def samrat_inno_action(): im_show("rocket.jpg") print("Maybe I can 3D print this and see if it works") if input("Do you want to steal - no, borrow - this? [Y N] ") == "Y": Pocket.append("Rocket.jpg") return True return False
def systest(): screen_clear() print("This is a system test. Report to devs if any errors are shown.") if input("Enter to Start systest") == "skip": return print() print("You will be shown a map. This test will be a success if you can see the map. Close the map to continue...") input("Enter to continue") makemap(Rotunda) print("makemap success") print() print("You will be shown an image. This test will be a success if you can see the image. Close the image to continue...") input("Enter to continue") im_show("owl.jpg") print("im_show success") print() print("You will be asked to save a file. Success if file is saved correctly") input("Enter to continue") if copyFile("test.txt"): print("copyFile success") else: print("copyFile fail") print() print("You will be redirected to a test site") input("Enter to continue") opensite("test.html") print("If website shown correctly, opensite success") print() input("This concludes systest. Enter to continue")
def clue8Action(): print("Is half the year over already?!") im_show("calender.jpg") ans = input("Enter the correct year: ") if ans == "2036": return True return False
def room69_action(): im_show('69.jpg') Pocket.append("Clue - Go to Shopping Complex") print("Let's take a picture of this.") a = input("Do you want to continue[Y/N]") if(a == "Y"): _ = copyFile("69.jpg") return False
def clue3Action(): print("PENALTY at 45 degrees") im_show("cube.jpg") print("Message: C.Amjg md eclcrgaq") # change this please a = input("What does that mean? ") if a == "E.Coli of genetics": # change this please Pocket.append("Clue - E.Coli of genetics") return True return False
def art_competition_action(): print("- Shivali") im_show("art1.jpg") print("- Saloni Sahu") im_show("art2.jpg") print("- Shivali") im_show("art3.jpg") return False
def vht_action(): im_show("trails.jpg") im_show("vht.jpg")
def mmystery_poster_action(): im_show("mmystery.jpg") return False
def mmystery_board_action(): im_show("board.jpg") return False