Exemplo n.º 1
def master_sandbox_prepare(app, appmasterconfig, sharedir_roots=None):

    if sharedir_roots is None:
        sharedir_roots = ['']

    logger.debug("RTUTils master_sandbox_prepare")

    # catch errors from not preparing properly
    if not hasattr(stripProxy(app), 'is_prepared') or app.is_prepared is None:
        logger.warning('Application is not prepared properly')
        if hasattr(stripProxy(app), 'is_prepared'):
            logger.warning("app.is_prepared: %s" % str(app.is_prepared))
        import traceback
        raise GangaException(None, 'Application not prepared properly')

    # Note EITHER the master inputsandbox OR the job.inputsandbox is added to
    # the subjob inputsandbox depending if the jobmasterconfig object is present
    # or not... Therefore combine the job.inputsandbox with appmasterconfig.
    job = stripProxy(app).getJobObject()

    # user added items from the interactive GPI
    from Ganga.Utility.Config import getConfig
    if not getConfig('Output')['ForbidLegacyInput']:
        inputsandbox = job.inputsandbox[:]
        if len(job.inputsandbox) > 0:
            from Ganga.GPIDev.Lib.Job import JobError
            raise JobError(
                "InputFiles have been requested but there are objects in the inputSandBox... Aborting Job Prepare!"
        inputsandbox = []
        for filepattern in getInputFilesPatterns(job)[0]:

    if len(inputsandbox) > 100:
            'InputSandbox exceeds maximum size (100) supported by the Dirac backend'
        raise GangaException(None, 'InputSandbox exceed maximum size')
    outputsandbox = getOutputSandboxPatterns(job)  # job.outputsandbox[:]

    # inputsandbox files stored in share_dir from prepare method
    sharedir_handler(app, sharedir_roots, inputsandbox)
    # Here add any sandbox files/data coming from the appmasterconfig
    # from master_configure. Catch the case where None is passed (as in tests)
    if appmasterconfig:
        inputsandbox += appmasterconfig.getSandboxFiles()
        outputsandbox += appmasterconfig.getOutputSandboxFiles()

    return unique(inputsandbox), unique(outputsandbox)
Exemplo n.º 2
def master_sandbox_prepare(app, appmasterconfig, sharedir_roots=None):

    if sharedir_roots is None:
        sharedir_roots = ['']

    logger.debug("RTUTils master_sandbox_prepare")

    # catch errors from not preparing properly
    if not hasattr(stripProxy(app), 'is_prepared') or app.is_prepared is None:
        logger.warning('Application is not prepared properly')
        if hasattr(stripProxy(app), 'is_prepared'):
            logger.warning("app.is_prepared: %s" % str(app.is_prepared))
        import traceback
        raise GangaException(None, 'Application not prepared properly')

    # Note EITHER the master inputsandbox OR the job.inputsandbox is added to
    # the subjob inputsandbox depending if the jobmasterconfig object is present
    # or not... Therefore combine the job.inputsandbox with appmasterconfig.
    job = stripProxy(app).getJobObject()

    # user added items from the interactive GPI
    from Ganga.Utility.Config import getConfig
    if not getConfig('Output')['ForbidLegacyInput']:
        inputsandbox = job.inputsandbox[:]
        if len(job.inputsandbox) > 0:
            from Ganga.GPIDev.Lib.Job import JobError
            raise JobError("InputFiles have been requested but there are objects in the inputSandBox... Aborting Job Prepare!")
        inputsandbox = []
        for filepattern in getInputFilesPatterns(job)[0]:

    if len(inputsandbox) > 100:
        logger.warning('InputSandbox exceeds maximum size (100) supported by the Dirac backend')
        raise GangaException(None, 'InputSandbox exceed maximum size')
    outputsandbox = getOutputSandboxPatterns(job)  # job.outputsandbox[:]

