Exemplo n.º 1
def meshTri(P0, P1, P2, N):
    C01 = (0.5 * (P0[0] + P1[0]), 0.5 * (P0[1] + P1[1]), 0.5 * (P0[2] + P1[2]))
    C12 = (0.5 * (P1[0] + P2[0]), 0.5 * (P1[1] + P2[1]), 0.5 * (P1[2] + P2[2]))
    C02 = (0.5 * (P0[0] + P2[0]), 0.5 * (P0[1] + P2[1]), 0.5 * (P0[2] + P2[2]))
    C = (1. / 3. * (P0[0] + P1[0] + P2[0]), 1. / 3. * (P0[1] + P1[1] + P2[1]),
         1. / 3. * (P0[2] + P1[2] + P2[2]))

    l1 = D.line(P0, C01, N)
    l2 = D.line(C01, C, N)
    l3 = D.line(C, C02, N)
    l4 = D.line(C02, P0, N)
    m1 = G.TFI([l1, l2, l3, l4])
    m1 = T.reorder(m1, (-1, 2, 3))

    l1 = D.line(C01, P1, N)
    l2 = D.line(P1, C12, N)
    l3 = D.line(C12, C, N)
    l4 = D.line(C, C01, N)
    m2 = G.TFI([l1, l2, l3, l4])
    m2 = T.reorder(m2, (-1, 2, 3))

    l1 = D.line(C, C12, N)
    l2 = D.line(C12, P2, N)
    l3 = D.line(P2, C02, N)
    l4 = D.line(C02, C, N)
    m3 = G.TFI([l1, l2, l3, l4])
    m3 = T.reorder(m3, (-1, 2, 3))
    return [m1, m2, m3]
Exemplo n.º 2
def meshCircle(center, R, N):
    coeff = R * math.sqrt(2.) * 0.25
    x = center[0]
    y = center[1]
    z = center[2]
    c = D.circle(center, R, tetas=-45., tetae=45., N=N)
    l1 = D.line((x + coeff, y - coeff, z), (x + coeff, y + coeff, z), N=N)
    l2 = D.line((x + coeff, y - coeff, z), (x + 2 * coeff, y - 2 * coeff, z),
    l3 = D.line((x + coeff, y + coeff, z), (x + 2 * coeff, y + 2 * coeff, z),
    m1 = G.TFI([c, l1, l2, l3])

    c = D.circle(center, R, tetas=45., tetae=45. + 90., N=N)
    l1 = D.line((x + coeff, y + coeff, z), (x - coeff, y + coeff, z), N=N)
    l2 = D.line((x + coeff, y + coeff, z), (x + 2 * coeff, y + 2 * coeff, z),
    l3 = D.line((x - coeff, y + coeff, z), (x - 2 * coeff, y + 2 * coeff, z),
    m2 = G.TFI([c, l1, l2, l3])

    c = D.circle(center, R, tetas=45. + 90, tetae=45. + 180., N=N)
    l1 = D.line((x - coeff, y + coeff, z), (x - coeff, y - coeff, z), N=N)
    l2 = D.line((x - coeff, y + coeff, z), (x - 2 * coeff, y + 2 * coeff, z),
    l3 = D.line((x - coeff, y - coeff, z), (x - 2 * coeff, y - 2 * coeff, z),
    m3 = G.TFI([c, l1, l2, l3])

    c = D.circle(center, R, tetas=45. + 180, tetae=45. + 270., N=N)
    l1 = D.line((x - coeff, y - coeff, z), (x + coeff, y - coeff, z), N=N)
    l2 = D.line((x - coeff, y - coeff, z), (x - 2 * coeff, y - 2 * coeff, z),
    l3 = D.line((x + coeff, y - coeff, z), (x + 2 * coeff, y - 2 * coeff, z),
    m4 = G.TFI([c, l1, l2, l3])

