Exemplo n.º 1
def pruning_test():
    # Setup Team Object
    team_edm = Team()
    lines = list()
    lines.append(Line(0, 1.701))
    lines.append(Line(1, 0.658))
    lines.append(Line(2, 0.299))
    lines.append(Line(3, 0.433))
    team_edm.set_team("EDM", lines=lines,
                      start_line_index=0)  # Edmonton Oilers

    path = Path()
    path.team = team_edm

    values_best = []
    for i in range(30):
        temp_path = path.copy()
        optimal_path, num_visited = process(team_edm[team_edm.curr_line_index],
                                            temp_path, 1, i)

    path.team[path.team.curr_line_index].toi = 0
    values_worst = []
    for i in range(30):
        temp_path = path.copy()
        optimal_path, num_visited = process(team_edm[team_edm.curr_line_index],
                                            temp_path, 1, i)

    theoretical_values = [theoretical_nodes(i) for i in range(30)]
Exemplo n.º 2
def alg4(Y):
	L = []
	R = []
	n = len(Y)
	l = int(math.floor(n/2))
	print "n-l = " + repr(n-l) + " l= " +repr(l) 
	for i in range(0,n-l):
		#print "i = " + repr(i)
		x = Line()	
		L[i] = Y[i]
	for i in range(0,l):
		j = i + l 
		x = Line()
		R[i] = Y[j]		
	if(n <= 4):
		return L
		for i in range(0,n-l):
			print "L[i] = " + repr(L[i].m)
		for j in range(0,l):
			print "R[j] = " + repr( R[j].m)
		return L
Exemplo n.º 3
def fit_centroids(window_centroids, window_height, image_height, left_lane,
    # return left and right fit given window_centroids(leftx, rightx) and centroid window_height
    num_y_values = len(window_centroids)
    y_values = []
    left_x = []
    right_x = []
    for i in range(0, num_y_values):
        y_values.append(image_height - (window_height * i))
    #print("y:", y_values)
    #print("left_x:", left_x)
    #print("right_x:", right_x)
    #left_fit = np.polyfit(y_values, left_x, 2)
    #right_fit = np.polyfit(y_values, right_x, 2)
    if left_lane == None:
        # initialize the lanes
        left_lane = Line(left_x, y_values, 720)
        right_lane = Line(right_x, y_values, 720)
        # add this fit to the lanes
        left_lane.fit_line(left_x, y_values)
        right_lane.fit_line(right_x, y_values)
    #print("left fit:", left_fit)
    #print("right fit:", right_fit)
    # Fit new polynomials to x,y in world space
    # We can't simply scale curvature from pixel space since the y & x scales are different
    #left_fit_cr = np.polyfit(np.asarray(y_values)*ym_per_pix, np.asarray(left_x)*xm_per_pix, 2)
    #right_fit_cr = np.polyfit(np.asarray(y_values)*ym_per_pix, np.asarray(right_x)*xm_per_pix, 2)
    return left_lane, right_lane
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, width_mm, height_mm, rotation_ccw=0):
        self.rotation_ccw = rotation_ccw

        # Horizontal
        start_point = 0, 0
        end_point = width_mm, 0
            Line(rotate(start_point, rotation_ccw),
                 rotate(end_point, rotation_ccw)))
        start_point = 0, height_mm
        end_point = width_mm, height_mm
            Line(rotate(start_point, rotation_ccw),
                 rotate(end_point, rotation_ccw)))
        # Vertical
        start_point = 0, 0
        end_point = 0, height_mm
            Line(rotate(start_point, rotation_ccw),
                 rotate(end_point, rotation_ccw)))
        start_point = width_mm, 0
        end_point = width_mm, height_mm
            Line(rotate(start_point, rotation_ccw),
                 rotate(end_point, rotation_ccw)))
Exemplo n.º 5
    def find_all(self):
        x_axis, y_axis = self.right_line.seperate_axis()
        pol_right = np.polyfit(x_axis,y_axis,1)
        rm  = pol_right[0]
        rb  = pol_right[1]
        x_axis, y_axis = self.left_line.seperate_axis()
        pol_left = np.polyfit(x_axis,y_axis,1)
        lm  = pol_left[0]
        lb  = pol_left[1]
        yb = self.HEIGHT
        yt = yb/3.5
        xt_r = (yt - rb) / rm;
        xb_r = (yb - rb) / rm;
        xt_l = (yt - lb) / lm;
        xb_l = (yb - lb) / lm;
        xb_center = (xb_r + xb_l)/2
        xt_center = (xt_r + xt_l)/2
        self.center_line = Line(xb_center,yb,xt_center,yt)
        self.left_line = Line(xb_l,yb,xt_l,yt)
        self.right_line = Line(xb_r,yb,xt_r,yt)

