Exemplo n.º 1
    def UpdateSolution( self, r, x ):
        self.R.appendleft( deepcopy(r) )

        ## For the first iteration, do relaxation only
        if self.initial_iteration:
            self.initial_iteration = False
            alpha = min( self.alpha_old, self.init_alpha_max )
            if self.echo_level > 3:
                cs_tools.cs_print_info(self._ClassName(), ": Doing relaxation in the first iteration with initial factor = {}".format(alpha))
            return alpha * r

            r_diff = self.R[0] - self.R[1]
            numerator = np.inner( self.R[1], r_diff )
            denominator = np.inner( r_diff, r_diff )
            alpha = -self.alpha_old * numerator/denominator
            if self.echo_level > 3:
                cs_tools.cs_print_info(self._ClassName(), ": Doing relaxation with factor = {}".format(alpha))
            if alpha > self.alpha_max:
                alpha = self.alpha_max
                if self.echo_level > 0:
                    cs_tools.cs_print_warning(self._ClassName(), "dynamic relaxation factor reaches upper bound: {}".format(self.alpha_max))
            elif alpha < self.alpha_min:
                alpha = self.alpha_min
                if self.echo_level > 0:
                    cs_tools.cs_print_warning(self._ClassName(), "dynamic relaxation factor reaches lower bound: {}".format(self.alpha_min))
            delta_x = alpha * self.R[0]
            self.alpha_old = alpha
            return delta_x
Exemplo n.º 2
    def ComputeUpdate( self, r, x ):
        self.R.appendleft( deepcopy(r) )
        k = len( self.R ) - 1
        ## For the first iteration, do relaxation only
        if k == 0:
            alpha = min( self.alpha_old, self.init_alpha_max )
            if self.echo_level > 3:
                cs_tools.cs_print_info(self._Name(), ": Doing relaxation in the first iteration with initial factor = " + "{0:.1g}".format(alpha))
            return alpha * r
            r_diff = self.R[0] - self.R[1]
            numerator = np.inner( self.R[1], r_diff )
            denominator = np.inner( r_diff, r_diff )
            alpha = -self.alpha_old * numerator/denominator
            if self.echo_level > 3:
                cs_tools.cs_print_info(self._Name(), ": Doing relaxation with factor = " + "{0:.1g}".format(alpha))
            if alpha > 20:
                alpha = 20
                if self.echo_level > 0:
                    cs_tools.cs_print_warning(self._Name(), "dynamic relaxation factor reaches upper bound: 20")
            elif alpha < -2:
                alpha = -2
                if self.echo_level > 0:
                    cs_tools.cs_print_warning(self._Name(), "dynamic relaxation factor reaches lower bound: -2")
            delta_x = alpha * self.R[0]
        self.alpha_old = alpha

        return delta_x
Exemplo n.º 3
    def Initialize(self):
        # This can only be called after the ModelPart are read, i.e. after the solvers are initialized
        self.model_part = self.model[self.settings["model_part_name"].GetString()]

        # dimensionality of the data
        self.dimension = self.settings["dimension"].GetInt()
        if self.is_scalar_variable:
            if self.dimension != -1:
                raise Exception('"dimension" cannot be specifed for scalar variables!')
            self.dimension = 1 # needed in other places, e.g. for "Size"
            if self.dimension < 1:
                raise Exception('"dimension" has to be specifed for vector variables!')
                if self.variable_type == "Array" and self.dimension not in [1,2,3]:
                    raise Exception('"dimension" can only be 1,2,3 when using variables of type "Array"')
                domain_size = self.GetModelPart().ProcessInfo[KM.DOMAIN_SIZE]
                if domain_size == 0:
                    cs_tools.cs_print_warning('CouplingInterfaceData', 'No "DOMAIN_SIZE" was specified for ModelPart "{}"'.format(self.GetModelPart().Name))
                if domain_size != self.dimension:
                    cs_tools.cs_print_warning('CouplingInterfaceData', '"DOMAIN_SIZE" ({}) of ModelPart "{}" does not match dimension ({})'.format(domain_size, self.GetModelPart().Name, self.dimension))

