Exemplo n.º 1
def getHandles(systemConfig, subConfigSettings):

    subConfigs = gen25DSubConfigs(**subConfigSettings)
    nsp = len(subConfigs)

    # Set up dictionary for subproblem objects and push base configuration for the system
    dview['localSystem'] = {}
    dview['baseSystemConfig'] = systemConfig

    # Create a function to get a subproblem forward modelling function
    dview['forwardFromTag'] = lambda tag, isrc, dOnly=True: localSystem[
        tag].forward(isrc, dOnly)
    forwardFromTag = Reference('forwardFromTag')

    # Create a function to get a subproblem gradient function
    dview['gradientFromTag'] = lambda tag, isrc, dresid=1.: localSystem[
        tag].gradient(isrc, dresid)
    gradientFromTag = Reference('gradientFromTag')

    dview['clearFromTag'] = lambda tag: localSystem[tag].clear()
    clearFromTag = Reference('clearFromTag')

    # Set up the subproblem objects with each new configuration
    tags = setupSystem(subConfigs)  #dview.map_sync(setupSystem, subConfigs)

    # Forward model in 2.5D (in parallel) for an arbitrary source location
    # TODO: Write code to handle multiple data residuals for nom>1
    handles = {
        lambda isrc, dOnly=True: reduce(
            np.add, dview.map(forwardFromTag, tags, [isrc] * nsp, [dOnly] * nsp
        lambda isrc, dOnly=True: dview.map_sync(forwardFromTag, tags, [isrc] *
                                                nsp, [dOnly] * nsp),
        lambda isrc, dresid=1.0: reduce(
            dview.map(gradientFromTag, tags, [isrc] * nsp, [dresid] * nsp)
        ),  # problems here for multiple freqs.
        lambda isrc, dresid=1.0: dview.map_sync(gradientFromTag, tags, [
        ] * nsp, [dresid] * nsp),  # problems here for multiple freqs.
        lambda: print('Cleared stored matrix terms for %d systems.' % len(
            dview.map_sync(clearFromTag, tags))),

    return handles
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _getHandles(self, systemConfig, subConfigSettings):

        pclient = self.remote.pclient
        dview = self.remote.dview
        lview = self.remote.lview

        subConfigs = self._gen25DSubConfigs(**subConfigSettings)
        nsp = len(subConfigs)

        # Set up dictionary for subproblem objects and push base configuration for the system
        dview['localSystem'] = {}
            'baseSystemConfig'] = systemConfig  # Faster if MPI is available
        dview['dPred'] = CommonReducer()
        dview['fWave'] = CommonReducer()
        dview['bWave'] = CommonReducer()

        dview['forwardFromTagAccumulate'] = forwardFromTagAccumulate
        dview['forwardFromTagAccumulateAll'] = forwardFromTagAccumulateAll
        dview['backpropFromTagAccumulate'] = backpropFromTagAccumulate
        dview['backpropFromTagAccumulateAll'] = backpropFromTagAccumulateAll
        dview['clearFromTag'] = clearFromTag


        schedule = {
            'forward': {
                'solve': Reference('forwardFromTagAccumulateAll'),
                'clear': Reference('clearFromTag'),
                'reduce': ['dPred', 'fWave']
            'backprop': {
                'solve': Reference('backpropFromTagAccumulateAll'),
                'clear': Reference('clearFromTag'),
                'reduce': ['bWave']

        self.systemsolver = SystemSolver(self, schedule)

        if 'parFac' in systemConfig:
            parFac = systemConfig['parFac']
            parFac = 1

        while parFac > 0:
            tags = lview.map_sync(setupSystem, subConfigs)
            parFac -= 1
Exemplo n.º 3
def phistogram(view, a, bins=10, rng=None, normed=False):
    """Compute the histogram of a remote array a.
            IPython DirectView instance
        a : str
            String name of the remote array
        bins : int
            Number of histogram bins
        rng : (float, float)
            Tuple of min, max of the range to histogram
        normed : boolean
            Should the histogram counts be normalized to 1
    nengines = len(view.targets)

