Exemplo n.º 1
    def getDistance(self):
        # pins setup
        GPIO.setup(self.trig, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW)
        GPIO.setup(self.echo, GPIO.IN)

        # set Trigger to HIGH for 10 us
        GPIO.output(self.trig, GPIO.HIGH)
        time.sleep(0.00001)  # 10 us
        GPIO.output(self.trig, GPIO.LOW)

        # start counting time at Echo rising edge
        GPIO.wait_for_edge(self.echo, GPIO.RISING, timeout=100)  # 100 ms
        startTime = time.time()

        # stop counting time at Echo falling edge
        GPIO.wait_for_edge(self.echo, GPIO.FALLING, timeout=100)  # 100 ms
        elapsedTime = time.time() - startTime  # in seconds

        distance = -1
        # check if the measurement succeeded
        if elapsedTime < 0.1:
            # get the distance in cm using sonic speed (aprox. 34300 cm/s)
            distance = (elapsedTime * 34300) / 2

        GPIO.cleanup([self.trig, self.echo])
        return distance
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():
    # Pin Setup:
    GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD)  # BOARD pin-numbering scheme
    #GPIO.setup(led_pin, GPIO.OUT)  # LED pin set as output
    GPIO.setup(but_pin, GPIO.IN)  # button pin set as input

    # Initial state for LEDs:
    #GPIO.output(led_pin, GPIO.LOW)

    print("Starting demo now! Press CTRL+C to exit")
        while True:
            print("Waiting for button event")
            GPIO.wait_for_edge(but_pin, GPIO.FALLING)

            # event received when button pressed
            print("Button Pressed!")
            #GPIO.output(led_pin, GPIO.HIGH)
            #GPIO.output(led_pin, GPIO.LOW)
        GPIO.cleanup()  # cleanup all GPIOs
Exemplo n.º 3
def mov_detector(gpio_sensor=0,
    In this function we will use a disk with 20 or 40 holes and a radius of 5.1 cm,
    the the end of the disk (perpendicular), we will use an infrared sensor to detect interruptions,
    every interruption is a movement.

    It will also be used to check the speed, trigger a photo for inference and checage.
            gpio_sensor: this is the device port to connect as an input
            cm_hole: it means how many centimeters each hole in the disk has (it's one step in the disk)
            distance_interval: This is the distance in CM to be defined to trigger a photo
            start_photo_inference: the minimal distance to trigger the photo for inference
            start_photo_check: the minimal distance to trigger the check photo (check the spray)
            spray_line1: if KeyBoard interrupt is triggered it turns off the solenoids in the first line
            spray_line2: if KeyBoard interrupt is triggered it turns off the solenoids in the second line
    # TODO:
            Use two sensors to detect the direction of the disk
    # Setting initial time to measure the speed
    global curr_position
    global counter_speed
    global counter_infer_photo
    global counter_check_photo
    global start
    global speed

        if counter_speed == 0:
            start = datetime.now()

        if GPIO.wait_for_edge(gpio_sensor, GPIO.RISING):

        if GPIO.wait_for_edge(
                gpio_sensor, GPIO.FALLING):  # Change in signal, counting steps
            curr_position += 1
            counter_speed += 1
            counter_infer_photo += 1
            counter_check_photo += 1

            # Measuring distance travelled
            distance = curr_position * cm_hole  # LOOK AT THIS
            print('[WEEDS] Distance Traveled: ', round(distance / 100, 4),
                  ' meters')

            # Measuring variation on time and distance
            if counter_speed == 10:
                end = datetime.now()
                diff = end - start
                delta_time = diff.seconds + diff.microseconds / 1e6
                delta_distance = counter_speed * cm_hole / 100  #in meters
                speed = delta_distance / delta_time  # m/sec
                counter_speed = 0

            if curr_position > 10:
                print('[WEEDS] Current speed: ', round(speed, 2),
                      ' m/sec or: ', round(speed * 3.6, 2), ' km/h.')
            # Triggering Inference Photo
            if curr_position >= start_photo_inference:
                if counter_infer_photo * cm_hole >= distance_interval:
                    infer_trigger = True
                    counter_infer_photo = 0
                    print('[WEEDS] Inference Photo Triggered')
                    infer_trigger = False

            # Triggering Check Photo
            if curr_position >= start_photo_check:
                if counter_check_photo * cm_hole >= distance_interval:
                    check_trigger = True
                    counter_check_photo = 0
                    print('[WEEDS] Check Photo Triggered')
                    check_trigger = False

        print('[WEEDS] Position:', curr_position, ', Infer Trigger:',
              infer_trigger, ', Check Trigger:', check_trigger)

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print("[WEEDS] KeyboardInterrupt has been caught.")
        GPIO.output(spray_line1, GPIO.LOW)
        GPIO.output(spray_line2, GPIO.LOW)

    return curr_position, infer_trigger, check_trigger
#!/usr/bin/env python2

import os
import Jetson.GPIO as GPIO


if __name__ == "__main__":
        GPIO.setup(SWITCH_PIN, GPIO.IN)

        print("Waiting for switch edge...")
        GPIO.wait_for_edge(SWITCH_PIN, GPIO.FALLING)
        print("Switch triggered; shutting down...")

        os.system("shutdown -h now")
    except KeyboardInterrupt: