Exemplo n.º 1
class Kernel(object):
    def __init__(self):
        # kernel config is stored in a temp file 
        config = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "kernel-%s.json" % str(uuid.uuid4()))
        args = [sys.executable, '-m', 'IPython', 'kernel', '-f', config]
        p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
        # when __this__ process exits, we're going to remove the ipython config
        # file and kill the ipython subprocess

        def remove_config():

        # i found that if i tried to connect to the kernel immediately, it wasn't up
        # and running. 1.5 seconds was arbitrarily chosen (but seems to work)
        # fire up the kernel with the appropriate config
        self.client = BlockingKernelClient(connection_file=config)
        # load our monkeypatches...

    def _run_code(self, code, timeout=0.1):
        # this function executes some code and waits for it to completely finish before
        # returning. i don't think that this is neccessarily the best way to do this, but
        # the IPython documentation isn't very helpful for this particular topic.
        # 1) execute code and grab the ID for that execution thread
        # 2) look for messages coming from the "iopub" channel (this is just a stream of output)
        # 3) when we get a message that is one of the following, save relevant data to `data`:
        #       - execute_result - content from repr
        #       - stream - content from stdout
        #       - error - ansii encoded stacktrace
        # the final piece is that we check for when the message indicates that the kernel is idle
        # and the message's parent is the original execution ID (msg_id) that's associated with
        # our executing code. if this is the case, we'll return the data and the msg_id and exit
        msg_id = self.client.execute(code)
        data = None
        while True:
                reply = self.client.get_iopub_msg(timeout=timeout)
            except Empty:

            if "execution_state" in reply['content']:
                if reply['content']['execution_state']=="idle" and reply['parent_header']['msg_id']==msg_id:
                    if reply['parent_header']['msg_type']=="execute_request":
                        return { "output": data, "msg_id": msg_id }
            elif reply['header']['msg_type']=="execute_result":
                data = reply['content']['data']['text/plain']
            elif reply['header']['msg_type']=="stream":
                data = reply['content']['text']
            elif reply['header']['msg_type']=="error":
                data = "\n".join(reply['content']['traceback'])

    def execute(self, code):
        return self._run_code(code)

    def complete(self, code):
        # i couldn't figure out how to get the autocomplete working with the ipython 
        # kernel (i couldn't get a completion_reply from the iopub), so we're using
        # jedi to do the autocompletion. the __autocomplete is defined in `autocomplete_patch`
        # above.
        return self.execute("__autocomplete('%s')" % code)
Exemplo n.º 2
from IPython.kernel import BlockingKernelClient, get_connection_file, find_connection_file

cf= find_connection_file("kernel-305.json")
client = BlockingKernelClient(connection_file=cf)
msg = client.get_shell_msg(block=True, timeout=3000)
print msg