    h = 2 * coeff / (N - 1)
    m5 = G.cart((x - coeff, y - coeff, z), (h, h, h), (N, N, 1))
    m5 = T.reorder(m5, (-1, 2, 3))
    return [m1, m2, m3, m4, m5]
Exemplo n.º 3
def TFI():
    if CTK.t == []: return
    if CTK.__MAINTREE__ <= 0:
        CTK.TXT.insert('START', 'Fail on a temporary tree.\n')
        CTK.TXT.insert('START', 'Error: ', 'Error')
    nzs = CPlot.getSelectedZones()
    if len(nzs) == 0:
        CTK.TXT.insert('START', 'Selection is empty.\n')
        CTK.TXT.insert('START', 'Error: ', 'Error')
    surf = getSurfaces()

    zones = []
    for nz in nzs:
        nob = CTK.Nb[nz] + 1
        noz = CTK.Nz[nz]
        z = CTK.t[2][nob][2][noz]
        dim = Internal.getZoneDim(z)
        if dim[3] == 'BAR':
            zp = C.convertBAR2Struct(z)

        mesh = G.TFI(zones)
        if surf != []: mesh = T.projectOrthoSmooth(mesh, surf)
        CTK.t = C.addBase2PyTree(CTK.t, 'MESHES')
        bases = Internal.getNodesFromName1(CTK.t, 'MESHES')
        nob = C.getNobOfBase(bases[0], CTK.t)
        CTK.add(CTK.t, nob, -1, mesh)
        CTK.TXT.insert('START', 'TFI mesh created.\n')
        (CTK.Nb, CTK.Nz) = CPlot.updateCPlotNumbering(CTK.t)
    except Exception as e:
        Panels.displayErrors([0, str(e)], header='Error: TFI')
        CTK.TXT.insert('START', 'TFI mesh failed.\n')
        CTK.TXT.insert('START', 'Error: ', 'Error')
Exemplo n.º 4
# - TFI 3D structure -
import Generator.PyTree as G
import Converter.PyTree as C
import Transform.PyTree as T
import KCore.test as test

xo = 0.; yo = 0.; zo = 0.
nx = 21; ny = 21; nz = 21 
hx = 1./(nx-1); hy = 1./(ny-1); hz = 1./(nz-1)

# grilles z = cste 
fzmin = G.cart((xo,yo,zo), (hx,hy,1.), (nx,ny,1))
fzmax = T.translate(fzmin, (0.,0.,1.))

# grilles x = cste
fxmin = G.cart((xo,yo,zo),(1,hy,hz),(1,ny,nz))
fxmin = T.reorder(fxmin,(3,1,2))
fxmax = T.translate(fxmin, (1.,0.,0.))

# grilles y = cste
fymin = G.cart((xo,yo,zo),(hx,1.,hz),(nx,1,nz))
fymin = T.reorder(fymin,(1,3,2))
fymax = T.translate(fymin, (0.,1.,0.))

r = [fxmin,fxmax,fymin,fymax,fzmin,fzmax]
m = G.TFI(r)
Exemplo n.º 5
P0 = (0, 0, 1)
P1 = (-2, 2, 1)
P2 = (-3, 3, 1)
P3 = (2, 5, 1)
P4 = (0, 7, 1)
pts = D.polyline([P0, P1, P2, P3, P4])
b1 = D.bezier(pts)

P0 = (5, 0, 1)
P1 = (3, 2, 1)
P2 = (2, 3, 1)
P3 = (6, 5, 1)
P4 = (5, 7, 1)
pts = D.polyline([P0, P1, P2, P3, P4])
b2 = D.bezier(pts)

# Discretisation reguliere de chaque ligne
Ni = 20
Nj = 10
r = G.cart((0, 0, 0), (1. / (Ni - 1), 1, 1), (Ni, 1, 1))
q = G.cart((0, 0, 0), (1. / (Nj - 1), 1, 1), (Nj, 1, 1))
r1 = G.map(d1, r)
r2 = G.map(d2, r)
r3 = G.map(b1, q)
r4 = G.map(b2, q)

m = G.TFI([r1, r2, r3, r4])
m = G.TTM(m)
test.testT(m, 1)
Exemplo n.º 6
# - TFI (pyTree) -
import Converter.PyTree as C
import Generator.PyTree as G
import Geom.PyTree as D

