Exemplo n.º 1
 def _split_configs(c, name):
     ret = dict()
     for k, v in c.items():
         if 'aggregations' in k:
             ret[k] = [f for f in v if f.get('data', None) == name]
     logger.info('split configs: {}'.format(c))
     return ret
Exemplo n.º 2
def LoadPickle(filename):
    if not CheckFileExist(filename):
        return None

    with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
        logger.info('load model {}'.format(filename))
        return pickle.load(f)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _bureau_and_balance(self, configs):
        current_index = self.data_index['bureau']
        major_index = self.data_index['application_train']
        nan_as_category = configs.get('nan_as_category', False)

        # Read data and merge
        df = self.data_raw['bureau']
        bb = self.data_raw['bureau_balance']
        logger.info("Bureau: {}, Bureau Balance: {}".format(
            df.shape, bb.shape))

        if configs.get('onehot_encoding', False):
            df, cat_cols, new_cols = process_one_hot_encode(
                df, configs['onehot_columns'], nan_as_category)
            bb, cat_cols_bb, new_cols_bb = process_one_hot_encode(
                bb, configs['onehot_columns'], nan_as_category)
            self.cols_one_hot.update({'bureau': new_cols + new_cols_bb})

        agg_configs = self._split_configs(configs.copy(), 'bureau_balance')
        bb_agg = self._aggregate_pipeline(bb, cat_cols_bb,
        df = df.set_index(current_index).join(bb_agg, how='left')
        bureau_cat_cols = cat_cols + [
            c for c in bb_agg
            if any([True if cc in c else False for cc in cat_cols_bb])
        #condictional aggregation
        # Bureau: Active credits - using only numerical aggregations
        # Bureau: Closed credits - using only numerical aggregations
        agg_configs = self._split_configs(configs.copy(), 'bureau')
        bureau_agg = self._aggregate_pipeline(df, bureau_cat_cols,
        return Cast64To32(bureau_agg)
    def search(self, X, y):
        self.X = X.apply(lambda x: np.nan_to_num(x))
        self.y = y

            'feature_num': X.shape[1],

        self.nr_iteration = 0
        self.best_score = 0
            'evaluate {} at {} iteration, {}-fold cv, metric={}'.format(
                self.task_name, self.n_calls, self.nr_fold, self.metric))
        gp_optimizer = gp_minimize(self._evaluate,

        optimized_params = {
            k: v
            for k, v in zip(self.eval_params_name, gp_optimizer.x)
        }  # not using
        logger.info('best cv score: {}, hyperparameters={}'.format(
            self.best_score, optimized_params))
        return self.optimized_params.copy()
Exemplo n.º 5
 def func(k, v, sub):
     tf     = v.get('object', None)
     params = v.get('params', {})
     if not tf:
         return pd.DataFrame()
     logger.info('decompose {} on {} features'.format(k, sub.shape[1]))
     d = tf().set_params(**params).fit_transform(sub)
     return pd.DataFrame(d, columns=['{}_{}'.format(k, i) for i in range(1, d.shape[1]+1)])
 def _search_space_initialize(self):
     self.eval_params_name = sorted([k for k in self.search_space.keys()])
     self.search_params_list = [
         self.search_space[k] for k in self.eval_params_name
     logger.info('search range of skopt:')
     for k, v in self.search_space.items():
         logger.info('search {} in {}'.format(k, v))
Exemplo n.º 7
 def func(params, opt, silent=False):
     for k, v in params.items():
         a = k in opt.keys()
         b = v in opt.get(k, {}).keys()
         if all([a, b]):
             params.update({k: opt[k].get(v)})
             logger.info('switch {} to {}'.format(k, params[k]))
     return params
    def load_hyperparameters(self, filename):
        if not CheckFileExist(filename, silent=False):
            logger.warning('no hpo parameters load from {}'.format(filename))
            return {}

        with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
            params = pickle.load(f)
            logger.info('load from {} with params:{}'.format(filename, params))
            return params
    def _evaluate(self, eval_params):
        eval_params = dict(zip(self.eval_params_name, eval_params))
        tuning_params = self.init_params.copy()

