Exemplo n.º 1
def checkMathPredicates(name, atom, subst = None):
	args = get_args(atom)
	if is_variable(args[0]) or is_variable(args[1]):
		return False
	a = get_value(args[0])
	b = get_value(args[1])
	if name == 'isBigger':
		return a >= b
	elif name == 'isSmaller':
		return a < b
	elif name == 'equal':
		return a == b
	elif name == 'sum':
		if is_constant(args[2]) and (a + b == get_value(args[2])):
			return True
		elif is_variable(args[2]):
			subst[get_name(args[2])] = make_const(a + b)
			return True
	elif name == 'dif':
		if is_constant(args[2]) and (a - b == get_value(args[2])):
			return True
		elif is_variable(args[2]):
			subst[get_name(args[2])] = make_const(a - b)
			return True
	return False
Exemplo n.º 2
def checkMathPredicates(name, atom):
    args = get_args(atom)
    if is_variable(args[0]) or is_variable(args[1]):
        return False
    a = get_value(args[0])
    b = get_value(args[1])
    if name == 'isBigger':
        return a >= b
    elif name == 'equal':
        return a == b
    elif name == 'sum':
        if is_constant(args[2]) and (a + b == get_value(args[2])):
            return True
        elif is_variable(args[2]):
            args[2] = substitute(args[2],
                                 {get_name(args[2]): make_const(a + b)})
            return True
    elif name == 'dif':
        if is_constant(args[2]) and (a - b == get_value(args[2])):
            return True
        elif is_variable(args[2]):
            args[2] = substitute(args[2],
                                 {get_name(args[2]): make_const(a - b)})
            return True
    return False
Exemplo n.º 3
def equal_terms(t1, t2):
    if is_constant(t1) and is_constant(t2):
        return get_value(t1) == get_value(t2)
    if is_variable(t1) and is_variable(t2):
            return get_name(t1) == get_name(t2)
    if is_function_call(t1) and is_function(t2):
        if get_head(t1) != get_head(t2):
            return all([equal_terms(get_args(t1)[i], get_args(t2)[i]) for i in range(len(get_args(t1)))])
    return False
Exemplo n.º 4
def constructAction(availableActions, action, index):
	newElem = action[0] + '('
	for arg in action[1]:
		arg = substitute(arg, availableActions[action[0]][index][0])
		newElem = newElem + str(get_value(arg)) + ','
	newElem = newElem[:-1] + ')'
	return newElem
Exemplo n.º 5
def findBestAction(availableActions, path):
	global time, reward
	if 'Clean' in availableActions.keys():
		cost = get_value(availableActions['Clean'][0][0]['dim'])
		time = time - cost
		reward = reward + cost
		return ['Clean', 0]
	if 'Refill' in availableActions.keys():
		return ['Refill', 0]
	if 'Move' in availableActions.keys():
		#find the lowest cost
		minCost = 9999
		substIndex = None
		for subst in availableActions['Move']:
			cost = get_value(subst[0]['cost'])
			index = availableActions['Move'].index(subst)
			if len(path) >= 1 and getActionName(path[len(path) - 1]) == 'Move':
				args = getActionArgs(path[-1])
				#print("ARGS "  + str(args))
				if int(args[0]) == get_value(availableActions['Move'][index][0]['r2']) and len(availableActions['Move']) > 1:
			if cost < minCost:
				minCost = cost
				substIndex = index
		#	substIndex = randint(0, len())
		# if len(availableActions['Move']) > 1:
		# 	substIndex = randint(0, len(availableActions['Move']) - 1)
		# 	if len(path) >= 1 and getActionName(path[len(path) - 1]) == 'Move':
		# 		args = getActionArgs(path[-1])
		# 		while int(args[0]) == get_value(availableActions['Move'][substIndex][0]['r2']):
		# 			substIndex = randint(0, len(availableActions['Move']) - 1)
		# 			args = getActionArgs(path[-1])
		# else:
		# 	substIndex = 0
		# minCost = get_value(availableActions['Move'][substIndex][0]['cost'])

		time = time - minCost
		return ['Move', substIndex]

	return [None, None]
Exemplo n.º 6
def apply_rule(rule, facts):
    # TODO
    subst = {}
    prem = {}
    ans = []
    values = {}
    fact_values = {}
    for fact in facts:
        vals = []
        for arg in get_args(fact):
        if get_head(fact) not in values:
            values[get_head(fact)] = [tuple(vals)]
        if get_head(fact) not in fact_values:
            fact_values[get_head(fact)] = [fact]
    for r in get_premises(rule):
        if isinstance(r, Sentence):
            var = get_name(get_args(get_args(r)[0])[0])
            prm = get_head(get_args(r)[0])
            prem[(prm, var)] = get_args(r)[0]
        var = get_name(get_args(r)[0])
        prem[(get_head(r), var)] = [r]

