Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, remote_reference):
     self.remote_reference = remote_reference
     self._deferredIDCallbacks = {}
     # This class manages some pending deferreds through this instance.  This
     # is required for methods like gather/scatter as it enables us to
     # create our own pending deferreds for composite operations.
     self.pdm = PendingDeferredManager()
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, remote_reference):
     self.remote_reference = remote_reference
     self._deferredIDCallbacks = {}
     # This class manages some pending deferreds through this instance.  This
     # is required for methods like gather/scatter as it enables us to
     # create our own pending deferreds for composite operations.
     self.pdm = PendingDeferredManager()
Exemplo n.º 3
class FCFullSynchronousMultiEngineClient(object):

    implements(IFullSynchronousMultiEngine, IBlockingClientAdaptor,
               IMultiEngineMapperFactory, IMapper)

    def __init__(self, remote_reference):
        self.remote_reference = remote_reference
        self._deferredIDCallbacks = {}
        # This class manages some pending deferreds through this instance.  This
        # is required for methods like gather/scatter as it enables us to
        # create our own pending deferreds for composite operations.
        self.pdm = PendingDeferredManager()

    # Non interface methods

    def unpackage(self, r):
        return pickle.loads(r)

    # Things related to PendingDeferredManager

    def get_pending_deferred(self, deferredID, block=True):

        # Because we are managing some pending deferreds locally (through
        # self.pdm) and some remotely (on the controller), we first try the
        # local one and then the remote one.
        if self.pdm.quick_has_id(deferredID):
            d = self.pdm.get_pending_deferred(deferredID, block)
            return d
            d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('get_pending_deferred',
                                                 deferredID, block)
                callback = self._deferredIDCallbacks.pop(deferredID)
            except KeyError:
                callback = None
            if callback is not None:
                d.addCallback(callback[0], *callback[1], **callback[2])
            return d

    def clear_pending_deferreds(self):

        # This clear both the local (self.pdm) and remote pending deferreds
        d2 = self.remote_reference.callRemote('clear_pending_deferreds')
        return d2

    def _addDeferredIDCallback(self, did, callback, *args, **kwargs):
        self._deferredIDCallbacks[did] = (callback, args, kwargs)
        return did

    # IEngineMultiplexer related methods

    def execute(self, lines, targets='all', block=True):
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('execute', lines, targets, block)
        return d

    def push(self, namespace, targets='all', block=True):
        serial = pickle.dumps(namespace, 2)
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('push', serial, targets, block)
        return d

    def pull(self, keys, targets='all', block=True):
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('pull', keys, targets, block)
        return d

    def push_function(self, namespace, targets='all', block=True):
        cannedNamespace = canDict(namespace)
        serial = pickle.dumps(cannedNamespace, 2)
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('push_function', serial, targets,
        return d

    def pull_function(self, keys, targets='all', block=True):
        def uncan_functions(r, keys):
            if len(keys) == 1 or isinstance(keys, str):
                return uncanSequence(r)
            elif len(keys) > 1:
                return [uncanSequence(s) for s in r]

        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('pull_function', keys, targets,
        if block:
            d.addCallback(uncan_functions, keys)
            d.addCallback(lambda did: self._addDeferredIDCallback(
                did, uncan_functions, keys))
        return d

    def push_serialized(self, namespace, targets='all', block=True):
        cannedNamespace = canDict(namespace)
        serial = pickle.dumps(cannedNamespace, 2)
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('push_serialized', serial,
                                             targets, block)
        return d

    def pull_serialized(self, keys, targets='all', block=True):
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('pull_serialized', keys, targets,
        return d

    def get_result(self, i=None, targets='all', block=True):
        if i is None:  # This is because None cannot be marshalled by xml-rpc
            i = 'None'
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('get_result', i, targets, block)
        return d

    def reset(self, targets='all', block=True):
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('reset', targets, block)
        return d

    def keys(self, targets='all', block=True):
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('keys', targets, block)
        return d

