Exemplo n.º 1
# testing of deck creation:
#for card in deck.Cards:
#	print("Color: %s, Value: %d, Investment: %d" % (card.Color.name, card.Value, card.Investment))

playerOne = BasicAIPlayer("David", deck.DrawCards(8))
playerTwo = AdvancedAIPlayer("Jeff", deck.DrawCards(8))

plrOneActive = True

# testing player creation:

board = GameBoard(playerOne, playerTwo, deck)

# the game ends when draw deck is empty
while len(deck.Cards) > 0:
    # each turn the active player must play a card, then draw a card
    activePlayer = playerOne
    opponent = playerTwo
    if plrOneActive == False:
        activePlayer = playerTwo
        opponent = playerOne

    activePlayer.PlayCard(board, len(deck.Cards), opponent.Expeditions)
    activePlayer.DrawCard(deck, board, opponent.Expeditions)