# Geometry
P0 = (0, 0, 0)
P1 = (5, 0, 0)
P2 = (0, 7, 0)
P3 = (5, 7, 0)
Ni = 20
Nj = 10
d1 = D.line(P0, P1, Ni)
d2 = D.line(P2, P3, Ni)
d3 = D.line(P0, P2, Nj)
d4 = D.line(P1, P3, Nj)
m = G.TFI([d1, d2, d3, d4])
C.convertPyTree2File(m, 'out.cgns')
Exemplo n.º 7
def apply3D(density, npts, factor, ntype):
    nzs = CPlot.getSelectedZones()
    nz = nzs[0]
    nob = CTK.Nb[nz]+1
    noz = CTK.Nz[nz]
    zone = CTK.t[2][nob][2][noz]
    ret = getEdges3D(zone, 0.)
    if ret is None: return True
    (m, r, f, ue, uf, ind) = ret
    out = []
    # Applique la fonction sur m
    i = m[0]
    dims = Internal.getZoneDim(i)
    np = dims[1]*dims[2]*dims[3]
    if ntype == 0: # uniformize
        if density > 0: npts = D.getLength(i)*density
        if factor > 0: npts = np*factor[0]
        npts = int(max(npts, 2))
        distrib = G.cart((0,0,0), (1./(npts-1.),1,1), (npts,1,1))
        b = G.map(i, distrib)
    elif ntype == 1: # refine
        if factor < 0: factor = (npts-1.)/(np-1)
        else: npts = factor*(np-1)+1
        b = G.refine(i, factor, 1)
    elif ntype == 2: # stretch (factor=h)
        h = factor
        l = D.getLength(i)
        a = D.getCurvilinearAbscissa(i)
        distrib = C.cpVars(a, 's', a, 'CoordinateX')
        C._initVars(distrib, 'CoordinateY', 0.)
        C._initVars(distrib, 'CoordinateZ', 0.)
        distrib = C.rmVars(distrib, 's')
        N = dims[1]
        val = C.getValue(a, 's', ind)
        Xc = CPlot.getActivePoint()
        valf = val
        Pind = C.getValue(i, 'GridCoordinates', ind)
        if ind < N-1: # cherche avec indp1
            Pindp1 = C.getValue(i, 'GridCoordinates', ind+1)
            v1 = Vector.sub(Pindp1, Pind)
            v2 = Vector.sub(Xc, Pind)
            if Vector.dot(v1,v2) >= 0:
                val2 = C.getValue(a, 's', ind+1)
                alpha = Vector.norm(v2)/Vector.norm(v1)
                valf = val+alpha*(val2-val)
        if ind > 0 and val == valf: # cherche avec indm1
            Pindm1 = C.getValue(i, 'GridCoordinates', ind-1)
            v1 = Vector.sub(Pindm1, Pind)
            v2 = Vector.sub(Xc, Pind)
            if Vector.dot(v1,v2) >= 0:
                val2 = C.getValue(a, 's', ind-1)
                alpha = Vector.norm(v2)/Vector.norm(v1)
                valf = val+alpha*(val2-val)
        if h < 0: distrib = G.enforcePoint(distrib, valf)
            if val == 0: distrib = G.enforcePlusX(distrib, h/l, N/10, 1)
            elif val == 1: distrib = G.enforceMoinsX(distrib, h/l, N/10, 1)
            else: distrib = G.enforceX(distrib, valf, h/l, N/10, 1)
        b = G.map(i, distrib)
    elif ntype == 3:
        source = factor
        b = G.map(i, source, 1)
    elif ntype == 4: # smooth (factor=eps, npts=niter)
        niter = npts
        eps = factor
        a = D.getCurvilinearAbscissa(i)
        distrib = C.cpVars(a, 's', a, 'CoordinateX')
        C._initVars(distrib, 'CoordinateY', 0.)
        C._initVars(distrib, 'CoordinateZ', 0.)
        distrib = C.rmVars(distrib, 's')
        bornes = P.exteriorFaces(distrib)
        distrib = T.smooth(distrib, eps=eps, niter=niter, 
        b = G.map(i, distrib, 1)
    dimb = Internal.getZoneDim(b)
    npts = dimb[1]
    # Raffine les edges si necessaires
    if npts != np:
        ret = getEdges3D(zone, 2.)
        if ret is None: return True
        (m, r, f, ue, uf, ind) = ret
    for i in r:
        dims = Internal.getZoneDim(i)
        np = dims[1]*dims[2]*dims[3]
        factor = (npts-1.)/(np-1)  # npts de m
        b = G.refine(i, factor, 1)
    # Garde les autres
    out += ue
    outf = []
    # Rebuild les faces
    for i in f:
        # trouve les edges de la face
        edges = P.exteriorFacesStructured(i)
        match = []
        for e in edges:
            dime = Internal.getZoneDim(e)
            np = dime[1]-1
            P0 = C.getValue(e, Internal.__GridCoordinates__, 0)
            P1 = C.getValue(e, Internal.__GridCoordinates__, np)
            for ei in out: # retrouve les edges par leurs extremites
                dimei = Internal.getZoneDim(ei)
                npi = dimei[1]-1
                Q0 = C.getValue(ei, Internal.__GridCoordinates__, 0)
                Q1 = C.getValue(ei, Internal.__GridCoordinates__, npi)
                t1 = Vector.norm2(Vector.sub(P0,Q0))
                t2 = Vector.norm2(Vector.sub(P1,Q1))
                if (t1 < 1.e-12 and t2 < 1.e-12): match.append(ei)
        if len(match) == 4: # OK
            fn = G.TFI(match)
            # Projection du patch interieur
            #dimsf = Internal.getZoneDim(fn)
            #fns = T.subzone(fn, (2,2,1), (dimsf[1]-1,dimsf[2]-1,1))
            #fns = T.projectOrtho(fns, [i])
            #fn = T.patch(fn, fns, position=(2,2,1))