        # reinitialize cv
        cv_obj = self.nr_fold
        if self.valid_type == 'TimeSeriesSplit':
            cv_obj = model_selection_object[self.valid_type](
        elif 'KFold' in self.valid_type:
            cv_obj = model_selection_object[self.valid_type](

        if self.set_params_safe:
                m = self.model().set_params(**tuning_params)
                logger.warning('fail to use set_params')
                m = self.model(**tuning_params)
                logger.warning('model params={}'.format(m.get_params()))
        else:  # unless some parameters cannot pass through set_params()
            m = self.model(**tuning_params)

        score = np.mean(

        self.nr_iteration += 1
        self.best_score = max(self.best_score, score)

        # save the current best paramerters here
        if self.best_score == score:
            # update new result
            self.filestem_meta.update({'score': score})
            self.optimized_params = tuning_params.copy()
            if self.nr_iteration >= self.n_init_points:

        if self.nr_iteration == self.n_init_points:  # save after intinializing

            'iteration {:04d}/{:04d}, current score: {:04f}, best: {:.4f}, current params: {}, best params: {}'
            .format(self.nr_iteration, self.n_calls, score, self.best_score,
                    tuning_params, self.optimized_params))

        return -score  # for minimize, most scikit-learn metric are larger the better
    def CullFeatures(self, x, blacklist=list()):

        if not blacklist:
            logger.warning('empty blacklist')
            return x

        before = x.shape
        x = x[[f for f in x.columns if f not in blacklist]]
        logger.info('shrink from {} to {} by {}'.format(before, x.shape, len(blacklist)))
        return x
    def GetBlacklist(self, threshold=10.):

        if self.importance_series.empty:
            logger.warning('no feature')
            return list()

        logger.info('create blacklist on score <= {}'.format(threshold))
        ret = self.importance_series.loc[self.importance_series  <= threshold].index.tolist()
        logger.info('return blacklist of {} from {} features'.format(len(ret), len(self.importance_series)))
        return ret
Exemplo n.º 12
def process_interaction(df, process_configs):
    process configs is a dictionary as
    a dictionary with {'new_feature_name': {'mode': 'add', 'a': 'col_name', 'b':'col_name',}, }

    logger.info("Process Interactions")

    possible_arithmetics = ['add', 'sum_squared',
                            'subtract', 'subtract_positive',
                            'divide', 'divide_nonzero']

    new_columns = []
    for v in process_configs:
        k = v['name']
        logger.info("process {}".format(k))

        # check arithmetic
        arithmetic = v.get('mode', None)
        if arithmetic not in possible_arithmetics:
            logger.warning("no arithmetic on {}".format(k))

        #check feature columns
        ckeck_cols = [vv for kk, vv in v.items() if kk not in ['name', 'mode']]
        cols_exist, cols_not_exist = CheckColumnsExist(df, ckeck_cols)
        if cols_not_exist:
            logger.warning("missing {} columns: {}".format(len(cols_not_exist), cols_not_exist))

        # process
        if 'add' == arithmetic:
            df[k] = df[v['a']] + df[v['b']]
        elif 'subtract' == arithmetic:
            df[k] = df[v['a']] - df[v['b']]
        elif 'subtract_positive' == arithmetic:
            df[k] = (df[v['a']] - df[v['b']]).apply(lambda x: x if x > 0 else 0)
        elif 'multiply' == arithmetic:
            df[k] = df[v['a']] * df[v['b']]
        elif 'divide' == arithmetic:
            df[k] = df[v['a']] / df[v['b']]
        elif 'divide_nonzero' == arithmetic:
            df[k] = df[v['a']] / (df[v['b']] + 1.)
        elif 'sum_squared' == arithmetic:
            df[k] = df[[v['a'], v['b']]].pow(2).sum(axis=1)# np.square(df[v['a']]) + np.square(df[v['b']])


    return df, new_columns
    def readHDF(filename, configs={}, opt_load=True):
        with pd.HDFStore(filename, 'r', **hdf5_compress_option) as store:
            logger.info("{} contained {} items".format(filename, len(store.keys())))
            for k in store.keys():
                logger.info("{}: {}".format(k, store[k].shape))