        self.yaw = np.arctan(self.center_line.compute_slope())
        self.cte = self.center_line.x2 - self.center_line.x1
Exemplo n.º 6
def populateLines(left_fit, right_fit, left_fitx, right_fitx, ploty,
                  left_curvature, right_curvature):
    left_line = Line()
    left_line.current_fit = left_fit
    if len(left_line.recent_xfitted) > 10:
    if len(left_line.last_fits) > 5:
    left_line.allx = left_fitx
    left_line.ally = ploty
    right_line = Line()
    right_line.current_fit = right_fit
    if len(right_line.recent_xfitted) > 10:
    if len(right_line.last_fits) > 5:
    right_line.allx = right_fitx
    right_line.ally = ploty
    left_line.radius_of_curvature = left_curvature
    right_line.radius_of_curvature = right_curvature
    left_line.shift = left_fitx[500]
    right_line.shift = right_fitx[500]
    return left_line, right_line
Exemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self, width, height, player, backgroundPath):
       :param width: width of the screen
       :param height: height of the screen
       :param player: instance of the player class
       :param backgroundPath: background image path of the level           
     self.player = player
     self.bridge = pygame.image.load('./src/images/background/bridge.png')
     #bridge position where the player will stand
     self.bridgeYPosition = 190
     self.background = pygame.image.load(backgroundPath)
     #the lines are the limits where the objects that reach it will be removed
     self.endingTopLine = Line(width, -400)
     self.endingBottomLine = Line(width, height + 400)
     #the factories are the generators of the objects on the screen
     self.enemiesFactory = Factory(width, height)
     self.treasureFactory = Factory(width, height)
     self.attacksFactory = Factory(width, height)
     self.livesFactory = Factory(width, height)
     #this will be the counter of the escaping enemies
     self.enemiesGoneCounter = TextOnScreen(50, 10, 18, (250, 250, 250),
                                            'rockwell', "Escaped", 0)
     #Player points counter that will be visible on the screen level
     self.pointsCounter = TextOnScreen(700, 10, 18, (250, 250, 250),
                                       'rockwell', "Points", player.points)
     #Player lives counter that will be visible on the screen level
     self.livesCounter = TextOnScreen(400, 10, 18, (250, 250, 250),
                                      'rockwell', "Lives", player.lives)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def setup(self):
        def process_sound(recognizer, audio_data):
                result = self.recognizer.recognize_google(audio_data)
            except Exception:

            force = 0.
            if result.lower().startswith('l'):
                force = -10000
            elif result.lower().startswith('r'):
                force = 10000
            self.ball.push((force, 0), result)

        self.stop_listening = self.recognizer.listen_in_background(

        self.space = pymunk.Space()
        self.space.gravity = 0.0, -900.0
        self.bottom_line = Line(100, 100, 400, 100, self.space)
        self.left_line = Line(100, 100, 100, 200, self.space)
        self.right_line = Line(400, 100, 400, 200, self.space)
        self.ball = Ball(200, 200, 10, self.space)
Exemplo n.º 9
def compute_lane_from_candidates(line_candidates, img_shape):
        Compute lines that approximate the position of both road lanes.

        line_candidates : Lines from hough transform
              img_shape : Shape of image to which hough transform was applied on

              left_lane : line that approximates left lane position
             right_lane : line that approximates right lane position

    # separate candidate lines according to their slope
    pos_lines = [l for l in line_candidates if l.slope > 0]
    neg_lines = [l for l in line_candidates if l.slope < 0]

