Exemplo n.º 1
    def termwise_Rsquared(self):

        keepers = []
        values = []
        print('%s terms at start' % len(self.N0))
        for i in range(len(self.N0)):

            n = helmholtz.vectord([float(1)])
            d = helmholtz.vectord([self.D0[i]])
            t = helmholtz.vectord([self.T0[i]])
            l = helmholtz.vectord([self.L0[i]])

            self.phir = helmholtz.phir_power(n, d, t, l, 0, 0)

            PPF = self.evaluate_EOS(np.array(list(n)))

            R2 = rsquared(PPF.p, self.phir.dDeltaV(self.tauV, self.deltaV))

            values.append((R2, i))
            if R2 > 0.9:

        values, indices = zip(*reversed(sorted(values)))

        keepers = list(indices[0:30])

        self.N0 = self.N0[keepers]
        self.T0 = self.T0[keepers]
        self.D0 = self.D0[keepers]
        self.L0 = self.L0[keepers]

        print('%s terms at end' % len(self.N0))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def fit(self):

        # Kill off some not as good terms
        # self.termwise_Rsquared()

        # Load up the residual Helmholtz term with parameters
        n = helmholtz.vectord(self.N0)
        d = helmholtz.vectord(self.D0)
        t = helmholtz.vectord(self.T0)
        l = helmholtz.vectord(self.L0)
        self.phir = helmholtz.phir_power(n, d, t, l, 1, len(self.N0) - 1)

        # Solve for the coefficients
        Nbounds = [(-10, 10) for _ in range(len(self.N0))]
        tbounds = [(-1, 30) for _ in range(len(self.T0))]
        #self.N = self.N0
        #self.N = scipy.optimize.minimize(self.OBJECTIVE, np.array(list(self.N0)), bounds = Nbounds, options = dict(maxiter = 5)).x
        self.N = scipy.optimize.minimize(self.OBJECTIVE, np.array(list(self.N0)), method='L-BFGS-B', bounds=Nbounds, options=dict(maxiter=100)).x

        # Write the coefficients to HDF5 file
        h = h5py.File('fit_coeffs.h5', 'w')
        grp = h.create_group(self.Ref)
        grp.create_dataset("n", data=np.array(self.N), compression="gzip")
        #grp.create_dataset("t", data = np.array(self.N[len(self.N)//2::]), compression = "gzip")
Exemplo n.º 3
    def fit(self):

        # Kill off some not as good terms
        # self.termwise_Rsquared()

        # Load up the residual Helmholtz term with parameters
        n = helmholtz.vectord(self.N0)
        d = helmholtz.vectord(self.D0)
        t = helmholtz.vectord(self.T0)
        l = helmholtz.vectord(self.L0)
        self.phir = helmholtz.phir_power(n, d, t, l, 1, len(self.N0) - 1)

        # Solve for the coefficients
        Nbounds = [(-10, 10) for _ in range(len(self.N0))]
        tbounds = [(-1, 30) for _ in range(len(self.T0))]
        #self.N = self.N0
        #self.N = scipy.optimize.minimize(self.OBJECTIVE, np.array(list(self.N0)), bounds = Nbounds, options = dict(maxiter = 5)).x
        self.N = scipy.optimize.minimize(self.OBJECTIVE,

        # Write the coefficients to HDF5 file
        h = h5py.File('fit_coeffs.h5', 'w')
        grp = h.create_group(self.Ref)
        grp.create_dataset("n", data=np.array(self.N), compression="gzip")
        #grp.create_dataset("t", data = np.array(self.N[len(self.N)//2::]), compression = "gzip")
Exemplo n.º 4
    def termwise_Rsquared(self):

        keepers = []
        values = []
        print('%s terms at start' % len(self.N0))
        for i in range(len(self.N0)):

            n = helmholtz.vectord([float(1)])
            d = helmholtz.vectord([self.D0[i]])
            t = helmholtz.vectord([self.T0[i]])
            l = helmholtz.vectord([self.L0[i]])

            self.phir = helmholtz.phir_power(n, d, t, l, 0, 0)

            PPF = self.evaluate_EOS(np.array(list(n)))

            R2 = rsquared(PPF.p, self.phir.dDeltaV(self.tauV, self.deltaV))

            values.append((R2, i))
            if R2 > 0.9:

        values, indices = zip(*reversed(sorted(values)))

        keepers = list(indices[0:30])

        self.N0 = self.N0[keepers]
        self.T0 = self.T0[keepers]
        self.D0 = self.D0[keepers]
        self.L0 = self.L0[keepers]

        print('%s terms at end' % len(self.N0))
Exemplo n.º 5
    def evaluate_EOS(self, N):

        self.phir.n = helmholtz.vectord(N)

        dDelta = self.phir.dDeltaV(self.tauV, self.deltaV)
        dTau2 = self.phir.dTau2V(self.tauV, self.deltaV)
        dDelta2 = self.phir.dDelta2V(self.tauV, self.deltaV)
        dDelta_dTau = self.phir.dDelta_dTauV(self.tauV, self.deltaV)

