Exemplo n.º 1
def numpy2DArrayToStdVectorStdVectorDouble(array):
    Convert a 2D numpy array to a std::vector<std::vector<double> > representation.

    :param array: The array to convert.

    :returns: A corresponding std::vector<std::vector<double> > object.
    # Get the shape of the array.
    shape = numpy.shape(array)
    nI = shape[0]
    nJ = shape[1]

    # Setup the c++ object.
    cpp_2D_vector = Backend.StdVectorStdVectorDouble(nI)

    # Copy the values over.
    for i in range(nI):
        cpp_vector = Backend.StdVectorDouble(nJ)
        for j in range(nJ):
            cpp_vector[j] = array[i][j]
        cpp_2D_vector[i] = cpp_vector

    # Done.
    return cpp_2D_vector