def index(request):
    api = InstagramAPI("", "jayabal9890@insta")
    if (api.login()):
        return JsonResponse(api.LastJson)

    return JsonResponse({})
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():
    import time
    from InstagramAPI.InstagramAPI import InstagramAPI
    username = input("Give username: \t")
    password = input("Give password: \t")
    hashtag = input("Give hashtag: \t")

    api = InstagramAPI(username, password)

    feed = api.getHashtagFeed(hashtag, maxid='')
    results = api.LastJson

    while True:
            next_max_id = results["next_max_id"]
            next_max_id = None
        for r in results["items"]:
            like =["id"])
        if next_max_id:
            feed = api.getHashtagFeed(hashtag, maxid=next_max_id)
            results = api.LastJson
            print("All Images liked. Bye!")
Exemplo n.º 3
def hope(bot, update):
    global likes_no
    global post_links
    global likes
    a = update.message.text
    username = a[1:a.find(",")]
    range = int(a[a.find(",") + 1:])
    req = requests.get("{}{}".format(instagram_link, username))
    if '200' not in str(req.status_code):
        bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="There is no Username with @{} on Instagram".format(username))
    elif "is_private\":true" in str(req.content):
        bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="{} is private! @{}".format(msg['text'][1:], msg["from"]["username"]))
    elif not(range <= 9 and range >= 0):
        bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="Please use Numbers between 1 to 9")
        bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="Recevied @{} from @{}".format(username, update.message.from_user["username"]))
        API = InstagramAPI(USERNAME, PASSWORD)

        username_id = API.LastJson["user"]["pk"]
        l = API.getTotalUserFeed(username_id)

        ii = 0
        while ii < len(l):
            likes_no.update({str(l[ii]["like_count"]): int(ii)})
            ii = ii + 1

        tt = 0
        while tt < range:
            max_like = max(likes)
            max_liked_no = likes_no[str(max_like)]
            post_links.update({"{}".format((l[max_liked_no])["code"]): max_like})
            tt = tt + 1

        for b in post_links:
            like = post_links[b]
            bot.sendMessage(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="Post Link: {}\nLikes: {}".format(b, like), disable_web_page_preview=True)

        print("Logout success!")
Exemplo n.º 4
def top_post(bot, update, args):
    likes_no = {}
    post_links = {}
    likes = []

    # Google sheets for Storing the Chat ID of every new Telegram user who press start
    scope = ["", ""]
    credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name("toppostbot.json", scope)
    gc = gspread.authorize(credentials)
    wks ="test2").worksheet("Subscribed Users")

    chat_id = update.message.chat_id
    a = args

    if str(chat_id) in wks.col_values(1) or int(chat_id) in admins and len(args) == 2:
        username = (a[0].replace(',','')).replace('@',"")
        range = int(a[1].replace(',',''))
        print("{}{}".format(instagram_link, username))
        req = requests.get("{}{}".format(instagram_link, username))
        if '200' not in str(req.status_code):
            bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="There is no Username with @{} on Instagram".format(username))
        elif "is_private\":true" in str(req.content):
            bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="{} is private! @{}".format(username, update.message.from_user["username"]))
        elif not(range <= 25 and range >= 1):
            bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="Please use Numbers between 1 to 25")
            bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="Recevied @{} from @{}".format(username, update.message.from_user["username"]))
            API = InstagramAPI(USERNAME, PASSWORD)

            username_id = API.LastJson["user"]["pk"]
            l = API.getTotalUserFeed(username_id)

            ii = 0
            while ii < len(l):
                likes_no.update({str(l[ii]["like_count"]): int(ii)})
                ii = ii + 1

            tt = 0
            while tt < range:
                max_like = max(likes)
                max_liked_no = likes_no[str(max_like)]
                post_links.update({"{}".format((l[max_liked_no])["code"]): max_like})
                tt = tt + 1

            for b in post_links:
                like = post_links[b]
                bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="Post Link: {}\nLikes: {}".format(b, like), disable_web_page_preview=True)

            print("Logout success!")
    elif str(chat_id) in wks.col_values(1) or int(chat_id) in admins and len(args) != 2:
        update.message.reply_text("Your format seems to be wrong use /help to know the right format")
    elif str(chat_id) not in wks.col_values(1) or int(chat_id) not in str(admins):
        update.message.reply_text("Use this bot to get the Top Posts by an Instagram user!!\nContact @mentalgain for more...")
Exemplo n.º 5
def date_insta_top_posts(bot, update, args):
    likes_no = []
    post_links = []
    likes = []
    timestamps = [] #np.array([])
    level = {}

