def createCase5(self): self.element1=Host(300,200,0,0) self.element2=Host(1000,200,0,0) self.element3=Router(650,200,0,0) self.element4=Host(650,400,0,0) self.Bus1=Bus(300,205,1000,205) self.Bus2=Bus(660,200,660,400)
def scan(self, timeout, retry): for ip in Utils.get_all_ips(): if not self.main.HostMgr.has_host(ip): mac = get_mac(ip, timeout, retry) if mac is not None: host = Host(self.main, ip, mac) host.start() self.main.HostMgr.append_host(host)
def initHost(ip): #print('Scanning', ip) host = Host(ip) host.getInterfaces() if == False: #print('Host with ip', ip, 'offline!') print(ip) host.hasBridge() return host
def __init__(self, name, logfile_object=sys.stdout, u_name=U_NAME, passwd=PASSWD): Host.__init__(self, name) = name self.logfile = logfile_object self.user = u_name self.passwd = passwd
def __init__(self,name,u_name = U_NAME,passwd = PASSWD,logon = 1): Host.__init__(self,name) = name self.user = u_name self.passwd = passwd self.ssh = "" if logon == 1: self.logon()
def getHostList(queue='all.q'): """ Return the host that are in the chosen 'queue' """ from Host import Host queue_hosts_bin = Popen(['qconf', '-sq', queue], stdout=PIPE) out, err = queue_hosts_bin.communicate() hostlist = [] if not err: queue_hostlist = '' host_list_str = [ ] # a simple string list of the hosts before they are objects for o in out.split('\n'): if 'hostlist' in o: queue_hostlist = o.split()[1:] for hg in queue_hostlist: if hg.startswith('@'): # hostgroup hg_hosts_bin = Popen(['qconf', '-shgrp', hg], stdout=PIPE) out, err = hg_hosts_bin.communicate() if not err: hg_hosts_str_list = out.split() for l in hg_hosts_str_list: if 'blue-bolt.local' in l and l not in host_list_str: host_list_str.append(l) hostlist.append(Host(l)) else: error(err) break elif hg.startswith(queue): # individual host this_host = hg.strip('%s@' % queue) if this_host not in host_list_str: hostlist.append(Host(this_host)) return hostlist else: error(err) return None
def GetHosts(self): if not hasattr(self, "hosts"): self.hosts = [] for hca, ips in TOPO.iteritems(): for ip in ips[:-1]: self.hosts.append(Host(ip, self.Logger)) return self.hosts
def __init__(self, uri='mongodb://mongo:27017', max_conn=1): # if max_connid null or is not 1-200 exception if not max_conn or not isinstance(max_conn, int) or max_conn > 200 or max_conn < 1: raise MongoPoolInitException(errorMsg='max_conn not is {}'.format(max_conn)) Resource.__init__(self) self.__max_conn = max_conn self.__uri = uri self.idle = max_conn self.busy = 0 config = Config(DB_CFG).config dbname = 'vmmgr' dbinfo = { "name": config.get(dbname, 'name'), "user": config.get(dbname, 'user'), "pwd": config.get(dbname, 'pwd') } = dbinfo['name'] self.user = dbinfo['user'] self.pwd = dbinfo['pwd'] self.pool = ConnectPool(self.idle,self.busy) self.__prepare_conn() self.version = config.get('global', 'version') self.putChild("", self) self.putChild("virtualmachine", VirtualMachine(self.pool)) self.putChild("host", Host(self.pool)) self.putChild("adaccount", AdAccount(self.pool))
def analyse_pingscan(self, host, infos, output): if infos['nmap']['scanstats']['totalhosts'] != "1": print("Probleme avec le nombre d'hosts") elif infos['nmap']['scanstats']['totalhosts'] == "1": if infos['nmap']['scanstats']['uphosts'] == "1": if self.monitored_hosts.has_key(host): self.monitored_hosts[host].setLastPing(time()) if not self.monitored_hosts[host].isUp(): self.monitored_hosts[host].up = True self.log(host, "is up") self.compareMacAddr(host, output) self.compareName(host, output) self.monitored_hosts[host].setPinging(False) else: self.monitored_hosts[host] = Host(host, infos['scan'][host], time(), self.verbose) self.log(host, "Detected !") self.compareMacAddr(host, output) else: # is down if self.monitored_hosts.has_key(host): self.monitored_hosts[host].setPinging(False) self.monitored_hosts[host].up = False self.log(host, "is down")
def newByXMLFile(path): tree = ET.parse(path) root = tree.getroot() host = [] for each in root.findall('host'): host.append(Host.fromNode(each)) return Target(tree, root, host)
def __init__(self, ARRIVE_RATE=None, CHANNEL_RATE=None, TOTAL_PACKET=None, NUMBER_OF_HOST=None): config = configparser.ConfigParser()"configuration_file.ini") self.ARRIVE_RATE = float(config["DEFAULT"]["ARRIVE_RATE"]) self.NUMBER_OF_HOST = int(config["DEFAULT"]["NUMBER_OF_HOST"]) self.TOTAL_PACKET = int(config["DEFAULT"]["TOTAL_PACKET"]) self.CHANNEL_RATE = int(config["DEFAULT"]["CHANNEL_RATE"]) = Channel(self.CHANNEL_RATE, self) self.host_array = [Host(n, self) for n in range(self.NUMBER_OF_HOST)] self._previousEvent = None # variables and counters self.timeLineEvent = [] self.counter_array = [] self.packet_array = [] self.event_list = deque() self.busy_time = 0 self.current_time = 0 self.packet_counter = 0 self.event_counter = 0 self.number_in_system = []
def setUp(self): global host, vm if host is None: #print('Connecting to %s...' % hostName) host = Host(hostName, os.getenv('VIM_E2E_USER'), os.getenv('VIM_E2E_PASSWORD')) host.Connect() #print('Creating vm %s...' % vm) CreateVm(vm) def onExit(): global host, vm #print('Deleting vm %s...' % vm) DeleteVm(host, vm) host.Logout() atexit.register(onExit)
