Exemplo n.º 1
    def add_job(self, name, version, priority, dist, mailto=None, arch=None):
        """Add a job"""

        if not arch:
            arch = self.cfg.arch[0]

        if not Dists().get_dist(dist, arch):
            RebuilddLog.error("Couldn't find dist/arch in the config file for %s_%s on %s/%s, don't adding it" \
                           % (name, version, dist, arch))
            return False

        pkgs = Package.selectBy(name=name, version=version)
        if pkgs.count():
            # If several packages exists, just take the first
            pkg = pkgs[0]
            # Maybe we found no packages, so create a brand new one!
            pkg = Package(name=name, version=version, priority=priority)

        jobs_count = Job.selectBy(package=pkg, dist=dist, arch=arch, mailto=mailto, status=JobStatus.WAIT).count()
        if jobs_count:
            RebuilddLog.error("Job already existing for %s_%s on %s/%s, don't adding it" \
                           % (pkg.name, pkg.version, dist, arch))
            return False

        job = Job(package=pkg, dist=dist, arch=arch)
        job.status = JobStatus.WAIT
        job.arch = arch
        job.mailto = mailto

        log = Log(job=job)

        RebuilddLog.info("Added job for %s_%s on %s/%s for %s" \
                      % (name, version, dist, arch, mailto))
        return True
Exemplo n.º 2
    def add_job(self, name, version, priority, dist, mailto=None, arch=None):
        """Add a job"""

        if not arch:
            arch = self.cfg.arch[0]

        if not Dists().get_dist(dist, arch):
            RebuilddLog.error("Couldn't find dist/arch in the config file for %s_%s on %s/%s, not adding it" \
                           % (name, version, dist, arch))
            return False

        pkgs = Package.selectBy(name=name, version=version)
        if pkgs.count():
            # If several packages exists, just take the first
            pkg = pkgs[0]
            # Maybe we found no packages, so create a brand new one!
            pkg = Package(name=name, version=version, priority=priority)

        jobs_count = Job.selectBy(package=pkg,
        if jobs_count:
            RebuilddLog.error("Job already existing for %s_%s on %s/%s, not adding it" \
                           % (pkg.name, pkg.version, dist, arch))
            return False

        job = Job(package=pkg, dist=dist, arch=arch)
        job.status = JobStatus.WAIT
        job.arch = arch
        job.mailto = mailto

        log = Log(job=job)

        RebuilddLog.info("Added job for %s_%s on %s/%s for %s" \
                      % (name, version, dist, arch, mailto))
        return True