    # inputsandbox files stored in share_dir from prepare method
    sharedir_handler(app, sharedir_roots, inputsandbox)
    # Here add any sandbox files/data coming from the appmasterconfig
    # from master_configure. Catch the case where None is passed (as in tests)
    if appmasterconfig:
        inputsandbox += appmasterconfig.getSandboxFiles()
        outputsandbox += appmasterconfig.getOutputSandboxFiles()

    return unique(inputsandbox), unique(outputsandbox)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def preparejob(self, jobconfig, master_job_sandbox):
        '''Prepare the JDL'''

        script = self.__jobWrapperTemplate__()

        job = self.getJobObject()
        inpw = job.getInputWorkspace()

        wrapperlog = '__jobscript__.log'

        import Ganga.Core.Sandbox as Sandbox

        # FIXME: check what happens if 'stdout','stderr' are specified here
        script = script.replace(
            '###OUTPUTSANDBOX###', repr(jobconfig.outputbox))

        script = script.replace(
            '###APPLICATION_NAME###', getName(job.application))
        script = script.replace(
            '###APPLICATIONEXEC###', repr(jobconfig.getExeString()))
        script = script.replace(
            '###APPLICATIONARGS###', repr(jobconfig.getArguments()))

        from Ganga.GPIDev.Lib.File.OutputFileManager import getWNCodeForOutputPostprocessing, getWNCodeForDownloadingInputFiles

        script = script.replace(
            '###OUTPUTUPLOADSPOSTPROCESSING###', getWNCodeForOutputPostprocessing(job, '    '))

        script = script.replace(
            '###DOWNLOADINPUTFILES###', getWNCodeForDownloadingInputFiles(job, '    '))

        if jobconfig.env:
            script = script.replace(
                '###APPLICATIONENVS###', repr(jobconfig.env))
            script = script.replace('###APPLICATIONENVS###', repr({}))

        script = script.replace('###WRAPPERLOG###', repr(wrapperlog))
        import inspect
        script = script.replace(
            '###INLINEMODULES###', inspect.getsource(Sandbox.WNSandbox))

        mon = job.getMonitoringService()

        self.monInfo = None

        # set the monitoring file by default to the stdout
        if isinstance(self.monInfo, dict):
            self.monInfo['remotefile'] = 'stdout'

        # try to print out the monitoring service information in debug mode
            logger.debug('job info of monitoring service: %s' %

#       prepare input/output sandboxes
        packed_files = jobconfig.getSandboxFiles() + Sandbox.getGangaModulesAsSandboxFiles(Sandbox.getDefaultModules())
        sandbox_files = job.createPackedInputSandbox(packed_files)

        # sandbox of child jobs should include master's sandbox

        # check the input file size and pre-upload larger inputs to the iocache
        lfc_host = ''

        input_sandbox_uris = []
        input_sandbox_names = []

        ick = True

        max_prestaged_fsize = 0
        for f in sandbox_files:

            idx = self.__check_and_prestage_inputfile__(f)

            if not idx:
                logger.error('input sandbox preparation failed: %s' % f)
                ick = False

                if idx['lfc_host']:
                    lfc_host = idx['lfc_host']

                if idx['remote']:
                    abspath = os.path.abspath(f)
                    fsize = os.path.getsize(abspath)

                    if fsize > max_prestaged_fsize:
                        max_prestaged_fsize = fsize



                if idx['local']:
                    input_sandbox_uris += idx['local']

        if not ick:
            logger.error('stop job submission')
            return None

        # determin the lcg-cp timeout according to the max_prestaged_fsize
        # - using the assumption of 1 MB/sec.
        max_prestaged_fsize = 0
        lfc_host = ''
        transfer_timeout = config['SandboxTransferTimeout']
        predict_timeout = int(math.ceil(max_prestaged_fsize / 1000000.0))

        if predict_timeout > transfer_timeout:
            transfer_timeout = predict_timeout

        if transfer_timeout < 60:
            transfer_timeout = 60

        script = script.replace(
            '###TRANSFERTIMEOUT###', '%d' % transfer_timeout)

