Exemplo n.º 1
def min_value(board, alpha, beta, depth):

   if depth <= 0: #Check for depth
      return evaluate(board.board, 0)

   v = np.inf
   actions = board.available_moves()

   for a in actions: #For each legal move, make it
      succ_board = copy.deepcopy(board)
      succ_state, result, done, _ = succ_board.step(a)

      if not result == 0 and done: #If some result was reached, return the utility of this board
         if result == 1: #If win, invert it, since we are "playing as the opponent"
            result = -1

         return evaluate(succ_state, result) 
      else: #If no result was reached, go one level deeper
         v = min(v, max_value(succ_board, alpha, beta, depth - 1))
         if v <= alpha:
            return v
         beta = min(beta, v)
   return v
Exemplo n.º 2
    def ai_place(self, turn, board, depth, arr):
        if (depth > 0):
            for col in range(board.col):
                #place piece in col
                deepBoard = copy.deepcopy(board)
                if (not deepBoard.place(turn, col)):
                    return -1

                #check if board is win
                if (deepBoard.win):
                    arr = [-100 for x in range(board.col) if x != col]
                    return 100

                print(deepBoard, turn, depth, arr)

                arr[col] += self.ai_place((turn + 1) % 2, deepBoard,
                                          depth - turn, arr)
        return 0
Exemplo n.º 3
def alpha_beta_decision():
   if (print_debug):
      print("Using depth " + str(depth))
   start_depth = depth
   val = -np.inf
   move = -10
   values = [None] * 7
   debug = []

   actions = env.available_moves()

   for a in actions: #For each legal move, make it
      succ_board = copy.deepcopy(env)
      succ_state, result, _, _ = succ_board.step(a)

      if result == 1: #If win in one move is possible, play that move
         print("I have made the move " + str(a + 1))
         if (print_debug):
            print("which is a winning move")
         return a

      new_val = min_value(succ_board, -np.inf, np.inf, start_depth) #Beginning of recursion
      debug.append((a, new_val, succ_state)) #Saving for debugging

      if new_val >= val: #Find the best move
         val = new_val
         move = a
      values[a] = new_val #Saving to print, for debugging
   print("I have made the move " + str(move + 1))
   if (print_debug): #Debug printout
      print("which has the value: " + str(val))
      print("Values: " + str(values))
   return move
Exemplo n.º 4
def max_value(board, alpha, beta, depth):

   if depth <= 0: #Check if depth is reached
      return evaluate(board.board, 0)

   v = -np.inf
   actions = board.available_moves()
   for a in actions: #For each legal move, make it
      succ_board = copy.deepcopy(board)
      succ_state, result, done, _ = succ_board.step(a)
      #TODO: This loop will break even if a loss or a draw is found, but there might be a win further to
      #the right. FIX!
      if not result == 0 and done: #If some result was reached, return the utility of this board
         return evaluate(succ_state, result)
      else: #If no result was reached, go one level deeper
         v = max(v, min_value(succ_board, alpha, beta, depth - 1)) #Recursive call
         if v >= beta: #If the maximum value is larger than beta, return it
            return v
         alpha = max(alpha, v) #Update alpha

   return v
Exemplo n.º 5
def _deserialize_best_gs_params(serialized_gs_params,
    _deserialize_best_gs_params: Converts the string names of the serialized methods back into executable functions for use
        during refit operations once the initial grid search has been completed.
    :param serialized_gs_params: The serialized grid search parameters which contain string representations of methods.
    deserialized_params = {}
    serialized_initializer = serialized_gs_params['initializer']
    if 'VarianceScaling' in serialized_initializer:
        if 'truncated_normal' in serialized_initializer:
            deserialized_params['initializer'] = gs_deserialized_init_params[
        elif 'uniform' in serialized_initializer:
            deserialized_params['initializer'] = gs_deserialized_init_params[
                'CRITICAL ERROR: Failed to deserialize grid search \'initializer\' parameter. Any future refit operations WILL FAIL.'
    elif 'TruncatedNormal' in serialized_initializer:
        deserialized_params['initializer'] = gs_deserialized_init_params[
            'CRITICAL ERROR: Failed to deserialize grid search \'initializer\' parameter. Any future refit operations WILL FAIL.'

    serialized_activation = serialized_gs_params['activation']
    if 'leaky_relu' in serialized_activation:
        deserialized_params['activation'] = gs_deserialized_init_params[
    elif 'function elu' in serialized_activation:
        deserialized_params['activation'] = gs_deserialized_init_params[
            'CRITICAL ERROR: Failed to deserialize grid search \'activation\' parameter. Any future refit operations WILL FAIL.'

    serialized_optimizer = serialized_gs_params['optimizer']
    if 'MomentumOptimizer' in serialized_optimizer:
        deserialized_params['optimizer'] = gs_deserialized_init_params[
    elif 'AdamOptimizer' in serialized_optimizer:
        deserialized_params['optimizer'] = gs_deserialized_init_params[
            'CRITICAL ERROR: Failed to deserialize grid search \'optimizer\' parameter. Any future refit operations WILL FAIL.'

    serialized_train_batch_size = serialized_gs_params['train_batch_size']
    deserialized_train_batch_size = False
    for train_batch_size in gs_deserialized_init_params['train_batch_size']:
        if train_batch_size == serialized_train_batch_size:
            deserialized_params['train_batch_size'] = train_batch_size
            deserialized_train_batch_size = True
    if not deserialized_train_batch_size:
            'CRITICAL ERROR: Failed to deserialize grid search \'train_batch_size\' parameter. Any future refit operations WILL FAIL.'

    # Copy over any other keys from the serialized updated dictionary to the deserialized one:
    for inherited_key in serialized_gs_params.keys():
        if inherited_key not in deserialized_params:
            deserialized_params[inherited_key] = deepcopy(

    return deserialized_params