            if opt_load and configs:  # load and limited by configs
                ret = {k: pd.DataFrame() for k in configs.keys()}
                ret.update({k.strip('/'): store[k] for k in store.keys() if k.strip('/') in configs.keys()})
                return ret

            if opt_load: # load all saved dataframes
                return {k.strip('/'): store[k] for k in store.keys()}

        return {}
Exemplo n.º 14
def process_factorize(df, process_configs):
    input a list of features to factorize (label encoding)
    logger.info("Process Factorize")
    cols_exist, cols_not_exist = CheckColumnsExist(df, sorted(process_configs))

    for bin_feature in cols_exist:
        df[bin_feature], uniques = pd.factorize(df[bin_feature], sort=False)
        logger.info("factorize {} in {}: {}".format(len(uniques), bin_feature, uniques))

    for k in cols_not_exist:
        logger.warning("missing {}".format(k))

    return df
    def loadCSV(self, configs={}):
        configs = {'name': 'file_path'}
        return load_data = {'name': dataframe}
        logger.info("Read Data from CSV")
        load_data = {}

        for k, f_path in configs.items():
            if not self.checkFile(f_path):

            load_data[k] = pd.read_csv(f_path)
            logger.info("Read in {}: from {}, shape={}".format(k, f_path, load_data[k].shape))

        self.data_lastet_load = load_data.copy()
        return load_data
Exemplo n.º 16
def process_replace(df, process_configs):
    {'DAYS_EMPLOYED': {365243: np.nan, }, }
    logger.info("Process Fill NA")
    columns = sorted(list(process_configs.keys()))
    cols_exist, cols_not_exist = CheckColumnsExist(df, columns)

    configs = {k: v for k, v in process_configs.items() if k in cols_exist}
    df.replace(configs, inplace=True)

    for k, v in configs.items():
        logger.info("impute {} using {}".format(k, v))
    if cols_not_exist:
        logger.warning("missing {} columns: {}".format(len(cols_not_exist), cols_not_exist))

    return df
Exemplo n.º 17
    def _pos_cash_balance(self, configs):
        current_index = self.data_index['pos_cash_balance']
        major_index = self.data_index['application_train']
        nan_as_category = configs.get('nan_as_category', False)

        df = self.data_raw['pos_cash_balance']
        logger.info("pos_cash: {}".format(df.shape))

        if configs.get('onehot_encoding', False):
            df, cat_cols, new_cols = process_one_hot_encode(
                df, configs['onehot_columns'], nan_as_category)
            self.cols_one_hot.update({'pos_cash': new_cols})
            cat_cols = IdentifyCategoricalColumn(df)

        pos_cash_agg = self._aggregate_pipeline(df, cat_cols,
        return Cast64To32(pos_cash_agg)
    def LoadResult(self, result_files):
        if not result_files:
            logger.warning('no result file to rank features')
            return False

        elif len(result_files) == 1:
            ret = DataFileIO().loadHDF('{loc}/{filename}'.format(loc=self.result_dir,
            df = ret.get('feature_importance', pd.DataFrame())

            logger.info('concate {} results to rank features'.format(len(result_files)))
            rets = list()
            for f in result_files:
                rets.append(DataFileIO().loadHDF('{loc}/{filename}'.format(loc=self.result_dir, filename=f)))

            rets = [ret.get('feature_importance', pd.DataFrame()) for ret in rets]
            df = pd.concat(rets, axis=1)

Exemplo n.º 19
    def _application_train_test(self, configs):
        nan_as_category = configs.get('nan_as_category', False)