    # interpolate biases and slopes to compute equation of line that approximates left lane
    # median is employed to filter outliers
    neg_bias = np.median([l.bias for l in neg_lines]).astype(int)
    neg_slope = np.median([l.slope for l in neg_lines])
    x1, y1 = 0, neg_bias
    x2, y2 = -np.int32(np.round(neg_bias / neg_slope)), 0
    left_lane = Line(x1, y1, x2, y2)

    # interpolate biases and slopes to compute equation of line that approximates right lane
    # median is employed to filter outliers
    lane_right_bias = np.median([l.bias for l in pos_lines]).astype(int)
    lane_right_slope = np.median([l.slope for l in pos_lines])
    x1, y1 = 0, lane_right_bias
    x2, y2 = np.int32(np.round((img_shape[0] - lane_right_bias) / lane_right_slope)), img_shape[0]
    right_lane = Line(x1, y1, x2, y2)

    return left_lane, right_lane
Exemplo n.º 10
    def get_distance_between(self, point1,
                             point2):  #MODIFIED TO RETURN DISTANCE
        Calculates the distance between two given points when traversing edges
        :param point1: tuple
        :param point2: tuple
        :return: integer
        edges = Border.get_reordered_edges(
            self.get_edges(), point1)  # Reorder edges st POINT 1 IS AT INDEX 0

            index_2 = Border.get_index_of(
                edges, point2)  # POINT 2 IS AT INDEX index_2

            if index_2 == 0:  # CASE A: points are on the same edge
                modified_first_edge = Line(point1, point2)
                distance = modified_first_edge.get_distance()
                return distance

            # CASE B: points are on different edges
            modified_first_edge = Line(
                point1, edges[0].endpoint2)  # make modified edges
            modified_last_edge = Line(edges[index_2].endpoint1, point2)

            modified_edges = Trail(
            )  # make into trail (bc we have a function to calc distance)
            modified_edges.lines = [modified_first_edge] + edges[1:index_2] + [
            ]  #   get disance
            distance = modified_edges.get_distance()
            return distance  # = NUMBER OF LINES BTWN PT 1 AND 2; (+1 bc idx 0)

        except:  # index error, value error
            return None  # ex. If it is unable to find point2 for some reason and thus cannot do index2+1
Exemplo n.º 11
    def check_detected_lines(self, leftx, lefty, rightx, righty):
        """Check if the detected lane line pixels are plausible"""
        is_valid_input = len(leftx) > 3 and len(rightx) > 3
        lines_are_plausible = False
        lines_are_parallel = False

        if is_valid_input:
            detected_left_line = Line(x=lefty, y=leftx)
            detected_right_line = Line(x=righty, y=rightx)

            # Check if they are parallel
            first_coefficients_diff = np.abs(
                detected_left_line.current_fit[2] -
            second_coefficients_diff = np.abs(
                detected_left_line.current_fit[1] -

            lines_are_parallel = first_coefficients_diff < 0.0005 and second_coefficients_diff < 0.55

            # Check if the lines have plausible distance
            distance = np.abs(
                detected_left_line.current_fit(719) -
            # print('Distance: ' + str(distance))
            lines_are_plausible = 380 < distance < 550

        detection_ok = is_valid_input & lines_are_plausible & lines_are_parallel

        self.left_line.detected = detection_ok
        self.right_line.detected = detection_ok
Exemplo n.º 12
    def testShotHit(shot):
        x, y, z = shot.pos.Pos()
        lx, ly, lz = shot.lpos.Pos()
        sp = Vex(x, y)
        lsp = Vex(lx, ly)
        dmg = shot.damage / 100.0
        for p in Planets.pl:
            d = p.pos.dist2D(sp)
            if d < p.atmos:
                shln = Line(lsp - p.pos, sp - p.pos)
                for lines2 in p.edges:
                    if lines2[1] != 1:
                        lines = Line(p.surfPoints[lines2[0][0]], p.surfPoints[lines2[0][1]])
                        li = shln.find_intersection(lines)
                        if li:
                            minR = 5
                            ParticleEngine.Emitter(li + p.pos, shot.angle_rad, 2)
                            if lines.seg[0].length() > p.rad - minR:
                                a1 = math.atan2(lines.seg[0].Y(), lines.seg[0].X())
                                d1 = ZERO.dist2D(lines.seg[0]) - dmg
                                lines.seg[0].set2D(math.cos(a1) * d1, math.sin(a1) * d1)