            #fn = T.projectOrtho(fn, [i])
        else: return True
    outf += uf
        b = G.TFI(outf)
        CTK.replace(CTK.t, nob, noz, b)
        return False
    except Exception as e:
        Panels.displayErrors([0,str(e)], header='Error: apply3D')
        return True
Exemplo n.º 8
def apply2D(density, npts, factor, ntype=0):
    nzs = CPlot.getSelectedZones()
    nz = nzs[0]
    nob = CTK.Nb[nz]+1
    noz = CTK.Nz[nz]
    zone = CTK.t[2][nob][2][noz]
    ret = getEdges2D(zone, 0.)
    if ret is None: return True
    (m, r, u, ind) = ret
    out = []
    # Applique la fonction sur m[0] (edge a modifier)
    i = m[0]
    dims = Internal.getZoneDim(i)
    np = dims[1]*dims[2]*dims[3]
    if ntype == 0: # uniformize
        if density > 0: npts = D.getLength(i)*density
        if factor > 0: npts = np*factor[0]
        npts = int(max(npts, 2))
        distrib = G.cart((0,0,0), (1./(npts-1.),1,1), (npts,1,1))
        b = G.map(i, distrib)
    elif ntype == 1: # refine
        if factor < 0: factor = (npts-1.)/(np-1)
        else: npts = factor*(np-1)+1
        b = G.refine(i, factor, 1)
    elif ntype == 2: # stretch (factor=h)
        h = factor
        l = D.getLength(i)
        a = D.getCurvilinearAbscissa(i)
        distrib = C.cpVars(a, 's', a, 'CoordinateX')
        C._initVars(distrib, 'CoordinateY', 0.)
        C._initVars(distrib, 'CoordinateZ', 0.)
        distrib = C.rmVars(distrib, 's')
        N = dims[1]
        val = C.getValue(a, 's', ind)
        Xc = CPlot.getActivePoint()
        valf = val
        Pind = C.getValue(i, 'GridCoordinates', ind)
        if ind < N-1: # cherche avec indp1
            Pindp1 = C.getValue(i, 'GridCoordinates', ind+1)
            v1 = Vector.sub(Pindp1, Pind)
            v2 = Vector.sub(Xc, Pind)
            if Vector.dot(v1,v2) >= 0:
                val2 = C.getValue(a, 's', ind+1)
                alpha = Vector.norm(v2)/Vector.norm(v1)
                valf = val+alpha*(val2-val)
        if ind > 0 and val == valf: # cherche avec indm1
            Pindm1 = C.getValue(i, 'GridCoordinates', ind-1)
            v1 = Vector.sub(Pindm1, Pind)
            v2 = Vector.sub(Xc, Pind)
            if Vector.dot(v1,v2) >= 0:
                val2 = C.getValue(a, 's', ind-1)
                alpha = Vector.norm(v2)/Vector.norm(v1)
                valf = val+alpha*(val2-val)
        if h < 0: distrib = G.enforcePoint(distrib, valf)
            if val == 0: distrib = G.enforcePlusX(distrib, h/l, N/10, 1)
            elif val == 1: distrib = G.enforceMoinsX(distrib, h/l, N/10, 1)
            else: distrib = G.enforceX(distrib, valf, h/l, N/10, 1)
        b = G.map(i, distrib)
    elif ntype == 3: # copyDistrib (factor=source=edge pour l'instant)
        source = factor
        b = G.map(i, source, 1)
    elif ntype == 4: # smooth (factor=eps, npts=niter)
        niter = npts
        eps = factor
        a = D.getCurvilinearAbscissa(i)
        distrib = C.cpVars(a, 's', a, 'CoordinateX')
        C._initVars(distrib, 'CoordinateY', 0.)
        C._initVars(distrib, 'CoordinateZ', 0.)
        distrib = C.rmVars(distrib, 's')
        bornes = P.exteriorFaces(distrib)
        distrib = T.smooth(distrib, eps=eps, niter=niter, 
        b = G.map(i, distrib, 1)
    dimb = Internal.getZoneDim(b)
    npts = dimb[1]
    # Raffine les edges si necessaires
    if npts != np:
        ret = getEdges2D(zone, 2.)
        if ret is None: return True
        (m, r, u, ind) = ret
    for i in r:
        dims = Internal.getZoneDim(i)
        np = dims[1]*dims[2]*dims[3]
        factor = (npts-1.)/(np-1)  # npts de m
        b = G.refine(i, factor, 1)
    # Garde les autres
    out += u
    #tp = C.newPyTree(['Base'])
    #tp[2][1][2] += out
    #C.convertPyTree2File(tp, 'edges.cgns')