    # Google sheets for Storing the Chat ID of every new Telegram user who press start
    scope = ["", ""]
    credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name("toppostbot.json", scope)
    gc = gspread.authorize(credentials)
    wks ="test2").worksheet("Subscribed Users")

    chat_id = update.message.chat_id
    a = args

    if str(chat_id) in wks.col_values(1) or int(chat_id) in admins and len(a) == 4:
        username = (a[0].replace(',','')).replace('@',"")
        range = int(a[1].replace(',',''))
        date1 = (str(a[2]).replace(',','')).replace(" ","")
        date2 = (str(a[3]).replace(',','')).replace(" ","")
        A = int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(date1, "%d/%m/%Y").timetuple()))
        B = int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(date2, "%d/%m/%Y").timetuple()))
        # primary == smallest
        # secondary == biggest
        print("{}{}".format(instagram_link, username))
        req = requests.get("{}{}".format(instagram_link, username))
        # if "{} {}".format(a[2],a[3]).count("/") == 4:
        if date_validation(date1) == False:
            update.message.reply_text(text="Your First date isn't in Right Format or is not a Valid Date\nDate Format: `DD/MM/YYYY`", parse_mode='MARKDOWN')
        elif date_validation(date2) == False:
            update.message.reply_text(text="Your second date isn't in Right Format or is not a Valid Date\nDate Format: `DD/MM/YYYY`", parse_mode='MARKDOWN')
        elif A == B:
            update.message.reply_text(text="Both of your date are same.\nPlease put two different date")
        elif "{} {}".format(a[2],a[3]).count("/") != 4:
            update.message.reply_text(text="Your date format is wrong\nDate Format: `DD/MM/YYYY`", parse_mode='MARKDOWN')
        elif '200' not in str(req.status_code):
            bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="There is no Username with @{} on Instagram".format(username))
        elif "is_private\":true" in str(req.content):
            bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="{} is private! @{}".format(a, update.message.from_user["username"]))
        elif not(range <= 25 and range >= 1):
            bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="Please use Numbers between 1 to 9")
            if A > B:
                primary = B
                secondary = A
            elif A < B:
                primary = A
                secondary = B
            bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="Recevied @{} from @{}".format(username, update.message.from_user["username"]))
            API = InstagramAPI(USERNAME, PASSWORD)

            username_id = API.LastJson["user"]["pk"]
            l = API.getTotalUserFeed(username_id)

            ii = 0
            while ii < len(l):
                # np.append(timestamps, l[ii]["taken_at"])
                ii = ii + 1

            secondy = timestamps.index((min(timestamps, key=lambda x:abs(x-primary))))
            first = timestamps.index((min(timestamps, key=lambda x:abs(x-secondary))))

            tt = int(first)
            while tt < secondy:
                # likes_no.update({str(l[tt]["like_count"]): int(tt)})
                likes_no.append([str(l[tt]["like_count"]), int(tt)])
                # print(str(l[tt]["like_count"]))
                tt = tt + 1

            bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="From {} to {} there are only {} posts out of {} posts".format(date1, date2, len(likes), len(timestamps)))

            if range > len(likes):
                range = len(likes)

            ss = 0
            while ss < range:
                max_like = str(max(likes))
                maxed_like = likes.index(int(max_like))
                max_liked_no = likes_no[int(maxed_like)][1]
                post_links.append(["{}".format((l[max_liked_no])["code"]), max_like])
                ss = ss + 1

            for b in post_links:
                like = b[1]
                post_linked = b[0]
                bot.sendMessage(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="Post Link: {}\nLikes: {}".format(post_linked, like), disable_web_page_preview=True)
                # print("Post Link: {}\nLikes: {}".format(b[0], like))

            timestamps.clear #np.array([])
            print("Logout success!")
    elif str(chat_id) in wks.col_values(1) or int(chat_id) in admins and len(a) != 4:
        update.message.reply_text("Your format seems to be wrong use /help to know the right format")
    elif str(chat_id) not in wks.col_values(1) or int(chat_id) not in admins:
        update.message.reply_text("Use this bot to get the Top Posts by an Instagram user!!\nContact @mentalgain for more...")
Exemplo n.º 6
def instagram_api(request):
  api = InstagramAPI(request.GET.get('username','yogalola22'), request.GET.get('password','yoga12345'))
  return api
Exemplo n.º 7
def handle_message(message):
        #If this message isn't text, ignore it completely
        if(not isinstance(message.text, str)):
            return False
        #For any incoming group messages, direct the user to the DMs
        if == "group":
            bot.reply_to(message, "Hello! Start a conversation with me personally to get started!")
        #The rest of the real logic can go here
            #pull out the sending user's id, for easy access
            sender =
            #make an empty interaction for this user if we don't already have one
            #Apparently python breaks horribly if I don't do this here
            if sender not in interactions:
                interactions[sender] = {'waitingonusername':False, 'waitingonpassword':False, 'waitingoncount':False, 'waitingonchoice1':False, 'waitingonchoice2':False, 'waitingonplatform':False, 'waiting':False}
            #If this user has been put on hold, tell them to sod off and ignore this message
            if interactions[sender]['waiting']:
                bot.send_message(, "Working, please wait before sending another message.")
                return False
            #Incoming start command
            if "/start" in message.text:
                #Get started by prompting for an instagram username
                interactions[sender]['waitingonusername'] = True
                bot.reply_to(message, "Welcome! Let's get started! This bot needs your username to perform its analysis. Reply with your Instagram username to begin! (Don't include the '@' symbol)")
                print("New interaction with " + str(sender))
            #Okay, now that we've got an interaction going, we can start checking for user input
            #First, let's get the user's insta username down
            #We'll check to see if the username is valid immediately, and if it's not,
            #we'll reply with an error and return out so they can try again
                #Put the user on hold
                interactions[sender]['waiting'] = True
                bot.send_message(, "Okay, let me try to find your username.")
                interactions[sender]['instauser'] = message.text
                interactions[sender]['api'] = InstagramAPI(insta_user, insta_password)

