Exemplo n.º 1
        #lines across the graybars columns
        boxsize = Point(CalibratorConstants.BoxSize, CalibratorConstants.BoxSize)
        for i in range(0,2):
            top = Point(grayBars[0 + i*6].box.coordinates[0:2])
            bottom = Point(grayBars[5 + i*6].box.coordinates[0:2])
            drawing.line(tuple(top + boxsize) + tuple(bottom+boxsize) , 'yellow')
    # Patch
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
    draw.polygon((calibrator.topLeft, calibrator.bottomLeft, calibrator.bottomRight, calibrator.topRight), fill='black')
    del draw
    # Image Transformation Step
    image, exitcode = transform(image, stage, tags, logging.DEBUG)

    if exitcode is not ExitCode.Success:
        log.error('Could not transform using Stage Coordinates: ' + str(exitcode), extra=tags)
        return None, exitcode
    if imageLogLevel:
        # Image Transformation Step
        debugImage, exitcode = transform(debugImage, stage, tags, logging.DEBUG)

        if exitcode is not ExitCode.Success:
            log.error('Could not transform debugImage using Stage Coordinates: ' + str(exitcode), extra=tags)
            return None, exitcode
        drawing = ImageDraw.Draw(debugImage)
def featureExtractor(
    imagefile, imageLogLevel, debugImagefile, preProcessingConfiguration, parenttags=None, level=logging.ERROR
    """ This method analyzes the imageFile, and extracts the grayscale gradient, samples
        the filter in the image and returns the aux_id contained in the QR Code
        Keyword Arguments:
        imagefile      -- The image file on which to perform the black carbon concentration analysis
        imageLogLevel  -- 0, no logging, 1 log image, 2 log and show image
        debugImagefile -- The image file in which to store the image processing debug info.
        preProcessingConfiguration -- The (bcfilter, sampling)configuration under which to preprocess this image.
                                        NOTE: MUST HAVE (dp, minimumRadius, maximumRadius, highThreshold, accumulatorThreshold, minimumDistance) fields
        parenttags     -- tag string of the calling function
        level          -- The logging level
        image, aux_id, gradient, bcfilter, exitcode
    # Set the logging level
    tags = parenttags + " FEATUREEXTRACTION"

        # Open the image file using PIL.Image
        if isinstance(imagefile, str):
            if not os.path.isfile(imagefile):
                log.error("imagefile " + imagefile + " does not exist", extra=tags)
                return None, ExitCode.FileNotExists
            image = Image.open(imagefile)
            image = Image.open(StringIO.StringIO(imagefile.read()))

        # If the ImageLogLevel > 1, copy the original image for image logging
        if imageLogLevel:
            debugImage = image.copy()
            drawing = ImageDraw.Draw(debugImage)
            # For all the text that goes into the debug image
            font = ImageFont.truetype(MainConstants.fontfile, 45)

        # QR Detection Step
        qr, exitcode = detectQR(imagefile, tags, logging.DEBUG)

        if exitcode is not ExitCode.Success:
            if imageLogLevel:
                saveDebugImage(debugImage, debugImagefile, tags)
            log.error("Could not process imagefile for QR: " + ExitCode.toString[exitcode], extra=tags)
            return None, exitcode

        if imageLogLevel:
            qr.draw(drawing, "red")

        # Stage detection Step
        stage, exitcode = detectStage(qr, tags, logging.DEBUG)

        if exitcode is not ExitCode.Success:
            if imageLogLevel:
                saveDebugImage(debugImage, debugImagefile, tags)
            log.error("Could not process imagefile for Stage: " + ExitCode.toString[exitcode], extra=tags)
            return None, exitcode

        # Calibrator detection Step
        calibrator, exitcode = detectCalibrator(qr, tags, logging.DEBUG)

        if exitcode is not ExitCode.Success:
            log.error("Could not process for Calibrator: " + exitcode, extra=tags)
            return None, exitcode

