Exemplo n.º 1
def _guess_module_logger_name(modulename,frame=None):
    #print " _guess_module_logger_name",modulename
    # find the filename of the calling module
    import sys,os.path
    if frame is None:
        frame = sys._getframe(3) # assuming 2 nested calls to the module boundary!
        print 'using frame from the caller'

    # accessing __file__ from globals() is much more reliable than f_code.co_filename (name = os.path.normcase(frame.f_code.co_filename))
        name = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(frame.f_globals['__file__']))
    except KeyError:
        # no file associated with the frame (e.g. interactive prompt, exec statement)
        name = '_program_'

    #print " _guess_module_logger_name",name
    del frame

    #if private_logger:
    #    private_logger.debug('searching for package matching calling module co_filename= %s',str(name))

    # sometimes the filename is an absolute path, try to find a relative module path from the PYTHONPATH
    # and remove the trailing path -> the result will be used as the logger name

    from Ganga.Utility.files import remove_prefix

    name = remove_prefix(name,sys.path)

    def remove_tail(s,tail):
        idx = s.rfind(tail)
        if idx != -1:
            return s[:idx]
        return s
    # get rid of trailing .py  .pyc .pyo
    name = remove_tail(name,'.py')

    # replace slashes with dots
    name = name.replace(os.sep,'.')

    # return full module name
    if modulename == 1:
        return name

    # remove module name
    name = remove_tail(name,'.')

    if name == 'ganga': #interactive IPython session
        name = "Ganga.GPI"

    # return package name 
    if not modulename:
        return name

    # return custom module name
    return name+'.'+modulename
Exemplo n.º 2
def getGangaModulesAsSandboxFiles(modules):
    """ This returns a list of sandbox files corresponding to specified Ganga modules.
        Ganga modules are placed in a well-known location in the sandbox.
    import inspect, sys
    from Ganga.Utility.files import remove_prefix
    from Ganga.GPIDev.Lib.File import File

    files = []
    for m in modules:
        fullpath = os.path.realpath(inspect.getsourcefile(m))
        dir, fn = os.path.split(remove_prefix(fullpath, sys.path))
        if os.path.join(dir, fn) == fullpath:
            raise Exception("Cannot find the prefix for %s" % fullpath)
        files.append(File(fullpath, subdir=os.path.join(PYTHON_DIR, dir)))
    return files
Exemplo n.º 3
def getGangaModulesAsSandboxFiles(modules):
    """ This returns a list of sandbox files corresponding to specified Ganga modules.
    Ganga modules are placed in a well-known location in the sandbox.
    import inspect
    import sys
    from Ganga.Utility.files import remove_prefix
    from Ganga.GPIDev.Lib.File import File

    files = []
    for m in modules:
        fullpath = os.path.realpath(inspect.getsourcefile(m))
        dir, fn = os.path.split(remove_prefix(fullpath, sys.path))
        if os.path.join(dir, fn) == fullpath:
            raise GangaIOError('Cannot find the prefix for %s' % fullpath)
        files.append(File(fullpath, subdir=os.path.join(PYTHON_DIR, dir)))
    return files
Exemplo n.º 4
def _guess_module_logger_name(modulename, frame=None):
    """Gues the Module name from the current frame or from a given frame if specified. If module == 1 return full name, else trim module name"""
    # find the filename of the calling module
    if frame is None:
        # assuming 2 nested calls to the module boundary!
        frame = sys._getframe(3)
        print("using frame from the caller")

    global lookup_frame_names

    this__file__ = None
    if "__file__" in frame.f_globals:
        this__file__ = frame.f_globals["__file__"]
        if this__file__ in lookup_frame_names:
            del frame
            return lookup_frame_names[this_file]
            should_store = True
        should_store = False

    # accessing __file__ from globals() is much more reliable than
    # f_code.co_filename (name = os.path.normcase(frame.f_code.co_filename))
    if this__file__ is not None:
        name = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(this__file__))
        # no file associated with the frame (e.g. interactive prompt, exec
        # statement)
        name = "_program_"

    # print " _guess_module_logger_name",name
    del frame

    # if private_logger:
    #    private_logger.debug('searching for package matching calling module co_filename= %s',str(name))

    # sometimes the filename is an absolute path, try to find a relative module path from the PYTHONPATH
    # and remove the trailing path -> the result will be used as the logger
    # name

    from Ganga.Utility.files import remove_prefix

    name = remove_prefix(name, sys.path)

    def remove_tail(s, tail):
        idx = s.rfind(tail)
        if idx != -1:
            return s[:idx]
        return s

    # get rid of trailing .py  .pyc .pyo
    name = remove_tail(name, ".py")

    # replace slashes with dots
    name = name.replace(os.sep, ".")

    # return full module name
    if modulename == 1:
        return name

    # remove module name
    name = remove_tail(name, ".")

    if name == "ganga":  # interactive IPython session
        name = "Ganga.GPI"

    # return package name
    if not modulename:
        return name

    return_name = name + "." + modulename

    if should_store is True:
        lookup_frame_names[this__file__] = return_name

    # return custom module name
    return return_name
Exemplo n.º 5
def _guess_module_logger_name(modulename, frame=None):
    """Gues the Module name from the current frame or from a given frame if specified. If module == 1 return full name, else trim module name"""
    # find the filename of the calling module
    if frame is None:
        # assuming 2 nested calls to the module boundary!
        frame = sys._getframe(3)
        print('using frame from the caller')

    global lookup_frame_names

    this__file__ = None
    if '__file__' in frame.f_globals:
        this__file__ = frame.f_globals['__file__']
        if this__file__ in lookup_frame_names:
            del frame
            return lookup_frame_names[this_file]
            should_store = True
        should_store = False

    # accessing __file__ from globals() is much more reliable than
    # f_code.co_filename (name = os.path.normcase(frame.f_code.co_filename))
    if this__file__ is not None:
        name = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(this__file__))
        # no file associated with the frame (e.g. interactive prompt, exec
        # statement)
        name = '_program_'

    # print " _guess_module_logger_name",name
    del frame

    # if private_logger:
    #    private_logger.debug('searching for package matching calling module co_filename= %s',str(name))

    # sometimes the filename is an absolute path, try to find a relative module path from the PYTHONPATH
    # and remove the trailing path -> the result will be used as the logger
    # name

    from Ganga.Utility.files import remove_prefix

    name = remove_prefix(name, sys.path)

    def remove_tail(s, tail):
        idx = s.rfind(tail)
        if idx != -1:
            return s[:idx]
        return s

    # get rid of trailing .py  .pyc .pyo
    name = remove_tail(name, '.py')

    # replace slashes with dots
    name = name.replace(os.sep, '.')

    # return full module name
    if modulename == 1:
        return name

    # remove module name
    name = remove_tail(name, '.')

    if name == 'ganga':  # interactive IPython session
        name = "Ganga.GPI"

    # return package name
    if not modulename:
        return name

    return_name = name + '.' + modulename

    if should_store is True:
        lookup_frame_names[this__file__] = return_name

    # return custom module name
    return return_name