Exemplo n.º 1
def or_d(x, y):
    out = defaultdict(lambdaMinusInfinity)
    out[True] = logplusexp(
        x.get(True, -Infinity) + y.get(False, -Infinity),
        x.get(False, -Infinity) + y.get(True, -Infinity))
    out[False] = log1mexp(out[True])
    return out
Exemplo n.º 2
def cons_d(x, y):
    out = defaultdict(lambdaMinusInfinity)

    for a, av in list(x.items()):
        for b, bv in list(y.items()):
            out[a + b] = logplusexp(out[a + b], av + bv)
    return out
Exemplo n.º 3
def if_d(prb, x, y):
    out = defaultdict(lambdaMinusInfinity)
    pt = prb[True]
    pf = prb[False]
    for a, av in list(x.items()):
        out[a] = av + pt
    for b, bv in list(y.items()):
        out[b] = logplusexp(out[b], bv + pf)

    return out
Exemplo n.º 4
def compute_outcomes(f, *args, **kwargs):
    Return a dictionary of outcomes using our RandomContext tools, giving each possible trace (up to the given depth)
    and its probability.
    f here is a function of context, as in f(context, *args)

    kwargs['Cfirst'] constrols whether C is the first or last argument to f. It cannot be anything else

    In kwargs you can pass "catchandpass" as a tuple of exceptions to catch and do nothing with

    out = defaultdict(lambdaMinusInfinity)  # dict from strings to lps that we accumulate

    cs = ContextSet() # this is the "open" set of contexts we need to explore
    cs.add(RandomContext(cs)) # add a single context with no history

    i = 0
    while len(cs) > 0:
        context = cs.pop()  # pop an element from Context set.
        # print "CTX", context.lp, context#, "  \t", cs.Q

            # figure out the ordering of where C is passed to the lambda
            if kwargs.get('Cfirst', True):# does C go at the beginning or the end?
                v = f(context, *args) # when we call context.flip, we may update cs with new paths to explore
                newargs = args + (context,)
                v = f(*newargs)
            # print ">>>", v
            # add up the lp for this outcomem
            out[v] = logplusexp(out[v], context.lp)
        except kwargs.get('catchandpass', None) as e:
        except ContextSizeException: # prune that path

        if i >= kwargs.get('maxit', 1000):
            return out ## TODO: Hmm can either return the partial answer here or raise an exception

        if len(cs) > kwargs.get('maxcontext', 1000): # sometimes we can generate way too many contexts, so let's avoid that
            raise TooManyContextsException

        i += 1

    return out
Exemplo n.º 5
def equal_d(x, y):
    peq = -Infinity
    for a, v in list(x.items()):
        peq = logplusexp(peq, v + y.get(a, -Infinity))  # P(x=a,y=a)
    return {True: peq, False: log1mexp(peq)}
Exemplo n.º 6
def car_d(x):
    out = defaultdict(lambdaMinusInfinity)
    for a, av in list(x.items()):
        v = a[1] if len(a) > 1 else ''
        out[v] = logplusexp(out[v], av)
    return out