Exemplo n.º 1
def monte_carlo_ai_random_playouts(game_state: GameState, possible_actions: List[Action]) -> Action:
    Uses a Monte Carlo Tree Search with random playouts at the simulation step to determine
    the best next move

    :param game_state: Current GameState
    :param possible_actions: Possible actions to take
    :return: Next action to take
    # Do not monte carlo search if there is only one potential action
    if len(possible_actions) == 1:
        return possible_actions[0]

    NUM_SIMS = 200

    Qsa = {}
    Nsa = {}
    Ns = {}
    visited = set()

    # Simulate playouts
    for num_playout in range(NUM_SIMS):
        mcts_search(game_state, game_state.player_turn, game_state.calculate_worm_count().get(game_state.player_turn),
                    Qsa, Nsa, Ns, visited)

    s = str(game_state)
    sorted_actions = sorted(possible_actions, key=lambda a: Nsa.get((s, str(a)), float("-inf")))
    return sorted_actions.pop()
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_change_worm_count(game_state: GameState, player: int, orig_num_worms: int) -> int:
    Returns the difference between the original worm count and the worm count in the current
    game state for a given player
    :param game_state: Game state to get current worm counts from
    :param player: Player number to calculate change in worm count for
    :param orig_num_worms: Original worm count to calculate against
    :return: Difference in worm count for player between the current worm count in game_state and orig_num_worms
    worm_counts = game_state.calculate_worm_count()
    return worm_counts[player] - orig_num_worms