        if self.location == "node_historical":
            if not self.GetModelPart().HasNodalSolutionStepVariable(self.variable):
                raise Exception('"{}" is missing as SolutionStepVariable in ModelPart "{}"'.format(self.variable.Name(), self.GetModelPart().Name))
    def __init__(self, cosim_settings, models=None):
        # Note: deliberately NOT calling the base-class constructor since arguments are different

        if not isinstance(cosim_settings, KM.Parameters):
            raise Exception(
                "Input is expected to be provided as a Kratos Parameters object"

        self.cosim_settings = cosim_settings
        self.models = models

        # this contains only the optional parameters, not the ones that have to be specified
        problem_data_defaults = KM.Parameters("""{
            "problem_name" : "default_co_simulation",
            "print_colors" : false,
            "echo_level"   : 1

        problem_data = cosim_settings["problem_data"]


        colors.PRINT_COLORS = problem_data["print_colors"].GetBool()
        self.echo_level = problem_data["echo_level"].GetInt()

        self.parallel_type = problem_data["parallel_type"].GetString()
        is_distributed_run = KM.IsDistributedRun()
        if self.parallel_type == "OpenMP":
            if is_distributed_run:
                    "Parallel Type",
                    'Specified "OpenMP" as "parallel_type", but Kratos is running in "MPI", please check your setup!'
        elif self.parallel_type == "MPI":
            if not is_distributed_run:
                    "Parallel Type",
                    'Specified "MPI" as "parallel_type", but Kratos is running in "OpenMP", please check your setup!'
            raise Exception(
                'The "parallel_type" can be either "OpenMP" or "MPI"')

        if problem_data.Has("flush_stdout"):
            self.flush_stdout = problem_data["flush_stdout"].GetBool()
            # flush by default only in OpenMP, can decrease performance in MPI
            self.flush_stdout = (self.parallel_type == "OpenMP")

        self._GetSolver()  # this creates the solver
Exemplo n.º 5
    def Initialize(self):
        # This can only be called after the ModelPart are read, i.e. after the solvers are initialized
        self.model_part = self.model[self.settings["model_part_name"].GetString()]

        # variable used to identify data
        variable_name = self.settings["variable_name"].GetString()
        self.variable_type = KM.KratosGlobals.GetVariableType(variable_name)

        admissible_scalar_variable_types = ["Bool", "Integer", "Unsigned Integer", "Double", "Component"]
        admissible_vector_variable_types = ["Array"]

        if not self.variable_type in admissible_scalar_variable_types and not self.variable_type in admissible_vector_variable_types:
            raise Exception('The input for "variable" "{}" is of variable type "{}" which is not allowed, only the following variable types are allowed:\n{}, {}'.format(variable_name, self.variable_type, ", ".join(admissible_scalar_variable_types), ", ".join(admissible_vector_variable_types)))

        self.variable = KM.KratosGlobals.GetVariable(variable_name)

        self.dtype = GetNumpyDataType(self.variable_type) # required for numpy array creation

        self.is_scalar_variable = self.variable_type in admissible_scalar_variable_types

        # dimensionality of the data
        self.dimension = self.settings["dimension"].GetInt()
        if self.is_scalar_variable:
            if self.dimension != -1:
                raise Exception('"dimension" cannot be specifed for scalar variables!')
            self.dimension = 1 # needed in other places, e.g. for "Size"
            if self.dimension < 1:
                raise Exception('"dimension" has to be specifed for vector variables!')
                if self.variable_type == "Array" and self.dimension not in [1,2,3]:
                    raise Exception('"dimension" can only be 1,2,3 when using variables of type "Array"')
                domain_size = self.GetModelPart().ProcessInfo[KM.DOMAIN_SIZE]
                if domain_size == 0:
                    cs_tools.cs_print_warning('CouplingInterfaceData', 'No "DOMAIN_SIZE" was specified for ModelPart "{}"'.format(self.GetModelPart().Name))
                if domain_size != self.dimension:
                    cs_tools.cs_print_warning('CouplingInterfaceData', '"DOMAIN_SIZE" ({}) of ModelPart "{}" does not match dimension ({})'.format(domain_size, self.GetModelPart().Name, self.dimension))