        # Read data and merge
        major_index = self.data_index['application_train']
        df = self.data_raw['application_train']
        test_df = self.data_raw['application_test']
        logger.info("Train samples: {}, test samples: {}".format(
            df.shape, test_df.shape))
        df = df.append(test_df, sort=False, ignore_index=True)

        df = process_drop_rows(df, process_configs=configs['filter_rows'])
        df = process_factorize(df,

        if configs.get('onehot_encoding', False):
            df, cat_cols, new_cols = process_one_hot_encode(
                df, configs['onehot_columns'], nan_as_category)
            self.cols_one_hot.update({'application': new_cols})
            cat_cols = IdentifyCategoricalColumn(df)

        df = process_replace(df, process_configs=configs['replace_rows'])
        df, interact_cols = process_interaction(
            df, process_configs=configs['interaction_columns'])

        if configs.get('deep_interactions', []):
            deep_interactions = configs.get('deep_interactions', [])
            for c in deep_interactions:
                df = process_deep_interactions(df, c)

        logger.info('prepare decompostion, application={}'.format(df.shape))
        df_ext = [
            process_decomposition(df, c) for c in configs['decomposition']
        df = pd.concat([df] + df_ext, axis=1, join='inner')
        logger.info('finished decompositions, application={}'.format(df.shape))
        df = Cast64To32(df)

        # seperate train test
        # Divide in training/validation and test data
        train_df = df.loc[df[
        test_df = df.loc[df[
        logger.info("Split into train samples: {}, test samples: {}".format(
            train_df.shape, test_df.shape))
        del df

        return train_df, test_df
Exemplo n.º 20
    def _installments_payments(self, configs):
        current_index = self.data_index['installments_payments']
        major_index = self.data_index['application_train']
        nan_as_category = configs.get('nan_as_category', False)

        df = self.data_raw['installments_payments']
        logger.info("installments_payments: {}".format(df.shape))

        cat_cols = []
        if configs.get('onehot_encoding', False):
            df, cat_cols, new_cols = process_one_hot_encode(
                df, cat_cols, nan_as_category)
            self.cols_one_hot.update({'installments_payments': new_cols})
            cat_cols = IdentifyCategoricalColumn(df)

        df, interact_cols = process_interaction(
            df, process_configs=configs['interaction_columns'])
        installments_agg = self._aggregate_pipeline(df, cat_cols,
        return Cast64To32(installments_agg)
Exemplo n.º 21
    def CreateTrainTestData(self, configs):
        concat all dataframes to create train and test dataframe
        configs={'application_train' : df},
        train = configs.get('application_train', pd.DataFrame())
        test = configs.get('application_test', pd.DataFrame())

        if train.empty or test.empty:
            logger.error('no train and test dataframe')

        excluded = ['application_train', 'application_test']
        for k, v in configs.items():
            if k not in excluded:
                train = train.join(v, how='left')
                test = test.join(v, how='left')
                logger.info("to_join={}, {}: train={}, test{}".format(
                    k, v.shape, train.shape, test.shape))

        # sorted for further
        cols = sorted(train.columns.tolist())
        train = train[cols]
        test = test[cols]

        #all process complete
        cols = sorted([
            f for f in train.columns
            if f != self.target_column and f in test.columns
        self.xy_train_test = {
            'train_x': train[cols],
            'train_y': train[self.target_column],
            'test_x': test[cols],
            'test_y': test[self.target_column]

        del train, test
        return self.ReturnTrainTest(self.xy_train_test)
Exemplo n.º 22
def process_decomposition(df, process_configs):
    {'columns': ['FLAG_CONT_MOBILE', 'FLAG_PHONE'],
    'stems'   : ['CODE_GENDER_'],
    'methods' : {'APPLICANT_SVD': {'object': TruncatedSVD,
                                       'params': {'n_components': 8,
                                                   'algorithm': 'randomized',
                                                   'n_iter': 10,
                                                   'random_state': 42},},
    use_cols, cols_not_exist = CheckColumnsExist(df, process_configs.get('columns', []))
    stems = process_configs.get('stems', [])
    if stems:
        dict_stem = {s:[f for f in df.columns if s in f] for s in stems}
        cols_stem = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(dict_stem.values()))
        if cols_stem:
            for k, v in dict_stem.items():
                logger.info('find {} stem "{}": {}'.format(len(v), k, v))

    use_cols = sorted(use_cols)
    logger.info('decompose on {} features: {}'.format(len(use_cols), use_cols))
    df_sub = df[use_cols].apply(lambda x: np.nan_to_num(x))

    def func(k, v, sub):
        tf     = v.get('object', None)
        params = v.get('params', {})
        if not tf:
            return pd.DataFrame()
        logger.info('decompose {} on {} features'.format(k, sub.shape[1]))
        d = tf().set_params(**params).fit_transform(sub)
        return pd.DataFrame(d, columns=['{}_{}'.format(k, i) for i in range(1, d.shape[1]+1)])

    ret = [func(k, v, df_sub) for k, v in process_configs.get('methods', {}).items()]
    ret = pd.concat(ret, axis=1, join='inner')
    ret.index = df.index
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 23
def main(argc, argv):

