Exemplo n.º 1
def pbkdf2(password, salt, iter, keylen):
    # type: (bytes, bytes, int, int) -> bytes
    Derive a key from password using PBKDF2 algorithm specified in RFC 2898.

    @param password: Derive the key from this password.
    @param salt:     Salt.
    @param iter:     Number of iterations to perform.
    @param keylen:   Length of key to produce.
    @return:         Key.
    return m2.pkcs5_pbkdf2_hmac_sha1(password, salt, iter, keylen)
Exemplo n.º 2
def pbkdf2(password, salt, iter, keylen):
    # type: (bytes, bytes, int, int) -> bytes
    Derive a key from password using PBKDF2 algorithm specified in RFC 2898.

    :param password: Derive the key from this password.
    :param salt:     Salt.
    :param iter:     Number of iterations to perform.
    :param keylen:   Length of key to produce.
    :return:         Key.
    return m2.pkcs5_pbkdf2_hmac_sha1(password, salt, iter, keylen)
Exemplo n.º 3
def pbkdf2(password, salt, iter, keylen):
    Derive a key from password using PBKDF2 algorithm specified in RFC 2898.

    @param password: Derive the key from this password.
    @type password:  str
    @param salt:     Salt.
    @type salt:      str
    @param iter:     Number of iterations to perform.
    @type iter:      int
    @param keylen:   Length of key to produce.
    @type keylen:    int
    @return:         Key.
    @rtype:          str
    return m2.pkcs5_pbkdf2_hmac_sha1(password, salt, iter, keylen)