Exemplo n.º 1
    ramp(obj, obj.sweep_par, value, obj.sstep, obj.stime)

def sweep_dim_2(obj, value):
    ramp(obj, obj.sweep_par, value, obj.sstep, obj.stime)

def sweep_dim_3(obj, value):
    ramp(obj, obj.sweep_par, value, obj.sstep, obj.stime)

# This describes how data is saved
DS = DataStoreSP(folder, filen_0, dim_1, dim_2, dim_3, 'Vx1k')
# CorrProc controls, coordinates D1 and D2 together (also does thes calcs.)
if recordD12:
    D12.create_datastore_objs(folder, filen_0, dim_1, dim_2, dim_3)

copy_file(thisfile, filen_0, folder)

# describe how data is to be stored
def record_data(kk, jj, ii, back):
    '''This function is called with each change in ii,jj,kk
        content: what to measure each time
    if recordD12:
        D12.init_trigger()  # Trigger and check D1 & D2
        #print 'send trigger from loop'
    vdata = vm.get_val()  # aquire voltage data point
    if back is True: