Exemplo n.º 1
    def handle(self):
        # keep handle open until client/server close
        while True:
            data = self.request.recv(1024).strip()
            if not data:
            print data
            # check for conn-reset/disconnect by peer (on client)
            if data == 'check':

            # parse object list from maya
            if data.split('|')[0] == 'open':
                print data
                objs = data.split('|')[1].split(':')
                for obj in objs:
                    print 'got: ' + obj
                    parent = obj.split('#')[1]
                    obj = obj.split('#')[0]
                    zs_temp = self.zbrush_open(obj + '.ma', parent)
                print 'loaded all objs!'
Exemplo n.º 2
    def handle(self):
        # keep handle open until client/server close
        while True:
            data = self.request.recv(1024).strip()
            if not data:
            print data
            # check for conn-reset/disconnect by peer (on client)
            if data == 'check':

            # parse object list from maya
            if data.split('|')[0] == 'open':
                objs = data.split('|')[1].split(':')
                for obj in objs:
                    print 'got: ' + obj
                    zs_temp = self.zbrush_open(obj + '.ma')
                print 'loaded all objs!'

        def zbrush_open(name):
            """open a file with zbrush
            -create temp zscript file
            -load with file open commands
            -replace #TOOLNAME/#FILENAME with maya path/filename
            -iterate through current subtools to check for 'matches'
            -import if match, append new cloned tool for unique tools

            script_path = os.path.dirname(
            script_path = os.path.join(script_path, 'zbrush_load.txt')
            zs_temp = open(script_path, 'w+')

            env = os.getenv(utils.SHARED_DIR_ENV)
            print env

            # zbrush script to iterate through sub tools,
            # and open matches, appends new tools

            zscript = """
                    //functions for opening *.ma files
                    [RoutineDef, open_file,

                    //check to make sure a tool is open
                    [VarSet, ui,[IExists,Tool:SubTool:All Low]]

                    //if no open tool make a new tool to import ST into
                    [If, ui == 0,

                    [IPress,Tool:Make PolyMesh3D]


                    //set all subtools low to preserver sub-d
                    [IPress, Tool:SubTool:All Low]

                    //import tool name, #TOOLNAME is replace with the .ma file name
                    // this is the same as the object name in maya

                    //incremented if a tool match is found
                    //used to check if a new sub needs to be made

                    //set loop count based on tool count
                    [Loop, [SubToolGetCount],

                    //set next import path #FILENAME is replaced with the file from Maya
                    //!: is required in zbrush file names, not sure why
                    // file path must be fully expanded no env vars

                    //increment iterator, current tool
                    //for some reason this needs to be a single char
                    // or zbrush gets confused about variable reference
                    [VarSet, t, t+1]

                    //select current subtool index
                    // minus 1 to keep base 0, not 1

                    //get currently selected tool name to compare
                    [VarSet,SubToolTitle,[IgetTitle, Tool:Current Tool]]
                    [VarSet,sub, [FileNameExtract, SubToolTitle, 2]]

                    //convoluded way to check for a string match
                    //looks for matching sub tools to import/create new

                    //check if this tool was imported yet
                    [If, imp<1,

                            //make sure all sub tools were iterated
                            [If, t==[SubToolGetCount],

                                //copy current sub tool

                                //selected cloned tool to replace

                                //clear any sub-d
                                [IPress,Tool:Geometry:Del Higher]

                                //set import file name path

                                //finally import

                                //replace old sub tool path
                                //not sure why this is needed but
                                //'cloned' sub tools maintain a file path
                                //to their orginal file
                                //this occurs if something went really wrong
                                //should never happen unless a file path is broken
                                [MessageOk, "Error loading tool"]

                    [If, ui == 0,




            # swap above zscript #'s with info from maya
            # then write to temp file
            zscript = zscript.replace(
                '#FILENAME', os.path.join(env, name))
            zscript = zscript.replace('#TOOLNAME', name.replace('.ma', ''))
            return zs_temp.name
Exemplo n.º 3
    def zscript_ui():
        """ assembles a zscript to be loaded by ZBrush to create GUI buttons """

        # grab the current path of this file, make a temp file in the same
        # location
        script_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        script_path = os.path.join(script_path, 'zbrush_gui.txt')
        zs_temp = open(script_path, 'w+')

        # zscript to create the 'send' button
        zscript = """
        [RoutineDef, send_file,
            //set lowest subtool resolution
            [IPress, Tool:SubTool:All Low]

            //base path for saving files
            //'!:' is required to prefix paths in ZBrush
            //   #ENVPATH is replaced with the expanded SHARED_DIR_ENV
            [VarSet, env_path, "!:#ENVPATH/"]