        # update the job wrapper with the inputsandbox list
        script = script.replace(
            '###INPUTSANDBOX###', repr({'remote': {}, 'local': input_sandbox_names}))

        # write out the job wrapper and put job wrapper into job's inputsandbox
        scriptPath = inpw.writefile(
            FileBuffer('__jobscript_%s__' % job.getFQID('.'), script), executable=1)
        input_sandbox = input_sandbox_uris + [scriptPath]

        for isb in input_sandbox:
            logger.debug('ISB URI: %s' % isb)

        # compose output sandbox to include by default the following files:
        # - gzipped stdout (transferred only when the JobLogHandler is WMS)
        # - gzipped stderr (transferred only when the JobLogHandler is WMS)
        # - __jobscript__.log (job wrapper's log)
        output_sandbox = [wrapperlog]

        from Ganga.GPIDev.Lib.File.OutputFileManager import getOutputSandboxPatterns
        for outputSandboxPattern in getOutputSandboxPatterns(job):

        if config['JobLogHandler'] in ['WMS']:
            output_sandbox += ['stdout.gz', 'stderr.gz']

        if len(jobconfig.outputbox):
            output_sandbox += [Sandbox.OUTPUT_TARBALL_NAME]

        # compose LCG JDL
        jdl = {
            'VirtualOrganisation': config['VirtualOrganisation'],
            'Executable': os.path.basename(scriptPath),
            'Environment': {'GANGA_LCG_VO': config['VirtualOrganisation'], 'GANGA_LOG_HANDLER': config['JobLogHandler'], 'LFC_HOST': lfc_host},
            'StdOutput': 'stdout',
            'StdError': 'stderr',
            'InputSandbox': input_sandbox,
            'OutputSandbox': output_sandbox,
            'OutputSandboxBaseDestURI': 'gsiftp://localhost'

        jdl['Environment'].update({'GANGA_LCG_CE': self.CE})
        jdl['Requirements'] = self.requirements.merge(

        if self.jobtype.upper() in ['NORMAL', 'MPICH']:
            jdl['JobType'] = self.jobtype.upper()
            if self.jobtype.upper() == 'MPICH':
                #jdl['Requirements'].append('(other.GlueCEInfoTotalCPUs >= NodeNumber)')
                jdl['NodeNumber'] = self.requirements.nodenumber
            logger.warning('JobType "%s" not supported' % self.jobtype)

#       additional settings from the job
#        if jobconfig.env:
#            jdl['Environment'].update(jobconfig.env)

        jdlText = Grid.expandjdl(jdl)
        logger.debug('subjob JDL: %s' % jdlText)
        return inpw.writefile(FileBuffer('__jdlfile__', jdlText))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def preparejob(self, jobconfig, master_job_sandbox):
        '''Prepare the JDL'''

        script = self.__jobWrapperTemplate__()

        job = self.getJobObject()
        inpw = job.getInputWorkspace()

        wrapperlog = '__jobscript__.log'

        import Ganga.Core.Sandbox as Sandbox

        # FIXME: check what happens if 'stdout','stderr' are specified here
        script = script.replace('###OUTPUTSANDBOX###',

        script = script.replace('###APPLICATION_NAME###',
        script = script.replace('###APPLICATIONEXEC###',
        script = script.replace('###APPLICATIONARGS###',

        from Ganga.GPIDev.Lib.File.OutputFileManager import getWNCodeForOutputPostprocessing, getWNCodeForDownloadingInputFiles

        script = script.replace('###OUTPUTUPLOADSPOSTPROCESSING###',
                                getWNCodeForOutputPostprocessing(job, '    '))

        script = script.replace('###DOWNLOADINPUTFILES###',
                                getWNCodeForDownloadingInputFiles(job, '    '))

        if jobconfig.env:
            script = script.replace('###APPLICATIONENVS###',
            script = script.replace('###APPLICATIONENVS###', repr({}))

        script = script.replace('###WRAPPERLOG###', repr(wrapperlog))
        import inspect
        script = script.replace('###INLINEMODULES###',

        mon = job.getMonitoringService()

        self.monInfo = None

        # set the monitoring file by default to the stdout
        if isinstance(self.monInfo, dict):
            self.monInfo['remotefile'] = 'stdout'