                            if lines.seg[1].length() > p.rad - minR:
                                a2 = math.atan2(lines.seg[1].Y(), lines.seg[1].X())
                                d2 = ZERO.dist2D(lines.seg[1]) - dmg
                                lines.seg[1].set2D(math.cos(a2) * d2, math.sin(a2) * d2)
                            return True
            if d <= p.coreRad:
                ParticleEngine.Emitter(Vex(x, y), shot.angle_rad, 2)
                p.corHealth -= dmg * 10
                if p.corHealth <= 0:
                    # do explody stuff
                return True
        return False
Exemplo n.º 13
    def addLineToTextColumn(self, currentTextElementsList, textColumnsWidth):
            Creates a TextElement object and adds it to a line
        for xmlTextElement in currentTextElementsList:
            currentTxtColumn = None
            currentTextElement = self.createTextElement(xmlTextElement)
            self.__rightColumn = abs(currentTextElement.getLeft() /

            if (int(self.__rightColumn) < len(self.__textColumnsList)):
                currentTxtColumn = self.__textColumnsList[int(

                if (len(currentTxtColumn.getLinesList())) > 0:
                    line = currentTxtColumn.getLine(
                        -1)  #returns the value in the last position

                    if self.inTheLine(currentTextElement, line) == True:
                        # exactly in the boundaries of the line
                        self.updateLineValues(currentTextElement, line)
                        newLine = Line()
                        self.setNewLineValues(currentTextElement, newLine)
                        self.__distance += int(newLine.getFirstTop()) - int(

                    newLine = Line()
                    self.setNewLineValues(currentTextElement, newLine)
	def add_edges(self, triangle, point):
		def index_of_other_triangle_in_its_side_edges(line, triangle):
			if line.triangle1 == triangle : return 1
			return 2
		l1, l2, l3 = triangle.sort_lines()

		line1 = Line(l1.point1, point)
		line2 = Line(l2.point1, point)
		line3 = Line(l3.point1, point)

		tri1 = Triangle(triangle.line1, line1, line2)
		tri2 = Triangle(triangle.line2, line3, line2)
		tri3 = Triangle(triangle.line3, line1, line3)

		line1.set_triangles(tri1, 1)
		line1.set_triangles(tri3, 2)

		line2.set_triangles(tri1, 1)
		line2.set_triangles(tri2, 2)

		line3.set_triangles(tri3, 1)
		line3.set_triangles(tri2, 2)

		triangle.line1.set_triangles(tri1, index_of_other_triangle_in_its_side_edges(triangle.line1, triangle))
		triangle.line2.set_triangles(tri2, index_of_other_triangle_in_its_side_edges(triangle.line2, triangle))
		triangle.line3.set_triangles(tri3, index_of_other_triangle_in_its_side_edges(triangle.line3, triangle))

		triangle.triangles += [tri1, tri2, tri3]

		point.neighbours += [l1.point1, l2.point1, l3.point1]
Exemplo n.º 15
    def __init__(self, screen_width=896, screen_height=504):
        Environment.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(
            (screen_width, screen_height), pygame.DOUBLEBUF)
        Environment.screen_width = screen_width
        Environment.screen_height = screen_height
        Environment.center_x = screen_width / 2
        Environment.center_y = screen_height / 2
        Environment.center = Vex(Environment.center_x, Environment.center_y)
        # left
        Environment.LEFT = Line(Vex(0, 0), Vex(0, screen_height))
        # right
        Environment.RIGHT = Line(Vex(screen_width, 0),
                                 Vex(screen_width, screen_height))
        # top
        Environment.TOP = Line(Vex(0, 0), Vex(screen_width, 0))
        # bottom
        Environment.BOTTOM = Line(Vex(0, screen_height),
                                  Vex(screen_width, screen_height))
        ### Bind Screen ###
        Environment.bounds += [
            Environment.LEFT, Environment.RIGHT, Environment.TOP,

