Exemplo n.º 1

#Set parameters
#Take motion_start and  motion_end from .tak file video
#Estimate radar_start from the plotRTI above, initially comment out code below
radar_start = 300  #Initial 500 380 for flight 6 300 for flight 7
motion_start = 3850  #5200 flight 6 3900 flight 7 2411 flight 8
motion_end = 34129  #16400 flight 6 34129 flight 7 29126 flight 8

#Aligns data
aligned_data = align_data(radar_data, motion_data, radar_start, motion_start,
                          motion_end, 200, 4600)  #100, 3500

#Plots aligned graph with known data point
    aligned_data, radar_data, [[-0.254065627, 0.252586546, 2.662674582],
                               [-0.264097265, 0.237835515, -3.115790777]]
)  #[[.942713,.1,1.019]] Final: [[-0.254065627,	0.252586546,	2.662674582], [-0.264097265,	0.237835515,	-3.115790777]]

#Calculates and plots BackProjected Image
#IntensityList = BackProjection(aligned_data,radar_data,[-4,0],[4,4],0.1)
IntensityList2 = FastBackProjection(aligned_data, radar_data, [-2.0, 0.5],
                                    [1.5, 1.75], 0.002)

#Deconvolutes image and plots images
Image = deconvolute(IntensityList2,
                    LeftInterval=[-2.0, 0.5],
                    RightInterval=[1.5, 1.75],
                    PercentageMin=1 / 20)
FinalDict = {'orig_sar_img': IntensityList2, 'proc_sar_img': Image, 'x_axis': arange(-4, 4+0.01,0.01), 'y_axis': arange(0, 4+0.01, 0.01)}
Exemplo n.º 2
#Plot RTI for radar_data

#Set parameters
#Take motion_start and  motion_end from .tak file video
#Estimate radar_start from the plotRTI above, initially comment out code below
radar_start = 510  #Flight4: 505, FLight3: 135, Flight2: 113
motion_start = 3450  #Flight2: 3300, Flight3: 2400, FLight4: 3450, Flight5: 4477
motion_end = 14462  #Flight2: 24000, Flight3: 15382, Flight4: 14462, Flight5: 14201

#Aligns data
aligned_data = align_data(radar_data, motion_data, radar_start, motion_start,
                          motion_end, 100, 1200)  #100, 3500

#Plots aligned graph with known data point
AlignedGraph(aligned_data, radar_data,
             [[2.920519426, 0.089892255, -1.116615139]
              ])  # (2.920519426,	0.089892255,	-1.116615139)

#Calculates and plots BackProjected Image
IntensityList = FastBackProjection(aligned_data, radar_data, [-3, 1.5], [0, 4],

#Deconvolutes image and plots images
Image = deconvolute(IntensityList, IterationNumber=2, PercentageMin=1 / 5)
import pickle

#Converts motion and RADAR data to the right data structures

#Loads data from the RADAR
motion_data = read_motion_data("../Raw_Data/UAVSAR1Flight8.csv", "UAVSAR1")
motion_data = linear_interp_nan(motion_data[1], motion_data[0])
radar_data = read_radar_data("data.pkl", 580, 0.3)  #580, 0.30 is probably good

#Performs RCS correction
radar_data = rcs(radar_data)

#Plot RTI for radar_data
#Set parameters
#Take motion_start and  motion_end from .tak file video
#Estimate radar_start from the plotRTI above, initially comment out code below
radar_start = 300 #Initial 500 380 for flight 6 300 for flight 7
motion_start = 3850 #5200 flight 6 3900 flight 7 2411 flight 8 
motion_end = 34129 #16400 flight 6 34129 flight 7 29126 flight 8 

#Aligns data
aligned_data = align_data(radar_data,motion_data,radar_start,motion_start, motion_end, 200, 4600) #100, 3500

#Plots aligned graph with known data point
AlignedGraph(aligned_data,radar_data, [[-0.254065627,	0.252586546,	2.662674582], [-0.264097265,	0.237835515,	-3.115790777]] ) #[[.942713,.1,1.019]] Final: [[-0.254065627,	0.252586546,	2.662674582], [-0.264097265,	0.237835515,	-3.115790777]]