        # try to print out the monitoring service information in debug mode
            logger.debug('job info of monitoring service: %s' %

#       prepare input/output sandboxes
        import Ganga.Utility.files
        from Ganga.GPIDev.Lib.File import File
        from Ganga.Core.Sandbox.WNSandbox import PYTHON_DIR
        import inspect

        fileutils = File(inspect.getsourcefile(Ganga.Utility.files),
        packed_files = jobconfig.getSandboxFiles() + [fileutils]
        sandbox_files = job.createPackedInputSandbox(packed_files)

        # sandbox of child jobs should include master's sandbox

        # check the input file size and pre-upload larger inputs to the iocache
        lfc_host = ''

        input_sandbox_uris = []
        input_sandbox_names = []

        ick = True

        max_prestaged_fsize = 0
        for f in sandbox_files:

            idx = self.__check_and_prestage_inputfile__(f)

            if not idx:
                logger.error('input sandbox preparation failed: %s' % f)
                ick = False

                if idx['lfc_host']:
                    lfc_host = idx['lfc_host']

                if idx['remote']:
                    abspath = os.path.abspath(f)
                    fsize = os.path.getsize(abspath)

                    if fsize > max_prestaged_fsize:
                        max_prestaged_fsize = fsize



                if idx['local']:
                    input_sandbox_uris += idx['local']

        if not ick:
            logger.error('stop job submission')
            return None

        # determin the lcg-cp timeout according to the max_prestaged_fsize
        # - using the assumption of 1 MB/sec.
        max_prestaged_fsize = 0
        lfc_host = ''
        transfer_timeout = config['SandboxTransferTimeout']
        predict_timeout = int(math.ceil(max_prestaged_fsize / 1000000.0))

        if predict_timeout > transfer_timeout:
            transfer_timeout = predict_timeout

        if transfer_timeout < 60:
            transfer_timeout = 60

        script = script.replace('###TRANSFERTIMEOUT###',
                                '%d' % transfer_timeout)

        # update the job wrapper with the inputsandbox list
        script = script.replace(
                'remote': {},
                'local': input_sandbox_names

        # write out the job wrapper and put job wrapper into job's inputsandbox
        scriptPath = inpw.writefile(FileBuffer(
            '__jobscript_%s__' % job.getFQID('.'), script),
        input_sandbox = input_sandbox_uris + [scriptPath]

        for isb in input_sandbox:
            logger.debug('ISB URI: %s' % isb)

        # compose output sandbox to include by default the following files:
        # - gzipped stdout (transferred only when the JobLogHandler is WMS)
        # - gzipped stderr (transferred only when the JobLogHandler is WMS)
        # - __jobscript__.log (job wrapper's log)
        output_sandbox = [wrapperlog]

        from Ganga.GPIDev.Lib.File.OutputFileManager import getOutputSandboxPatterns
        for outputSandboxPattern in getOutputSandboxPatterns(job):

        if config['JobLogHandler'] in ['WMS']:
            output_sandbox += ['stdout.gz', 'stderr.gz']

        if len(jobconfig.outputbox):
            output_sandbox += [Sandbox.OUTPUT_TARBALL_NAME]