        # location of data on ModelPart
        self.location = self.settings["location"].GetString()
        admissible_locations = ["node_historical", "node_non_historical","element","condition","process_info","model_part"]
        if not self.location in admissible_locations:
            raise Exception('"{}" is not allowed as "location", only the following options are possible:\n{}'.format(self.location, ", ".join(admissible_locations)))

        if self.location == "node_historical":
            if not self.GetModelPart().HasNodalSolutionStepVariable(self.variable):
                raise Exception('"{}" is missing as SolutionStepVariable in ModelPart "{}"'.format(variable_name, self.GetModelPart().Name))
 def Check(self):
     cs_tools.cs_print_warning("Convergence Criteria",
                               'does not implement "Check"')
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self,


        self.settings = custom_settings
        self.model = model
        self.name = name
        self.solver_name = solver_name
        self.model_part_name = self.settings["model_part_name"].GetString()

        # checking names
        if self.name == "" or "." in self.name or " " in self.name:
                'The name cannot be empty, contain whitespaces or "."!')
        if self.model_part_name == "":
            self.__RaiseException('No "model_part_name" was specified!')

        # variable used to identify data
        variable_name = self.settings["variable_name"].GetString()
        if variable_name == "":
            self.__RaiseException('No "variable_name" was specified!')
        if not KM.KratosGlobals.HasVariable(variable_name):
            # TODO here maybe we could construct a new var if necessary (maybe clashes with delayed app-import ...?)
                'Variable "{}" does not exist!'.format(variable_name))

        self.variable_type = KM.KratosGlobals.GetVariableType(variable_name)

        admissible_scalar_variable_types = [
            "Bool", "Integer", "Unsigned Integer", "Double"
        admissible_vector_variable_types = ["Array"]

        if not self.variable_type in admissible_scalar_variable_types and not self.variable_type in admissible_vector_variable_types:
                'The input for "variable" "{}" is of variable type "{}" which is not allowed, only the following variable types are allowed:\n{}, {}'
                .format(variable_name, self.variable_type,
                        ", ".join(admissible_scalar_variable_types),
                        ", ".join(admissible_vector_variable_types)))

        self.variable = KM.KratosGlobals.GetVariable(variable_name)

        self.dtype = GetNumpyDataType(
            self.variable_type)  # required for numpy array creation

        self.is_scalar_variable = self.variable_type in admissible_scalar_variable_types

        # location of data on ModelPart
        self.location = self.settings["location"].GetString()
        admissible_locations = [
            "node_historical", "node_non_historical", "element", "condition",
        if not self.location in admissible_locations:
                '"{}" is not allowed as "location", only the following options are possible:\n{}'
                .format(self.location, ", ".join(admissible_locations)))

        self.model_part = self.model[self.model_part_name]

        # dimensionality of the data
        self.dimension = self.settings["dimension"].GetInt()
        if self.is_scalar_variable:
            if self.dimension != -1:
                    '"dimension" cannot be specifed for scalar variables!')
            self.dimension = 1  # needed in other places, e.g. for "Size"
            if self.dimension < 1:
                    '"dimension" has to be specifed for vector variables!')
                if self.variable_type == "Array" and self.dimension not in [
                        1, 2, 3
                        '"dimension" can only be 1,2,3 when using variables of type "Array"'
                if not KM.DOMAIN_SIZE in self.model_part.ProcessInfo:
                        'No "DOMAIN_SIZE" was specified for ModelPart "{}"'.
                    domain_size = self.model_part.ProcessInfo[KM.DOMAIN_SIZE]
                    if domain_size != self.dimension:
                            '"DOMAIN_SIZE" ({}) of ModelPart "{}" does not match dimension ({})'
                            .format(domain_size, self.model_part_name,

        if self.location == "node_historical" and not self.model_part.HasNodalSolutionStepVariable(
                '"{}" is missing as SolutionStepVariable in ModelPart "{}"'.
                format(self.variable.Name(), self.model_part_name))