fileMgmtObj.importJsonConfigFile(jsonConfigFile, option='newConfig')

    # Read a JSON config file and store all the datas into an object.
    # Use the jsonData object to make your modifications.
    jsonData = fileMgmtObj.jsonReadConfig(exportJsonConfigFile)

    # How to use XPATH to modify IxNetwork configurations.
    xpathObj = [{"xpath": "/multivalue[@source = '/topology[1]/deviceGroup[1]/ethernet[1]/ipv4[1]/bgpIpv4Peer[1] flap']/singleValue",
                 "value": "true"},
               {"xpath": "/multivalue[@source = '/topology[1]/deviceGroup[1]/ethernet[1]/ipv4[1]/bgpIpv4Peer[1] uptimeInSec']/singleValue",
                 "value": "28"},
               {"xpath": "/multivalue[@source = '/topology[1]/deviceGroup[1]/ethernet[1]/ipv4[1]/bgpIpv4Peer[1] downtimeInSec']/singleValue",
                 "value": "68"}
    fileMgmtObj.importJsonConfigObj(dataObj=xpathObj, option='modify')

    # How to add a new Traffic Item without touching the JSON config file.
    #     Assuming that there are two Traffic Items already.
    #     You must know the existing amount of Traffic Items in order to specify the next number.
    jsonData = [{
        "xpath": "/traffic/trafficItem[1]",
        "name": 'New Traffic Item 1'
    fileMgmtObj.importJsonConfigObj(dataObj=jsonData, option='modify')

    # How to modify multiple configurations simultaneously:
    jsonData = [{
        "xpath": "/traffic/trafficItem[1]",
    # How to use XPATH to modify IxNetwork configurations.
    xpathObj = [{
        "/multivalue[@source = '/topology[1]/deviceGroup[1]/ethernet[1]/ipv4[1]/bgpIpv4Peer[1] flap']/singleValue",
        "value": "true"
    }, {
        "/multivalue[@source = '/topology[1]/deviceGroup[1]/ethernet[1]/ipv4[1]/bgpIpv4Peer[1] uptimeInSec']/singleValue",
        "value": "28"
    }, {
        "/multivalue[@source = '/topology[1]/deviceGroup[1]/ethernet[1]/ipv4[1]/bgpIpv4Peer[1] downtimeInSec']/singleValue",
        "value": "68"
    fileMgmtObj.importJsonConfigObj(dataObj=xpathObj, type='modify')

    # How to add a new Traffic Item without touching the JSON config file.
    #     Assuming that there are two Traffic Items already.
    #     You must know the existing amount of Traffic Items in order to specify the next number.
    jsonData = [{
        "xpath": "/traffic/trafficItem[1]",
        "name": 'New Traffic Item 1'
    fileMgmtObj.importJsonConfigObj(dataObj=jsonData, type='modify')

    # How to modify multiple configurations simultaneously:
    jsonData = [{
        "xpath": "/traffic/trafficItem[1]",
        "name": 'New Traffic Item 1'
    }, {