def start(screen): """ Blits the start-menu. """ title = pygame.font.Font('BebasNeue.ttf',72) instruct = pygame.font.Font('BebasNeue.ttf',26) color = getrgb("#FFFFFF") screen.fill(getrgb("#000000")) lines = ['Hit ENTER to play',"ESC to quit","P to pause", "N for new game", "L to change starting level", "M for main menu", "Arrow keys and space to move"] tetris = title.render("TETRIS",1,color) whitelines = [instruct.render(i,1,color) for i in lines] posns = [(93,246),(121,293),(124,340),(102,387),(50,481),(98,434),(34,528)] screen.blit(tetris,(95,139)) for i in range(len(posns)): screen.blit(whitelines[i],posns[i]) pygame.display.flip() while True: # keystroke handling for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: exit(0) if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if (event.key == pygame.K_RETURN) or (event.key == pygame.K_n): return 0 elif event.key == pygame.K_l: return getlevel(screen,color,instruct) elif event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: exit(0)
def getlevel(screen,color,typeface): """ Blits the getlevel menu, and returns the level the user selects. """ highlight = getrgb("#3CFF2D") screen.fill(getrgb("#000000")) levels = range(1,101) lines = [typeface.render(str(i),1,color) for i in levels] # each range is for a column. Five columns of 20 levels each. ranges = [range(a,b) for (a,b) in [(0,20),(20,40),(40,60),(60,80),(80,100)]] locs = [] rectangles = {} # the list [57..285] represents the y-locations of each column. for j in zip(ranges,[57,114,171,228,285]): for k in j[0]: # center the text on the column w = lines[k].get_rect().width/2 h = 32 x = j[1]-w # %20 to divide the 100 levels into 5 columns. 34 is vertical px # distance between entries. y = (34*(k%20))+10 screen.blit(lines[k],(x,y)) # locs: map every level to (x,y) coord denoting start of rectangle locs.append((x,y)) # rectangles: map every rectangle to its level. rectangles[(x,y,x+(2*w),y+h)] = k pygame.display.flip() # active: the level the user has moved their cursor over active = [] while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): x,y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() # could make this faster, but this is small-scale. for (x1,y1,x2,y2) in rectangles: # finds the rectangle the cursor is in if (x1 <= x <= x2) and (y1 <= y <= y2): current = rectangles[(x1,y1,x2,y2)] if current not in active: active.append(current) # makes the text in the current rectangle green screen.blit(typeface.render(str(levels[current]),1,highlight),(x1,y1)) pygame.display.flip() if len(active) > 1: # if the user has moved the cursor to another rectangle: make # the text in the previous rectangle white again. delete = active[0] pygame.draw.rect(screen,getrgb("#000000"), (locs[delete][0],locs[delete][1],35,32)) screen.blit(lines[delete],locs[delete]) pygame.display.flip() del active[0] if any(x==1 for x in pygame.mouse.get_pressed()): # if user clicks in rectangle: return the corresponding level return active[0] if event.type == pygame.QUIT: exit(0) if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: exit(0)
def states2img(self): vColor = [getrgb(SketchView.getColor(None, a)) for a in self.states] vGray = [getrgb('white') for a in self.states] imgColor = vector2rgb(vColor) imgGray = vector2rgb(vGray) self.hBloc = 30 h = self.hBloc z = h / imgGray.height self.statesGray = imgGray.resize((int(imgGray.width * z), h)) self.statesColor = imgColor.resize((int(imgColor.width * z), h))
def makelines(): """ Makes lines for the gameover and pause screens. This runs just once in the start, to prevent unneccessary repeated executions. """ global GOblacklines, GOwhitelines, Pblacklines, Pwhitelines GOlines = ['Game Over','Hit ENTER to play again','ESC to quit', 'M for main menu'] Plines = ['Paused',"Hit p to resume"] typeface = pygame.font.Font('BebasNeue.ttf',32) GOblacklines = [typeface.render(i,1,getrgb("#000000")) for i in GOlines] GOwhitelines = [typeface.render(i,1,getrgb("#FFFFFF")) for i in GOlines] Pblacklines = [typeface.render(i,1,getrgb("#000000")) for i in Plines] Pwhitelines = [typeface.render(i,1,getrgb("#FFFFFF")) for i in Plines] return
def tint(self, tint='#ffffff'): src = self.img if src.mode not in ['RGB', 'RGBA']: raise TypeError('Unsupported source image mode: {}'.format(src.mode)) src.load() if type(tint) in [str, unicode]: tr, tg, tb = getrgb(tint) tl = getcolor(tint, "L") # tint color's overall luminosity else: tr, tg, tb = tint tl = sum([tr,tg,tb])/3 if not tl: tl = 1 # avoid division by zero tl = float(tl) # compute luminosity preserving tint factors sr, sg, sb = map(lambda tv: tv/tl, (tr, tg, tb)) # per component adjustments # create look-up tables to map luminosity to adjusted tint # (using floating-point math only to compute table) luts = (map(lambda lr: int(lr*sr + 0.5), range(256)) + map(lambda lg: int(lg*sg + 0.5), range(256)) + map(lambda lb: int(lb*sb + 0.5), range(256))) l = grayscale(src) # 8-bit luminosity version of whole image if Image.getmodebands(src.mode) < 4: merge_args = (src.mode, (l, l, l)) # for RGB verion of grayscale else: # include copy of src image's alpha layer a ="L", src.size) a.putdata(src.getdata(3)) merge_args = (src.mode, (l, l, l, a)) # for RGBA verion of grayscale luts += range(256) # for 1:1 mapping of copied alpha values self.img = Image.merge(*merge_args).point(luts) self.close()