    def kill(self, controller=False, targets='all', block=True):
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('kill', controller, targets,
        return d

    def clear_queue(self, targets='all', block=True):
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('clear_queue', targets, block)
        return d

    def queue_status(self, targets='all', block=True):
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('queue_status', targets, block)
        return d

    def set_properties(self, properties, targets='all', block=True):
        serial = pickle.dumps(properties, 2)
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('set_properties', serial, targets,
        return d

    def get_properties(self, keys=None, targets='all', block=True):
        if keys == None:
            keys = 'None'
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('get_properties', keys, targets,
        return d

    def has_properties(self, keys, targets='all', block=True):
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('has_properties', keys, targets,
        return d

    def del_properties(self, keys, targets='all', block=True):
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('del_properties', keys, targets,
        return d

    def clear_properties(self, targets='all', block=True):
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('clear_properties', targets,
        return d

    # IMultiEngine related methods

    def get_ids(self):
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('get_ids')
        return d

    # ISynchronousMultiEngineCoordinator related methods

    def _process_targets(self, targets):
        def create_targets(ids):
            if isinstance(targets, int):
                engines = [targets]
            elif targets == 'all':
                engines = ids
            elif isinstance(targets, (list, tuple)):
                engines = targets
            for t in engines:
                if not t in ids:
                    raise error.InvalidEngineID(
                        "engine with id %r does not exist" % t)
            return engines

        d = self.get_ids()
        return d

    def scatter(self,

        # Note: scatter and gather handle pending deferreds locally through self.pdm.
        # This enables us to collect a bunch fo deferred ids and make a secondary
        # deferred id that corresponds to the entire group.  This logic is extremely
        # difficult to get right though.
        def do_scatter(engines):
            nEngines = len(engines)
            mapClass = Map.dists[dist]
            mapObject = mapClass()
            d_list = []
            # Loop through and push to each engine in non-blocking mode.
            # This returns a set of deferreds to deferred_ids
            for index, engineid in enumerate(engines):
                partition = mapObject.getPartition(seq, index, nEngines)
                if flatten and len(partition) == 1:
                    d = self.push({key: partition[0]},
                    d = self.push({key: partition},
            # Collect the deferred to deferred_ids
            d = gatherBoth(d_list,
            # Now d has a list of deferred_ids or Failures coming
            d.addCallback(error.collect_exceptions, 'scatter')

            def process_did_list(did_list):
                """Turn a list of deferred_ids into a final result or failure."""
                new_d_list = [
                    self.get_pending_deferred(did, True) for did in did_list
                final_d = gatherBoth(new_d_list,
                final_d.addCallback(error.collect_exceptions, 'scatter')
                final_d.addCallback(lambda lop: [i[0] for i in lop])
                return final_d

            # Now, depending on block, we need to handle the list deferred_ids
            # coming down the pipe diferently.
            if block:
                # If we are blocking register a callback that will transform the
                # list of deferred_ids into the final result.
                return d
                # Here we are going to use a _local_ PendingDeferredManager.
                deferred_id = self.pdm.get_deferred_id()
                # This is the deferred we will return to the user that will fire
                # with the local deferred_id AFTER we have received the list of
                # primary deferred_ids
                d_to_return = defer.Deferred()

                def do_it(did_list):
                    """Produce a deferred to the final result, but first fire the
                    deferred we will return to the user that has the local
                    deferred id."""
                    return process_did_list(did_list)

                # Now save the deferred to the final result
                self.pdm.save_pending_deferred(d, deferred_id)
                return d_to_return

        d = self._process_targets(targets)
        return d

    def gather(self, key, dist='b', targets='all', block=True):