def add_host(self, hostname, value): # Have to strip "." because MongoDB doesn't like them for key names clean_hostname = hostname.replace(".", "___") if self.hosts.has_key(clean_hostname): self.logger.err(clobber_host_blue_str % (self.teamname, hostname)) else: self.logger.err(add_host_blue_str % (self.teamname, hostname)) this_queue = Queue.Queue() self.hosts[clean_hostname] = Host(self.teamname, hostname, value, self.logger, self.dns_servers, this_queue) self.hosts_rounds[clean_hostname] = False self.host_queues[clean_hostname] = this_queue
def getHosts(self): # We're going to iterate over all the arps, and turn them into hosts. print('Populating hosts from list of', len(self.globalArpTable), 'ARP resolutions.') for arp in self.globalArpTable: ip = arp['ip'] mac = arp['mac'] source = self.routers[arp['source']] interface = Interface(mac) interface.ip = ip try: # Assuming that this host exists. host = self.hosts[ip] except KeyError: # If it doesn't, then add it in. host = Host(ip) self.hosts[ip] = host # Then, new or not, add the interface information. host.interfaces[mac] = interface host.arpNeighbors[ip] = source print('Showing', len(self.hosts), 'hosts!') return self.hosts
def checkZabbixAgainstArp(self): # When Zabbix and ARP think that an address is registered to a # different MAC address, that can be cause for alarm. #FIXME Use the ORM q = 'select zabhosts.mac as zabmac, zabhosts.ip, arp.mac as arpmac from ' +\ 'zabhosts, arp where zabhosts.mac is not null and zabhosts.ip is not '+\ 'null and zabhosts.ip = arp.ip and zabhosts.mac != arp.mac;' mismatches = self.execute(q) offline = [] unknown = [] differentLink = [] if mismatches: for mismatch in mismatches: #print(mismatch.ip) # Make a host, get the data from the host. host = Host(mismatch.ip) host.getInterfaces() if # See if the address is among its interfaces. if host.hasMac(mismatch.zabmac): differentLink.append(mismatch) else: print(mismatch.ip, 'mismatched for unknown reasons.') unknown.append(mismatch) #print(len(unknown)) else: offline.append(mismatch) else: print('There are no mismatched addresses.') print('There are', len(offline), 'offline hosts.') print('There are', len(differentLink), 'hosts that were simply', 'detected on a different link.') print('There are', len(unknown), 'undiagnosed hosts.') print('Undiagnosed hosts: %s' % unknown)
def host_makes_move(self, host_move): self.host_move = host_move if host_move == "0": Host.send_rock() elif host_move == "1": Host.send_paper() elif host_move == "2": Host.send_scissors() self.set_move_labels()
def __getHostfromConfig(self, maxProcess, maxError): lst = config["hosts"] pcList = [] for host in lst: h = Host(host["name"], host["user"], crypto.decrypt(host["pass"])) h.setMaxProcess(maxProcess) h.setMaxErrors(maxError) self.log.debug("Host %s extracted from config file." % h.getHostName()) pcList.append(h) self.log.debug("Total number of hosts is: %i" % len(pcList)) return pcList
def config_generic_host(self, cfg): """ :type cfg: HostDef :return: Host """ # interface is a list of maps: {iface, bridge, ips, mac} h = Host(, NetNSCLI(, CREATENSCMD, REMOVENSCMD, self) self.hosts[] = h self.interfaces_for_host[] = {} for iface in cfg.interface_list: bridge = self.get_bridge_from_link_config(iface.bridge_link) self.add_virt_interface(h,, bridge, iface.ip_list, iface.mac_address) self.generic_hosts.append(h) return h
def main(): target_spec = parse_args() # Stealth scan, OS scan, and MAC resolution require superuser priveleges elevate(graphical=False, show_console=False) # Enable p0f passive scan while nmap is scanning with P0f_client("p0f.socket") as p0f_client: nm = PortScanner() # If no target spec specified, detect subnet automatically if target_spec is None: target_spec = get_network_parameters() print("Using automatic target_spec: ", target_spec) # Invoke nmap scanner print("Starting scan") try: nm.scan(target_spec, arguments="-sS -sU -p 22 -sV -O -T4 --script=banner") except KeyboardInterrupt as e: print("nmap scan interrupted.") # Process hosts hosts = dict() for host in nm.all_hosts(): try: hosts[host] = Host(host, nm, p0f_client) except Exception as e: print("Error parsing host ", host, " ", e) raise e # TODO - REMOVE print(len(hosts), " hosts scanned with target spec: ", target_spec) # Create XML output xml = XML(hosts) with open("host_report.xml", "w") as out_file: out_file.write(xml.get_xml())
def __init__(self, ARRIVE_RATE=0.1, SERVICE_RATE=11e6, TOTAL_PACKET=1000, NUMBER_OF_HOST=10): = Channel(SERVICE_RATE, self) self.host_array = [Host(n, self) for n in range(NUMBER_OF_HOST)] self._previousEvent = None # constants self.ARRIVE_RATE = ARRIVE_RATE self.SERVICE_RATE = SERVICE_RATE self.TOTAL_PACKET = TOTAL_PACKET # variables and counters self.timeLineEvent = [] self.event_list = deque() self.busy_time = 0 self.current_time = 0 self.packet_counter = 0 self.event_counter = 0 self.number_in_system = []
def __init__(self, host,username= "", password= "",stdprompt=tek_prompt_regex): """tek specific init method. Basically just filling in the blanks.""" Host.__init__(self, host, username, password, stdprompt) log.output("G-35 object for host %s created." % host)
def __init__ (self, screen, x, y): Host.__init__(self, screen, x, y) self.selectable = True self.corespondent = self.timer = 0 self.color = (64, 128, 223)
def createCase2(self): self.element1=Host(300,200,0,0) self.element2=Router(900,200,0,0) self.Bus1=Bus(300,205,900,205)
