger.verbose(ID, "prefix undefined => invalid", needle)
        valid = False

    return {
        "is_valid": valid,
        "valid_needle": valid_needle,
        "needle": needle,
        "prefix": prefix,
        "tagName": tag,
        "style": propertyName,
        "region": needle_region,
        "word": word,
        # really do not use any of this
        "error": error
Exemplo n.º 8
def get_context(view):
	error = False
	valid = True
	valid_needle = True
	position = Selection.get_position(view)

	# regions
	word_region = view.word(position)
	line_region = view.line(position)
	pre_region = sublime.Region(line_region.a, word_region.a)
	post_region = sublime.Region(word_region.b, line_region.b)

	# text
	line = view.substr(line_region)
	word = view.substr(word_region)
	pre = view.substr(pre_region)
	post = view.substr(post_region)

	error = re.search("[" + NEEDLE_INVALID_CHARACTERS + "]", word)

	needle_region = view.word(position)

	# grab everything in 'separators'
	needle = ""
	separator = False
	pre_match = ""
	# search for a separator before current word, i.e. <">path/to/<position>
	pre_quotes = re.search("(["+NEEDLE_SEPARATOR_BEFORE+"])([^"+NEEDLE_SEPARATOR+"]*)$", pre)
	if pre_quotes:
		needle += pre_quotes.group(2) + word
		separator = pre_quotes.group(1)
		pre_match = pre_quotes.group(2)

		needle_region.a -= len(pre_quotes.group(2))

		# use whitespace as separator
		pre_quotes = re.search("(\s)([^"+NEEDLE_SEPARATOR+"\s]*)$", pre)
		if pre_quotes:
			needle = pre_quotes.group(2) + word
			separator = pre_quotes.group(1)
			pre_match = pre_quotes.group(2)

			needle_region.a -= len(pre_quotes.group(2))

	if pre_quotes:
		post_quotes = re.search("^(["+NEEDLE_SEPARATOR_AFTER+"]*)", post)
		if post_quotes:
			needle += post_quotes.group(1)
			needle_region.b += len(post_quotes.group(1))
			print("no post quotes found => invalid")
			valid = False

	elif not re.search("["+NEEDLE_INVALID_CHARACTERS+"]", needle):
		needle = pre + word
		needle_region.a = pre_region.a

		needle = word

	# grab prefix
	prefix_region = sublime.Region(line_region.a, pre_region.b - len(pre_match) - 1)
	prefix_line = view.substr(prefix_region)
	# # print("prefix line", prefix_line)

	#define? (["...", "..."]) -> before?
	# before: ABC =:([
	prefix = re.search("\s*(["+NEEDLE_CHARACTERS+"]+)["+DELIMITER+"]*$", prefix_line)
	if prefix is None:
		# validate array, like define(["...", ".CURSOR."])
		prefix = re.search("^\s*(["+NEEDLE_CHARACTERS+"]+)["+DELIMITER+"]+", prefix_line)

	if prefix:
		# print("prefix:", prefix.group(1))
		prefix = prefix.group(1)

	tag = re.search("<\s*(["+NEEDLE_CHARACTERS+"]*)\s*[^>]*$", prefix_line)
	if tag:
		tag = tag.group(1)
		# print("tag:", tag)

	propertyName = re.search("[\s\"\'']*(["+NEEDLE_CHARACTERS+"]*)[\s\"\']*\:[^\:]*$", prefix_line)
	if propertyName:
		propertyName = propertyName.group(1)
		# print("style:", style)

	if separator is False:
		# print("context", "separator undefined => invalid", needle)
		valid_needle = False
		valid = False
	elif re.search("["+NEEDLE_INVALID_CHARACTERS+"]", needle):
		# print("context", "invalid characters in needle => invalid", needle)
		valid_needle = False
		valid = False
	elif prefix is None and separator.strip() == "":
		# print("context", "prefix undefined => invalid", needle)
		valid = False

	return {
		"is_valid": valid,
		"valid_needle": valid_needle,
		"needle": needle,
		"prefix": prefix,
		"tagName": tag,
		"style": propertyName,
		"region": needle_region,
		"word": word,
		# really do not use any of this
		"error": error