    # view.push(dict(bins=bins, rng=rng))
    with view.sync_imports():
        import numpy
    rets = view.apply_sync(lambda a, b, rng: numpy.histogram(a, b, rng),
                           Reference(a), bins, rng)
    hists = [r[0] for r in rets]
    lower_edges = [r[1] for r in rets]
    # view.execute('hist, lower_edges = numpy.histogram(%s, bins, rng)' % a)
    lower_edges = view.pull('lower_edges', targets=0)
    hist_array = numpy.array(hists).reshape(nengines, -1)
    # hist_array.shape = (nengines,-1)
    total_hist = numpy.sum(hist_array, 0)
    if normed:
        total_hist = total_hist / numpy.sum(total_hist, dtype=float)
    return total_hist, lower_edges
Exemplo n.º 4
    def backprop(self, **kwargs):

        dview = self.par['dview']
        dview['backpropResultTracker'] = commonReducer()

        G = self._systemSolve(Reference('backpropFromTagAccumulateAll'), isrcs)

        # self.par['lview'].wait(G.predecessors('End'))

        # uB = self._remote.reduce('backpropResultTracker')

        return G
Exemplo n.º 5
def remote_iterator(view,name):
    """Return an iterator on an object living on a remote engine.
    view.execute('it%s=iter(%s)'%(name,name), block=True)
    while True:
            result = view.apply_sync(lambda x: x.next(), Reference('it'+name))
        # This causes the StopIteration exception to be raised.
        except RemoteError as e:
            if e.ename == 'StopIteration':
                raise StopIteration
                raise e
            yield result
Exemplo n.º 6
def pwordfreq(view, fnames):
    """Parallel word frequency counter.
    view - An IPython DirectView
    fnames - The filenames containing the split data.
    assert len(fnames) == len(view.targets)
    view.scatter('fname', fnames, flatten=True)
    ar = view.apply(wordfreq, Reference('fname'))
    freqs_list = ar.get()
    word_set = set()
    for f in freqs_list:
    freqs = dict(zip(word_set, repeat(0)))
    for f in freqs_list:
        for word, count in f.items():
            freqs[word] += count
    return freqs
Exemplo n.º 7
    def forward(self, isrcs=None, **kwargs):

        dview = self.par['dview']
        dview['dataResultTracker'] = commonReducer()
        dview['forwardResultTracker'] = commonReducer()

        G = self._systemSolve(Reference('forwardFromTagAccumulateAll'), isrcs)

        # self.par['lview'].wait(G.predecessors('End'))

        # d = self._remote.reduce('dataResultTracker')

        # if not kwargs.get('dOnly', True):
        #     uF = self._remote.reduce('forwardResultTracker')

        #     return uF, d

        # return d

        return G
Exemplo n.º 8
    view['u_hist'] = []

    # set vector/scalar implementation details
    impl = {}
    impl['ic'] = 'vectorized'
    impl['inner'] = 'scalar'
    impl['bc'] = 'vectorized'

    # execute some files so that the classes we need will be defined on the engines:

    # setup remote partitioner
    # note that Reference means that the argument passed to setup_partitioner will be the
    # object named 'my_id' in the engine's namespace
    view.apply_sync(setup_partitioner, Reference('my_id'), num_procs, grid, partition)
    # wait for initial communication to complete
    # setup remote solvers
    view.apply_sync(setup_solver, I,f,c,bc,Lx,Ly,partitioner=Reference('partitioner'), dt=0,implementation=impl)

    # lambda for calling solver.solve:
    _solve = lambda *args, **kwargs: solver.solve(*args, **kwargs)

    if ns.scalar:
        impl['inner'] = 'scalar'
        # run first with element-wise Python operations for each cell
        t0 = time.time()
        ar = view.apply_async(_solve, tstop, dt=0, verbose=True, final_test=final_test, user_action=user_action)
        if final_test:
            # this sum is performed element-wise as results finish
Exemplo n.º 9
# create the Communicator objects on the engines
view.execute('com = BinaryTreeCommunicator(id, root = id==root_id )')
pub_url = root.apply_sync(lambda : com.pub_url)

# gather the connection information into a dict
ar = view.apply_async(lambda : com.info)
peers = ar.get_dict()
# this is a dict, keyed by engine ID, of the connection info for the EngineCommunicators