        # Create SOl


Exemplo n.º 16
    def testRadiusCollision(ent, cp, np, rad):
        ent.inatmosphere = False
        for p in Planets.pl:
            d = (cp + np).dist2D(p.pos)
            if d <= p.atmos:
                edit = False
                if d > p.coreRad - 6:
                    ent.inatmosphere = True
                    v = (cp + np)
                    out = Vex(0, 0)
                    delta = v - p.pos  # new position relative to planet position
                    delta0 = cp - p.pos

                    for lines2 in p.edges:
                        lines = (Line(p.surfPoints[lines2[0][0]], p.surfPoints[lines2[0][1]]), lines2[1])
                        if lines[1] == 0 or (lines[1] == 1 and ent.inship):
                            ds = lines[0].ClosestPointOnLine(delta0)
                            cpol = delta.dist2D(ds)
                            if cpol <= rad:
                                # print (lines[0])
                                a = -(lines[0].angle()) + math.pi
                                v = Vex(math.sin(a) * rad, math.cos(a) * rad) + ds + p.pos
                                ParticleEngine.Emitter(v, a, 3)
                                ParticleEngine.Emitter(ds + p.pos, a, 2)
                                edit = True
                    if not edit:
                        for segs in p.entryPs:
                            ln = []
                            ln += [Line(p.surfPoints[segs[0]], p.sancPoints[segs[0]])]
                            ln += [Line(p.sancPoints[segs[1]], p.surfPoints[segs[1]])]
                            for i in range(0, 2):
                                lines = ln[i]
                                ds = lines.ClosestPointOnLine(delta)
                                cpol = delta.dist2D(ds)
                                if cpol <= rad:
                                    a = -(lines.angle()) + math.pi
                                    v = Vex(math.sin(a) * rad, math.cos(a) * rad) + ds + p.pos
                                    ParticleEngine.Emitter(ds + p.pos, a, 2)
                                    edit = True
                # if d < p.rad:
                #     if not edit:
                #         for lines2 in p.edges:
                #             lines = (Line(p.sancPoints[lines2[0][1]], p.sancPoints[lines2[0][0]]), lines2[1])
                #             if lines[1] == 0 or (lines[1] == 1 and ent.inship):
                #                 ds = lines[0].ClosestPointOnLine(delta)
                #                 cpol = delta.dist2D(ds)
                #                 if cpol <= rad:
                #                     a = -(lines[0].angle()) + math.pi
                #                     v = Vex(math.sin(a) * rad, math.cos(a) * rad) + ds + p.pos
                #                     ParticleEngine.Emitter(ds + p.pos, a, 2)
                #                     out.assign(v)
                #                     edit = True

                if edit:
                    return out
        return None
Exemplo n.º 17
    def line_possibility(self, left, right):

        if len(left[0]) < 3 or len(right[0]) < 3:
            return False
            new_left = Line(y=left[0], x=left[1])
            new_right = Line(y=right[0], x=right[1])
            return are_lanes_plausible(new_left, new_right)
Exemplo n.º 18
 def __init__(self, cal_files=[]):
     self.camera = Camera()
     temp = cv2.imread(cal_files[0])
     _, _ = self.camera.calibrate_perspective(temp)
     self.img_shape = temp.shape
     self.left_lane = Line(self.img_shape)
     self.right_lane = Line(self.img_shape)
Exemplo n.º 19
    def offset(self, default_thickness=None):
        points = []
        if default_thickness:
            thck = [float(default_thickness) for i in range(len(self))]
        elif hasattr(self, 'thick'):
            thck = self.thick + [self.thick[0]]
        if len(self) > 2:
            order = self[1:] + [self[1]]
            print '--ordered points--'
            print order
            print '--sectors--'
            sectors = [(order[i], self.center, order[i + 1], thck[i],
                        thck[i + 1]) for i in range(len(order) - 1)]
            print sectors
            print '----'