def weights2img(self, i, prevLayer): # for neuron i build an image of the weights of height h and width tbd v1 = self.weights.T[i] w, h, pos = self.inputLayout z = self.hBloc / h v = self.autoscale(v1) tempPil ='L', [w, h]) for k in range(len(v)): x1, y1 = pos[k] tempPil.putpixel([x1, y1], v[k]) tempPil = tempPil.resize((int(w * z), int(h * z))) imgGray = tempPil.convert('RGB') v2 = prevLayer.states v2 = [v2[k] * v1[k] for k in range(len(v2))] v = self.autoscale2(v2) tempColor ='RGB', [w, h]) tempPil ='L', [w, h]) for k in range(len(v)): x1, y1 = pos[k] tempPil.putpixel([x1, y1], v[k]) tempColor.putpixel([x1, y1], getrgb(getColor2(v2[k]))) tempPil = tempPil.resize((int(w * z), int(h * z))) tempColor = tempColor.resize((int(w * z), int(h * z))) imgColor = tempPil.convert('RGB') imgColor = chops.multiply(tempColor, imgColor) return imgGray, imgColor
def image_tint(src, tint='#ffffff'): if Image.isStringType(src): # file path? src = if src.mode not in ['RGB', 'RGBA']: raise TypeError('Unsupported source image mode: {}'.format(src.mode)) src.load() tr, tg, tb = getrgb(tint) tl = getcolor(tint, "L") # tint color's overall luminosity if not tl: tl = 1 # avoid division by zero tl = float(tl) # compute luminosity preserving tint factors sr, sg, sb = map(lambda tv: tv / tl, (tr, tg, tb)) # per component adjustments # create look-up tables to map luminosity to adjusted tint # (using floating-point math only to compute table) luts = (map(lambda lr: int(lr * sr + 0.5), range(256)) + map(lambda lg: int(lg * sg + 0.5), range(256)) + map(lambda lb: int(lb * sb + 0.5), range(256))) l = grayscale(src) # 8-bit luminosity version of whole image if Image.getmodebands(src.mode) < 4: merge_args = (src.mode, (l, l, l)) # for RGB verion of grayscale else: # include copy of src image's alpha layer a ="L", src.size) a.putdata(src.getdata(3)) merge_args = (src.mode, (l, l, l, a)) # for RGBA verion of grayscale luts += range(256) # for 1:1 mapping of copied alpha values return Image.merge(*merge_args).point(luts)
def makeblockimages(): """ Takes the size and colors of the blocks to make images of them. This is run just once in the start of the game. """ for c in colors: newblock = pygame.Surface((blocksize,blocksize)) newblock.fill(getrgb(c)) blockimages[c] = newblock return
def game(screen,startinglevel): """ The tetris-game itself. Handles user input to move, etc. """ cleared = 0 tetrimino = newtetrimino() bestscore = int(getmaxlines()) # allows for [x][y] indexing, but is actually a list of columns. A # bit unintuitive. board = [['']*20 for n in range(10)] background = pygame.image.load("Grid.PNG") backgroundcolor = getrgb(gridline) timestep = time.time() bottom = pygame.font.Font('BebasNeue.ttf',20) white = getrgb("#FFFFFF") while True: level = cleared/10 + startinglevel # amount of time in-between automatic block movements down timeinterval = 0.75*(0.95**level) for event in pygame.event.get(): # keystroke handling if event.type == pygame.QUIT: exit(0) if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: shapemove(tetrimino,board,0,1) elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: shapemove(tetrimino,board,-1,0) elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: shapemove(tetrimino,board,1,0) elif event.key == pygame.K_UP: shaperotate(tetrimino,board) elif event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: exit(0) elif event.key == pygame.K_n: return 1 elif event.key == pygame.K_m: return 9 elif event.key == pygame.K_p: pause(screen) elif event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: drop(tetrimino,board) # check for full lines and clears them x = 0 x = check(board,screen) cleared += x newpiece = False # update the score if cleared > bestscore: writemaxlines(cleared) bestscore = cleared coords = tetrimino.getcoords() # check if a new piece should be spawned for c in coords: if c[1]==19: newpiece=True break try: if board[c[0]][c[1]+1]!='': newpiece=True break except: print "Unexpected Error" if newpiece: # if a new piece is spawned, then we write the current piece # to the board. for t in tetrimino.blocks(): board[t.x][t.y] = t tetrimino = newtetrimino() coords = tetrimino.getcoords() # check if the new piece has space to be spawned. else: gameover for (x,y) in coords: if board[x][y]!='': returnstatus = gameover(screen) return returnstatus else: # check if the piece should be moved down newt = time.time() if timestep+timeinterval < newt: # move current block down shapemove(tetrimino,board,0,1) timestep = newt # unsure if this use of .blit() is the most efficient I could do # on this scale, that probably does not matter screen.fill(backgroundcolor) screen.blit(background,(5,5)) # update the information at the bottom of the screen leveltext = bottom.render("Level: " + str(level+1),1,white) clearedtext = bottom.render("Lines: " + str(cleared),1,white) besttext = bottom.render("Best: " + str(bestscore),1,white) screen.blit(leveltext,(10,675)) screen.blit(clearedtext,((341-clearedtext.get_rect().width)/2,675)) screen.blit(besttext,(331-(besttext.get_rect().width),675)) # blit the known blocks blitboard(board,screen) # update screen for block in tetrimino.blocks(): screen.blit(getimg(block), block.getposn()) pygame.display.flip()