        # Note: scatter and gather handle pending deferreds locally through self.pdm.
        # This enables us to collect a bunch fo deferred ids and make a secondary
        # deferred id that corresponds to the entire group.  This logic is extremely
        # difficult to get right though.
        def do_gather(engines):
            nEngines = len(engines)
            mapClass = Map.dists[dist]
            mapObject = mapClass()
            d_list = []
            # Loop through and push to each engine in non-blocking mode.
            # This returns a set of deferreds to deferred_ids
            for index, engineid in enumerate(engines):
                d = self.pull(key, targets=engineid, block=False)
            # Collect the deferred to deferred_ids
            d = gatherBoth(d_list,
            # Now d has a list of deferred_ids or Failures coming
            d.addCallback(error.collect_exceptions, 'scatter')

            def process_did_list(did_list):
                """Turn a list of deferred_ids into a final result or failure."""
                new_d_list = [
                    self.get_pending_deferred(did, True) for did in did_list
                final_d = gatherBoth(new_d_list,
                final_d.addCallback(error.collect_exceptions, 'gather')
                final_d.addCallback(lambda lop: [i[0] for i in lop])
                return final_d

            # Now, depending on block, we need to handle the list deferred_ids
            # coming down the pipe diferently.
            if block:
                # If we are blocking register a callback that will transform the
                # list of deferred_ids into the final result.
                return d
                # Here we are going to use a _local_ PendingDeferredManager.
                deferred_id = self.pdm.get_deferred_id()
                # This is the deferred we will return to the user that will fire
                # with the local deferred_id AFTER we have received the list of
                # primary deferred_ids
                d_to_return = defer.Deferred()

                def do_it(did_list):
                    """Produce a deferred to the final result, but first fire the
                    deferred we will return to the user that has the local
                    deferred id."""
                    return process_did_list(did_list)

                # Now save the deferred to the final result
                self.pdm.save_pending_deferred(d, deferred_id)
                return d_to_return

        d = self._process_targets(targets)
        return d

    def raw_map(self, func, sequences, dist='b', targets='all', block=True):
        A parallelized version of Python's builtin map.
        This has a slightly different syntax than the builtin `map`.
        This is needed because we need to have keyword arguments and thus
        can't use *args to capture all the sequences.  Instead, they must
        be passed in a list or tuple.
        raw_map(func, seqs) -> map(func, seqs[0], seqs[1], ...)
        Most users will want to use parallel functions or the `mapper`
        and `map` methods for an API that follows that of the builtin
        if not isinstance(sequences, (list, tuple)):
            raise TypeError('sequences must be a list or tuple')
        max_len = max(len(s) for s in sequences)
        for s in sequences:
            if len(s) != max_len:
                raise ValueError('all sequences must have equal length')
        if isinstance(func, FunctionType):
            d = self.push_function(dict(_ipython_map_func=func),
            d.addCallback(lambda did: self.get_pending_deferred(did, True))
            sourceToRun = '_ipython_map_seq_result = map(_ipython_map_func, *zip(*_ipython_map_seq))'
        elif isinstance(func, str):
            d = defer.succeed(None)
            sourceToRun = \
                '_ipython_map_seq_result = map(%s, *zip(*_ipython_map_seq))' % func
            raise TypeError("func must be a function or str")

        d.addCallback(lambda _: self.scatter(
            '_ipython_map_seq', zip(*sequences), dist, targets=targets))
            lambda _: self.execute(sourceToRun, targets=targets, block=False))
        d.addCallback(lambda did: self.get_pending_deferred(did, True))
        d.addCallback(lambda _: self.gather(
            '_ipython_map_seq_result', dist, targets=targets, block=block))
        return d

    def map(self, func, *sequences):
        A parallel version of Python's builtin `map` function.
        This method applies a function to sequences of arguments.  It 
        follows the same syntax as the builtin `map`.
        This method creates a mapper objects by calling `self.mapper` with
        no arguments and then uses that mapper to do the mapping.  See
        the documentation of `mapper` for more details.
        return self.mapper().map(func, *sequences)

    def mapper(self, dist='b', targets='all', block=True):
        Create a mapper object that has a `map` method.
        This method returns an object that implements the `IMapper` 
        interface.  This method is a factory that is used to control how 
        the map happens.
            dist : str
                What decomposition to use, 'b' is the only one supported
            targets : str, int, sequence of ints
                Which engines to use for the map
            block : boolean
                Should calls to `map` block or not
        return MultiEngineMapper(self, dist, targets, block)

    def parallel(self, dist='b', targets='all', block=True):
        A decorator that turns a function into a parallel function.
        This can be used as:
        def f(x, y)
        f(range(10), range(10))
        This causes f(0,0), f(1,1), ... to be called in parallel.
            dist : str
                What decomposition to use, 'b' is the only one supported
            targets : str, int, sequence of ints
                Which engines to use for the map
            block : boolean
                Should calls to `map` block or not
        mapper = self.mapper(dist, targets, block)
        pf = ParallelFunction(mapper)
        return pf

    # ISynchronousMultiEngineExtras related methods

    def _transformPullResult(self, pushResult, multitargets, lenKeys):
        if not multitargets:
            result = pushResult[0]
        elif lenKeys > 1:
            result = zip(*pushResult)
        elif lenKeys is 1:
            result = list(pushResult)
        return result

    def zip_pull(self, keys, targets='all', block=True):
        multitargets = not isinstance(targets, int) and len(targets) > 1
        lenKeys = len(keys)
        d = self.pull(keys, targets=targets, block=block)
        if block:
            d.addCallback(self._transformPullResult, multitargets, lenKeys)
            d.addCallback(lambda did: self._addDeferredIDCallback(
                did, self._transformPullResult, multitargets, lenKeys))
        return d

    def run(self, fname, targets='all', block=True):
        fileobj = open(fname, 'r')
        source = fileobj.read()
        # if the compilation blows, we get a local error right away
            code = compile(source, fname, 'exec')
            return defer.fail(failure.Failure())
        # Now run the code
        d = self.execute(source, targets=targets, block=block)
        return d