        # compose ARC XRSL
        xrsl = {
            #'VirtualOrganisation' : config['VirtualOrganisation'],
            'executable': os.path.basename(scriptPath),
            'environment': {
                'GANGA_LCG_VO': config['VirtualOrganisation'],
                'GANGA_LOG_HANDLER': config['JobLogHandler'],
                'LFC_HOST': lfc_host
            #'stdout'                : 'stdout',
            #'stderr'                : 'stderr',
            'inputFiles': input_sandbox,
            'outputFiles': output_sandbox,
            #'OutputSandboxBaseDestURI': 'gsiftp://localhost'

        xrsl['environment'].update({'GANGA_LCG_CE': self.CE})
        #xrsl['Requirements'] = self.requirements.merge(jobconfig.requirements).convert()

        # if self.jobtype.upper() in ['NORMAL','MPICH']:
        #xrsl['JobType'] = self.jobtype.upper()
        # if self.jobtype.upper() == 'MPICH':
        #xrsl['Requirements'].append('(other.GlueCEInfoTotalCPUs >= NodeNumber)')
        # xrsl['Requirements'].append('Member("MPICH",other.GlueHostApplicationSoftwareRunTimeEnvironment)')
        #xrsl['NodeNumber'] = self.requirements.nodenumber
        # else:
        #    logger.warning('JobType "%s" not supported' % self.jobtype)
        #    return

        #       additional settings from the job
        if jobconfig.env:

        xrslText = Grid.expandxrsl(xrsl)

        # append any additional requirements from the requirements object
        xrslText += '\n'.join(self.requirements.other)

        logger.debug('subjob XRSL: %s' % xrslText)
        return inpw.writefile(FileBuffer('__xrslfile__', xrslText))
Exemplo n.º 5
    def preparejob(self, jobconfig, master_job_sandbox):
        """Prepare the JDL"""

        script = self.__jobWrapperTemplate__()

        job = self.getJobObject()
        inpw = job.getInputWorkspace()

        wrapperlog = "__jobscript__.log"

        import Ganga.Core.Sandbox as Sandbox

        # FIXME: check what happens if 'stdout','stderr' are specified here
        script = script.replace("###OUTPUTSANDBOX###", repr(jobconfig.outputbox))

        script = script.replace("###APPLICATION_NAME###", job.application._name)
        script = script.replace("###APPLICATIONEXEC###", repr(jobconfig.getExeString()))
        script = script.replace("###APPLICATIONARGS###", repr(jobconfig.getArguments()))

        from Ganga.GPIDev.Lib.File.OutputFileManager import (

        script = script.replace("###OUTPUTUPLOADSPOSTPROCESSING###", getWNCodeForOutputPostprocessing(job, "    "))

        script = script.replace("###DOWNLOADINPUTFILES###", getWNCodeForDownloadingInputFiles(job, "    "))

        if jobconfig.env:
            script = script.replace("###APPLICATIONENVS###", repr(jobconfig.env))
            script = script.replace("###APPLICATIONENVS###", repr({}))

        script = script.replace("###WRAPPERLOG###", repr(wrapperlog))
        import inspect

        script = script.replace("###INLINEMODULES###", inspect.getsource(Sandbox.WNSandbox))

        mon = job.getMonitoringService()

        self.monInfo = None

        # set the monitoring file by default to the stdout
        if isinstance(self.monInfo, dict):
            self.monInfo["remotefile"] = "stdout"

        # try to print out the monitoring service information in debug mode
            logger.debug("job info of monitoring service: %s" % str(self.monInfo))

        script = script.replace("###MONITORING_SERVICE###", mon.getWrapperScriptConstructorText())

        #       prepare input/output sandboxes
        packed_files = (
            + Sandbox.getGangaModulesAsSandboxFiles(Sandbox.getDefaultModules())
            + Sandbox.getGangaModulesAsSandboxFiles(mon.getSandboxModules())
        sandbox_files = job.createPackedInputSandbox(packed_files)