class StartMaker(): ip = IP() host = [] enlacePP = [] enlacePP = [] switch = [] router = [] nic_host = [] nic_switch = [] nic_router = [] # All Class Objects store in arrays[n] started 0 to n-1 # Start Hosts 0~11 for n in range(0,12): host.append(Host()) # Start Enlace 0~21 for n in range(0,22): enlacePP.append(EnlacePP()) # Start Switchs 0~2 for n in range(0,3): switch.append(Switch()) switch[0].setNome('switch_0') switch[1].setNome('Switch_1') switch[2].setNome('Switch_2') # Start Routers 0~2 for n in range(0,3): router.append(Router()) router[0].setNome('Router_0') router[1].setNome('Router_1') router[2].setNome('Router_2') # Start Hosts-NICs ( 12th ) # NIC receved MAC, Enlace and Host # Network nic_host.append(NIC('01:0A:00:FF:0A:01',enlacePP[0],host[0])) nic_host.append(NIC('02:0A:00:FF:0A:02',enlacePP[1],host[1])) nic_host.append(NIC('03:0A:00:FF:0A:03',enlacePP[2],host[2])) nic_host.append(NIC('04:0A:00:FF:0A:04',enlacePP[3],host[3])) # Network nic_host.append(NIC('05:0B:00:EE:0B:05',enlacePP[5],host[4])) nic_host.append(NIC('06:0B:00:EE:0B:06',enlacePP[6],host[5])) nic_host.append(NIC('07:0B:00:EE:0B:07',enlacePP[7],host[6])) nic_host.append(NIC('08:0B:00:EE:0B:08',enlacePP[8],host[7])) # Network nic_host.append(NIC('09:0C:00:CC:0C:09',enlacePP[10],host[8])) nic_host.append(NIC('0A:0C:00:CC:0C:0A',enlacePP[11],host[9])) nic_host.append(NIC('0B:0C:00:CC:0C:0B',enlacePP[12],host[10])) nic_host.append(NIC('0C:0C:00:CC:0C:0C',enlacePP[13],host[11])) # Start Switchs-NICs ( 15th ) # Nic receved MAC, Enlace and Switch # Switch 0 nic_switch.append(NIC('040A7119SW01',enlacePP[0],switch[0])) nic_switch.append(NIC('040A7119SW02',enlacePP[1],switch[0])) nic_switch.append(NIC('040A7119SW03',enlacePP[2],switch[0])) nic_switch.append(NIC('040A7119SW04',enlacePP[3],switch[0])) # Dedicated Router 0 - Network nic_switch.append(NIC('040A7119SW05',enlacePP[4],switch[0]))# Local Network # Switch 1 nic_switch.append(NIC('040A7119SW06',enlacePP[5],switch[1])) nic_switch.append(NIC('040A7119SW07',enlacePP[6],switch[1])) nic_switch.append(NIC('040A7119SW08',enlacePP[7],switch[1])) nic_switch.append(NIC('040A7119SW09',enlacePP[8],switch[1])) # Dedicated Router 1 - Network nic_switch.append(NIC('0040A7119SW10',enlacePP[9],switch[1]))# Local Network # Switch 2 nic_switch.append(NIC('040A7119SW11',enlacePP[10],switch[2])) nic_switch.append(NIC('040A7119SW12',enlacePP[11],switch[2])) nic_switch.append(NIC('040A7119SW13',enlacePP[12],switch[2])) nic_switch.append(NIC('040A7119SW14',enlacePP[13],switch[2])) # Dedicated Router 2 - nic_switch.append(NIC('040A7119SW15',enlacePP[14],switch[2]))# Local Network # Start Routers-NICs ( 12th ) # Router 0 Networks and nic_router.append(NIC('040A7119SR01',enlacePP[4],router[0])) # Network - Local nic_router.append(NIC('040A7119SR02',enlacePP[15],router[0])) # Network nic_router.append(NIC('040A7119SR03',enlacePP[16],router[0])) # unused nic_router.append(NIC('040A7119SR04',enlacePP[17],router[0])) # unused # Router 1 Networks, and nic_router.append(NIC('040A7119SR05',enlacePP[15],router[1])) # Network - nic_router.append(NIC('040A7119SR06',enlacePP[18],router[1])) # Network - nic_router.append(NIC('040A7119SR07',enlacePP[9],router[1])) # Network - Local nic_router.append(NIC('040A7119SR08',enlacePP[19],router[1])) # Internet # Router 2 Networks and nic_router.append(NIC('040A7119SR09',enlacePP[18],router[2])) # Network nic_router.append(NIC('040A7119SR10',enlacePP[14],router[2])) # Network - Local nic_router.append(NIC('040A7119SR11',enlacePP[20],router[2])) # unused nic_router.append(NIC('040A7119SR12',enlacePP[21],router[2])) # unused # Set Routers IP router[0].setIP('') router[1].setIP('') router[2].setIP('') # Adding Routes #router.setRota(Rota('<destination>','<route>','<mask>', '<metric>', '<MAC>')) # Router 0 to Router 1 Network A router[0].setRota(Rota('','','', '0', '040A7119SR01')) # Network - Local router[0].setRota(Rota('','','', '0', '040A7119SR02')) router[0].setRota(Rota('','','', '0', '040A7119SR02')) router[0].setRota(Rota('','','', '0', '040A7119SR02')) router[0].setRotaDefault(Rota('','','', '0', '040A7119SR02')) # Router 1 Network 01, 02 and 04 router[1].setRota(Rota('','','', '0', '040A7119SR07')) # Network - Local router[1].setRota(Rota('','','', '0', '040A7119SR05')) # Network - router[1].setRota(Rota('','','', '0', '040A7119SR05')) # Network - R05 router[1].setRota(Rota('','','', '0', '040A7119SR06')) # Network - router[1].setRota(Rota('','','', '0', '040A7119SR06')) # Network - R06 router[1].setRotaDefault(Rota('','','', '0', 'INTERNET')) # Router 2 Network 02 and 05 router[2].setRota(Rota('','','', '0', '040A7119SR10')) # Network - Local router[2].setRota(Rota('','','', '0', '040A7119SR09')) router[2].setRota(Rota('','','', '0', '040A7119SR09')) router[2].setRota(Rota('','','', '0', '040A7119SR09')) router[2].setRotaDefault(Rota('','','', '0', '040A7119SR09')) # HOSTs reset IPs# for n in range(0,12): host[n].setIP('ip-not-found') host[n].setMascara('') host[n].setLigado(False) nic_host[n].setLigado(False) nic_host[n].setTDados(False) host[n].resetPing() # SWITCHs reset# switch[0].setLigado(False) for n in range(0,5): nic_switch[n].setLigado(False) nic_switch[n].setTDados(False) switch[1].setLigado(False) for n in range(5,10): nic_switch[n].setLigado(False) nic_switch[n].setTDados(False) switch[2].setLigado(False) for n in range(10,15): nic_switch[n].setLigado(False) nic_switch[n].setTDados(False) # ROUTERs # router[0].setLigado(False) for n in range(0,4): nic_router[n].setLigado(False) nic_router[n].setTDados(False) router[1].setLigado(False) for n in range(4,8): nic_router[n].setLigado(False) nic_router[n].setTDados(False) router[2].setLigado(False) for n in range(8,12): nic_router[n].setLigado(False) nic_router[n].setTDados(False)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf8 -*- import os from Sinet import Sinet from Hub import Hub from Switch import Switch, SwitchBroadcast from Host import Host from Message import Message from Router import Router sinet = Sinet() client_1 = Host('', '', '112:211:11:11') client_2 = Host('', '', '113:1133:11:11') client_3 = Host('', '', '11:22:11:22:11') def menu(): os.system('clear') print '%s MENU %s' % ('-' * 30, '-' * 40) op = int( raw_input(''' 1 - Criar ambiente com Hub 2 - Criar ambiente com Switch s/ broadcast 3 - Criar ambiente com Switch c/ broadcast 4 - Criar ambiente com Roteador :''')) escolha(op)
def createCase1(self): self.element1=Host(300,200,0,0) self.element2=Host(900,200,0,0) self.Bus1=Bus(300,205,900,205)
def generatgeView(self, rHosts, subnetSpace, targetPort, NCDSPort, HoneyPort, numSubnets, minHP, maxHP, Strategy): self.targetsubnet = numSubnets self.lowerSubnet = numSubnets / 2 self.upperSubnet = 0 #generate specified number of subnets for s in range(1, numSubnets): self.getAvaiSubnet(numSubnets) hosts = [] #assign hosts to subnets, and deceive their data for k in rHosts.keys(): if k != NCDSPort and k != HoneyPort: #create new host object realip = rHosts[k].split("/")[0] realmac = rHosts[k].split("/")[1] if k == targetPort: = Host(self.getShortnameHost(), realip, realmac, k) #get subnet address for target = self.setAvailableSubnetAddress( subnetSpace, numSubnets,, targetPort) #print(str( else: host = Host(self.getShortnameHost(), realip, realmac, k) #get subnet address for host host = self.setAvailableSubnetAddress( subnetSpace, numSubnets, host, targetPort) #print(str(host.deceptiveIP)) #assign honeypots to subnets realHoneyIP = rHosts[HoneyPort].split("/")[0] realHoneyMac = rHosts[HoneyPort].split("/")[1] for subKey in self.subnetList.keys(): numHoneypots = random.randint(minHP, maxHP) for hp in range(1, numHoneypots): subnet = self.subnetList[subKey] hpAddr = self.getAvaiHoneypotforSubnet(subnet) honeyAddr = str(subnetSpace[:-2]) + "." + str( subnet.number) + "." + str(hpAddr) honeypot = Honeypot(self.getShortnameHoneypot(), realHoneyIP, realHoneyMac, honeyAddr, self.randMac(), HoneyPort) self.subnetList[subnet.number].honeypots.append(honeypot) #print("Honeypot " + honeyAddr) #create honeyrouters routerMac = self.randMac() targetSubnet = int(".")[2]) subnet = self.subnetList[targetSubnet] subnetAddr = str(subnetSpace[:-2]) + "." + str(subnet.number) + ".1" hr = Honeyrouter(self.getShortnameHoneyrouter(), subnetAddr, routerMac, NCDSPort) subnet.honeyrouter.append(hr) gateway = hr.shortName self.subnetList[subnet.number] = subnet self.honeyrouterList.append(hr) for subKey in self.subnetList.keys(): subnet = self.subnetList[subKey] if subnet.number != targetSubnet: subnetAddr = str(subnetSpace[:-2]) + "." + str( subnet.number) + ".1" hr = Honeyrouter(self.getShortnameHoneyrouter(), subnetAddr, routerMac, NCDSPort) subnet.honeyrouter.append(hr) self.subnetList[subKey] = subnet self.honeyrouterList.append(hr) #generate routes numhops = 1 for subKey in self.subnetList.keys(): subnet = self.subnetList[subKey] targetSubnet = int(".")[2]) if subnet.number != targetSubnet: numhops += 1 #numhops=random.randint(2,networkDiameter) hostIdx = 0 for host in subnet.hosts: r = Route(, host) hostSubnet = int(host.deceptiveIP.split(".")[2]) #hops = int(math.fabs(hostSubnet-targetSubnet)) #max sub dist min hop dist if Strategy == "minhop_maxsub": hops = numSubnets - hostSubnet if Strategy == "maxhop_maxsub": #max sub dist max hop dist hops = hostSubnet for hop in range(0, hops): r.addHop(self.honeyrouterList[hop]) self.routeList.append(r) host.distance = hops #subnet.hosts.insert(hostIdx,host) #hostIdx+=1 for honeypot in subnet.honeypots: r = Route(, honeypot) for hop in range(0, numhops - 1): r.addHop(self.honeyrouterList[hop]) self.routeList.append(r) else: for host in subnet.hosts: r = Route(, host) self.routeList.append(r) for honeypot in subnet.honeypots: r = Route(, honeypot) self.routeList.append(r) #set gateway printer = NetworkPrinter() realhosts = printer.printView(, self.subnetList, self.routeList, targetPort, gateway) #for printhost in realhosts: #print("realhosts.append(\"" + printhost + "\")") return (realhosts, self.targetsubnet)
class TestHost(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self):"localhost", "boby", "098334057") def tearDown(self): pass def testCheckHost(self): self.assertTrue( in [Host.States.Available, Host.States.Down], "CheckHost function failed") def testErrors(self): self.assertTrue( == Host.States.Error, "Host errors are not the expected status!!!") def testaddProcess(self): self.assertTrue( == Host.States.Running, "Host process are not reported!!!") def testdelProcess(self): self.assertTrue( == Host.States.Available, "Host process are not reported!!!") def testfullProcess(self): self.assertTrue( == Host.States.Full, "Host process are not reported!!!") def testdelfromFullProcess(self): self.assertTrue( == Host.States.Running, "Host process are not reported!!!")
#!/usr/bin/python import sys, time from IOS import * from Util import * from Host import Host h = Host("sqa05") h.logon() device = "/dev/vgcc" device_p = device + "0" sec_opt = sys.argv[1] dir = "/flash_max/" #print "Please do reset card, press any key to continue.." #raw_input() #h.reset_card(device) #wait = 60 #h.create_and_verify_fs(device_p,"ext3") h.rmdir(dir) h.mkdir(dir) h.mount_fs(device_p, dir) h.cp_dict(dir) sys.exit(1) h.mount_fs("/dev/vgcc0", "/flash_max") sys.exit(1) print "Wating %i secs after resettting the card" % wait for i in range(wait): print "Seconds Passed \r %d" % i, sys.stdout.flush()
#!/usr/bin/python import sys,time from Host import Host from Util import * from Trace import * file = "del" f = open(file,"w") h = Host("sqa05",logfile_object = f) #h.reset_card("/dev/vgca") #h.run_vgc_monitor("/dev/vgca") #h.connection.interact() #h.get_ipmi_ip_addr() device = sys.argv[1] dev_p = device + "0" #expected_mode = "maxperformance" expected_mode = "maxcapacity" expected_usable_cap = "702" usable_cap = h.get_part_usable_cap(device)[dev_p]['us_cap'] mode = h.get_part_mode(dev_p) serial = h.get_card_serial(device) card_info = h.get_card_info(device) kernel = h.get_kernel_ver() redhat_ver = h.cat_etc_issue() sec_er = sys.argv[2] trace_info("-" * 80)
import sys import random from Host import Host if __name__ == '__main__': random.seed() host = Host(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], frame_transf_interv=3, inter_frame_gap=1, min_frame_gap=3, max_frame_gap=8)
def initHost(ip): host = Host(ip) print(ip) host.getInterfaces() host.hasBridge() return host
#!/usr/bin/python import sys, time from IOS import * from Host import Host from Trace import * h = Host("sqa05") h.logon() device = "/dev/vgcc" device_p = device + "0" sec_opt = sys.argv[1] print_blue("-" * 80) trace_info(" Starting fill drive test on device '%s', option '%s'" % (device, sec_opt)) print_blue("-" * 80) #print "Please do reset card, press any key to continue.." #raw_input() h.reset_card(device) wait = 60 print "Wating %i secs after resettting the card" % wait for i in range(wait): sec_rem = wait - i print "Seconds Passed \r %d" % sec_rem, sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1) h.run_command("vgc-monitor -d %s" % device) io = DD(h)
def GetServer(self): if not hasattr(self, "server_obj"): self.server_obj = Host(self.server, self.Logger) return self.server_obj
def GetClient(self): if not hasattr(self, "client_obj"): self.client_obj = Host(self.client, self.Logger) return self.client_obj
def addHost(): hostQueue = Queue() name = input("Enter the name of the host in Single Capital Letter") host = Host(hostQueue, "Active", name) toHostConnectionObject, portNo = host.toHostPipe() NETWORK_Connection_Register[0].append((name, host, toHostConnectionObject))
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, jsonify, json from Player import Player from Game import Game from Host import Host from Block import Block app = Flask(__name__) host = Host() def _steer_round(data, start=False): game = host.find_game(data.get('gameKey')) player = game.find_player(player_key=data.get('playerKey')) if host.check_instance(game, Game) and host.check_instance(player, Player): round_data = host.menage_round(start=start, target_game=game) data = {'roundData': round_data} if start: player.drew_block = False data['drewBlock'] = player.drew_block return jsonify(data) return jsonify({'errors': 'failed to change round status'}) @app.route('/', methods=['GET']) def index(): return render_template('index.html') # data: gameType = 'multiplayer'/'singleplayer'/'localgame', gameName = str/None, gamePassword = str/None founderName = str, slots = 1<int<5, founderType = 'net'/'local' # return: gameData = {state, key, kasPassword, type, name, slots, playersData, winner}, founderData = {name, type, key, gameKey, hasCleanSet, gotBlocks} @app.route('/create-game', methods=['POST'])
def __init__(self, name, info, logger): = name = info self.pids = [] = Host(info[0], logger)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Mon Nov 25 23:51:37 2013 @author: Alejandro """ import Pyro4 from Agente import Agente from Servicio import Servicio from ComunidadAgentes import ComunidadAgentes from Host import Host HostLogik = Host("Logik") #Metodo pyro #Se crea de la manera simple con serveSimple, sin tener en cuenta el host. Pyro4.Daemon.serveSimple({ HostLogik : "host." + str(HostLogik.getNombre()) },host="")
def setUp(self):"localhost", "boby", "098334057")
class Palette(): def __init__(self): self.case1=None self.case2=None self.case3=None self.case4=None self.case5=None self.element1=None self.element2=None self.element3=None self.element4=None self.button_exit=None self.button_next=None self.Bus1=None self.Bus2=None self.case11=pygame.image.load("Images/Case1.1.jpg") self.case12=pygame.image.load("Images/Case1.2.jpg") self.case21=pygame.image.load("Images/Case2.1.jpg") self.case22=pygame.image.load("Images/Case2.2.jpg") self.case31=pygame.image.load("Images/Case3.1.jpg") self.case32=pygame.image.load("Images/Case3.2.jpg") self.case41=pygame.image.load("Images/Case4.1.jpg") self.case42=pygame.image.load("Images/Case4.2.jpg") self.case51=pygame.image.load("Images/Case5.1.jpg") self.case52=pygame.image.load("Images/Case5.2.jpg") self.exit1=pygame.image.load("Images/button_exit1.jpg") self.exit2=pygame.image.load("Images/button_exit2.jpg") self.next1=pygame.image.load("Images/button_next1.jpg") self.next2=pygame.image.load("Images/button_next2.jpg") self.createPalette() self.display=pygame.display.get_surface() def updatePalette(self): x,y=pygame.mouse.get_pos() if(self.case1.rect.collidepoint(x,y)): self.case1.image=self.case12 else: self.case1.image=self.case11 if(self.case2.rect.collidepoint(x,y)): self.case2.image=self.case22 else: self.case2.image=self.case21 if(self.case3.rect.collidepoint(x,y)): self.case3.image=self.case32 else: self.case3.image=self.case31 if(self.case4.rect.collidepoint(x,y)): self.case4.image=self.case42 else: self.case4.image=self.case41 if(self.case5.rect.collidepoint(x,y)): self.case5.image=self.case52 else: self.case5.image=self.case51 if(self.button_exit.rect.collidepoint(x,y)): self.button_exit.image=self.exit2 else: self.button_exit.image=self.exit1 if(self.button_next.rect.collidepoint(x,y)): self.button_next.image=self.next2 else: self.button_next.image=self.next1 self.display.blit(self.case1.image,self.case1.rect) self.display.blit(self.case2.image,self.case2.rect) self.display.blit(self.case3.image,self.case3.rect) self.display.blit(self.case4.image,self.case4.rect) self.display.blit(self.case5.image,self.case5.rect) self.display.blit(self.button_exit.image,self.button_exit.rect) self.display.blit(self.button_next.image,self.button_next.rect) rect=pygame.Rect(160, 0, 10,1000) pygame.draw.rect(self.display,(220,0,0),rect,0) myfont = pygame.font.SysFont("LCD", 75) label = myfont.render("ARP SIMULATOR", 1,(220,0,0)) self.display.blit(label, (500, 15)) def createCase1(self): self.element1=Host(300,200,0,0) self.element2=Host(900,200,0,0) self.Bus1=Bus(300,205,900,205) #self.arp_request.rect.left,,200 def createCase2(self): self.element1=Host(300,200,0,0) self.element2=Router(900,200,0,0) self.Bus1=Bus(300,205,900,205) def createCase3(self): self.element1=Router(300,200,0,0) self.element2=Router(900,200,0,0) self.Bus1=Bus(300,205,900,205) def createCase4(self): self.element1=Router(300,200,0,0) self.element2=Host(900,200,0,0) self.Bus1=Bus(300,205,900,205) def createCase5(self): self.element1=Host(300,200,0,0) self.element2=Host(1000,200,0,0) self.element3=Router(650,200,0,0) self.element4=Host(650,400,0,0) self.Bus1=Bus(300,205,1000,205) self.Bus2=Bus(660,200,660,400) def update(self,screen): self.Bus1.drawpoint(screen) self.element1.update(screen,1) self.element2.update(screen,1) def update5(self,screen): self.Bus1.drawpoint(screen) self.Bus2.drawpoint(screen) self.element1.update(screen,1) self.element2.update(screen,1) self.element3.update(screen,1) self.element4.update(screen,1) def createSprite(self,x,y,adr): s1 = pygame.sprite.Sprite() s1.image = pygame.image.load(adr).convert_alpha() s1.rect = s1.image.get_rect() (s1.rect.left, = (x,y) return s1 def createPalette(self): self.case1=self.createSprite(10,40,"Images/Case1.1.jpg") self.case2=self.createSprite(self.case1.rect.left,self.case1.rect.bottom+20,"Images/Case2.1.jpg") self.case3=self.createSprite(self.case2.rect.left,self.case2.rect.bottom+20,"Images/Case3.1.jpg") self.case4=self.createSprite(self.case3.rect.left,self.case3.rect.bottom+20,"Images/Case4.1.jpg") self.case5=self.createSprite(self.case4.rect.left,self.case4.rect.bottom+20,"Images/Case5.1.jpg") self.button_exit=self.createSprite(1200, 5,"Images/button_exit1.jpg") self.button_next=self.createSprite(1200, 670,"Images/button_next1.jpg") def ARPDesign(self,screen): c1 = pygame.time.Clock() Case1Pressed=False Case2Pressed=False Case3Pressed=False Case4Pressed=False Case5Pressed=False flag=True while True and flag: for events in pygame.event.get(): if events.type == pygame.QUIT: quit() if events.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: x,y=pygame.mouse.get_pos() if(self.case1.rect.collidepoint(x,y) and not(Case1Pressed)): Case1Pressed=True Case2Pressed=False Case3Pressed=False Case4Pressed=False Case5Pressed=False self.createCase1() if(self.case2.rect.collidepoint(x,y)): Case1Pressed=False Case2Pressed=True Case3Pressed=False Case4Pressed=False Case5Pressed=False self.createCase2() if(self.case3.rect.collidepoint(x,y)): Case1Pressed=False Case2Pressed=False Case3Pressed=True Case4Pressed=False Case5Pressed=False self.createCase3() if(self.case4.rect.collidepoint(x,y)): Case1Pressed=False Case2Pressed=False Case3Pressed=False Case4Pressed=True Case5Pressed=False self.createCase4() if(self.case5.rect.collidepoint(x,y)): Case1Pressed=False Case2Pressed=False Case3Pressed=False Case4Pressed=False Case5Pressed=True self.createCase5() if(self.button_next.rect.collidepoint(x,y)): flag=False if(self.button_exit.rect.collidepoint(x,y)): flag=False return 0 c1.tick(100) screen.fill((255,255,255)) self.updatePalette() if(Case1Pressed or Case2Pressed or Case3Pressed or Case4Pressed): self.update(screen) if(Case5Pressed): self.update5(screen) pygame.display.update() if(Case1Pressed): return 1 if(Case2Pressed): return 2 if(Case3Pressed): return 3 if(Case4Pressed): return 4 if(Case5Pressed): return 5
def scrap(params): """ Make the scrap for the params in :param params: the param dictionnary :return: None """ print("Starting to scrap data...") f = open(params["output_file"], 'w') # We display the header for column in params["list_columns"]: f.write('%s\t' % column) f.write('\n') soup_list = Host.get_soup_list() if soup_list is None: print("Can't get the list of all host.") exit(1) rows = soup_list.find_all('tr', "sectiontableentry1") + soup_list.find_all('tr', "sectiontableentry2") cpt = 0 size = len(rows) qty_matched = 0 failed = [] start = time.time() for row in rows: if cpt > 10: break # We use the cpt to know at wich percent we are percent = (cpt / size) * 100 if params["display_eta"] and cpt % 5 == 0: eta = get_eta(start, percent) print("%.2f%% ETA : %s" % (percent, eta)) cpt += 1 # We get the soup for the current item item_id = row.contents[1].contents[1].contents[0].contents[0] host = Host(item_id) if not host.isValid: failed.append(item_id) continue should_add = host.should_add(params["criterias"]) if should_add: host_as_string = host.to_string(params["list_columns"]) # We output the result f.write('%s\n' % host_as_string) qty_matched += 1 print("From the %s hosts, there is %s that match the criterias" % (size, qty_matched)) if len(failed) > 0: print("The following hosts page didn't answered in time. They can't be listed : \n%s" % failed) f.write('%s\n' % failed) f.close()
def initialize(self): Pyro4.config.SERIALIZERS_ACCEPTED.add('pickle') #Prueba nombre = "Logik" #Se obtiene la ip de la red. mi_ip = Pyro4.socketutil.getIpAddress(None, workaround127=True) try: ns = Pyro4.locateNS(host = mi_ip) print("Existe un servidor de NS.") self.ready = True except: #Al activarse la bandera no se seguira tratando de obtener el host en vez de esto se creara. banderaNS = True banderaHost = True try: ns = Pyro4.locateNS() except: print("No existe un servidor de NS.") banderaNS = False banderaHost = False if(banderaNS): try: hostNS = Pyro4.core.Proxy("PYRONAME:" + ns.list().keys()[1]) except: print("No existe un host en este servidor de NS.") banderaHost = False print("Se procedera a crear un host") hostDemonio = Host(nombre) if(banderaHost): print("Se obtendra una lista de los ns") hostDemonio.setListNS(hostNS.getListNS()) print("Inicializando servicios... tipo de servidor=%s" % Pyro4.config.SERVERTYPE) # start a name server with broadcast server as well nameserverUri, nameserverDaemon, broadcastServer = Pyro4.naming.startNS(host="") assert broadcastServer is not None, "excepcion no se ha podido crear el servidor de broadcast" print("Obteniendo el nombre del servidor o nameserver (ns), uri=%s" % nameserverUri) print("Localizacion del demonio ns string=%s" % nameserverDaemon.locationStr) print("Demonio de socket ns=%s" % nameserverDaemon.sockets) print("Demonio de socket bc=%s (fileno %d)" % (broadcastServer.sock, broadcastServer.fileno())) if(banderaHost): for nameServer,nameServer_uri in hostNS.getListNS().items(): nsDisperso = Pyro4.Proxy(nameServer_uri) for host, hostDisperso_uri in nsDisperso.list(prefix="host.").items(): hostDisperso = Pyro4.Proxy(hostDisperso_uri) hostDisperso.addNS(mi_ip, nameserverUri) hostDemonio.addNS(mi_ip, nameserverUri) #Metodo pyro #Crear un demonio en pyro pyrodaemon=Pyro4.core.Daemon(host=mi_ip) print("Localizacion del demonio str=%s" % pyrodaemon.locationStr) print("Socket del demonio=%s" % pyrodaemon.sockets) # Se registrara un demonio en el servidor de objetos serveruri=pyrodaemon.register(hostDemonio) print("URI del server=%s" % serveruri) host_proxy = Pyro4.Proxy(serveruri) # Se registrara el demonio con el servidor embebido nameserverDaemon.nameserver.register("host." + nombre,serveruri) verificacionDeTiempo = time.time() # Se crea un loop para los demonios customizado while self.running: self.ready=True try: if(time.time()-verificacionDeTiempo >= 120): #Verificar conexion con host listNS = hostDemonio.getListNS().copy() listNS.pop(mi_ip) for host_iter,host_iter_uri in listNS.items(): locationHost = Pyro4.URI(host_iter_uri).location remoteDeamon = Pyro4.Proxy('PYRO:' + Pyro4.constants.DAEMON_NAME + '@' + locationHost) try: except: print "Se ha perdido la conexion con: " + locationHost hostDemonio.deleteNS(locationHost[:locationHost.find(":")]) print "prueba" print "1" verificacionDeTiempo = time.time() print "2" #Verificar print("Esperando por eventos...") # crear un conjuto de sockets, por los cuales se estara esperando # (un conjuto que provee una lista rapiada para ser comparada) nameserverSockets = set(nameserverDaemon.sockets) pyroSockets = set(pyrodaemon.sockets) # Solo el broadcast server es dicretamente usable como un select() objeto # select() se usa como un comando que espera hasta que una entrada llegue # esta entrada puede ser bien una entrada de IO rw, r,rw+ rs=[broadcastServer] rs.extend(nameserverSockets) rs.extend(pyroSockets) rs,_,_ =,[],[],3) eventsForNameserver=[] eventsForDaemon=[] for s in rs: if s is broadcastServer: print("Servidor de Broadcast recibio una solicitud") broadcastServer.processRequest() elif s in nameserverSockets: eventsForNameserver.append(s) elif s in pyroSockets: eventsForDaemon.append(s) if eventsForNameserver: print("Nameserver recibio una solicitud") if eventsForDaemon: print("Demonio Host recibio una solicitud") except: print "Ha ocurrido una excepcion" nameserverDaemon.close() broadcastServer.close() pyrodaemon.close() print("done")
