Exemplo n.º 1
def pretrain_weights(model, X, Y):
    # Take mean of all potentials
    n_samples = len(X)

    # Compute potential costs for each (correct) labeling
    costs = [ssvm.compute_costs(model, X[i], Y[i]) for i in range(n_samples)]
    costs = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, costs)
    for key in costs:
        norms = np.linalg.norm(costs[key])
        # norms[norms==0] = 1
        costs[key] /= norms

    model.ws = costs
Exemplo n.º 2
def pretrain_weights(model, X, Y):
    # Take mean of all potentials
    n_samples = len(X)

    # Compute potential costs for each (correct) labeling
    costs = [ssvm.compute_costs(model, X[i], Y[i]) for i in range(n_samples)]
    costs = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, costs)
    for key in costs:
        norms = np.linalg.norm(costs[key])
        # norms[norms==0] = 1
        costs[key] /= norms

    model.ws = costs
Exemplo n.º 3
def subgradient_descent(model,

    if model.debug:

    n_samples = len(X)

    # Check that Xi is of size FxT
    if X[0].shape[0] > X[0].shape[0]:
        X = [x.T for x in X]

    # if weights haven't been set yet then initialize
    if model.n_classes is None:
        model.n_features = X[0].shape[0]
        model.n_classes = np.max(list(map(np.max, Y))) + 1
        model.max_segs = utils.max_seg_count(Y)

        if pretrain:
            if model.is_latent:
                Z = [
                    utils.partition_latent_labels(Y[i], model.n_latent)
                    for i in range(n_samples)
                pretrain_weights(model, X, Z)
                pretrain_weights(model, X, Y)

    costs_truth = [
        ssvm.compute_costs(model, X[i], Y[i]) for i in range(n_samples)
    # print("Unaries costs", [c['unary'].sum() for c in costs_truth])
    cache = deepcopy(costs_truth[0]) * 0.

    for t in range(n_iter):
        batch_samples = np.random.randint(0, n_samples, batch_size)

        # Compute gradient
        w_diff = [
            ssvm.compute_ssvm_gradient(model, X[j], Y[j], costs_truth[j], C)
            for j in batch_samples
        w_diff = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, w_diff)
        w_diff /= batch_size

        # ===Weight Update===
        # Vanilla SGD
        if gradient_method == "sgd":
            eta = learning_rate * (1 - t / n_iter)
            w_diff = w_diff * eta
        # Adagrad
        elif gradient_method == "adagrad":
            cache += w_diff * w_diff
            w_diff = w_diff / (cache + 1e-8).sqrt() * learning_rate
        # RMSProp
        elif gradient_method == "rmsprop":
            # cache = decay_rate*cache + (1-decay_rate)*w_diff.^2
            if t == 0:
                cache += w_diff * w_diff
                cache *= decay_rate
                cache += w_diff * w_diff * (1 - decay_rate)
            w_diff = w_diff / sqrt(cache + 1e-8) * learning_rate

        model.ws -= w_diff

        # Print and compute objective
        if verbose and (t + 1) % 50 == 0:
            # sample_set = [5,18,22,34,7,23,15,16,9,28]
            sample_set = list(range(5))
            objective_new = np.mean([
                model.objective(model.predict(X[i]), Y[i]) for i in sample_set
            print("Iter {}, obj={}".format(t + 1, objective_new))
            model.logger.objectives[t + 1] = objective_new
Exemplo n.º 4
def subgradient_descent(model, X, Y, n_iter=100, C=1., pretrain=True, verbose=True, 
                        gradient_method="adagrad", learning_rate=0.1, decay_rate=.99, 

    if model.debug:

    n_samples = len(X)

    # Check that Xi is of size FxT
    if X[0].shape[0] > X[0].shape[0]:
        X = [x.T for x in X]
    # if weights haven't been set yet then initialize
    if model.n_classes is None:
        model.n_features = X[0].shape[0]
        model.n_classes = np.max(list(map(np.max, Y)))+1
        model.max_segs = utils.max_seg_count(Y)

        if pretrain:
            if model.is_latent:
                Z = [utils.partition_latent_labels(Y[i], model.n_latent) for i in range(n_samples)]
                pretrain_weights(model, X, Z)
                pretrain_weights(model, X, Y)

    costs_truth = [ssvm.compute_costs(model, X[i], Y[i]) for i in range(n_samples)]
    # print("Unaries costs", [c['unary'].sum() for c in costs_truth])
    cache = deepcopy(costs_truth[0]) * 0.

    for t in range(n_iter):
        batch_samples = np.random.randint(0, n_samples, batch_size)

        # Compute gradient
        w_diff = [ssvm.compute_ssvm_gradient(model, X[j], Y[j], costs_truth[j], C) for j in batch_samples]
        w_diff = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, w_diff)
        w_diff /= batch_size

        # ===Weight Update===
        # Vanilla SGD
        if gradient_method == "sgd":
            eta = learning_rate * (1 - t/n_iter)
            w_diff = w_diff*eta
        # Adagrad
        elif gradient_method == "adagrad":
            cache += w_diff*w_diff
            w_diff = w_diff / (cache + 1e-8).sqrt() * learning_rate
        # RMSProp
        elif gradient_method == "rmsprop":
            # cache = decay_rate*cache + (1-decay_rate)*w_diff.^2
            if t == 0:
                cache += w_diff*w_diff
                cache *= decay_rate
                cache += w_diff*w_diff*(1-decay_rate)
            w_diff = w_diff / sqrt(cache + 1e-8) * learning_rate
        model.ws -= w_diff

        # Print and compute objective
        if verbose and (t+1)%50==0:
            # sample_set = [5,18,22,34,7,23,15,16,9,28]
            sample_set = list(range(5))
            objective_new = np.mean([model.objective(model.predict(X[i]), Y[i]) for i in sample_set])
            print("Iter {}, obj={}".format(t+1, objective_new))
            model.logger.objectives[t+1] = objective_new