            #prev = None
            for isec, s in enumerate(sectors):
                #print s
                v1 = Vector([s[0][i] - s[1][i] for i in range(3)]).unit()
                v2 = Vector([s[2][i] - s[1][i] for i in range(3)]).unit()
                t1 = cross(Vector([0., 0., 1.]), v1).unit()
                t2 = cross(v2, Vector([0., 0., 1.])).unit()
                p1 = Point([s[0][i] + 0.5 * s[3] * t1[i] for i in range(3)])
                p2 = Point([s[2][i] + 0.5 * s[4] * t2[i] for i in range(3)])
                li1 = Line([p1, v1])
                li2 = Line([p2, v2])
                p0 = intersect_2_lines(li1, li2)
                #gp1 = p1.pop_to_geom(geom)
                #gp2 = p2.pop_to_geom(geom)
                #if prev:
                #    gprev = prev.pop_to_geom(geom)
                #    geom.add_line(gprev,gp1)
                if p0:
                    #gp0 = p0.pop_to_geom(geom)
                    #plt.plot([p1[0], p0[0], p2[0]],
                    #         [p1[1], p0[1], p2[1]])

            th = thck[0]
            v1 = Vector([self[1][i] - self[0][i] for i in range(3)]).unit()
            t1 = cross(Vector([0., 0., 1.]), v1).unit()
            p1 = Point([self[1][i] + 0.5 * th * t1[i] for i in range(3)])
            p2 = Point([self[0][i] + 0.5 * th * t1[i] for i in range(3)])
            p3 = Point([self[0][i] - 0.5 * th * t1[i] for i in range(3)])
            p4 = Point([self[1][i] - 0.5 * th * t1[i] for i in range(3)])
            points = [p1, p2, p3, p4]
        return Polyline2D(points, closed=True)
Exemplo n.º 20
def main():
    Sets up and processes team, EXAMPLE;
    :return: NONE
    # Setup Team Object
    team_edm = Team()
    lines = list()
    lines.append(Line(0, 1.701))
    lines.append(Line(1, 0.658))
    lines.append(Line(2, 0.299))
    lines.append(Line(3, 0.433))
    team_edm.set_team("EDM", lines=lines,
                      start_line_index=0)  # Edmonton Oilers


    # Setup Path Object
    path = Path()
    path.team = team_edm

    schedule = []
    num_intervals = PERIOD_LENGTH // INTERVAL
    start = time.time()
    for i in range(num_intervals - 1):

        max_depth = MAX_DEPTH
        if num_intervals - i < MAX_DEPTH:
            max_depth = num_intervals - i

        # start = time.time()
        # find optimal path from curr_line for the next (MAX_DEPTH * INTERVAL) seconds
        temp_path = path.copy()
        optimal_path, num_visited = process(team_edm[team_edm.curr_line_index],
                                            temp_path, 1, max_depth)

        # print("\n\n", path.team, "\n\n")
        path.team.update(optimal_path[1], INTERVAL)
        elapsed_time = time.time() - start

        t_nodes = theoretical_nodes(max_depth)

        # print("Optimal       ", optimal_path)
        print("Progress:     {p:3.0f}% @ t: {e:5.2f}".format(
            p=i / (num_intervals - 1) * 100, e=elapsed_time))
        # print("Look Ahead:   ", LOOK_AHEAD)
        # print("Depth:        ", max_depth)
        # print("Visited:      ", num_visited)
        # print("Theoretical:  ", t_nodes)
        # print("Removal Rate: ", "{0:0.5f}".format((t_nodes - num_visited)/t_nodes))
        # print("Speed Up:     ", "{0:4.2f}".format(t_nodes/num_visited))
        # print("\nTime:       ", elapsed_time)

Exemplo n.º 21
    def __detect_lane(self, warped_thresh_image, orig_frame):
        """Detect lanes lines in the undisorted original image 'orig_frame' using the warped binary threshold image
        left_points = []
        right_points = []
        left_detected = right_detected = False

        # 1. Create a histogram for the bottom half of the image and determine the peaks of both lane lines
        histogram = np.sum(warped_thresh_image[int(warped_thresh_image.shape[0] / 2):, :], axis=0)
        center_x = np.int(histogram.shape[0] / 2)
        left_peak = np.argmax(histogram[:center_x])
        right_peak = np.argmax(histogram[center_x:]) + center_x