    DataConfigs = InitializeConfigs(

    dp = DataProvider()
    #dp.ReadRawHDF(DataConfigs, filename='../data/cache_sample_raw.hdf5', limited_by_configs=False)
    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    #dp.LoadData(DataConfigs, source='from_csv', prefix='sample')
    d = dp.LoadData(DataConfigs, source='from_raw_cache', prefix='sample')

    #d = dp.LoadData(DataConfigs, source='from_processed', prefix='sample')
    #d = dp.LoadData(DataConfigs, source='from_train_test', prefix='sample')

    import pdb

    train_x, train_y = d[0], d[1]

    logger.info('P/N ratio:\n{}'.format(
Exemplo n.º 24
def process_deep_interactions(df, process_configs):
    {'header'   : 'EXT_SOURCES_SYNTHESIZE',
     'transform': ['product', 'mean', 'sum', 'sum_squared', 'std'],
     'columns'  : ['EXT_SOURCE_1', 'EXT_SOURCE_2', 'EXT_SOURCE_3'],
    applicable_methods = ['kurtosis', 'sum', 'sum_squared', 'product', 'mean', 'std']

    header  = process_configs.get('header', 'NEW')
    cols    = process_configs.get('columns', [])
    cols_na = [f for f in cols if f not in df.columns]
    cols    = [f for f in cols if f in df.columns]
    methods = process_configs.get('transform', [])
    methods = [m for m in methods if m in applicable_methods]

    for m in methods:
        logger.info('transform deep interactions ({}): {}'.format(m, cols))
        if cols_na:
            logger.warning('transform deep interactions ({}), features not found: {}'.format(
                    m, cols_na))

        name = '{}_{}'.format(header, m.upper())
        if m == 'kurtosis':
            df[name] = df[cols].kurtosis(axis=1)
        elif m == 'mean':
            df[name] = df[cols].mean(axis=1)
        elif m == 'sum':
            df[name] = df[cols].sum(axis=1)
        elif m == 'sum_squared':
            df[name] = df[cols].pow(2).sum(axis=1)
        elif m == 'product':
            df[name] = df[cols].fillna(df[cols].mean()).product(axis=1)
        elif m == 'std':
            df[name] = df[cols].std(axis=1)
            df[name] = df[name].fillna(df[name].mean())

    return df
Exemplo n.º 25
    def _aggregate_pipeline(self, df, cat_cols, configs):
        ret = list()

        for c in configs.get('aggregations', []):

            groupby_cols = c.get('groupby', [])
            if not groupby_cols:
                    "No columns to Aggregate on {}".format(groupby_cols))

            configs_subset = c.get('subset', {})
            if configs_subset:
                cond_k = configs_subset.get('column_name', 'foobar')
                cond_i = configs_subset.get('conditions', [])

                if cond_k in df.columns and cond_i:
                    sub_df = df.loc[df[cond_k].isin(cond_i)]
                        "Condictional Aggregate on {}, {}, shape={}".format(
                            cond_k, groupby_cols, sub_df.shape))
                logger.info("Specific Aggregate on {}".format(groupby_cols))

        ret = [r for r in ret if not r.empty]
        inds = sorted(list(set([r.index.name for r in ret])))
        ret = {
            ind: pd.concat([r for r in ret if r.index.name == ind],
            for ind in inds

        for k, v in ret.items():
            logger.info("Result Aggregate on {}: {}".format(k, v.shape))

        return ret
Exemplo n.º 26
    def _previous_application(self, configs):
        current_index = self.data_index['previous_application']
        major_index = self.data_index['application_train']
        nan_as_category = configs.get('nan_as_category', False)