# connect the engines to each other:
def connect(com, peers, tree, pub_url, root_id):
    """this function will be called on the engines"""
    com.connect(peers, tree, pub_url, root_id)

view.apply_sync(connect, Reference('com'), peers, btree, pub_url, root_id)

# functions that can be used for reductions
# max and min builtins can be used as well
def add(a,b):
    """cumulative sum reduction"""
    return a+b

def mul(a,b):
    """cumulative product reduction"""
    return a*b

view['add'] = add
view['mul'] = mul

# scatter some data
Exemplo n.º 10
    # scatter engine IDs
    view.scatter('my_id', range(num_procs), flatten=True)

    # create the engine connectors
    view.execute('com = EngineCommunicator()')

    # gather the connection information into a single dict
    ar = view.apply_async(lambda: com.info)
    peers = ar.get_dict()
    # print peers
    # this is a dict, keyed by engine ID, of the connection info for the EngineCommunicators

    # setup remote partitioner
    # note that Reference means that the argument passed to setup_partitioner will be the
    # object named 'com' in the engine's namespace
    view.apply_sync(setup_partitioner, Reference('com'), peers,
                    Reference('my_id'), num_procs, grid, partition)
    # convenience lambda to call solver.solve:
    _solve = lambda *args, **kwargs: solver.solve(*args, **kwargs)

    if ns.scalar:
        impl['inner'] = 'scalar'
        # setup remote solvers
Exemplo n.º 11
    def _systemSolve(self,

        dview = self.par['dview']
        lview = self.par['lview']

        chunksPerWorker = self.systemConfig.get('chunksPerWorker', 1)

        G = networkx.DiGraph()

        mainNode = 'Beginning'

        # Parse sources
        nsrc = len(self.systemConfig['geom']['src'])
        if isrcs is None:
            isrcslist = range(nsrc)

        elif isinstance(isrcs, slice):
            isrcslist = range(isrcs.start or 0, isrcs.stop or nsrc, isrcs.step
                              or 1)

                _ = isrcs[0]
                isrcslist = isrcs
            except TypeError:
                isrcslist = [isrcs]

        systemsOnWorkers = dview['localSystem.keys()']
        ids = dview['rank']
        tags = set()
        for ltags in systemsOnWorkers:
            tags = tags.union(set(ltags))

        endNodes = {}
        tailNodes = []

        for tag in tags:

            tagNode = 'Head: %d, %d' % tag
            G.add_edge(mainNode, tagNode)

            relIDs = []
            for i in xrange(len(ids)):

                systems = systemsOnWorkers[i]
                rank = ids[i]

                if tag in systems:

            systemJobs = []
            endNodes[tag] = []
            systemNodes = []

            with lview.temp_flags(block=False):
                iworks = 0
                for work in getChunks(
                        isrcslist, int(round(chunksPerWorker * len(relIDs)))):
                    if work:
                        job = lview.apply(fnRef, tag, work, **kwargs)
                        label = 'Compute: %d, %d, %d' % (tag[0], tag[1],
                        G.add_node(label, job=job)
                        G.add_edge(tagNode, label)
                        iworks += 1

            if self.systemConfig.get(
                    'ensembleClear', False
            ):  # True for ensemble ending, False for individual ending
                tagNode = 'Wrap: %d, %d' % tag
                for label in systemNodes:
                    G.add_edge(label, tagNode)

                for i in relIDs:

                    rank = ids[i]

                    with lview.temp_flags(block=False, after=systemJobs):
                        job = lview.apply(
                            depend(hasSystemRank, tag, rank)(clearRef), tag)
                        label = 'Wrap: %d, %d, %d' % (tag[0], tag[1], i)
                        G.add_node(label, job=job)
                        G.add_edge(tagNode, label)

                for i, sjob in enumerate(systemJobs):
                    with lview.temp_flags(block=False, follow=sjob):
                        job = lview.apply(clearRef, tag)
                        label = 'Wrap: %d, %d, %d' % (tag[0], tag[1], i)
                        G.add_node(label, job=job)
                        G.add_edge(systemNodes[i], label)

            tagNode = 'Tail: %d, %d' % tag
            for label in endNodes[tag]:
                G.add_edge(label, tagNode)

        endNode = 'End'
        for node in tailNodes:
            G.add_edge(node, endNode)

        return G
Exemplo n.º 12
    def _getHandles(self, systemConfig, subConfigSettings):

        pclient = self.par['pclient']
        dview = self.par['dview']
        lview = self.par['lview']

        subConfigs = self._gen25DSubConfigs(**subConfigSettings)
        nsp = len(subConfigs)

        # Set up dictionary for subproblem objects and push base configuration for the system
        dview['localSystem'] = {}
            'baseSystemConfig'] = systemConfig  # Faster if MPI is available
        dview['dataResultTracker'] = commonReducer()
        dview['forwardResultTracker'] = commonReducer()
        dview['backpropResultTracker'] = commonReducer()

            "localLocator = Kernel.SeisLocator25D(baseSystemConfig['geom'])")

        # Create a function to get a subproblem forward modelling function
        dview['forwardFromTag'] = lambda tag, isrc, dOnly=True: localSystem[
            tag].forward(isrc, dOnly)
        forwardFromTag = Reference('forwardFromTag')

        # Create a function to get a subproblem gradient function
        dview['gradientFromTag'] = lambda tag, isrc, dresid=1.: localSystem[
            tag].gradient(isrc, dresid)
        gradientFromTag = Reference('gradientFromTag')

        dview['forwardFromTagAccumulate'] = forwardFromTagAccumulate
        dview['forwardFromTagAccumulateAll'] = forwardFromTagAccumulateAll
        dview['clearFromTag'] = clearFromTag


        if 'parFac' in systemConfig:
            parFac = systemConfig['parFac']
            parFac = 1

        while parFac > 0:
            tags = lview.map_sync(setupSystem, subConfigs)
            parFac -= 1

        # Forward model in 2.5D (in parallel) for an arbitrary source location
        # TODO: Write code to handle multiple data residuals for nom>1
        handles = {
            lambda isrc, dOnly=True: reduce(
                dview.map(forwardFromTag, tags, [isrc] * nsp, [dOnly] * nsp)),
            lambda isrc, dOnly=True: dview.map_sync(
                forwardFromTag, tags, [isrc] * nsp, [dOnly] * nsp),
            lambda isrc, dresid=1.0: reduce(
                dview.map(gradientFromTag, tags, [isrc] * nsp, [dresid] * nsp)
            lambda isrc, dresid=1.0: dview.map_sync(
                gradientFromTag, tags, [isrc] * nsp, [dresid] * nsp),
            #from __future__ import print_function
            #        'clear':    lambda: print('Cleared stored matrix terms for %d systems.'%len(dview.map_sync(clearFromTag, tags))),

        return handles
Exemplo n.º 13
    def __init__(self, systemConfig):

        if 'profile' in systemConfig:
            pupdate = {'profile': systemConfig['profile']}
            pupdate = {}

        pclient = Client(**pupdate)

        if not cdSame(pclient):
                'Could not change all workers to the same directory as the client!'

        dview = pclient[:]
        dview.block = True

        remoteSetup = '''
        import os
        import numpy as np
        import scipy as scipy
        import scipy.sparse
        import mkl
        import SimPEG
        import zephyr.Kernel as Kernel'''

        parMPISetup = ''' 
        from mpi4py import MPI
        comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
        rank = comm.Get_rank()'''

        for command in remoteSetup.strip().split('\n'):

        dview.scatter('rank', pclient.ids, flatten=True)


        self.useMPI = False
        if systemConfig.get('MPI', DEFAULT_MPI):
            MPISafe = False

            for var in MPI_BELLWETHERS:
                MPISafe = MPISafe or all(dview["os.getenv('%s')" % (var, )])

            if MPISafe:
                for command in parMPISetup.strip().split('\n'):
                ranks = dview['rank']
                reorder = [ranks.index(i) for i in xrange(len(ranks))]
                dview = pclient[reorder]
                dview.block = True

                # Set up necessary parts for broadcast-based communication
                self.e0 = pclient[reorder[0]]
                self.e0.block = True
                self.comm = Reference('comm')

            self.useMPI = MPISafe

        self.pclient = pclient
        self.dview = dview
        self.lview = pclient.load_balanced_view()

        # Generate 'par' object for Problem to grab
        self.par = {
            'pclient': self.pclient,
            'dview': self.dview,
            'lview': self.pclient.load_balanced_view(),