    # IBlockingClientAdaptor related methods

    def adapt_to_blocking_client(self):
        from IPython.kernel.multiengineclient import IFullBlockingMultiEngineClient
        return IFullBlockingMultiEngineClient(self)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, multiengine):
     self.multiengine = multiengine
Exemplo n.º 5
class FCFullSynchronousMultiEngineClient(object):
    def __init__(self, remote_reference):
        self.remote_reference = remote_reference
        self._deferredIDCallbacks = {}
        # This class manages some pending deferreds through this instance.  This
        # is required for methods like gather/scatter as it enables us to
        # create our own pending deferreds for composite operations.
        self.pdm = PendingDeferredManager()
    # Non interface methods
    def unpackage(self, r):
        return pickle.loads(r)
    # Things related to PendingDeferredManager
    def get_pending_deferred(self, deferredID, block=True):
        # Because we are managing some pending deferreds locally (through
        # self.pdm) and some remotely (on the controller), we first try the 
        # local one and then the remote one.
        if self.pdm.quick_has_id(deferredID):
            d = self.pdm.get_pending_deferred(deferredID, block)
            return d
            d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('get_pending_deferred', deferredID, block)
                callback = self._deferredIDCallbacks.pop(deferredID)
            except KeyError:
                callback = None
            if callback is not None:
                d.addCallback(callback[0], *callback[1], **callback[2])
            return d
    def clear_pending_deferreds(self):
        # This clear both the local (self.pdm) and remote pending deferreds
        d2 = self.remote_reference.callRemote('clear_pending_deferreds')
        return d2
    def _addDeferredIDCallback(self, did, callback, *args, **kwargs):
        self._deferredIDCallbacks[did] = (callback, args, kwargs)
        return did
    # IEngineMultiplexer related methods
    def execute(self, lines, targets='all', block=True):
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('execute', lines, targets, block)
        return d
    def push(self, namespace, targets='all', block=True):
        serial = pickle.dumps(namespace, 2)
        d =  self.remote_reference.callRemote('push', serial, targets, block)
        return d
    def pull(self, keys, targets='all', block=True):
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('pull', keys, targets, block)
        return d
    def push_function(self, namespace, targets='all', block=True):
        cannedNamespace = canDict(namespace)
        serial = pickle.dumps(cannedNamespace, 2)
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('push_function', serial, targets, block)
        return d
    def pull_function(self, keys, targets='all', block=True):
        def uncan_functions(r, keys):
            if len(keys)==1 or isinstance(keys, str):
                return uncanSequence(r)
            elif len(keys)>1:
                return [uncanSequence(s) for s in r]
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('pull_function', keys, targets, block)
        if block:
            d.addCallback(uncan_functions, keys)
            d.addCallback(lambda did: self._addDeferredIDCallback(did, uncan_functions, keys))
        return d
    def push_serialized(self, namespace, targets='all', block=True):
        cannedNamespace = canDict(namespace)
        serial = pickle.dumps(cannedNamespace, 2)
        d =  self.remote_reference.callRemote('push_serialized', serial, targets, block)
        return d
    def pull_serialized(self, keys, targets='all', block=True):
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('pull_serialized', keys, targets, block)
        return d
    def get_result(self, i=None, targets='all', block=True):
        if i is None: # This is because None cannot be marshalled by xml-rpc
            i = 'None'
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('get_result', i, targets, block)
        return d
    def reset(self, targets='all', block=True):
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('reset', targets, block)
        return d        
    def keys(self, targets='all', block=True):
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('keys', targets, block)
        return d
    def kill(self, controller=False, targets='all', block=True):
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('kill', controller, targets, block)
        return d
    def clear_queue(self, targets='all', block=True):
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('clear_queue', targets, block)
        return d
    def queue_status(self, targets='all', block=True):
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('queue_status', targets, block)
        return d
    def set_properties(self, properties, targets='all', block=True):
        serial = pickle.dumps(properties, 2)
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('set_properties', serial, targets, block)
        return d
    def get_properties(self, keys=None, targets='all', block=True):
        if keys==None:
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('get_properties', keys, targets, block)
        return d
    def has_properties(self, keys, targets='all', block=True):
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('has_properties', keys, targets, block)
        return d
    def del_properties(self, keys, targets='all', block=True):
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('del_properties', keys, targets, block)
        return d
    def clear_properties(self, targets='all', block=True):
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('clear_properties', targets, block)
        return d
    # IMultiEngine related methods
    def get_ids(self):
        d = self.remote_reference.callRemote('get_ids')
        return d
    # ISynchronousMultiEngineCoordinator related methods