                #Make sure our login was successful before moving on
                    #Before we can do anything else, we need to see if this user's account exists, and is public
                    #If not, we'll prompt them to fix it and delete the whole interaction
                        interactions[sender]['user'] = interactions[sender]['api'].LastJson['user']
                        #If this account is private, bounce out
                            bot.send_message(, "This account is private. Sorry, but I can only analyze an account that's set to public.")
                            return False
                        bot.reply_to(message, "Couldn't find that username. Check the spelling and try again.")
                        return False
                    #okay, we've got a valid username to check now, so let's get the info on what the user wants
                    interactions[sender]['waitingonusername'] = False
                    interactions[sender]['loggedin'] = True
                    markup = types.ReplyKeyboardMarkup()
                    itembtn1 = types.KeyboardButton('50')
                    itembtn2 = types.KeyboardButton('100')
                    itembtn3 = types.KeyboardButton('200')
                    itembtn4 = types.KeyboardButton('400')
                    markup.row(itembtn1, itembtn2, itembtn3, itembtn4)
                    bot.send_message(, "How many of your most recent followers would you like to check?\nYou can select an option below, or type any integer.", reply_markup=markup)
                    #bot.send_message(, "Careful though; selecting ALL might return a Fatal Error. Use with caution.")
                    interactions[sender]['waitingoncount'] = True
                    #Take the user off hold
                    interactions[sender]['waiting'] = False
                #If we failed to login, let the user know how to contact us. This is not an easily solved problem
                    bot.reply_to(message, "Failed to log in. Contact @peteroertel on Instagram.")
                    interactions[sender]['waitingonusername'] = True
            #We've got a count, now we just need to see what about their followers they want to check
                    if(message.text == "All"):
                        interactions[sender]['count'] = 0
                        interactions[sender]['count'] = int(message.text)
                    #If the user chose more than 1k, bring it down to 1k
                    if interactions[sender]['count'] > 1000:
                        interactions[sender]['count'] = 1000
                    #Put the user on hold
                    interactions[sender]['waiting'] = True
                    interactions[sender]['waitingoncount'] = False
                    markup = types.ReplyKeyboardMarkup()
                    itembtn1 = types.KeyboardButton('1.')
                    itembtn2 = types.KeyboardButton('2.')
                    itembtn3 = types.KeyboardButton('3.')
                    markup.row(itembtn1, itembtn2, itembtn3)
                    bot.send_message(, "Now which accounts would you like to see?\n1. Accounts that follow me and have no posts.\n2. Accounts that follow me and more than 1000 people.\n3. Accounts that follow me, 1000+ people, and who have fewer than 10 posts.", reply_markup=markup)
                    interactions[sender]['waitingonchoice1'] = True
                    #Take the user off hold
                    interactions[sender]['waiting'] = False
                except ValueError:
                    bot.reply_to(message, "Not a valid number, please select one of the options below.")
            #Okay, choice incoming. Here's where all the magic really happens
                #Before we do anything, make sure the user actually made a valid choice
                if ("1." not in message.text) and ("2." not in message.text) and ("3." not in message.text):
                    bot.send_message(, "Please select one of the buttons below.")
                    return False
                    #Put the user on hold
                    interactions[sender]['waiting'] = True
                    #Pretty sure the choice is valid, so save it and propmpt for the next one
                    interactions[sender]['choice1'] = message.text
                    markup = types.ReplyKeyboardMarkup()
                    itembtn1 = types.KeyboardButton('1.')
                    itembtn2 = types.KeyboardButton('2.')
                    itembtn3 = types.KeyboardButton('3.')
                    itembtn4 = types.KeyboardButton('4.')
                    markup.row(itembtn1, itembtn2, itembtn3,itembtn4)
                    bot.send_message(, "Of these accounts, show the ones that haven't:\n1. Liked any of my 6 most recent posts.\n2. Commented on any of my 6 most recent posts.\n3. Neither liked nor commented on my 6 most recent posts.\n4. Skip this step", reply_markup=markup)
                    interactions[sender]['waitingonchoice1'] = False
                    interactions[sender]['waitingonchoice2'] = True
                    #Take the user off hold
                    interactions[sender]['waiting'] = False
                #Check for a valid choice real quick
                if ("1." not in message.text) and ("2." not in message.text) and ("3." not in message.text) and ("4." not in message.text):
                    bot.send_message(, "Please select one of the buttons below.")
                    return False
                    interactions[sender]['choice2'] = message.text
                #Put the user on hold
                interactions[sender]['waiting'] = True    
                #Let the user know we're working
                bot.send_message(, "Okay, give me just a minute to work.")
                #No matter what they choose, we'll need to call down their followers
                followers = interactions[sender]['api'].getTotalFollowers(interactions[sender]['user']['pk'], limit=interactions[sender]['count'])
                interactions[sender]['followers'] = {}
                #Immediately pull out all the usernames into a list
                #Also set a counter to break if we go over the user's selected count
                count = 0
                for i in followers:
                    interactions[sender]['followers'][i['pk']] = i['username']
                    print("Adding to list: " + i['username'])
                    count = count + 1
                    if count >= interactions[sender]['count'] and interactions[sender]['count'] != 0:
                #For debugging, print out the number of followers we have saved
                print("Total followers: " + str(len(interactions[sender]['followers'])))
                #Let the user know how many followers we found
                bot.send_message(, "Okay, checking " + str(len(interactions[sender]['followers'])) + " followers.")
                #We'll also need all of our user's recent posts
                #We can skip this if they chose option 4 in part 2 though
                if("4." in interactions[sender]['choice2']):
                    print("Skipping gathering this user's media.")
                    media = interactions[sender]['api'].LastJson
                    interactions[sender]['mediaids'] = []
                    #Just get the 10 most recent though
                    count = 0
                    for i in media['items']:
                        count  = count + 1
                        if count >= 6:
                #Making a quick user dict, so we can store the json of each user
                user = {}
                #Start a counter so we can give updates to our user on how we're doing
                count = 0
                total = len(interactions[sender]['followers'])
                checkbreak = 10
                if total <= 200:
                    checkbreak = 5
                #populate the dict before we start filtering
                #We're doing this now so we don't have to make tons of api calls later more than once
                for i in interactions[sender]['followers']:
