Exemplo n.º 1
    def addAdditionalConstraints(self, model):
      Add specific constraints for DROMCKP problems
      @ In, model, pyomo model instance, pyomo abstract model
      @ Out, model, pyomo model instance, pyomo abstract model
        model = MCKP.addAdditionalConstraints(self, model)

        ## model.dist will be changed on the fly
        def constraintWasserstein(model, i):
            expr = pyomo.summation(model.net_present_values, model.x)
            return -model.gamma * model.dist[i] + model.nu[i] <= expr

        model.constraintWassersteinDistance = pyomo.Constraint(
            model.sigma, rule=constraintWasserstein)
        return model
Exemplo n.º 2
    def addAdditionalConstraints(self, model):
      Add specific constraints for CVaRMCKP problems
      @ In, model, pyomo model instance, pyomo abstract model
      @ Out, model, pyomo model instance, pyomo abstract model
        model = MCKP.addAdditionalConstraints(self, model)

        def cvarConstraint(model):
            return model.nu + pyomo.summation(model.net_present_values,
                                              model.x) + model.u >= 0

        model.cvarConstraint = pyomo.Constraint(rule=cvarConstraint)

        ## used to retrieve additional information from the optimization
        def expectProfit(model):
        Method to compute the expect profit of stochastic programming
        @ In, model, instance, pyomo abstract model instance
        @ Out, expr, pyomo.expression, constraint to compute the expect profit
            return model.expectProfit - pyomo.summation(
                model.net_present_values, model.x) == 0

        model.computeExpectProfit = pyomo.Constraint(rule=expectProfit)

        def cvar(model):
        Method to compute the conditional value at risk
        @ In, model, instance, pyomo abstract model instance
        @ Out, expr, pyomo.expression, constraint to compute the CVaR
            return model.cvar - model.u + 1. / (1. -
                                                model.alpha) * model.nu == 0

        model.computeCVAR = pyomo.Constraint(rule=cvar)

        return model