#Calculates and plots BackProjected Image
Exemplo n.º 4
#Loads data from the RADAR
motion_data = read_motion_data("../Raw_Data/UAVSAR1Flight1.csv", "UAVSAR1")
radar_data = read_radar_data("UAVSAR1Flight1.pkl", 580, 0.30)  #580, 0.30
radar_data = rcs(radar_data)

radar_start = 600
motion_start = 6600  #6600
motion_end = 29545

#Aligns data, currently using frames given in function definition
aligned_data = align_data(radar_data, motion_data, radar_start, motion_start,
                          motion_end, 100, 3500)  #100, 3500

#Plots aligned graph
AlignedGraph(aligned_data, radar_data)

#Calculates and plots BackProjected Image
IntensityList = BackProjection(aligned_data, radar_data, [-4, 0], [4, 4], 0.02)

#IntensityList = read_intensity('../Raw_Data/intensity2.csv')
#Deconvolutes image and plots images
deconvolute(IntensityList, IterationNumber=3, PercentageMin=1 / 5.5)
#Currently unused code

#Calculates backprojected image using Ramu's algorithm

#Reads in an intensity list and saves it as an intensity list
IntensityList = read_intensity('../Raw_Data/intensity2.csv')
Exemplo n.º 5
#Loads data from the RADAR
motion_data = read_motion_data("../Raw_Data/UAVSAR1Flight1.csv","UAVSAR1")
motion_data = linear_interp_nan(motion_data[1],motion_data[0])
radar_data = read_radar_data("data.pkl", 580, 0.30) #580, 0.30 is probably good

#Performs RCS correction
radar_data = rcs(radar_data)

#Plot RTI for radar_data

#Set parameters
#Take motion_start and  motion_end from .tak file video
#Estimate radar_start from the plotRTI above, initially comment out code below
radar_start = 500 #Initiall600
motion_start = 6000 #6600
motion_end = 30000 #29545

#Aligns data
aligned_data = interp_align_data(radar_data,motion_data,radar_start,motion_start, motion_end, 100, 3500) #100, 3500

#Plots aligned graph with known data point
AlignedGraph(aligned_data,radar_data, [[.942713,.1,1.019]])

#Calculates and plots BackProjected Image
#IntensityList = BackProjection(aligned_data,radar_data,[-4,0],[4,4],0.1)
IntensityList2 = FastBackProjection(aligned_data, radar_data, [-4,0],[4,4], 0.005)

#Deconvolutes image and plots images
Image = deconvolute(IntensityList2, IterationNumber = 2, PercentageMin = 1/15)
Exemplo n.º 6

#Set parameters
#Take motion_start and  motion_end from .tak file video
#Estimate radar_start from the plotRTI above, initially comment out code below
radar_start = 1  #Flight4: 510, FLight3: 135, Flight2: 113
motion_start = 3100  #Flight2: 3300, Flight3: 2400, FLight4: 3450, Flight5: 4477, 4803
motion_end = motion_start + 3400  #Flight2: 24000, Flight3: 15382, Flight4: 14462, Flight5: 14201, 12670

#Aligns data
aligned_data = align_data(radar_data, motion_data, radar_start, motion_start,
                          motion_end, 0, 1300)  #100, 3500

#Plots aligned graph with known data point
AlignedGraph(aligned_data, radar_data,
             [[.746, .1, -1.95548], [.942713, .1, 1.019], [2.48, .1, -.238],
              [2.648, .1, 2.227]])  # (-2.751455492	, 1.076340894, 0.533231786)
#Calculates and plots BackProjected Image
IntensityList = FastBackProjection(aligned_data,radar_data,[-3,1.5],[0,4],0.0002)

#Deconvolutes image and plots images
Image = deconvolute(IntensityList, IterationNumber = 2, PercentageMin = 1/5)

cbar = plt.colorbar()