            //extracts the current active tool name
            [VarSet, tool_name,[FileNameExtract, [GetActiveToolPath], 2]]

            //appends .ma to the path for export, construct filename
            [VarSet, file_name, [StrMerge,tool_name,".ma"]]

            //python module execution command
            [VarSet, module_path, "/usr/bin/python -m GoZ.zbrush_tools "]

            //append env to file path
            [VarSet, export_path, [StrMerge,env_path,file_name] ]

            //set the maya 'tamplate?' I think ofer spelled something wrong
            //this sets the file name for the next export \w correct 'tamplate'
            [FileNameSetNext, #export_path,"ZSTARTUP_ExportTamplates\Maya.ma"]

            //finally export the tool

            //trigger the python module to send maya the load commands
                //merge the python command with the tool name
                [StrMerge, #module_path,

        //gui button for triggering this script
        [IButton, "TOOL:Send to Maya", "Export model as a *.ma to maya",
            [RoutineCall, send_file]

        # zscript to create the 'send -all' button
        zscript += """
        [RoutineDef, send_all,

            //set all tools to lowest sub-d
            [IPress, Tool:SubTool:All Low]

            //iterator variable

            //start at the first subtoo

            //iterate through all subtools

                //increment iterator

                //select current subtool index in loop

                //set base export path #ENVPATH is replace with SHARED_DIR_ENV (expanded)
                [VarSet, env_path, "!:#ENVPATH/"]

                //current tool name
                [VarSet, tool_name, [FileNameExtract, [GetActiveToolPath], 2]]

                //start constructing export file path /some/dir/tool.ma
                [VarSet, file_name, [StrMerge,tool_name,".ma"]]

                //base python module shell command
                [VarSet, module_path, "/usr/bin/python -m GoZ.zbrush_tools "]

                //full export path
                [VarSet, export_path, [StrMerge,env_path,file_name] ]

                //set export path to be used by next command
                [FileNameSetNext, #export_path,"ZSTARTUP_ExportTamplates\Maya.ma"]

                //finally export
                    //join module_path tool_name for maya to load
                    [StrMerge, #module_path, #tool_name]
        [IButton, "TOOL:Send to Maya -all", "Export model as a *.ma to maya",
            [RoutineCall, send_all]
        env = os.getenv(utils.SHARED_DIR_ENV)
        print env

        zscript = zscript.replace('#ENVPATH', env)

Exemplo n.º 4
    def zscript_ui():
        """ assembles a zscript to be loaded by ZBrush to create GUI buttons """

        # grab the current path of this file, make a temp file in the same
        # location
        script_path = os.environ['HOME']
        script_path = os.path.join(script_path, 'zbrush_gui.txt')
        zs_temp = open(script_path, 'w+')

        # zscript to create the 'send' button
        zscript = """
        [RoutineDef, send_file,

            //check if in edit mode
            [VarSet, ui,[IExists,Tool:SubTool:All Low]]

            //if no open tool make a new tool
            [If, ui == 0,
            [ToolSelect, 41]
            [IPress,Tool:Make PolyMesh3D]

            //set lowest subtool resolution
            [IPress, Tool:SubTool:All Low]

            //base path for saving files
            //'!:' is required to prefix paths in ZBrush
            //   #ENVPATH is replaced with the expanded SHARED_DIR_ENV
            [VarSet, env_path, "!:#ENVPATH/"]

            //extracts the current active tool name
            [VarSet, tool_name,[FileNameExtract, [GetActiveToolPath], 2]]

            //appends .ma to the path for export, construct filename
            [VarSet, file_name, [StrMerge,tool_name,".ma"]]

            //python module execution command, needs to be abs path
            [VarSet, module_path, "/usr/bin/python -m GoZ.zbrush_tools "]

            //append env to file path
            [VarSet, export_path, [StrMerge,env_path,file_name] ]

            //set the maya 'tamplate?' I think ofer spelled something wrong
            //this sets the file name for the next export \w correct 'tamplate'
            [FileNameSetNext, #export_path,"ZSTARTUP_ExportTamplates\Maya.ma"]

            [VarSet, validpath,[FileExists, "!:/Volumes/public/goz_default/"]]

            [If, validpath != 1,

                //prevents zbrush crash from exporting to a invalid path
                //if zbrush exports to a bad path it will lock up
                [MessageOK, "Invalid ZDOCS file path for export"]
                [MessageOK, #export_path]


            //finally export the tool

            //get base tool

            [VarSet,base_tool,[IgetTitle, Tool:Current Tool]]
            [VarSet,base_tool, [FileNameExtract, #base_tool, 2]]

            //trigger the python module to send maya the load commands
                //merge the python command with the tool name
                [StrMerge, #module_path,
                        #tool_name, " ",#base_tool