        # sandbox of child jobs should include master's sandbox

        # check the input file size and pre-upload larger inputs to the iocache
        lfc_host = ""

        input_sandbox_uris = []
        input_sandbox_names = []

        ick = True

        max_prestaged_fsize = 0
        for f in sandbox_files:

            idx = self.__check_and_prestage_inputfile__(f)

            if not idx:
                logger.error("input sandbox preparation failed: %s" % f)
                ick = False

                if idx["lfc_host"]:
                    lfc_host = idx["lfc_host"]

                if idx["remote"]:
                    abspath = os.path.abspath(f)
                    fsize = os.path.getsize(abspath)

                    if fsize > max_prestaged_fsize:
                        max_prestaged_fsize = fsize



                if idx["local"]:
                    input_sandbox_uris += idx["local"]

        if not ick:
            logger.error("stop job submission")
            return None

        # determin the lcg-cp timeout according to the max_prestaged_fsize
        # - using the assumption of 1 MB/sec.
        max_prestaged_fsize = 0
        lfc_host = ""
        transfer_timeout = config["SandboxTransferTimeout"]
        predict_timeout = int(math.ceil(max_prestaged_fsize / 1000000.0))

        if predict_timeout > transfer_timeout:
            transfer_timeout = predict_timeout

        if transfer_timeout < 60:
            transfer_timeout = 60

        script = script.replace("###TRANSFERTIMEOUT###", "%d" % transfer_timeout)

        # update the job wrapper with the inputsandbox list
        script = script.replace("###INPUTSANDBOX###", repr({"remote": {}, "local": input_sandbox_names}))

        # write out the job wrapper and put job wrapper into job's inputsandbox
        scriptPath = inpw.writefile(FileBuffer("__jobscript_%s__" % job.getFQID("."), script), executable=1)
        input_sandbox = input_sandbox_uris + [scriptPath]

        for isb in input_sandbox:
            logger.debug("ISB URI: %s" % isb)

        # compose output sandbox to include by default the following files:
        # - gzipped stdout (transferred only when the JobLogHandler is WMS)
        # - gzipped stderr (transferred only when the JobLogHandler is WMS)
        # - __jobscript__.log (job wrapper's log)
        output_sandbox = [wrapperlog]

        from Ganga.GPIDev.Lib.File.OutputFileManager import getOutputSandboxPatterns

        for outputSandboxPattern in getOutputSandboxPatterns(job):

        if config["JobLogHandler"] in ["WMS"]:
            output_sandbox += ["stdout.gz", "stderr.gz"]

        if len(jobconfig.outputbox):
            output_sandbox += [Sandbox.OUTPUT_TARBALL_NAME]

        # compose LCG JDL
        jdl = {
            "VirtualOrganisation": config["VirtualOrganisation"],
            "Executable": os.path.basename(scriptPath),
            "Environment": {
                "GANGA_LCG_VO": config["VirtualOrganisation"],
                "GANGA_LOG_HANDLER": config["JobLogHandler"],
                "LFC_HOST": lfc_host,
            "StdOutput": "stdout",
            "StdError": "stderr",
            "InputSandbox": input_sandbox,
            "OutputSandbox": output_sandbox,
            "OutputSandboxBaseDestURI": "gsiftp://localhost",

        jdl["Environment"].update({"GANGA_LCG_CE": self.CE})
        jdl["Requirements"] = self.requirements.merge(jobconfig.requirements).convert()

        if self.jobtype.upper() in ["NORMAL", "MPICH"]:
            jdl["JobType"] = self.jobtype.upper()
            if self.jobtype.upper() == "MPICH":
                # jdl['Requirements'].append('(other.GlueCEInfoTotalCPUs >= NodeNumber)')
                jdl["NodeNumber"] = self.requirements.nodenumber
            logger.warning('JobType "%s" not supported' % self.jobtype)

        #       additional settings from the job
        #        if jobconfig.env:
        #            jdl['Environment'].update(jobconfig.env)

        jdlText = Grid.expandjdl(jdl)
        logger.debug("subjob JDL: %s" % jdlText)
        return inpw.writefile(FileBuffer("__jdlfile__", jdlText))