    def _process_targets(self, targets):
        def create_targets(ids):
            if isinstance(targets, int):
                engines = [targets]
            elif targets=='all':
                engines = ids
            elif isinstance(targets, (list, tuple)):
                engines = targets
            for t in engines:
                if not t in ids:
                    raise error.InvalidEngineID("engine with id %r does not exist"%t)
            return engines
        d = self.get_ids()
        return d
    def scatter(self, key, seq, dist='b', flatten=False, targets='all', block=True):
        # Note: scatter and gather handle pending deferreds locally through self.pdm.
        # This enables us to collect a bunch fo deferred ids and make a secondary 
        # deferred id that corresponds to the entire group.  This logic is extremely
        # difficult to get right though.
        def do_scatter(engines):
            nEngines = len(engines)
            mapClass = Map.dists[dist]
            mapObject = mapClass()
            d_list = []
            # Loop through and push to each engine in non-blocking mode.
            # This returns a set of deferreds to deferred_ids
            for index, engineid in enumerate(engines):
                partition = mapObject.getPartition(seq, index, nEngines)
                if flatten and len(partition) == 1:
                    d = self.push({key: partition[0]}, targets=engineid, block=False)
                    d = self.push({key: partition}, targets=engineid, block=False)
            # Collect the deferred to deferred_ids
            d = gatherBoth(d_list,
            # Now d has a list of deferred_ids or Failures coming
            d.addCallback(error.collect_exceptions, 'scatter')
            def process_did_list(did_list):
                """Turn a list of deferred_ids into a final result or failure."""
                new_d_list = [self.get_pending_deferred(did, True) for did in did_list]
                final_d = gatherBoth(new_d_list,
                final_d.addCallback(error.collect_exceptions, 'scatter')
                final_d.addCallback(lambda lop: [i[0] for i in lop])
                return final_d
            # Now, depending on block, we need to handle the list deferred_ids
            # coming down the pipe diferently.
            if block:
                # If we are blocking register a callback that will transform the
                # list of deferred_ids into the final result.
                return d
                # Here we are going to use a _local_ PendingDeferredManager.
                deferred_id = self.pdm.get_deferred_id()
                # This is the deferred we will return to the user that will fire
                # with the local deferred_id AFTER we have received the list of 
                # primary deferred_ids
                d_to_return = defer.Deferred()
                def do_it(did_list):
                    """Produce a deferred to the final result, but first fire the
                    deferred we will return to the user that has the local
                    deferred id."""
                    return process_did_list(did_list)
                # Now save the deferred to the final result
                self.pdm.save_pending_deferred(d, deferred_id)
                return d_to_return

        d = self._process_targets(targets)
        return d

    def gather(self, key, dist='b', targets='all', block=True):
        # Note: scatter and gather handle pending deferreds locally through self.pdm.
        # This enables us to collect a bunch fo deferred ids and make a secondary 
        # deferred id that corresponds to the entire group.  This logic is extremely
        # difficult to get right though.
        def do_gather(engines):
            nEngines = len(engines)
            mapClass = Map.dists[dist]
            mapObject = mapClass()
            d_list = []
            # Loop through and push to each engine in non-blocking mode.
            # This returns a set of deferreds to deferred_ids
            for index, engineid in enumerate(engines):
                d = self.pull(key, targets=engineid, block=False)
            # Collect the deferred to deferred_ids
            d = gatherBoth(d_list,
            # Now d has a list of deferred_ids or Failures coming
            d.addCallback(error.collect_exceptions, 'scatter')
            def process_did_list(did_list):
                """Turn a list of deferred_ids into a final result or failure."""
                new_d_list = [self.get_pending_deferred(did, True) for did in did_list]
                final_d = gatherBoth(new_d_list,
                final_d.addCallback(error.collect_exceptions, 'gather')
                final_d.addCallback(lambda lop: [i[0] for i in lop])
                return final_d
            # Now, depending on block, we need to handle the list deferred_ids
            # coming down the pipe diferently.
            if block:
                # If we are blocking register a callback that will transform the
                # list of deferred_ids into the final result.
                return d
                # Here we are going to use a _local_ PendingDeferredManager.
                deferred_id = self.pdm.get_deferred_id()
                # This is the deferred we will return to the user that will fire
                # with the local deferred_id AFTER we have received the list of 
                # primary deferred_ids
                d_to_return = defer.Deferred()
                def do_it(did_list):
                    """Produce a deferred to the final result, but first fire the
                    deferred we will return to the user that has the local
                    deferred id."""
                    return process_did_list(did_list)
                # Now save the deferred to the final result
                self.pdm.save_pending_deferred(d, deferred_id)
                return d_to_return

