def __init__(self, items, temp_struct, virtual_table):
         self, items, "Select Virtual Function",
         [["Address", 10], ["Name", 15], ["Declaration", 45]], 13)
     self.popup_names = ["Scan All", "-", "Scan", "-"]
     self.__temp_struct = temp_struct
     self.__virtual_table = virtual_table
Exemplo n.º 2
    def activated(self, index):
        # Double click on offset, opens window with variables
        if index.column() == 0:
            item = self.items[index.row()]
            scanned_variables = list(item.scanned_variables)
            variable_chooser = MyChoose(
                map(lambda x: x.to_list(), scanned_variables),
                "Select Variable",
                [["Origin", 4], ["Function name", 25], ["Variable name", 25], ["Expression address", 10]]
            row = variable_chooser.Show(modal=True)
            if row != -1:
                idaapi.open_pseudocode(scanned_variables[row].expression_address, 0)

        # Double click on type. If type is virtual table than opens windows with virtual methods
        elif index.column() == 1:
Exemplo n.º 3
 def get_recognized_shape(self, start=0, stop=-1):
     if not self.items:
         return None
     result = []
     if stop != -1:
         base = self.items[start].offset
         enabled_items = filter(lambda x: x.enabled, self.items[start:stop])
         base = 0
         enabled_items = filter(lambda x: x.enabled, self.items)
     offsets = set(map(lambda x: x.offset, enabled_items))
     if not enabled_items:
     min_size = enabled_items[-1].offset + enabled_items[-1].size - base
     tinfo = idaapi.tinfo_t()
     for ordinal in xrange(1, idaapi.get_ordinal_qty(idaapi.cvar.idati)):
         tinfo.get_numbered_type(idaapi.cvar.idati, ordinal)
         if tinfo.is_udt() and tinfo.get_size() >= min_size:
             is_found = False
             for offset in offsets:
                 is_found = False
                 items = filter(lambda x: x.offset == offset, enabled_items)
                 potential_members = Helper.get_fields_at_offset(
                     tinfo, offset - base)
                 for item in items:
                     for potential_member in potential_members:
                         if item.type_equals_to(potential_member):
                             is_found = True
                     if is_found:
                 if not is_found:
             if is_found:
                 result.append((ordinal, idaapi.tinfo_t(tinfo)))
     chooser = MyChoose(
         [[str(x), "0x{0:08X}".format(y.get_size()),
           y.dstr()] for x, y in result], "Select Structure",
         [["Ordinal", 5], ["Size", 10], ["Structure name", 50]])
     idx = chooser.Show(modal=True)
     if idx != -1:
         return result[idx][1]
     return None
Exemplo n.º 4
    def show_virtual_functions(self):
        function_chooser = MyChoose([
            function.get_information() for function in self.virtual_functions
        ], "Select Virtual Function", [["Address", 10], ["Name", 15],
                                       ["Declaration", 45]], 13)
        function_chooser.OnGetIcon = lambda n: 32 if self.virtual_functions[
            n].visited else 160
        function_chooser.OnGetLineAttr = \
            lambda n: [0xd9d9d9, 0x0] if self.virtual_functions[n].visited else [0xffffff, 0x0]

        # Very nasty, but have no time to make nice QT window instead Ida Choose2 menu.
        # This function creates menu "Scan All"
        function_chooser.popup_names = ["Scan All", "-", "Scan", "-"]
        function_chooser.OnInsertLine = self.scan_virtual_functions
        function_chooser.OnEditLine = self.scan_virtual_function

        idx = function_chooser.Show(True)
        if idx != -1:
            self.virtual_functions[idx].visited = True
            idaapi.open_pseudocode(int(self.virtual_functions[idx]), 1)