                    #If we're at an increment of 50, let the user know
                    if count % (total//checkbreak) == 0:
                        print("Checked " + str(count) + "/" + str(len(interactions[sender]['followers'])))
                        bot.send_message(, "Collected " + str(count) + " out of " + str(len(interactions[sender]['followers'])) + " followers.")
                    count += 1
                    #We'll set the collected user state for this iteration to failed real quick, so the code
                    #will enter this loop and continue trying to collect it until it succeeds
                    user[i] = {'status':'fail'}
                    while user[i]['status'] == 'fail':
                            print("Found data for: " + interactions[sender]['followers'][i])
                            user[i] = interactions[sender]['api'].LastJson['user']
                            user[i]['status'] = 'ok'
                            print("Couldn't find data for: " + interactions[sender]['followers'][i])
                            print("Relogging the api real quick...")
                            print("Sleeping for 10sec, trying to make sure the login worked.")
                #Let the user know we've started performing our analysis
                bot.send_message(, "Finished collecting data, performing analysis.")
                #FIRST OPTION STUFF
                #If they made the first or third choice, we need to do the few posts filter
                if ("1." in interactions[sender]['choice1']) or ("3." in interactions[sender]['choice1']):
                    #Prep a list to store the keys that we'll delete later
                    to_delete = []
                    for i in interactions[sender]['followers']:
                        #Pull down the current user's media count
                        feedcount = user[i]['media_count']
                        #We need to change our flag count depending on which option the user picked
                        if("1." in interactions[sender]['choice1']):
                            flagcount = 0
                            flagcount = 9
                        if feedcount > flagcount:
                            print("Removing for too many posts: " + interactions[sender]['followers'][i])
                            #Also delete from our dict of jsons, just so we don't accidentally try to iterate through a missing key later
                            del user[i]
                            print(interactions[sender]['followers'][i] + " has few enough posts. They stay on the list.")
                    #Now that we've got the keys to delete stored, go ahead and get it done
                    for i in to_delete:
                        del interactions[sender]['followers'][i]
                #Now let's check accounts that are following more than 1000 people
                if("2." in interactions[sender]['choice1'] or "3." in interactions[sender]['choice1']):
                    to_delete = []
                    for i in interactions[sender]['followers']:
                        if user[i]['following_count'] < 1000:
                            print("Removing for to few following: " + interactions[sender]['followers'][i])
                            print("Keeping for 1000+ followers: " + interactions[sender]['followers'][i])
                    #Do the actual deletions
                    for i in to_delete:
                        del interactions[sender]['followers'][i]
                #SECOND OPTION STUFF
                #We can skip this whole damn section if they chose 4 in the second options
                if "4." not in interactions[sender]['choice2']:
                    failcount = 0
                    for i in interactions[sender]['mediaids']:
                        #ONLY DO THIS STEP if the user selected option 1 or 3 in the second choice
                        #This is where we're removing people who've liked any of our recent posts
                        if((("1." in interactions[sender]['choice2']) or ("3." in interactions[sender]['choice2'])) and (interactions[sender]['api'].getMediaLikers(i))):
                            #Get the usernames out
                            likers = interactions[sender]['api'].LastJson['users']
                            #Step through each username
                            for k in likers:
                                #If the username comes up in our list of followers, remove it from such list
                                #The idea here is any usernames left in the followers list when we're done
                                #   will be the ones with no comments or likes
                                if k['pk'] in interactions[sender]['followers']:
                                    print("Removing for likes: " + interactions[sender]['followers'][k['pk']])
                                    del interactions[sender]['followers'][k['pk']]
                        #ONLY DO THIS STEP if the user selected options 2 or 3
                        #This is where we're removing people who've commented on any of our recent posts
                        if((("2." in interactions[sender]['choice2']) or ("3." in interactions[sender]['choice2'])) and interactions[sender]['api'].getMediaComments(i)):
                            comments = interactions[sender]['api'].LastJson['comments']
                            for k in comments:
                                if k['user']['pk'] in interactions[sender]['followers']:
                                    print("Removing for comments: " + interactions[sender]['followers'][k['user']['pk']])
                                    del interactions[sender]['followers'][k['user']['pk']] 
                    print("Skipping all the media checks since the user picked 4 in part 2")
                #Now that we're done with additional filtering, send out our findings
                #For debugging, print out the number of remaining followers first off
                print("Found potentials: " + str(len(interactions[sender]['followers'])))
                if len(interactions[sender]['followers']) == 0:
                    bot.send_message(, "Huh, I actually didn't find any accounts matching the criteria.")
                    bot.send_message(, "If you'd like to perform another check, just reply with /start again!")
                    #Set up the string we'll send directly to the user later
                    send_string = ""
                    count = 1
                    for i in interactions[sender]['followers']:
                        #If we're already at 20 people, send it and start over
                        if count % 20 == 0:
                            bot.send_message(, send_string, parse_mode='HTML', disable_web_page_preview=True)
                            send_string = ""
                        send_string = send_string + str(count) + ". " + "<a href='" + interactions[sender]['followers'][i] + "'>@" + interactions[sender]['followers'][i] + "</a>\n"
                        count += 1
                    bot.send_message(, send_string, parse_mode='HTML', disable_web_page_preview=True)    
                    bot.send_message(, "If you'd like to perform another check, just reply with /start again!")
                #Take the user off hold
                interactions[sender]['waiting'] = False
            #Big-ass catch-all, just in case we're sent garbage when we weren't expecting it
                bot.send_message(, "Hello! Reply with /start to get started!")
        #Dump message to console, for extra debugging points
        interactions[sender]['waiting'] = False
        print("FATAL ERROR: BAD BAD BAD")
        print("<<Check to make sure the API isn't maxed out whydontya>>")
        bot.send_message(, "FATAL ERROR: API maxed out.")
        bot.send_message(, "Try again with fewer followers, or with a different analysis option.")
Exemplo n.º 8
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Use text editor to edit the script and type in valid Instagram username/password