def __init__(self, parent, controller): tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.controller = controller self.background_image = tk.PhotoImage(file = '../Backgrounds/hostclient_background.png') self.background = tk.Label(self, borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, image = self.background_image), y=0) self.back_button_image = tk.PhotoImage(file = '../Graphics/back_button.png') self.back_button = tk.Button(self, activebackground='black', image = self.back_button_image, command=lambda: controller.show_frame("Menu")), y=600) self.host_image = tk.PhotoImage(file = '../Graphics/host.png') = tk.Button(self, activebackground='black', image = self.host_image, command=lambda: [controller.show_frame("ConnectingHostPage"), Host.connecting()]), y=180) self.client_image = tk.PhotoImage(file = '../Graphics/client.png') self.client = tk.Button(self, activebackground='black', image = self.client_image, command=lambda: [controller.show_frame("ConnectingClientPage"), Client.connecting()]), y=180)
import sys import random from Host import Host if __name__ == '__main__': random.seed() host = Host(sys.argv[1],sys.argv[2], min_frame_gap=3 , max_frame_gap=8)
def GetHost(options): if options.test: return GetHostStub(options.hostname) else: return Host.GetHost(optionsParser.GetConnectSpec(options))
def generatgeView(self,rHosts,subnetSpace,targetPort,NCDSPort,HoneyPort,numSubnets,minHP,maxHP,Strategy): self.targetsubnet = numSubnets self.lowerSubnet = numSubnets/2 self.upperSubnet = 0 #generate specified number of subnets for s in range(1,numSubnets): self.getAvaiSubnet(numSubnets) hosts=[] #assign hosts to subnets, and deceive their data for k in rHosts.keys(): if k!=NCDSPort and k!=HoneyPort: #create new host object realip=rHosts[k].split("/")[0] realmac=rHosts[k].split("/")[1] if k==targetPort:,realip,realmac,k) #get subnet address for target,numSubnets,,targetPort) #print(str( else: host=Host(self.getShortnameHost(),realip,realmac,k) #get subnet address for host host=self.setAvailableSubnetAddress(subnetSpace,numSubnets,host,targetPort) #print(str(host.deceptiveIP)) #assign honeypots to subnets realHoneyIP=rHosts[HoneyPort].split("/")[0] realHoneyMac=rHosts[HoneyPort].split("/")[1] for subKey in self.subnetList.keys(): numHoneypots=random.randint(minHP,maxHP) for hp in range(1,numHoneypots): subnet=self.subnetList[subKey] hpAddr=self.getAvaiHoneypotforSubnet(subnet) honeyAddr=str(subnetSpace[:-2]) + "." + str(subnet.number) + "." + str(hpAddr) honeypot=Honeypot(self.getShortnameHoneypot(),realHoneyIP,realHoneyMac,honeyAddr,self.randMac(),HoneyPort) self.subnetList[subnet.number].honeypots.append(honeypot) #print("Honeypot " + honeyAddr) #create honeyrouters routerMac=self.randMac() targetSubnet = int(".")[2]) subnet=self.subnetList[targetSubnet] subnetAddr=str(subnetSpace[:-2]) + "." + str(subnet.number) + ".1" hr=Honeyrouter(self.getShortnameHoneyrouter(),subnetAddr,routerMac,NCDSPort) subnet.honeyrouter.append(hr) gateway=hr.shortName self.subnetList[subnet.number]=subnet self.honeyrouterList.append(hr) for subKey in self.subnetList.keys(): subnet=self.subnetList[subKey] if subnet.number != targetSubnet: subnetAddr=str(subnetSpace[:-2]) + "." + str(subnet.number) + ".1" hr=Honeyrouter(self.getShortnameHoneyrouter(),subnetAddr,routerMac,NCDSPort) subnet.honeyrouter.append(hr) self.subnetList[subKey]=subnet self.honeyrouterList.append(hr) #generate routes numhops=1 for subKey in self.subnetList.keys(): subnet=self.subnetList[subKey] targetSubnet = int(".")[2]) if subnet.number != targetSubnet: numhops+=1 #numhops=random.randint(2,networkDiameter) hostIdx=0 for host in subnet.hosts: r=Route(,host) hostSubnet = int(host.deceptiveIP.split(".")[2]) #hops = int(math.fabs(hostSubnet-targetSubnet)) #max sub dist min hop dist if Strategy=="minhop_maxsub": hops = numSubnets - hostSubnet if Strategy=="maxhop_maxsub": #max sub dist max hop dist hops = hostSubnet for hop in range(0,hops): r.addHop(self.honeyrouterList[hop]) self.routeList.append(r) host.distance=hops #subnet.hosts.insert(hostIdx,host) #hostIdx+=1 for honeypot in subnet.honeypots: r=Route(,honeypot) for hop in range(0,numhops-1): r.addHop(self.honeyrouterList[hop]) self.routeList.append(r) else: for host in subnet.hosts: r=Route(,host) self.routeList.append(r) for honeypot in subnet.honeypots: r=Route(,honeypot) self.routeList.append(r) #set gateway printer = NetworkPrinter() realhosts = printer.printView(,self.subnetList,self.routeList,targetPort,gateway) #for printhost in realhosts: #print("realhosts.append(\"" + printhost + "\")") return (realhosts, self.targetsubnet)