        # Evaluate the pressure
        p = (self.rho * self.R * self.T) * (1 + self.delta * dDelta)
        # Evaluate the specific heat at constant volume
        cv_over_R = -self.tau**2 * (self.d2phi0_dTau2 + dTau2)
        cv = cv_over_R * self.R
        # Evaluate the specific heat at constant pressure
        cp_over_R = cv_over_R + (1.0 + self.delta * dDelta - self.delta * self.tau * dDelta_dTau)**2 / (1 + 2 * self.delta * dDelta + self.delta**2 * dDelta2)
        cp = cp_over_R * self.R
        # Evaluate the speed of sound
        w = np.sqrt(1000 * self.R * self.T * cp_over_R / cv_over_R * (1 + 2 * self.delta * dDelta + self.delta**2 * dDelta2))

        class stub: pass
        PPF = stub()
        PPF.p = np.array(p, ndmin=1).T
        PPF.cp = np.array(cp, ndmin=1).T
        PPF.cv = np.array(cv, ndmin=1).T
        PPF.w = np.array(w, ndmin=1).T

        return PPF
Exemplo n.º 6
    def load_data(self):
        h = h5py.File('T_rho_p.h5', 'r')
        self.T = h.get(self.Ref + '/T').value
        self.rho = h.get(self.Ref + '/rho').value
        self.p = h.get(self.Ref + '/p').value
        self.cp = h.get(self.Ref + '/cp').value
        self.cv = h.get(self.Ref + '/cv').value
        self.speed_sound = h.get(self.Ref + '/speed_sound').value

        self.tau = self.Tc / self.T
        self.delta = self.rho / self.rhoc
        self.tauV = helmholtz.vectord(self.tau)
        self.deltaV = helmholtz.vectord(self.delta)

        # Get the derivative d2phi0_dTau2 from the ideal part fitter
        self.d2phi0_dTau2 = self.IPF.d2phi0_dTau2(self.tau)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def evaluate_EOS(self, N):

        self.phir.n = helmholtz.vectord(N)

        dDelta = self.phir.dDeltaV(self.tauV, self.deltaV)
        dTau2 = self.phir.dTau2V(self.tauV, self.deltaV)
        dDelta2 = self.phir.dDelta2V(self.tauV, self.deltaV)
        dDelta_dTau = self.phir.dDelta_dTauV(self.tauV, self.deltaV)

        # Evaluate the pressure
        p = (self.rho * self.R * self.T) * (1 + self.delta * dDelta)
        # Evaluate the specific heat at constant volume
        cv_over_R = -self.tau**2 * (self.d2phi0_dTau2 + dTau2)
        cv = cv_over_R * self.R
        # Evaluate the specific heat at constant pressure
        cp_over_R = cv_over_R + (
            1.0 + self.delta * dDelta - self.delta * self.tau * dDelta_dTau
        )**2 / (1 + 2 * self.delta * dDelta + self.delta**2 * dDelta2)
        cp = cp_over_R * self.R
        # Evaluate the speed of sound
        w = np.sqrt(1000 * self.R * self.T * cp_over_R / cv_over_R *
                    (1 + 2 * self.delta * dDelta + self.delta**2 * dDelta2))

        class stub:

        PPF = stub()
        PPF.p = np.array(p, ndmin=1).T
        PPF.cp = np.array(cp, ndmin=1).T
        PPF.cv = np.array(cv, ndmin=1).T
        PPF.w = np.array(w, ndmin=1).T

        return PPF
Exemplo n.º 8
    def load_data(self):
        h = h5py.File('T_rho_p.h5', 'r')
        self.T = h.get(self.Ref + '/T').value
        self.rho = h.get(self.Ref + '/rho').value
        self.p = h.get(self.Ref + '/p').value
        self.cp = h.get(self.Ref + '/cp').value
        self.cv = h.get(self.Ref + '/cv').value
        self.speed_sound = h.get(self.Ref + '/speed_sound').value

        self.tau = self.Tc / self.T
        self.delta = self.rho / self.rhoc
        self.tauV = helmholtz.vectord(self.tau)
        self.deltaV = helmholtz.vectord(self.delta)

        # Get the derivative d2phi0_dTau2 from the ideal part fitter
        self.d2phi0_dTau2 = self.IPF.d2phi0_dTau2(self.tau)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def load_data(self):
        h = h5py.File("T_rho_p.h5", "r")
        self.T = h.get(self.Ref + "/T").value
        self.rho = h.get(self.Ref + "/rho").value
        self.p = h.get(self.Ref + "/p").value
        self.cp = h.get(self.Ref + "/cp").value
        self.cv = h.get(self.Ref + "/cv").value
        self.speed_sound = h.get(self.Ref + "/speed_sound").value

        self.tau = self.Tc / self.T
        self.delta = self.rho / self.rhoc
        self.tauV = helmholtz.vectord(self.tau)
        self.deltaV = helmholtz.vectord(self.delta)

        # Get the derivative d2phi0_dTau2 from the ideal part fitter
        self.d2phi0_dTau2 = self.IPF.d2phi0_dTau2(self.tau)