from InstagramAPI.InstagramAPI import InstagramAPI
import time
from datetime import datetime

media_id = '1477006830906870775_19343908'

# stop conditions, the script will end when first of them will be true
until_date = '2017-03-31'
count = 100

API = InstagramAPI("", "jayabal9890@insta")
has_more_comments = True
max_id = ''
comments = []

while has_more_comments:
    _ = API.getMediaComments(media_id, max_id=max_id)
    # comments' page come from older to newer, lets preserve desc order in full list
    for c in reversed(API.LastJson['comments']):
    has_more_comments = API.LastJson.get('has_more_comments', False)
    # evaluate stop conditions
    if count and len(comments) >= count:
        comments = comments[:count]
Exemplo n.º 9
def main():

    # choose post dictionary
    post_dictionary = dictionaries.choose_dictionary()

    # acquire all new content from dictionary, fill queue for posting

    # login to session throigh instagram api
    print('input username')
    IGUSER = input()
    print('input password')
    # # PASSWD = input()
    PASSWD = getpass.getpass()

    # call to api
    igapi = InstagramAPI(IGUSER, PASSWD)

    # start the mongo client, access the posts database
    client = pymongo.MongoClient()
    db = client.post_database
    posts = db.posts

    # print('test printing post')
    # pprint.pprint(posts.find_one())

    # q = fill_queue(q)
    with open("post_map", "r") as f:
        map_content = f.readlines()

    # print(map_content)
    for x in map_content:
        # print('x : ', x)
        # y = x.clone()
        y = copy.copy(x)
        y = y.replace("\n", "")
        # print(q.get())

    i = 0
    igapi.login()  # login

    while not post_queue.empty():
        # print(q.get())
        # print(post_queue.get())

        entry_filter = str(q.get())

        # remove the dequeued() entry from the list
        map_content.remove(entry_filter + "\n")  # XXX
        # open the post_map file, and write back the remaining entries
        with open("post_map", "w") as f:  # XXX
            for x in map_content:  # XXX
                f.write(x)  # XXX

        p = post_queue.get()

        print('posting next, #' + str(i))

        tag_lst_builder = []
        i = 0
        while i < len(post_dictionary['tags']):
            tag_lst_builder.append('#' + post_dictionary['tags'][i])
            i += 1

        tags = ' '.join(tag_lst_builder)

                " ∴ " + "Source : @" + p['username'] + " ∴ " + tags)
        except AttributeError:
            print('ig uploading error, probably a video')


        i += 1

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Use text editor to edit the script and type in valid Instagram username/password

from InstagramAPI.InstagramAPI import InstagramAPI

api = InstagramAPI("", "jayabal9890@insta")
if (api.login()):
    api.getSelfUserFeed()  # get self user feed
    print(api.LastJson)  # print last response JSON
    print("Login succes!")
    print("Can't login!")