        //gui button for triggering this script
        [IButton, "TOOL:Send to Maya", "Export model as a *.ma to maya",
            [RoutineCall, send_file]

        # zscript to create the 'send -all' button
        zscript += """
        [RoutineDef, send_all,

            //check if in edit mode
            [VarSet, ui,[IExists,Tool:SubTool:All Low]]

            //if no open tool make a new tool
            [If, ui == 0,
            [ToolSelect, 41]
            [IPress,Tool:Make PolyMesh3D]

            //set all tools to lowest sub-d
            [IPress, Tool:SubTool:All Low]

            //iterator variable

            //start at the first subtool

            //iterate through all subtools

                //increment iterator

                //select current subtool index in loop

                //set base export path #ENVPATH is replace with SHARED_DIR_ENV (expanded)
                [VarSet, env_path, "!:#ENVPATH/"]

                //current tool name
                [VarSet, tool_name, [FileNameExtract, [GetActiveToolPath], 2]]

                //start constructing export file path /some/dir/tool.ma
                [VarSet, file_name, [StrMerge,tool_name,".ma"]]

                //base python module shell command, needs to be abs path
                [VarSet, module_path, "/usr/bin/python -m GoZ.zbrush_tools "]

                //full export path
                [VarSet, export_path, [StrMerge,env_path,file_name] ]

                //set export path to be used by next command
                [FileNameSetNext, #export_path,"ZSTARTUP_ExportTamplates\Maya.ma"]

                [VarSet, validpath,[FileExists, "!:/Volumes/public/goz_default/"]]

                [If, validpath != 1,

                    //prevents zbrush crash from exporting to a invalid path
                    //if zbrush exports to a bad path it will lock up
                    [MessageOK, "Invalid ZDOCS file path for export"]
                    [MessageOK, #export_path]


                //finally export

                //get base tool
                [VarSet,base_tool,[IgetTitle, Tool:Current Tool]]
                [VarSet,base_tool, [FileNameExtract, #base_tool, 2]]

                    //join module_path tool_name for maya to load
                    [StrMerge, #module_path, #tool_name, " ",#base_tool]
        [IButton, "TOOL:Send to Maya -all", "Export model as a *.ma to maya",
            [RoutineCall, send_all]

        # zscript to create the 'send -vis' button
        zscript += """
        [RoutineDef, send_visable,

            //check if in edit mode
            [VarSet, ui,[IExists,Tool:SubTool:All Low]]

            //if no open tool make a new tool
            [If, ui == 0,
            [ToolSelect, 41]
            [IPress,Tool:Make PolyMesh3D]

            //set all tools to lowest sub-d
            [IPress, Tool:SubTool:All Low]

            //iterator variable

            //start at the first subtool

            //iterate through all subtools

                //increment iterator

                //select current subtool index in loop

                //set base export path #ENVPATH is replace with SHARED_DIR_ENV (expanded)
                [VarSet, env_path, "!:#ENVPATH/"]

                //current tool name
                [VarSet, tool_name, [FileNameExtract, [GetActiveToolPath], 2]]

                //start constructing export file path /some/dir/tool.ma
                [VarSet, file_name, [StrMerge,tool_name,".ma"]]

                //base python module shell command, needs to be absolute path
                [VarSet, module_path, "/usr/bin/python -m GoZ.zbrush_tools "]

                //full export path
                [VarSet, export_path, [StrMerge,env_path,file_name] ]

                //set export path to be used by next command
                [FileNameSetNext, #export_path,"ZSTARTUP_ExportTamplates\Maya.ma"]

                [VarSet, validpath,[FileExists, "!:/Volumes/public/goz_default/"]]

                [If, validpath != 1,

                    //prevents zbrush crash from exporting to a invalid path
                    //if zbrush exports to a bad path it will lock up
                    [MessageOK, "Invalid ZDOCS file path for export"]
                    [MessageOK, #export_path]

                //check visablility
                [VarSet,curTool,[IgetTitle, Tool:Current Tool]]
                //look at interface mod
                [If,[IModGet,[StrMerge,"Tool:SubTool:",curTool]] >= 16,
                    //finally export if visable

                    //get base tool
                    [VarSet,base_tool,[IgetTitle, Tool:Current Tool]]
                    [VarSet,base_tool, [FileNameExtract, #base_tool, 2]]

                        //join module_path tool_name for maya to load
                        [StrMerge, #module_path, #tool_name, " ",#base_tool]

        [IButton, "TOOL:Send to Maya -visable", "Export model as a *.ma to maya",
            [RoutineCall, send_visable]

        env = os.getenv(utils.SHARED_DIR_ENV)
        print env

        zscript = zscript.replace('#ENVPATH', env)
