Exemplo n.º 1
def backsolve(target, car, time, gravity=650):
    #Finds the acceleration required for a car to reach a target in a specific amount of time
    d = target - car.location
    dvx = ((d[0] / time) - car.velocity[0]) / time
    dvy = ((d[1] / time) - car.velocity[1]) / time
    dvz = (((d[2] / time) - car.velocity[2]) / time) + (gravity * time)
    return Vector3(dvx, dvy, dvz)
Exemplo n.º 2
def in_field(point, radius):
    #determines if a point is inside the standard soccer field
    point = Vector3(abs(point[0]), abs(point[1]), abs(point[2]))
    if point[0] > 4080 - radius:
        return False
    elif point[1] > 5900 - radius:
        return False
    elif point[0] > 880 - radius and point[1] > 5105 - radius:
        return False
    elif point[0] > 2650 and point[1] > -point[0] + 8025 - radius:
        return False
    return True
Exemplo n.º 3
def shot_valid(agent, shot, threshold=45):
    #Returns True if the ball is still where the shot anticipates it to be
    #First finds the two closest slices in the ball prediction to shot's intercept_time
    #threshold controls the tolerance we allow the ball to be off by
    slices = agent.get_ball_prediction_struct().slices
    soonest = 0
    latest = len(slices) - 1
    while len(slices[soonest:latest + 1]) > 2:
        midpoint = (soonest + latest) // 2
        if slices[midpoint].game_seconds > shot.intercept_time:
            latest = midpoint
            soonest = midpoint
    #preparing to interpolate between the selected slices
    dt = slices[latest].game_seconds - slices[soonest].game_seconds
    time_from_soonest = shot.intercept_time - slices[soonest].game_seconds
    slopes = (Vector3(slices[latest].physics.location) -
              Vector3(slices[soonest].physics.location)) * (1 / dt)
    #Determining exactly where the ball will be at the given shot's intercept_time
    predicted_ball_location = Vector3(
        slices[soonest].physics.location) + (slopes * time_from_soonest)
    #Comparing predicted location with where the shot expects the ball to be
    return (shot.ball_location -
            predicted_ball_location).magnitude() < threshold
Exemplo n.º 4
def defaultPD(agent, local_target, direction=1.0):
    # points the car towards a given local target.
    # Direction can be changed to allow the car to steer towards a target while driving backwards
    local_target *= direction
    up = agent.me.local(Vector3(0, 0, 1))  # where "up" is in local coordinates
    target_angles = [
                   local_target[0]),  # angle required to pitch towards target
                   local_target[0]),  # angle required to yaw towards target
        math.atan2(up[1], up[2])
    ]  # angle required to roll upright
    # Once we have the angles we need to rotate, we feed them into PD loops to determing the controller inputs
    agent.controller.steer = steerPD(target_angles[1], 0) * direction
    agent.controller.pitch = steerPD(target_angles[0],
                                     agent.me.angular_velocity[1] / 4)
    agent.controller.yaw = steerPD(target_angles[1],
                                   -agent.me.angular_velocity[2] / 4)
    agent.controller.roll = steerPD(target_angles[2],
                                    agent.me.angular_velocity[0] / 2)
    # Returns the angles, which can be useful for other purposes
    return target_angles