    index_h = {}
    max_index_h = {}
    for (pred, var) in prem:
        index_h[(pred, var)] = 0
        max_index_h[(pred, var)] = 0
        if pred in values:
            max_index_h[(pred, var)] = len(values[pred])
    pred = []
    for x in prem:
    current_p = 0
    subst = {}
    while 1:
        p = pred[current_p]
        prd = p[0]
        val = p[1]
        p_index = index_h[p]
        if p_index == max_index_h[p]:
            index_h[p] = 0
            if current_p == 0:
            current_p = current_p - 1
            p = pred[current_p]
            for x in get_args(prem[p]):
                name = get_name(x)
                if name in subst:
                    del subst[name]
            index_h[p] = index_h[p] + 1
        b_subst = deepcopy(subst)
        aux_subst = unify(prem[p], fact_values[prd][p_index], subst)
        if aux_subst!=False:
            subst = aux_subst
            if current_p == len(pred) - 1:
                subst = {}
                current_p = 0
                next_index = index_h[p] + 1
                index_h[p] = next_index
                p = pred[current_p]

            subst = b_subst
            index_h[p] = index_h[p] + 1
            if index_h[p] == max_index_h[p]:
                index_h[p] = 0
                current_p = current_p - 1
                index_h[pred[current_p]] = index_h[pred[current_p]] + 1
                p = pred[current_p]
                for x in get_args(prem[p]):
                    name = get_name(x)
                    if name in subst:
                        del subst[name]
        if current_p < len(pred) - 1:
            current_p = current_p + 1
        index_h[p] = index_h[p] + 1

    return ans
Exemplo n.º 7
def findBestAction(availableActions, path):
    # TODO
    global state, time
    cost = 0
    if 'Clean' in availableActions.keys():
        cost = get_value(availableActions['Clean'][0][0]['dim'])
        return ['Clean', 0, cost, cost]
    if 'Refill' in availableActions.keys():
        return ['Refill', 0, 1, 0]
    if 'Move' in availableActions.keys():
        substIndex = 0
        maxReward = -1
        cost = -1
        for subst in availableActions['Move']:
            moveCost = get_value(subst[0]['cost'])
            print('move cost ' + str(moveCost) + " time " + str(time))
            if moveCost > time:
            index = availableActions['Move'].index(subst)
            if len(path) >= 1 and getActionName(path[len(path) - 1]) == 'Move':
                args = getActionArgs(path[-1])
                #print("ARGS "  + str(args))
                if int(args[0]) == get_value(
                        subst[0]['r2']) and len(availableActions['Move']) > 1:
            #TODO apply action
            # nu merge applyaction pentru ca ar modifica si env; asa schimb manual doar locatia
            #newState = applyAction(actions[0], subst)
            newState = deepcopy(state)
            for atom in newState:
                if get_head(atom) == 'location':
                make_atom('location', make_const(get_value(subst[0]['r2']))))
            #TODO see available actions for the new states
            newAvailableActions = findAvailableActions(newState)
            #TODO pick the best move
            if 'Clean' in newAvailableActions:
                cleanCost = get_value(
                print("Clean cost " + str(cleanCost) + " max reward so far " +
                if 1000 + cleanCost - moveCost > maxReward and moveCost + cleanCost <= time:
                    maxReward = 1000 + cleanCost - moveCost
                    substIndex = index
                    cost = moveCost
            if 'Refill' in newAvailableActions:
                print("Refill" + " max reward so far " + str(maxReward))
                if 50 - moveCost > maxReward:
                    maxReward = 50 - moveCost
                    substIndex = index
                    cost = moveCost
            # if 'Move' in newAvailableActions and len(newAvailableActions['Move']) > 1: # daca nu e dead end
            # 	if 0 > maxReward:
            # 		maxReward = 0
            # 		substIndex = index
            # 		cost = moveCost
        print("chosen cost " + str(cost))
        if cost != -1:
            return ['Move', substIndex, cost, 0]
            substIndex = 0
            minCost = 9999
            for subst in availableActions['Move']:
                moveCost = get_value(subst[0]['cost'])
                if moveCost > time:
                index = availableActions['Move'].index(subst)
                if len(path) >= 1 and getActionName(
                        path[len(path) - 1]) == 'Move':
                    args = getActionArgs(path[-1])
                    #print("ARGS "  + str(args))
                    if int(args[0]) == get_value(subst[0]['r2']) and len(
                            availableActions['Move']) > 1:
                if moveCost < minCost:
                    substIndex = index
                    minCost = moveCost
            print("new chosen cost " + str(minCost))
            return ['Move', substIndex, minCost, 0]

    return [None, None, 0, 0]