        d = self._process_targets(targets)
        return d

    def raw_map(self, func, sequences, dist='b', targets='all', block=True):
        A parallelized version of Python's builtin map.
        This has a slightly different syntax than the builtin `map`.
        This is needed because we need to have keyword arguments and thus
        can't use *args to capture all the sequences.  Instead, they must
        be passed in a list or tuple.
        raw_map(func, seqs) -> map(func, seqs[0], seqs[1], ...)
        Most users will want to use parallel functions or the `mapper`
        and `map` methods for an API that follows that of the builtin
        if not isinstance(sequences, (list, tuple)):
            raise TypeError('sequences must be a list or tuple')
        max_len = max(len(s) for s in sequences)
        for s in sequences:
            if len(s)!=max_len:
                raise ValueError('all sequences must have equal length')
        if isinstance(func, FunctionType):
            d = self.push_function(dict(_ipython_map_func=func), targets=targets, block=False)
            d.addCallback(lambda did: self.get_pending_deferred(did, True))
            sourceToRun = '_ipython_map_seq_result = map(_ipython_map_func, *zip(*_ipython_map_seq))'
        elif isinstance(func, str):
            d = defer.succeed(None)
            sourceToRun = \
                '_ipython_map_seq_result = map(%s, *zip(*_ipython_map_seq))' % func
            raise TypeError("func must be a function or str")
        d.addCallback(lambda _: self.scatter('_ipython_map_seq', zip(*sequences), dist, targets=targets))
        d.addCallback(lambda _: self.execute(sourceToRun, targets=targets, block=False))
        d.addCallback(lambda did: self.get_pending_deferred(did, True))
        d.addCallback(lambda _: self.gather('_ipython_map_seq_result', dist, targets=targets, block=block))
        return d

    def map(self, func, *sequences):
        A parallel version of Python's builtin `map` function.
        This method applies a function to sequences of arguments.  It 
        follows the same syntax as the builtin `map`.
        This method creates a mapper objects by calling `self.mapper` with
        no arguments and then uses that mapper to do the mapping.  See
        the documentation of `mapper` for more details.
        return self.mapper().map(func, *sequences)
    def mapper(self, dist='b', targets='all', block=True):
        Create a mapper object that has a `map` method.
        This method returns an object that implements the `IMapper` 
        interface.  This method is a factory that is used to control how 
        the map happens.
            dist : str
                What decomposition to use, 'b' is the only one supported
            targets : str, int, sequence of ints
                Which engines to use for the map
            block : boolean
                Should calls to `map` block or not
        return MultiEngineMapper(self, dist, targets, block)

    def parallel(self, dist='b', targets='all', block=True):
        A decorator that turns a function into a parallel function.
        This can be used as:
        def f(x, y)
        f(range(10), range(10))
        This causes f(0,0), f(1,1), ... to be called in parallel.
            dist : str
                What decomposition to use, 'b' is the only one supported
            targets : str, int, sequence of ints
                Which engines to use for the map
            block : boolean
                Should calls to `map` block or not
        mapper = self.mapper(dist, targets, block)
        pf = ParallelFunction(mapper)
        return pf
    # ISynchronousMultiEngineExtras related methods
    def _transformPullResult(self, pushResult, multitargets, lenKeys):
        if not multitargets:
            result = pushResult[0]
        elif lenKeys > 1:
            result = zip(*pushResult)
        elif lenKeys is 1:
            result = list(pushResult)
        return result
    def zip_pull(self, keys, targets='all', block=True):
        multitargets = not isinstance(targets, int) and len(targets) > 1
        lenKeys = len(keys)
        d = self.pull(keys, targets=targets, block=block)
        if block:
            d.addCallback(self._transformPullResult, multitargets, lenKeys)
            d.addCallback(lambda did: self._addDeferredIDCallback(did, self._transformPullResult, multitargets, lenKeys))
        return d
    def run(self, fname, targets='all', block=True):
        fileobj = open(fname,'r')
        source = fileobj.read()
        # if the compilation blows, we get a local error right away
            code = compile(source,fname,'exec')
            return defer.fail(failure.Failure()) 
        # Now run the code
        d = self.execute(source, targets=targets, block=block)
        return d
    # IBlockingClientAdaptor related methods
    def adapt_to_blocking_client(self):
        from IPython.kernel.multiengineclient import IFullBlockingMultiEngineClient
        return IFullBlockingMultiEngineClient(self)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self, multiengine):
     self.multiengine = multiengine