        # Add the two detected peaks as base points to the array, they serve as sliding window starting points
        left_points.append((left_peak, warped_thresh_image.shape[0]))
        right_points.append((right_peak, warped_thresh_image.shape[0]))

        # 2. Use a sliding window to find all lane line centres in the image for both lane lines
        img_height = warped_thresh_image.shape[0]
        window_height = int(img_height / PEAK_SLIDING_WINDOW_NUM)               # height of each sliding window
        detected_left = self.__sliding_window(left_points, warped_thresh_image, img_height, window_height)
        detected_right = self.__sliding_window(right_points, warped_thresh_image, img_height, window_height)

        # 3. Determine whether proper lane lines were detected by comparing the left and right line curvature and
        # distance between the two lines
        if not left_detected or not right_detected:
            left_detected, right_detected = self.__validate_lines((detected_left[:, 0], detected_left[:, 1]),
                                                                  (detected_right[:, 0], detected_right[:,1]))

        # 4. Update line information
        if left_detected:
            if self.left_line is not None:
                self.left_line.update(y = detected_left[:,0], x = detected_left[:,1])
                self.left_line = Line(self.n_frames,
                                      detected_y = detected_left[:, 0],
                                      detected_x = detected_left[:, 1])

        if right_detected:
            if self.right_line is not None:
                self.right_line.update(y = detected_right[:,0], x = detected_right[:,1])
                self.right_line = Line(self.n_frames,
                                       detected_y = detected_right[:,0],
                                       detected_x = detected_right[:,1])

        # 5. Draw the lane and add additional information
        if self.left_line is not None and self.right_line is not None:
            self.curvature_left = calc_curvature(self.left_line.best_fit_poly)
            self.curvature_right = calc_curvature(self.right_line.best_fit_poly)
            self.center_poly = (self.left_line.best_fit_poly + self.right_line.best_fit_poly) / 2
            self.offset = (orig_frame.shape[1] / 2 - self.center_poly(IMAGE_MAX_Y)) * XM_PER_PIXEL

            orig_frame = self.__plot_lane(orig_frame, warped_thresh_image)

        return orig_frame
Exemplo n.º 22
 def cut(self, line):
     a = line.getSize() / (2 * math.sqrt(3))
     t = line.getTurn() - math.pi / 2
     pMid = line.getPoint(0.5)
     xScale = a * math.cos(t)
     yScale = a * math.sin(t)
     pOne = Point(pMid.X() + xScale, pMid.Y() + yScale)
     pTwo = Point(pMid.X() - xScale, pMid.Y() - yScale)
     p = [line.getStart(), pOne, pTwo, line.getEnd()]
     return [Line(p[0], p[1]), Line(p[1], p[2]), Line(p[2], p[3])]
Exemplo n.º 23
    def __init__(self):

        self.bridge = CvBridge()
        self.sub_image = rospy.Subscriber('camera/image_raw', Image, self.img_callback, queue_size=1)
        self.pub_image = rospy.Publisher("lane_detection/annotate", Image, queue_size=1)
        self.pub_bird = rospy.Publisher("lane_detection/birdseye", Image, queue_size=1)
        self.left_line = Line(n=5)
        self.right_line = Line(n=5)
        self.detected = False
        self.hist = True
Exemplo n.º 24
    def __init__(self):
        self.__leftLine, self.__rightLine = Line(LineType.left), Line(
        self.__nwindows = 8
        # Set the width of the windows +/- margin
        self.__margin = 45
        # Set minimum number of pixels found to recenter window
        self.__minpix = 50