        # Extract Data from the Calibrator, i.e. Gradient
        grayBars, exitcode = getGrayBars(qr, image, tags, logging.DEBUG)

        if exitcode is not ExitCode.Success:
            if imageLogLevel:
                saveDebugImage(debugImage, debugImagefile, tags)
            log.error("Could not get grayBars from imagefile Calibrator " + ExitCode.toString[exitcode], extra=tags)
            return None, exitcode

        gradient = []
        for grayBar in grayBars:

        if imageLogLevel:
            # draw boxes on each graybar
            for grayBar in grayBars:
                grayBar.draw(drawing, "magenta")

            # lines across the graybars columns
            boxsize = Point(CalibratorConstants.BoxSize, CalibratorConstants.BoxSize)
            for i in range(0, 2):
                top = Point(grayBars[0 + i * 6].box.coordinates[0:2])
                bottom = Point(grayBars[5 + i * 6].box.coordinates[0:2])

                drawing.line(tuple(top + boxsize) + tuple(bottom + boxsize), "yellow")

        # Patch
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
            (calibrator.topLeft, calibrator.bottomLeft, calibrator.bottomRight, calibrator.topRight), fill="black"
        del draw

        # Image Transformation Step
        image, exitcode = transform(image, stage, tags, logging.DEBUG)

        if exitcode is not ExitCode.Success:
            if imageLogLevel:
                saveDebugImage(debugImage, debugImagefile, tags)
                "Could not transform imagefile using Stage Coordinates: " + ExitCode.toString[exitcode], extra=tags
            return None, exitcode

        if imageLogLevel:
            # Image Transformation Step
            debugImage, exitcode = transform(debugImage, stage, tags, logging.DEBUG)

            if exitcode is not ExitCode.Success:
                if imageLogLevel:
                    saveDebugImage(debugImage, debugImagefile, tags)
                    "Could not transform debugImage using Stage Coordinates: " + ExitCode.toString[exitcode], extra=tags
                return None, exitcode

            drawing = ImageDraw.Draw(debugImage)

        # Detect bcFilters
        bands = splitToBands(image)
        log.info("Split the image into bands", extra=tags)
        if bands is None:
            log.error("Could not find the bcfilter in the image", extra=tags)
            return None, ExitCode.UnknownError

        bcFiltersPerBand = []

        if imageLogLevel:
            bandIndex = 0

        for band in bands:
            bcFilters, exitcode = detectBCFilter(band, preProcessingConfiguration, tags, logging.DEBUG)

            if exitcode is not ExitCode.Success:
                if imageLogLevel:
                    saveDebugImage(debugImage, debugImagefile, tags)
                log.error("Could not detect filters in the Image " + ExitCode.toString[exitcode], extra=tags)
                return None, exitcode

            if imageLogLevel:
                index = 1
                for bcFilter in bcFilters:
                    drawing.text(bcFilter.center, str(index), MainConstants.bandnames[bandIndex], font)
                    bcFilter.draw(drawing, MainConstants.bandnames[bandIndex], MainConstants.samplingfactor)
                    index += 1
                bandIndex += 1


        bestBand = select(bcFiltersPerBand)

        if not bestBand:
            if imageLogLevel:
                saveDebugImage(debugImage, debugImagefile, tags)
            log.error("Could not detect any filters in the image: " + ExitCode.toString[exitcode], extra=tags)
            return None, ExitCode.UnknownError

        bestBcFilter = bestBand[0]

        # Save the debug image
        if imageLogLevel:
            saveDebugImage(debugImage, debugImagefile, tags)

        if imageLogLevel > 1:
            if isinstance(debugImagefile, str):

        if preProcessingConfiguration.samplingFactor is None or preProcessingConfiguration.samplingFactor is 0:
            sampledRGB = bestBcFilter.sample(image, bestBcFilter.radius / MainConstants.samplingfactor)
            sampledRGB = bestBcFilter.sample(image, bestBcFilter.radius / preProcessingConfiguration.samplingFactor)

        return (sampledRGB, qr.aux, gradient), exitcode

    except Exception, err:
        log.error("Error %s" % traceback.format_exc(), extra=tags)
        if imageLogLevel:
            saveDebugImage(debugImage, debugImagefile, tags)
        return None, ExitCode.UnknownError