        df = self.data_raw['previous_application']
        logger.info("Previous application: {}".format(df.shape))

        if configs.get('onehot_encoding', False):
            df, cat_cols, new_cols = process_one_hot_encode(
                df, configs['onehot_columns'], nan_as_category)
            self.cols_one_hot.update({'previous_application': new_cols})
            cat_cols = IdentifyCategoricalColumn(df)

        df = process_replace(df, process_configs=configs['replace_rows'])
        df, interact_cols = process_interaction(
            df, process_configs=configs['interaction_columns'])
        # Previous applications categorical features
        # Previous Applications: Approved Applications - only numerical features
        # Previous Applications: Refused Applications - only numerical features
        prev_agg = self._aggregate_pipeline(df, cat_cols, configs)[major_index]

        return Cast64To32(prev_agg)
    def saveHDF(self, filename, data, opt_overwrite=True, opt_fast=False):
        if self.checkFile(filename):
            if not opt_overwrite:
                logger.warning("overwrite is not allowed")
                return False

        compress_option = hdf5_compress_option
        if opt_fast:
            logger.info("use faster compression option")
            compress_option = fast_hdf5_compress_option
        with pd.HDFStore(filename, 'w', **compress_option) as store:
            logger.info("Save to {}".format(filename))
            for k, d in data.items():
                store.put(k, d, format='table')
                #store.put(k, d, format='fixed')
                logger.info("Save {}: {}".format(k, d.shape))
Exemplo n.º 28
def process_one_hot_encode(df, categorical_columns=[], nan_as_category=True):
    return df, new_columns, columns_to_convert
    logger.info("Process OneHot Encoding")
    original_columns = df.columns.tolist()

    if not categorical_columns:
        categorical_columns = IdentifyCategoricalColumn(df)
    categorical_columns, _ = CheckColumnsExist(df, categorical_columns)

    logger.info("identify {} categorical columns: {}".format(len(categorical_columns), categorical_columns))
    df = pd.get_dummies(df, columns=categorical_columns, dummy_na=nan_as_category)

    new_columns = [c for c in df.columns if c not in original_columns]
    logger.info("one-hot encoded to {} columns:".format(len(new_columns)))
    df[new_columns] = df[new_columns].astype(np.int8)
    ret = {cat: sorted([col for col in new_columns if cat in col]) for cat in categorical_columns}
    for k, v in ret.items():
        logger.info("onehot {} to {} columns: {}".format(k, len(v), v))

    return df, new_columns, categorical_columns
Exemplo n.º 29
def Cast64To32(df, blacklist=['SK_ID_CURR', 'SK_ID_PREV', 'SK_ID_BUREAU']):
    series_dtypes = df.dtypes
    series_dtypes = series_dtypes.loc[~series_dtypes.index.isin(blacklist)]
    if not series_dtypes.empty:
        logger.info('cast dataframe from 64 to 32')
        to_float32 = series_dtypes.loc[series_dtypes.apply(
            lambda x: x == np.float64)].index.tolist()
        df[to_float32] = df[to_float32].astype(np.float32)
        logger.info('cast {} columns float32: {}'.format(
            len(to_float32), to_float32))

        to_int32 = series_dtypes.loc[series_dtypes.apply(
            lambda x: x == np.int64)].index.tolist()
        df[to_int32] = df[to_int32].astype(np.int32)
        logger.info('cast {} columns to int32: {}'.format(
            len(to_int32), to_int32))

    return df
    def loadHDF(self, filename, configs={}, limited_by_configs=True):
        logger.info("Read Data from HDFS")

        if not self.checkFile(filename):
            return self.loadEmpty(configs)

        if limited_by_configs:
            logger.info("Load selected DataFrame Only")
            load_data = self.readHDF(filename, configs, opt_load=True)
        else: # full loaded
            load_data = self.readHDF(filename, opt_load=True)

        for k, v in load_data.items():
            if isinstance(v, pd.DataFrame):
                logger.info('memory usage on {} is {:.3f} MB'.format(k, v.memory_usage().sum() / 1024. ** 2))
        self.data_lastet_load = load_data#.copy()
        return load_data