    # Rebuild
        b = G.TFI(out)
        # Projection du patch interieur
        #dimsb = Internal.getZoneDim(b)
        #bs = T.subzone(b, (2,2,1), (dimsb[1]-1,dimsb[2]-1,1))
        #bs = T.projectOrtho(bs, [zone])
        #b = T.patch(b, bs, position=(2,2,1))

        #tp = C.newPyTree(['Base'])
        #tp[2][1][2] += [b, zone]
        #C.convertPyTree2File(tp, 'face.cgns')
        b = T.projectOrtho(b, [zone])
        CTK.replace(CTK.t, nob, noz, b)
        return False
    except Exception as e:
        Panels.displayErrors([0,str(e)], header='Error: apply2D')
        return True
Exemplo n.º 9
# test des fonctions (pyTree)
# - TFI tri
# - TFI penta
import Generator.PyTree as G
import Geom.PyTree as D
import KCore.test as test

# 1- TFI tri
l1 = D.line((0,0,0),(0,1,0), 15)
l2 = D.line((0,0,0),(1,0,0), 15)
l3 = D.line((1,0,0),(0,1,0), 15)
tri = G.TFI([l1,l2,l3])

# 2- TFI penta
n = 5
P1 = (0,0,0)
P2 = (1,0,0)
P3 = (0,1,0)

P4 = (0,0,1)
P5 = (1,0,1)
P6 = (0,1,1)

# Tmin
l1 = D.line(P1,P3, n)
l2 = D.line(P1,P2, n)