        self.__imageUtils = ImageUtils()
Exemplo n.º 25
 def __create(self):
     one = Point(-self.a / 2, self.b / 2, 0)
     two = Point(self.a / 2, self.b / 2, 0)
     three = Point(self.a / 2, -self.b / 2, 0)
     four = Point(-self.a / 2, -self.b / 2, 0)
     five = Point(-self.c / 2, 0, self.h)
     six = Point(self.c / 2, 0, self.h)
     line12 = Line(one, two)
     line14 = Line(one, four)
     line15 = Line(one, five)
     line23 = Line(two, three)
     line26 = Line(two, six)
     line34 = Line(three, four)
     line36 = Line(three, six)
     line45 = Line(four, five)
     line56 = Line(five, six)
     plane1234 = Plane([line12, line14, line23, line34], one, two, three)
     plane154 = Plane([line15, line14, line45], one, five, four)
     plane236 = Plane([line23, line26, line36], two, three, six)
     plane1265 = Plane([line12, line15, line56, line26], one, two, five)
     plane5643 = Plane([line56, line36, line34, line45], five, four, three)
Exemplo n.º 26
    def makeUsable(self):
        # get the angle for the hall using rooms center position
        raP = self.rooms[0].centerPos
        rbP = self.rooms[1].centerPos
        a = -raP.ang2D(rbP) + math.pi

        # calculate the hall points
        self.dim += [
            raP + Vex(math.sin(a) * (self.w / 2),
                      math.cos(a) * (self.w / 2))
        self.dim += [
            raP - Vex(math.sin(a) * (self.w / 2),
                      math.cos(a) * (self.w / 2))
        self.dim += [
            rbP - Vex(math.sin(a) * (self.w / 2),
                      math.cos(a) * (self.w / 2))
        self.dim += [
            rbP + Vex(math.sin(a) * (self.w / 2),
                      math.cos(a) * (self.w / 2))

        # get all the intersection points of rooms
        la = []
        k = len(self.rooms[0].dim) - 1
        for ri in range(len(self.rooms[0].dim)):
            r = Line(self.rooms[0].dim[k], self.rooms[0].dim[ri])
            j = len(self.dim) - 1
            for hi in range(len(self.dim)):
                fip = r.find_intersection(Line(self.dim[hi], self.dim[j]))
                if fip:
                    la += [((k, ri), (hi, j), fip)]
                j = hi
            k = ri
        lb = []
        k = len(self.rooms[1].dim) - 1
        for ri in range(len(self.rooms[1].dim)):
            r = Line(self.rooms[1].dim[k], self.rooms[1].dim[ri])
            j = len(self.dim) - 1
            for hi in range(len(self.dim)):
                fip = r.find_intersection(Line(self.dim[hi], self.dim[j]))
                if fip:
                    lb += [((k, ri), (hi, j), fip)]
                j = hi
            k = ri
        # adjust points to intersection
        print(str(raP) + "  " + str(la))
        for l in la:
            self.rooms[0].dim.insert(l[0][1], l[2])

        for l in lb:
            self.rooms[1].dim.insert(l[0][1], l[2])
Exemplo n.º 27
 def __create_axes_oy(self):
     x = self.__width / 2 + self.__travel.calculate_travel_x()
     start = Point(x, 0)
     end = Point(x, self.__height)
     start_arrow_line_up = Point(x - 5, 10)
     start_arrow_line_down = Point(x + 5, 10)
     return [
         Line(start, end),
         Line(start_arrow_line_up, start),
         Line(start_arrow_line_down, start)
def generate_endpoints(endpoints, current, min_size=0.2):
    if current.radius() > min_size:
        center = current.center()
        left = center - current.radius() * SQRT2
        right = center + current.radius() * SQRT2
        generate_endpoints(endpoints, Line(left, center), min_size=min_size)
        generate_endpoints(endpoints, Line(center, right), min_size=min_size)
Exemplo n.º 29
 def __init__(self):
 Initializes the course map
     super(TestMap, self).__init__()
     # Course Circles
     self.circles = []
     # Course Lines
     self.t1 = Line(TestMap.T1_START_POINT, TestMap.T1_END_POINT)
     self.t2 = Line(TestMap.T2_START_POINT, TestMap.T2_END_POINT)
     self.lines = [self.t1, self.t2]
Exemplo n.º 30
 def __init__(self, cpos, rect=[0, 0, 0, 0]):
     self.centerPos = cpos
     self.dim = rect
     self.edges = [Line(self.dim[0], self.dim[1]), Line(self.dim[1], self.dim[2]), \
                   Line(self.dim[2], self.dim[3]), Line(self.dim[3], self.dim[0])]
     self.edgesI = [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 0)]
     self.visible = True
     self.halls = []
     self.obj = []
     self.traps = []
     self.npc = []