Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_exception_safe(self):
Your best_move function is not careful with its exception handling. It is
masking illegitimate errors generated by the Game utility() function.

If you have code that looks like:

  some code
  more code

you need to specify the excpetion you are intending to handle:

  some code
except SpecificError:
  more code

        class Nasty:
            def utility(game, move):
                raise IndexError("This should not be handled by the student.")

        from LabC1 import best_move
        game = Nasty()
        moves = [1, 2, 3]
        with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
            best_move(game, moves)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_no_output(self):
        # Based on code from user1200039 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5136611/capture-stdout-from-a-script-in-python
        import sys
        from io import StringIO
        from LabC1 import best_move
        from GameUno import GameUno, RED
Most commonly your program fails this test if you use a print statement
in your best_move function. You must not print anything in this function.
Instead, you should return the location so that the test code can access it.


def add(a, b):
    ""\" Add a and b.""\"


def add(a, b):
    ""\" Return the sum of a and b.""\"
    return a+b
        oldout = sys.stdout
        buf = StringIO()
        game = GameUno()
        moves = [game.card(3, RED)]
            sys.stdout = buf
            best_move(game, moves)
            sys.stdout = oldout
        self.assertEqual(len(buf.getvalue()), 0)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_best_move_empty(self):
This happens when you do not correctly handle empty lists.
        from LabC1 import best_move
        from GameUno import GameUno, RED, GREEN, BLUE, YELLOW, \
                            REVERSE, SKIP, DRAW2, WILD, WILD4
        game = GameUno()
        moves = []
        self.assertEqual(best_move(game, moves), None)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_best_move_single(self):
This happens when you do not correctly handle lists with only a single entry.
        from LabC1 import best_move
        from GameUno import GameUno, RED, GREEN, BLUE, YELLOW, \
                            REVERSE, SKIP, DRAW2, WILD, WILD4
        game = GameUno()
        moves = [game.card(10, BLUE)]
        self.assertEqual(best_move(game, moves), moves[0])
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_best_move_first(self):
This happens when you do not best_move the first entry in a list.
        from LabC1 import best_move
        from GameUno import GameUno, RED, GREEN, BLUE, YELLOW, \
                            REVERSE, SKIP, DRAW2, WILD, WILD4
        game = GameUno()
        moves=[game.card(WILD), game.card(4,BLUE), game.card(DRAW2,BLUE),\
               game.card(10,BLUE), game.card(REVERSE,BLUE), game.card(0,BLUE)]
        self.assertEqual(best_move(game, moves), moves[0])
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_best_move_last(self):
This happens when you do not correctly best_move the last item in the list.
        from LabC1 import best_move
        from GameUno import GameUno, RED, GREEN, BLUE, YELLOW, \
                            REVERSE, SKIP, DRAW2, WILD, WILD4
        game = GameUno()
        moves=[game.card(2,BLUE), game.card(4,BLUE), game.card(7,BLUE),\
               game.card(9,BLUE), game.card(3,BLUE), game.card(10,BLUE)]
        self.assertEqual(best_move(game, moves), moves[-1])
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_best_move_middle(self):
This happens when you do not correctly best_move an entry in the middle of the list.
        from LabC1 import best_move
        from GameUno import GameUno, RED, GREEN, BLUE, YELLOW, \
                            REVERSE, SKIP, DRAW2, WILD, WILD4
        game = GameUno()
        moves=[game.card(2,BLUE), game.card(4,BLUE), game.card(DRAW2,BLUE),\
               game.card(10,BLUE), game.card(8,BLUE), game.card(0,BLUE)]
        self.assertEqual(best_move(game, moves), moves[2])
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_best_move_multiples(self):
This happens when you do not correctly return the first location of a value
that is in the list multiple times.
        from LabC1 import best_move
        from GameUno import GameUno, RED, GREEN, BLUE, YELLOW, \
                            REVERSE, SKIP, DRAW2, WILD, WILD4
        game = GameUno()
        moves=[game.card(2,BLUE), game.card(4,BLUE), game.card(DRAW2,BLUE),\
               game.card(10,BLUE), game.card(REVERSE,BLUE), game.card(0,BLUE)]
        self.assertEqual(best_move(game, moves), moves[2])