Exemplo n.º 1
    def test(self):
        numberOfBins = 4
        multiplicity = 2
        h = Histogram(numberOfBins, multiplicity)
        h.accumulate(0, 1)
        h.accumulate(1, 2)
        h.accumulate(2, 2)
        h.accumulate(3, 1)

        frameTimes = [0, 1]
        recordedSpecies = [0, 1, 2]
        x = HistogramFrames(numberOfBins, multiplicity, recordedSpecies)
        for i in range(2):
            for i in range(len(frameTimes)):
                for j in range(len(recordedSpecies)):
        assert not x.hasErrors()

        stream = StringIO()
        writer = XmlWriter(stream)
        x.writeXml(writer, 'model', 'method')
Exemplo n.º 2
 def testMoreBasic(self):
     # More basic tests.
     x = Histogram(8, 2)
     x.accumulate(4, 1.)
     assert x.getMean() == 4
     assert x.getUnbiasedVariance() == float('inf')
     assert x.size() == 8
     assert x.min() == 4.
     assert x.max() == 5.
     assert x._upperBound() == 8.
Exemplo n.º 3
 def testConstantValueBins(self):
     # Basic tests with constant-value bins.
     size = 8
     values = range(size)
     weights = [1.] * size
     mean, variance = _computeMeanAndVariance(values, weights)
     x = Histogram(size, 2)
     for i in range(8):
         x.accumulate(i, 1.)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(x.getMean(), mean)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(x.getUnbiasedVariance(), variance)
     self.assertEqual(x.size(), 8)
     self.assertEqual(x.min(), 0.)
     self.assertEqual(x.max(), 8.)
     self.assertEqual(x._upperBound(), 8.)
     p = x.getProbabilities()
     self.assertTrue((p == 1./8.).all())
Exemplo n.º 4
    def testPoisson2(self):
        # Poisson with mean 4. Use accumulate.
        lam = 4.
        size = 20
        x = Histogram(size, 2)
        weight = math.exp(-lam)
        for i in range(50):
            x.accumulate(i, weight)
            weight *= lam / (i + 1)
        assert abs(x.getMean() - 4) < 1e-4
        assert abs(x.getUnbiasedVariance() - 4) < 1e-1

        # Uniform, 20 bins.
        size = 20
        weights = [1.] * size
        cardinality = size
        sumOfWeights = sum(weights)
        mean = 0.
        for i in range(size):
            mean += weights[i] * i
        mean /= sumOfWeights
        summedSecondCenteredMoment = 0.
        for i in range(size):
            summedSecondCenteredMoment += weights[i] * (i - mean)**2

        stream = StringIO(repr(cardinality) + '\n' + 
                          repr(sumOfWeights) + '\n' +
                          repr(mean) + '\n' + 
                          repr(summedSecondCenteredMoment) + '\n' + 
                          '0\n1\n' +
                          ''.join([str(_x) + ' ' for _x in [1.] * size]) +
                          '\n' +
                          '0 ' * size + '\n')
        y = Histogram()
        y.read(stream, 2)
        # Distance between Poisson and uniform.
        assert histogramDistance(x, y) > 0
        # Distance between Poisson and Poisson.
        assert histogramDistance(x, x) == 0

        # Uniform, 30 bins.
Exemplo n.º 5
 def testAccumulate1(self):
     x = Histogram(8, 2)
     x.accumulate(0, 1)
     assert x.size() == 8
     assert x.min() == 0.
     assert x.max() == 1.
     assert x._upperBound() == 8.
     x.accumulate(7, 1)
     assert x.size() == 8
     assert x.min() == 0.
     assert x.max() == 8.
     assert x._upperBound() == 8.
     x.accumulate(8, 1)
     assert x.size() == 8
     assert x.min() == 0.
     assert x.max() == 10.
     assert x._upperBound() == 16.
     x.accumulate(15, 1)
     assert x.size() == 8
     assert x.min() == 0.
     assert x.max() == 16.
     assert x._upperBound() == 16.
Exemplo n.º 6
 def testAccumulate2(self):
     x = Histogram(8, 2)
     x.accumulate(10, 1)
     assert x.size() == 8
     assert x.min() == 10.
     assert x.max() == 11.
     assert x._upperBound() == 18.
     x.accumulate(5, 1)
     assert x.size() == 8
     assert x.min() == 5.
     assert x.max() == 11.
     assert x._upperBound() == 13.
     x.accumulate(0, 1)
     assert x.size() == 8
     assert x.min() == 0.
     assert x.max() == 12.
     assert x._upperBound() == 16.
Exemplo n.º 7
    # For each sample size.
    histogram = Histogram(converged[0].size())
    for sample in samples:
        # The average run time.
        time = 0.
        for start in range(0, size, sample):
            if start + sample > size:
            for i in range(start, start + sample):
                time += float(lines[i * (numberOfHistograms + 1)])
        time /= size // sample
        # Compute the average error.
        averageError = 0.
        # For each recorded species.
        for h in range(numberOfHistograms):
            error = 0.
            for start in range(0, size, sample):
                if start + sample > size:
                for i in range(start, start + sample):
                    n = i * (numberOfHistograms + 1) + h + 1
                    data = [float(_x) for _x in lines[n].split()]
                    for j in range(0, len(data), 2):
                        histogram.accumulate(data[j], data[j + 1], 0)
                error += histogramDistance(histogram, converged[h])
            error /= size // sample
            averageError += error
        averageError /= numberOfHistograms
        report.write('%s %s\n' % (time, averageError))
Exemplo n.º 8
    converged.read(open('converged.txt', 'r'))
    histogram = Histogram(converged.size())
    lines = open(directory + '/output.txt', 'r').readlines()
    size = len(lines)
    report = open(directory + '/error.txt', 'w')
    report.write('#time %s\n' % directory)
    # Determine the samples.
    samples = []
    sample = size
    while sample > 0:
        sample //= 2
    # For each sample size.
    for sample in samples:
        error = 0.
        time = 0.
        for start in range(0, size, sample):
            if start + sample > size:
            for i in range(start, start + sample):
                data = [float(_x) for _x in lines[i].split()]
                time += data[0]
                for i in range(1, len(data), 2):
                    histogram.accumulate(data[i], data[i + 1], 0)
            error += histogramDistance(histogram, converged)
        time /= size // sample
        error /= size // sample
        report.write('%s %s\n' % (time, error))